The Raven
History of Velestra
This will just be a list of dates/years that are fairly important to the story. This will also be updated as the group goes through their adventures. Any notable events that the group accomplishes will be added to the list.
Satilune. 17th phase. 642RD: The Order of the Platinum Dragon defeats Tiamat and banishes her to the Nine Hells. The date is marked as a holiday.
Novalune. 1st Phase. 1TB: The years start being marked with a TB at the end in honor of Tiamat's banishment."
391TB: Magic vs. Religion tensions heighten and war breaks out between Iophus and and Faros. Racoris remains neutral due to its desert isolation and Velestra remains neutral due to it being across the Glassy Sea.
439TB: Velestra enters the war on the side of Faros. The combination of Faros's military based government and Velestra's mass amount of aid ensures a quick victory.
442TB: Iophus ceases all trade with the other nations. The isolation causes a swift economic decline, a civil war breaking out between the city-states.
Messilune. 5th phase. 534TB: Osnyae sees a shift in power, an older gentleman named Serlo Ascelyn being named the new emperor.
Liquielune. 23rd phase 534TB: Emperor Ascelyn sends troops to Iophus to settle the conflict.
567TB: Iophus unifies once again, sending the Osnyaen forces back to Osnyae. This unifaction arose from the people seeing Osnyae's help as an invasion. The people figured a unified Iophus would help prevent further intrusions.
568TB: Fortifications of the various cities in Iophus begins.
589TB: Though tensions are still high, Iophus opens up trade once again with the other nations.
895TB: The Ascelyn family is pulled from power after Giradin, Serlo's great-grandson, attempts to overthrow the council and rule Osnyae as a dictator.
948TB: The Osnyaen Council appoints the a high ranking general, a young man named Guarin Talbot, as emperor. As his first move as emperor, Guarin denotes the week of his birthday and the week after his birthday as a national holiday named the Festival of the Emperor. The council allows this, the first celebration of this festival not being quite as upbeat and festive as others during the year.
953TB: Guarin marries Lady Mariel Alianora.
Floslune. 15th phase. 956TB: Guarin and Mariel have a son named Edon.
Hiberlune. 26th phase. 960TB: Guarin and Mariel have a daughter named Adelina.
Sanguilune. 22nd phase. 964TB: A large gathering of adventurers find themselves in Myrra, a small farming village on the road about 4 hours north of Stoneshore. The local baron has asked the aid of adventurers far and wide to solve a crisis within his village. Those gathered are split up into groups of 5 and tasked with completing a task for the baron. The two groups who return first will be going on the investigation with a few of the village's guards.
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