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Multiple Settings Timepiece's Partner search! :Prompts Galore (MXF, MXM, FXF)


Roleplay Artist
Ello I am TheTimePiece I am seeking for RP. I have been RPing since around 2010 or so, and quite enjoy such.

Here is some helpful information:

Ditch friendly: Just please let me know if said ditching occurs is all I ask.

Post Place Flexibility; I'm fine with PMs, Email, google docs or Discord.

RP Content Flexibility: As long as RP content abides with site rules when RPING On Rpnation I'm pretty much fine with anything Rping on platforms without said rules allocates more flexibility. (Please let me know if anything in particular is a no-go for you personally in RP)

Post Length: I tend to match what my partner writes, though I like to post on the longer side particularly if I'm invested in said rp.

RP style of choice: Paragraphs, Third person, though I don't mind if my partner uses other styles.

OOC Chatter: while socializing with RP partners is appreciated it is not mandatory by any means simply encouraged, I promise I won't bite!

My RP Activity: I tend to be active daily, I don't mind if said partner cannot be active daily, though if one is away for awhile I would like to be informed for convince and I will do the same if I am going away.

Now onto the fun stuff: Prompts!

(Prompts naturally can be modified to suit party interests more so) ( I personally do not mind playing A or B in any of these, naturally any other ideas are welcomed and can be discussed these are merely to generate some ideas/potential interest)

Character A is an angel whose mission on Earth is to weed out low level imps and demons that try to stir up misfortune for humanity. Character B is a devil who enjoys toying with and seducing the weaker willed into temptation.
Both disguise themselves as humans and cross paths.

Character A and Character B meet at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Character A has struggled with alcohol in the past, however Character B is actually not an alcoholic at all and is attending the meetings in order to research the subject for a book. As they grow more attached, both at the meetings and outside of them, Character A finds out that Character B has been lying and relapses due to the pain of betrayal. Character B, guilt-ridden, attempts to fix what they’ve done.

Character A is a programmer. Character B is an AI designed by Character A as a class project. After the project is over, Character A keeps working on the program. Eventually Character A begins to realize that the AI, Character B, seems to have some sort of personality. Upon further investigation, Character A discovers that the AI has become advanced enough to gather data on its own, which greatly exceeds all expectations. Due to the nature of Character A’s studies, they’ve always been lonely, so they begin to jokingly interact with the AI they’ve created.
Over time, Character A becomes extremely attached to Character B, who, for all intents and purposes, feels more like a long-distance friend than a program.
Character A then realizes with some amount of horror that they’re beginning to develop feelings for Character B.

Character A is reluctantly dragged out to a host / maid cafe by a friend. While largely uninterested in such things, Character A is suddenly completely shocked to find that their classmate, Character B, works there. And hot damn do they look fine. Character B pulls Character A aside and asks that they keep the job a secret, to which Character A agrees. However Character A can’t unsee this new, stylish, attractive version of Character B
So Character A ends up becoming a regular at the cafe just to have an excuse to talk to and hang out with Character B.

Character A’s lover, Character B, died one year ago, however their relationship never waned as immediately after Character B came back to haunt Character A. Now they live a happy life together, however it can be difficult explaining to other people the circumstances of their relationship…

Optional: Character B’s ghost is a figment of Character A’s imagination, the grief from their lover’s death driving them over the edge. Eventually, Character A has to come to terms with that fact in light of evidence that this is what is really going on.

Character A and Character B have been rivals for as long as either of them can remember, however a drunken spat spurs on a new kind of challenge. Who’s a better lover?

Character A is an empath with the ability to sense the emotions of others, but has never told another soul about said ability. Character B is a troubled youth who sinks further and further into a silent depression hidden behind a mask of laughter and smiles. Character A realizes that Character B is putting on a farce. Character A decides to befriend Character B in order to help figure out what’s going on.
In the end, Character A is able to help prevent or talk Character B out of suicide.

Character A and Character B are trapped in a sinking ship. Is there hope of escape? . What final things do they have to say to one another?

Character A and Character B are both college students. Character A has been crushing on Character B, a fellow student in one of their night classes, since the term began. One night, Character A asks Character B out for drinks and Character B accepts. After a drunken fling, Character A wakes up the next morning next to Character B.
However, it quickly becomes apparent that Character B is, in fact, a vampire.

Character A and Character B have always hated each other. When their school decides to hold a student auction, allowing the students to auction themselves off to their classmates in exchange for money for school events, popular Character A accepts a nomination to be auctioned. The agreement is that the auctioned student will be the date of the purchaser at the upcoming dance.
Character B, thinking this would be an excellent way to get revenge for years of aggravation, wins Character A.However, Character A decides to take the high road and decides to be the best damn date Character B has ever, or will ever, have. And Character B has no idea how to deal with that.

(If you read this far thank you!, feel free to reply here/Pm me and of course if you have any ideas yourself feel free to share them!)

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Good evening!
You have some interesting plots I must say, some I've never heard of before but that is always a good thing. Hah
These are the ones that really caught my eye though:

Character A is a programmer. Character B is an AI designed by Character A as a class project. After the project is over, Character A keeps working on the program. Eventually Character A begins to realize that the AI, Character B, seems to have some sort of personality. Upon further investigation, Character A discovers that the AI has become advanced enough to gather data on its own, which greatly exceeds all expectations. Due to the nature of Character A’s studies, they’ve always been lonely, so they begin to jokingly interact with the AI they’ve created.
Over time, Character A becomes extremely attached to Character B, who, for all intents and purposes, feels more like a long-distance friend than a program.
Character A then realizes with some amount of horror that they’re beginning to develop feelings for Character B.
Character A’s lover, Character B, died one year ago, however their relationship never waned as immediately after Character B came back to haunt Character A. Now they live a happy life together, however it can be difficult explaining to other people the circumstances of their relationship…

Optional: Character B’s ghost is a figment of Character A’s imagination, the grief from their lover’s death driving them over the edge. Eventually, Character A has to come to terms with that fact in light of evidence that this is what is really going on.
Character A and Character B are both college students. Character A has been crushing on Character B, a fellow student in one of their night classes, since the term began. One night, Character A asks Character B out for drinks and Character B accepts. After a drunken fling, Character A wakes up the next morning next to Character B.
However, it quickly becomes apparent that Character B is, in fact, a vampire.
I'm not sure which one you would prefer.
There are some things I should say though before we agree to anything:
I am a college student, so I won't be able to reply as quickly as I'd like to. I also have other roleplays on here so there's that.
No worries though, I do like to reply to all of them at least once. If I am going to be gone for a while I will be sure to let you know and if I ever lose interest, I'll let you know as well. I would prefer to rp through Discord. It's also a faster way of getting a hold of me. Heheh
My discord tag is on the 'About me' tab on my profile. Feel free to PM me on here or send me a message on there.
If you do message me on Discord just let me know who you are so I don't freak out. lol
Character A is reluctantly dragged out to a host / maid cafe by a friend. While largely uninterested in such things, Character A is suddenly completely shocked to find that their classmate, Character B, works there. And hot damn do they look fine. Character B pulls Character A aside and asks that they keep the job a secret, to which Character A agrees. However Character A can’t unsee this new, stylish, attractive version of Character B
So Character A ends up becoming a regular at the cafe just to have an excuse to talk to and hang out with Character B.
This actually sounds like one of my old favourite animes that I used to watch in highschool and I'm dying to rp this with you. I tend to do MxF rps and I am someone who does prefer playing a female character when I rp, if this is alright with you I'm happy to send you either my Discord or we can rp on here. Although I'm more commonly on discord so that will be easier for me.

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