The Witch Son
and a swift justice to those that got away with it
- One on One
Prince Nuri & Lord Emerson
The War Rages On...
A Frenemyship Is Born
Prince Nuri startled awake, heaving and yanking on what held him back. It took a moment, a wild eyed moment too long, to gain his mind back.
War, he was at war. He was at war with the truth too.
The truth of that murdered King ceased to matter when war broke out.
War, the equalizer of all hurts.
He twisted his hands, testing the thick rope he was tied with.
Nuri was the only one confused as to why the truth didn't seem to matter anymore. The details never mattered to Kings. Not when they had whole Kingdoms to rule over.
And in the end, the truth was nothing next to his duty as Prince, so off to war he goes. Where he battles and wins, ‘and loses’, his mind supplies.
He'd lost, his leg was stiff and in a splint. It was bandaged too heavily to get a good look at it, but the memory was coming back…
A blinding pain, worse than any time he'd ever tasted steel. It'd gone straight through him from behind.
One moment he was crossing axe with steel at King Averett, adrenaline making him feel half a god. Fully intending to end it there once and for all. Glory so close he could taste it. King Avarett was tired, Prince Nuri was not.
He would stand victorious over the King who dared declare dishonor upon Theren.
The next thing Nuri knows he’s kneeling in the mud before him, yelling his head off in pain before everything turned black.
His head ached something fierce. That would explain why he was so sluggish. And it wasn't as though he was tied to a nice comfy cushion where he could rest, he was sat upright in the middle of a tent. A large and mostly empty tent that would've belonged to nobility from the size of it, the comforts of which did little good to him when he was tied to a support beam with the world's scratchiest rope.
His mouth was so damned dry. He moved his jaw testily before looking at his leg once more and letting out all of the air in his lungs slowly.
He breathed only when he was sure he would not panic. He could feel it in his bones even if no physician had told him. Prince Nuri, not yet thirty years of age, would never walk without a limp again.
Like a prize destrier with a broken leg, he was useless. And better off dead.
Beyond the self pity, the most alarming part of this new development of things was that Beleth was almost certainly going to win now. Old King Gaius was… well he was old, and Prince Nuri was his champion. If Nuri had been defeated and his forces overtaken, it was only a matter of time.
At best they had retreated and could regroup with his father…
But Nuri no longer had the luxury of hopeful idealism as someone entered in behind him. He schooled his probably pathetic expression into one of cool apathy.
“Really, Duncan? This is what you came up with?”
The older man coughed slightly as they came around into view of Prince Nuri.
“Things were a bit… Chaotic, sir,” the man named Duncan protested. “I was told to secure him for the time being!”
“Ah, you are awake,” the first speaker said to Nuri, as he knelt down so his eyes were level with the Prince’s. He had bright coopery red hair, tied back into a short braid, and freckles across his high cheekbones.
The grindingly chipper voice immediately annoyed Prince Nuri.
“I apologize for the arrangements,” he said, and seemed sincere enough about it. “Duncan is a soldier through and through. Not a lick of hospitality in him.”
“Sir, if I had been told-”
“Oh, hush now,” the younger man said, somewhat teasingly. “What’s done is done. Go and fetch a bedroll from one of the medical tents, would you? Maybe two.”
Duncan nodded and began to leave, but the red haired man added an afterthought as he assessed the prince. “And two pairs of cuffs. For his ankles and his wrists.”
It wouldn’t do to have the Prince running away, after all.
The man smiled lightly at the Prince, though not so much that the corners of his eyes lifted.
Blue met green, assessing, both implacable in their own special ways.
“You have questions, I’m sure. I will do what I can to answer them,” he reassured Nuri. “But first- Would you care for some water?”
He pulled a waterskin from his hip and uncorked it, holding it up to the Prince’s lips.
Prince Nuri didn't have long to decide whether or not to drink, but he had at least decided if the waterskin was filled with piss he was going to spit it out in the redhead’s face.
The water cleared his head considerably, and he rolled his shoulders, adjusting where he could to sit straight. Sighing to force himself to let go of the irritation he felt.
After all, the redhead had not given him piss.
“To whom am I speaking?”
“I am Lord Emerson,” the other man said, and added after a moment. “The bastard.”
He said it as though it were a habit, to bring up the scandal of his parentage before others might mock him for it.
A thing which did not go unnoticed.
“Your eyes seem clear, that is good,” Emerson said, and continued his quick skim of the prince while the prince did a quick skim of him.
He winced once he got to Nuri’s bandaged leg.
“I am sorry about your leg,” he said with contrition but very little shame. “I might have aimed more carefully, if…”
He shrugged, not continuing the rest of the sentence.
If I’d known you were so valuable.
If we had not been in the chaos of a battle.
If I had known you were going to live.
“Yes… We teach bastards how to aim in Theren. I would've assumed Beleth did the same. My head was higher Lord Emerson.” Nuri said dryly, but not without humor.
“So it was,” Emerson acknowledged.
“And besides, there would have been glory in it for you. A son for a brother would've suited Beleth nicely I think. You could've lorded that over alllll the people who look down their noses at Lord Emerson, the bastard.” Nuri said softly, as though he were tempting him with something.
“People who like to look down on others can rarely be persuaded to glance up, no matter how much noise is made,” Emerson said, with the wisdom of experience, offering the waterskin again.
He’d said it with such honesty and frankness that Prince Nuri had to battle the wry grin coming to his face. Thank the spirits for water. It soon became his focus instead.
Duncan arrived with the bed rolls and cuffs, and arranged the rolls on top of each other for additional padding.
“Let’s get you lying down and more comfortable,” Emerson proposed. He began to untie Nuri’s ropes, but warned, “If you try anything- Well. Don’t.”
Nuri had already been searched for weapons, and presumably Emerson had his own. Duncan certainly did, his hand resting on his sword hilt.
“I’ll only struggle if Duncan got me flea ridden bed rolls.” Nuri watched Duncan once Emerson was out of sight, who didn't say anything in return.
The sound of ropes shifting and loosening was undercut by men screaming somewhere in the camp.
“He doesn't have your sense of humor, I think Lord Emerson.” Prince Nuri noted over the screams. Ignoring them completely.
Emerson winced ever so slightly at the strangled cries of pain, but said nothing.
“Where in Beleth is it you hail from any - eughoof!” Nuri’s next question was cut off from the considerable effort it took to heave himself up, even as Lord Emerson was helping him do it.
The thought of him trying anything at the moment was a joke, a thing he had suspected strongly and confirmed to his dismay. His leg felt like a log, a painful log.
Nuri was a panting mess by the time he was lying down, head swimming with pain so bad he didn't even register that the cuffs were on him.
“North.” He panted plainly when he could, “That's my guess, near the border of Ruhar. That's where you hail from.”
“My mother is from Fremont,” Emerson told him. “A duchy along the western edge of the mountains.”
It was fairly south of Ruhar, all things considered.
He checked to make sure the cloth he had wrapped around the cuffs were secure and would prevent the metal from biting into the Prince’s skin.
“What makes you say North?,” he asked curiously.
“Are they torturing my men, Lord Emerson? You'd best just kill them, they can't tell you anything of value.” Nuri responded lightly, as if answering his question.
“No, slaves usually are not told too much,” Emerson agreed. “Do not worry about your forces,” he said. “It is our own soldiers who are facing justice from the King right now.”
Strangely, this was one topic in which Emerson’s cool facade minisculely slipped to show the slightest hint of discomfort.
“So you were raised with your mother? Who is a Fremont? From a duchy no less… That's unusual, I don't think I've ever encountered a bastard from the mother’s side, it's usually the father isn't it? Men always get away with it so easy. Poor thing, she must have been ruined.” Nuri watched Emerson's expression intently, looking for all the little ticks that could tell him things.
“Yes, she was,” Emerson nodded in agreement. It was an odd topic they had landed on, but Emerson did not mind- If the Prince was trying to bait him, he’d need to find something that the bastard hadn’t been answering barbed questions on his whole life.
“She would have been the next Duchess,” he admitted. “But when she refused to name the father or marry one of the suitors he had chosen, my grandfather disinherited her. It was a messy business- At least that’s what I’m told. I was obviously much too young to recall the details now,” he said with a small smile at his poor joke.
Prince Nuri returned the smile, thinking for a moment.
“Then the fools had the sense to retreat did they?” Nuri pivoted, “My men I mean.” Not all of the men Nuri commanded were slaves, but the ones who were… well, by Theren law they could not retreat. Only free men had that right, it was to buy time for the free men to do so successfully. Or something like that.
“Yes, they retreated after you fell and the tides turned,” Emerson told him. “It was well organized,” he admitted. “We were only able to capture a small contingent of your forces, though at least a few are among your senior officers.”
“We have sent a negotiating party to your father’s camp, with the hopes that they will be released soon. Bit of a bother to feed them, after all,” Emerson allowed. Especially as Beleth had been burning crops.
“Ah, so that's what your righteous King wants with a crippled Prince. My father won't trade on my behalf, dishonoring him as I've done.” Nuri cocked a brow, as if chiding his state of living as an unwise decision.
That wasn't entirely true, he couldn't trade on his son's behalf, that much was true. Neither of them could survive that shame, the crown could not survive that shame. But he would mourn. It would still burn him, dishonor or no.
“You underestimate your own value,” Emerson scolded. “Besides- With a bit of rehabilitation, I think you’ll be able to walk on that leg again, even if a little bit crooked.”
“You don't understand.” Nuri shook his head, The Ruharan Knights he squired with didn’t understand either when he explained it to them.
“You're Belethan, a Theren warrior is supposed to die in battle. To be captured alive means you did not fight to the death. Which you can probably get away with if you're not a noble. But to be returned a crooked Prince…” He smiled ruefully.
“They would prefer me dead.”
“And a Belethan is supposed to never waste a potential bargaining chip, until they are quite certain it has no more value,” Emerson returned. “Besides,” he added lightly. “Your mother is from Ruhar. Perhaps she will want you back.”
Nuri barked out a laugh, he couldn't help it.
“Did your mother want you Lord Emerson?” It was his most audacious question yet.
“Being trite doesn’t suit you, Your Highness,” Emerson said, his soft smile still pinned into place. “If you are hoping to goad me into finishing what I started in the battle, you’ll have to do better.”
“I thought we were just being friendly, Lord Emerson.” Nuri said in a saccharine tone that definitely wasn't friendly.
“Now you’re getting the picture!,” Emerson said cheerfully, as if they were indeed on their way to becoming fast friends. “Now that you are more comfortable, can I get you anything to eat?”
“Anything the cook makes will be delicious I’m sure.” Nuri’s tone was somewhere between sarcastic and genuinely looking forward to eating.
This drivel no longer mattered, Nuri’d found out what he'd wanted to know.
His men had retreated successfully, with less than 40, probably less than 30 if ‘small’ was to be believed, captured. And King Averett was not keen on what Theren did with its prisoners. Some 500 last Nuri knew, probably more since then.
The King wanted a trade. Holding prisoners was not easy when your entire force was on the move. And the chances of Nuri making a successful escape were as hobbled as his leg… all the relevant information he needed to decide what to do next.
He made a new list.
code by @fudgecakez