Till Death, Thy Loves


New Member
Till Death, Thy Loves - With no heart, can a dying girl find love in him?

FancyArt here,

So, this is my first Rp, and I hope you all enjoy. It'll be a while before the sign-up is open since I'm trying to make it as detailed as possible for the description and plot. Please bare with me as I complete the role play. So, here is what I've got.

-FancyArt <3

A female high school student in grade 10, who is a head in her credits by a year, is off for the summer. As she goes on a trip with her parents, the stop at a restaurant. Once finished, the brother begins to flirt with a girl across the room, father goes to pay as the mother heads to the bathroom. The girl continues to draw in her sketchbook for the minutes her family are a way.

In the mean time, a group of college students begin to arrive. As the leader of the group passes by the girl drawing, he looks down. After reaching his seat, he calls to the girl. "Hey, girl drawing over there, why don't her come here for a minute." Realizing someone was talking to her, she closes her sketchbook and walks over. "Yes?" she asks. "You're an artist?" he asks. "Can I see you work?" "Sure..." she responds as she hands him her book. Flipping through it, he becomes amazed and pulls out a note card. "Here, I attend a Private Academy in California and the head of the Dormitory Deamir. Every summer I recruit new members, how would you like to attend?" He hands the note card to the girl with her name on it. "All you have to do is take a stack of note cards and hand them out to who's' name is on it." A stack of about 500 names to her. "Alright. I should be heading back now. Nice talking to you." They say their goodbyes. Once leaving the restaurant with her parents, she realized she left her sketchbook but still had the 501 note cards in hand.

A few days later, when she was finally able to gain some free time for herself, she headed on top of her small little towns hilltop. Letting the wind blow the 500 cards across town, where they all were able to reach those with the same name. As school came closer and ended her 11th year of high school, she graduated early. By being accepted into the Private Academy, she headed off to the college where she searched for the man who gave her the acceptance into Deamir. But before she was able to leave to college, some blood work was tested and and came back positive for a disease, with an unknown cure. With no option, she headed to the college... That is where we begin!

Now here is the story behind the Deamir and the mystery guy.

Many years ago, a King was given an heir to the throne, a beautiful princess. With the kingdom on the edge of war with their neighboring kingdoms, the made an alliance; to marry the heirs. A few years after the marriage, the kings and queens died, leaving to couple to survive against politics of being a ruler. He sold his soul to the Devil to become immortal. The demon named Deam became his advisor; who he came up with the name Deamir (De-A-Mir). As long as he is able to sell more souls to the Devil, he will be able to live forever. Once his wife died from old age, his heart was broken and to become as powerful, he sold his heart to the Devil for magic. With no heart to feel anything, how could he ever find love again?

In modern day, the immortal and his demon, came to enjoy the life as it grown from medieval to modern. As life went on, the school needed founders and dormitories. Deam and his immortal ruler joined the school and created the dorm. After being named Deamir for Demon, he recruits college students to sell their souls, without them knowing. To fit in, they both changed their names...

The Dormitory~

The dorm rooms are set in multilevel-ed lofts such as this,

where their are about 2-4 students per room with 2 bedrooms. The setting for the rooms can be set up as either set;

Room 1/2: M&M/M&M


Room 1/2: M&M/F&F


Room 1/2: F&F/F&F

Here are examples of rooms;

Example 1: Corner Style


Example 2: Bunk bed




Example 3: Window Side


(All the styles of are not the same. Just the way the beds are set.)

The campus is on the outskirts of L.A. where the west side of the building leads to the ocean via a boardwalk. The beach is private to the dorm and bonfires are held a few times in a semester.

Rules for the Dorm!

1) Quiet time is between 10-11. About 2 hours long. Everyone is needed to be in their room during this time. You are able to do whatever you want during that time. Study, watch TV or movie, or head to bed early.

2) Lights Out. Bed is around midnight when all lights need to be out and everyone in bed.

3) Food. Everyone must make their own Breakfast and Lunch. Dinner is provided every night during the weekday

Sunday: F.O.Y. (Fend for Yourself)

Monday: Pasta

Tuesday: Taco

Wednesday: Burrito

Thursday: Soup

Friday: Pizza

Saturday: B.B.Q.

4)Rent. Rent must be paid on time. If you miss a date, you will have to pay double for the next rent due, but it will go back to the original rate once paid. You are able to choose between Monthly, 6 months, or 1 year. Rates vary for each option.

Yearly: 2400$

1/2 Year: 1600$

Monthly: 800$

5) Guests) Guests are welcome. A few of the dorms are empty for any guests. Guest must sign in and sign out as well.

6) In/Out. If you are leaving to spend a night or out to dinner with family, you must sign out and back in when you return.

7) The Boss. Don't bother the Head unless called for a meeting.

8) Class. Must attend classes in any order, but is recommended for this order. Sorry for it being similar to high school. I have no idea how colleges run. (You will make your own schedule in the sign-up.)


~English 101: Literature of the World. Read and Analyse works from around the world.

~ English 102: Writing, the Fundamentals. Learn to write different essays such as research papers and short stories.

~ English 103: Poetry. Read, Analyse and Create poems.

~English 104: Creative Writing; to write your own. Work on creating and editing work created by you.


~Biology&Geology 101

~Physics&Chemistry 101

~AP Course of the Above or another chosen course.

~AP Course of the Above or another chosen course.


~World History

~American History

~California History

~Any chosen history course, Music History; Literature History for example.


~Algebra I

~Algebra II

~ Geometry & Trig


Extra Curriculum

~Music 101

~Art 101

~Languages of the Modern World

~Ancient Languages

9) Have a wonderful time and follow all RPN rules!

10) If you read all the rules, please put the sign-up in your characters favorite color and in the category 'Other' write your characters favorite color in their least favorite color. Example:

Bloop: ishfhsg


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