[The Shattered World] [The Shattered World] The Rules

Fus ro dah

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Basic Rules of Conduct
  • Real Life comes first. If you will be away for a while, let us know.
  • Follow the sites rules
  • No Godmoding (Controlling other user's characters; including killing/wounding/maiming them without permission.)
  • No Powermoding (Having NPCs suddenly make your character King, give you all the towns money, etc.)
  • If your character happens to start/get involved in a fight, please remember; you're not Superman. You can't dodge or block every move.
  • Original characters -only- please. Fandom characters will be declined.
  • Mary Sues/Gary Stues will be declined, and need to be rewritten.
  • Keep OOC drama to a minimum, if you have an issue with another player; use PM's or contact an admin.
  • Try and post at least once every 2-3 days. Two weeks without activity will result in you being removed due to inactivity.
  • No one liners, please make an effort.

Role Playing
  • When RPing, please use third person past tense. Non literate players will be asked to leave.
  • When your character is speaking use quotation marks around their words. Ex: "Hello!"
  • When they are performing actions, you need not use any special punctuation. Ex: He readied his bow.
  • When they are thinking, use ITALICS. Ex: I wonder what he's up to...


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