The Gil
Weird Gentleman
The world is clearly doomed. Calculations are not required to prophesy this. People are sick and in the areas that are most distant from the capital cities, they are not receiving a good medical treatment. The toxic clouds cover our skies and make the boiling rain fall upon us, our animals once beautiful and clever creatures of God turned into ferocious beasts, changing by the materials we dropped in their soil and in the past generations of them. I fear the day will come when we can no longer feed our children, since our crops are perishing on the hands of the disease that we have spread across the world. I say it is enough. Some say it is impossible to cure our state, for it is impossible to change the past. I disagree. Our past is long gone, but it is an existing dimension, with room enough for extra life. That is why I am returning to it, making it right before we have a chance to see what we have done wrong. I am going back in time, and give life back to us.
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