Hello, everyone! My name is TimetoDuel95. I also go by Time, Timey, Duel, Duely, or just TTD if you'd like.

Well, what all to say about myself? I am a 19-year-old college student. I am a female living in Illinois in the U-S-of-A. I have been roleplaying since I was in junior high, though my roleplaying didn't really reach it's peak until my sophomore year of high school. I am a former writer of my own fiction, though I've lost my motivation for the craft as I was more involved in roleplaying and telling stories (in a way) with my roleplay partners. I am active on two other sites, YaoiAi and Elysium. Why am I dedicating myself to yet another site? Well...it gives me something to do and I am very passionate about roleplaying as it is a creative outlet for me since I don't write my own stories anymore.

As far as my actual posting goes...I give what I get. I'm the kind of person that tries mimicking the length that I get, so the more you give me...the more you'll get from me. I've actually had a couple instances where I received one-liners and they bore me to death. Not only do they bore me, I take them as an insult. Why should I put any effort into giving you practically a narrative of what's happening if all I get is one line? ONE LINE. DO. NOT. GIVE. ME. ONE. LINE! However, I will admit that the longer the post, the longer it takes me to reply. I am trying my hardest to improve this, however, and hope to do so in the near future, however there's nothing I can do about it right now.

I don't do fandoms...I don't. I've ran into too many people telling me that I was OOC or not portraying a character the way my partner wanted, so I stopped doing fandom rps. Another reason why I don't do fandom rps is because they got repetitive in the story or they became inactive when my partner decided to stop replying. So, yeah...I only do creative roleplays.

As far as what genres I will say "yes" or "no" to, I'm more comfortable in modern than any other genre. Fantasy, I can handle. Sci-Fi...I can get into the technology advancements, kinky robot sex, alien three-ways, whatever. You start talking about spaceship wars and Mass Effect without the sex, then you've lost me.

I am a pretty kinky roleplayer. I have yet to run into a roleplay that I didn't say "yes" to if it involved a kink. The only things that I ask of you not to mention at all are anything involving urine, scat, diapers, babying, feet, anything within that range. I've been getting involved with roleplays that involve blood...a lot...and I like it. I don't know if that's necessarily allowed here, but I'm just putting it out there for anyone that might be interested in gore. I do BDSM, bondage, spanking, crossdressing (one of my faves ;) ), plugging...yeah, I'm not going to put the whole list here, but you get the gist. Probably a good time to mention that I only do yaoi roleplays. I've attempted hetero and yuri roleplays in the past and they bored me very quickly or became inactive very quickly.

I think that's just about it. That's really all I have to say about me. I'm also going to mention that I have a Skype. The only reason why I mention this is because I've ran into people who needed to get a hold of me and I wasn't online on the forum site and they wanted to make a quick change to the rp. The only thing is, I'm only online on my Skype whenever I'm really bored (even though I don't really have anyone on my Skype who is online as late as I am). The easiest, fastest way to get a hold of me is private message on the forum site or, if I'm not online, send me an email. I'm not going to post any accounts in this thread. If you really need them, just ask and I will provide.

One last thing I should mention. During the day, I am mostly on my phone. The only time I am at my desktop is around 8:30 p.m. (depending) and I am usually up until 1:00 a.m. or a little later (again, depending). This is going to change when my summer class starts, but until June 15th, this is my schedule. So, my paragraphs may be shorter on your end than they are on mine if you are using a desktop at the time. This will change once I'm on my desktop, but this is just something I wanted to point out just in case anyone thinks I'm skimming on my post lengths.

Okay...that's it...I think I've covered everything. I mean, I could also mention that I have a tumblr, but who wants to follow someone whose shipping trash? :/
Hello, TimetoDuel! Welcome to :RPN:. I'm sure you'll find the perfect people who are ready to roleplay with you. We have a lovely community of many varied RPers ready to play many genres and plots. I think you'll have a great time. Just remember, there is no explicit erotic content allowed. If you have any questions, let me know!

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