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Fantasy THSS- RP


Húna / Sloth
Status: Eating a freshly cooked pancake without any toppings
Mood: Cheerful, chatty, impatient and slightly disappointed
Location: Sitting up at the table, next to Nigula
Interactions: Yui

Mentions: ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool , @Dark lord steel, Tetro Tetro , Gunnhildr Gunnhildr , Kabochamp Kabochamp , Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
Húna had gotten back to her adventure in the realm of dreams, catching up with Cat and Fish near the fountain of neapolitan ice-cream, on the middle of cake-frosting island, posted by the sea of maple syrup. She had been about to remember just what they were supposed to do next when suddenly an angry racoon had jumped from in-between the cotton-candy trees, looming threateningly. Cat and Fish were scared of the big unfriendly new looking plushie, hiding behind the ghostly child as if asking for her assistance. Though uncertain at first, she had risen up to the challenge, shielding her companions and taking a step forward...

That's when the racoon let out a sly smile and raised its paws high starting a barrage of pat-attacks!

"Mmm...", the girl had muttered after making a displeased face, still asleep, as the female roommate tried to dry her with a towel, "...Nooo... awaaaay... protect cat... racoon........cream..."

With the intelligible rumblings in between the words, Húna's pleasant dream just sounded like cut and mixed nonsense to anyone paying attention to her. A fierce battle of pats and hand slaps ensued, Cat and Fish apprehensively watching as our hero tried to hold her ground against a plush-folk much bigger than her. By a stroke of luck, the silver-haired ghost's determination and charging attitude had left her attacker right next to the fountain. Defending the next slap with her arm, the bad racoon had fallen into the creamy triple-flavored substance, leaving feeling all sticky from the melted ice-cream.

Victorious, Húna had approached her plushie friends again, with Cat immediately going for a nice and warm hug.

In the awakened world, the girl had let out an angelic smile as Razzie had taken her up and put her sitting at the table with the others. Immediately as he had let go of her before he had even gotten the chance to leave, Sloth slumped forward, leaning towards the table.


Húna snored loudly, drooling over the tabletop, surprisingly still asleep even after the rather strong impact of her head against the wooden surface. It seemed as if the girl was going to remain like this for a while, that was until the impish Sin had kissed her on the cheek and said the magic word:

"...PUDDING!!!", Sloth had announced loudly, coming back from the realm of dreams as quickly as one would flip a switch.

She glanced around a bit confused at first, wondering what the ruckus in the kitchen was even about, slowly taking in her surrounding carefully before realizing just what was going on:

"Break..........fast?", Húna had asked still a bit dazed, "Pan... caaakes?"

There was a tiny hint of disappointment in the voice since she had expected to see the egg pudding, but on the other hand... Pancakes were nice too. The ghost of Sloth had been torn between looking for a chocolate cover or something of the sort, and just eating the plain cooked batter here and there without the extra effort to either wait or put the toppings on it herself.

The second option won and by the time Nigula had joined them, the Sin of Sloth had already taken a vigorous bite out of the treat, holding it in her hands as if it was a big cookie:

"...H-hot.", her face contorted a bit at the sensation, having forgotten to blow on the pancake to cool it down first, "But... goooood~!!", she complemented giving it another bite wincing at the temperature again.

"Are there others living here too?"

"Wo're sheveen", the girl had instantly replied with her mouth full, oblivious at all the possible interpretations the newcomers could do with their names and number of people, "With you............ We'reeeee...", Húna counted her fingers, "Eh, niiineee...??"

She wondered about it for a while then gave up and took a new bite of her pancake.

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Character: Chitose Eiji
Location: New Apartment
Physical Condition: Awake and fine
Mental Condition: Happy as can be!

Mentions: Kabochamp Kabochamp @Dark lord steel ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Gunnhildr Gunnhildr

The whisk whirled in the new mixing bowl he procured, a mixture of egg, sugar, and milk combining as he kept an eye on the browning liquid bubbling away in the pot. He hadn't much practice with this in a while but back home, he basically had to learn, given he was the eldest of a bunch of kids around the neighborhood who looked at him for good eating. Pouring the mixture into a few mugs(oven safe, might he add!) he appropriated for this purpose, finding them good enough. As he pulled the hot syrupy concoction from the heat to another burner, this one on low, and replacing it with another pot of water, he listened in on the the one's joining them for breakfast.

He was more than elated to hear one remark of enjoyment. "Oh s'that so, eh? That so?!" Eiji grinned, getting a bit pumped up as he applied the time tested tin foil top to each mug. "I'll get some butter if any of you lot want that, yeah?" Into the new pot of now boiling water he slid the filled mugs up, covering with a top. Adding a bit more water to the caramelized sugar, he made a quick detour to the table to correct some mannerisms.

"I'm glad yer enjoyin' tha grub but you gotta have mannerisms! S'the way to show respect to the other lot on the table and to the food." He addressed Sloth, sliding a plate in front of her, a fork and knife to the side and finally dropping(metaphorically, just kinda put on the table) the quintessential to any pancakes, the maple syrup! "Don't burn yerself or nothin', eat slowly, yeah?" He eyed the rest of the residents as he handed out plates and forks, "If any of you lot want knives, give me a holler!"

Eiji took that as a way to get back to the kitchenette, pouring out a few uniform dollops of batter, pushing down on the middle to coax them into a wider cake, walking on over to his own concoctions, obviously very used to doing this kind of job. Albeit these sorts of dishes weren't exactly something he was amazing at. Pulling the mugs out, he let them cool in a small ice bath, wondering if he'd be able to get them out in time for himself to get something to eat.

"Nine people... huh?" He muttered, rubbing his nape again, drumming against it. Discounting them, that'd mean there were seven. How'd that sorta thing go unnoticed? He didn't know--

And honestly?

He didn't care. As long as he got his own room, and just a bit of his own time, he was happy being able to cook so much for so many, his life full of so many people now.
Nigula gave Huna a pat on the head as her nose inhaled the smell of pancakes. It was so good! The vampire turned to th pancakes with wide and hungry eyes abefore chowing down like a machine of some sort, manners be damned. The taste was heavenly, The Horned D couldn't approve of the food but she didn't care. Nigula grabbed another pancake, and stuffed it in her mouth and continued the process and proved to be a deadly predator to the defenseless pancakes. Her fellow Sins would know what to do: Protect the pancakes at all costs.

Húna / Sloth
Status: Holding a half-eaten pancake while asking for her plushies
Mood: Stubborn and worried
Location: Sitting up at the table, knees on the seat and next to Nigula
Interactions: Eiji, Almas

Mentions: ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool , @Dark lord steel, Tetro Tetro , Gunnhildr Gunnhildr , Kabochamp Kabochamp , Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
Gradually nibbling at her pancake at her normal, yet unusually slow pace, Húna remained turned 90 degrees on her seat, nested against Nigula, deeply enjoying herself. It had been a while since everyone had breakfast together like this, especially since... the ghostly girl would rarely be awake early enough for it. If at all. Food wasn't really a need for her, she just really liked dessert and would sometimes crave it. Not that every craving would be followed with the effort to fullfill it, more often than not, they were just as passing as the wind itself...

The cooking male's seemingly rhetorical question had been answered with a tired sounding but still genuine and cheerful 'u-un!' as the Sin of Sloth let him know again that his recipe was pretty tasty. Unfortunately, his attempt to make this tiny child abide by table manners had been taken a lot less nicely. At first, Húna had watched him set down the topping ingredients on the surface with curiosity, wondering where the chocolate dip (If they had any) was and why it hadn't been set on top of the table as well. Then the newcomer had put the plate and utensils in front of her, making her confused:

"I'm glad yer enjoyin' tha grub but you gotta have mannerisms! S'the way to show respect to the other lot on the table and to the food."

Sloth blinked at him, then blinked at objects, then back at him. It took her a little too long to realize what he was trying to tell her, but when she had finally done so, the ghostly girl's response had been a frustrated 'uuh-uuh!' with a shake of her head, followed by a new bite on the pancake as if in defiance. Why put the pancake on a plate and use a fork and a knife if she was already perfectly happy with eating it like this?! If anything, that sounded like a waste of dishes and waaaay too much effort for such a tiny payout.

If he came back to complain about it, Húna would simply shoot the newcomer a glare and keep nibbling at her pancake the way she already was doing.

Above her, Nigula had started attacking the rest of the pancakes on the plate, like someone that had been starved for months and only now really seen food again. Still, as long as she didn't try to eat Sloth's own half-eaten pancake, the child wouldn't really try and stop her fellow sin, just preoccupied with her own boundaries and possessions, and only when really needed.

That's when Húna realized that someone was missing, well, two someones! Not letting go of her pancake so that Gluttony couldn't get to it, the little girl looked around her sheepishly, clearly searching for something and growing slightly distressed when it was not found. She then corrected her posture on the chair, briefly, kneeling on top of it and leaning forwards to search further around the kitchen. Eventually, a sigh of relief had left her mouth, her toys were still on the floor where she had been napping earlier!

"Almas! Almas!", she called for the Sin that was closest to the entrance to the room with urgency in her voice, "Almas... Cat and fish... Get them... for me?"

"P-pleeeeaseeee?~~", still holding her pancake like a big cookie with one hand, pointing at her nap companions with the other and kneeling on her seat, Húna made her best impression of puppy eyes, hoping that he would bring her plushie friends back to her. She already missed them very much...

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Almas only sighed at the antics of the gluttonous Sin. He's okay with eating just air, for Sins aren't required to ingest anything to maintain their health. But still... He shouldn't let this habit of the dark-skinned Sin to stay.

Before Almas could shot a look at Nigula for eating others' portion, the Sin of Sloth, Húna, pleaded out a favor. With a hellishly cute puppy eyes included. Of course, due to his beliefs and "religious" self, he quickly complied and picked Húna's "Cat" and "Fish". He nestled them softly, wrapped around his arms tenderly because he felt like they really meant something for the child-looking Sin. Walking to where Húna sat at -while being cautious due to the lively motions by other inhabitants-, he placed them on the table, within the heterochromatic-eyed Sin's reach with a tender smile.

He combed Húna's hair as soothingly as he could, patting down any bed hair that was sticking up here and there along the way. Almas shot a menacing disapproving look at Nigula as his slender fingers ran through Húna's long strands of hair.

'Didn't you hear what that man just said? Where is your manner?!'-was the meaning of the look he shot at her.
Greed let everyone's attention remain elsewhere while he sneaked pancake after pancake, taking plenty for himself. He wasn't going to eat them all but the fact that Gluttony wanted them so much meant he had to have them. Now. The illusionary bucket of water took a lot out of him earlier, so when he concocted a perceived pancake plot that involved replacing real pancakes with illusionary ones that Gluttony could gorge on, he knew it wouldn't be able to last very long. It wasn't uncommon for him to trick her into thinking she was eating more than what was actually there. In the end it was the consumption that Nigula cared about. After hoarding plenty of pancakes, and feeling himself getting sleepy, Greed went about eating his own designated cakes. He ixnayed on feeding Gluttony's ravenous rampage, letting his fellow sin eat all the real cakes she wanted.

"Come now Almas, leave her be. It's not every day we eat as a family." He tossed one of his burgled pancakes at Almas. He wasn't sure whether it would pelt him in the face or if the elder sin would catch it. "These two will come around to how things go," he looked at Chitose and Yui, "I'm sure you two will fit right in, in no time."
Gunnhildr Gunnhildr Kabochamp Kabochamp ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
Watching the antics of the people sitting around eating the pancakes she helped to make brought a little bubble of happiness to Yui and she sat down with them, quickly grabbing enough for herself and her new roommate from the quickly disappearing pils near Nigula. She thought to herself as she dug in, not one to be able to eat and speak at the same time. Nine people? Wait, ten people once their third joined them? Her stomach gave a worrying clench as she thought about living with so many people but it was better than where she had come from.

Seeing the way they bandied playful(at least she hoped so) insults and comments back and forth while taking proper care of the drowsy looking child made her think of them as a kind of family, just as the cute boy from earlier actually said as much. She gave a quick but nervous smile and nodded, mouth full of syrupy pancake, both happy and a little nervous at the idea.

Wiping her mouth when she was done she piped up: "Um, so you're obviously not... human? Or at least not like the humans I've known all my life... Who are you guys?"
Nigula kept on indulging on her culinary adventured when she felt something get directed at her. With her mouth stuffed with pancakes, the Sin Of Gluttony looked over to Almas. His message was pretty clear, but Razz's intervention helped her out, making her stick her tounge out to the green haired Sin. Even if she was already a century and two years old, she was still childish. She caught the pancake her prank buddy tossed to Almas and swallowed it in a gulp, before turning to him "Your welcome".

The lady's question made her stop eating and made her grin " I'm Nigula, the Queen Of Mischief, my buddy here is the Meme King himself, the cute little ghostie here is Hùna, the grumpy Grinch here is Almas and the ever so perfect cat is Pride. Ai is still asleep, we're all the Seven Deadly Sins" She bit into another pancake. Oh, Satan, talking so much made her hungrier.
Character: Chitose Eiji
Location: New Apartment
Physical Condition: Awake and fine
Mental Condition: Happy as can be!

Mentions: Kabochamp Kabochamp @Dark lord steel ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Gunnhildr Gunnhildr

Blowing a bit of air from between clasped lips, Eiji huffed. Working with children was awkward but he knew that it got better with time. Just needed time. Distracting himself, With his thumb he prodded the surface of the cooled concoction, finding it just good enough to pour the caramel onto them. Should be just loose enough not to stick to the sides of the mug as it adhered. Leaving those on the counter, he gave the kitchen a double check- shuffling all the used kitchenware into the sink, before nodding. That was it! That mean't-

"A~ah, ma'stomach's achin'." He groaned as he traipsed over to the table, glancing down at the state of affairs on said thing. As expected pretty bad but- "D'ya save me some Tan-han? Ya shouldn't have," Eiji let out a two beat chuckle, the ribbing tone in his voice palpable in the air.

"Less ya got that fer yerself? Gran always told me that kiddies gotta eat til their cheeks are stuffed so I'll forgive ya!" Sliding in to hopefully lessen the whole effect of the news, he pulled a seat for himself. Seven Deadly Sins- "-Huh? Sure don't look-it. Deadly, I mean." To reiterate, three children, and a handful of teens. The most horrifying thing came from the least horrifying looking child in the room. Either her snores or her table manners.

"Table manners, ah gotta be." Eiji nodded.

Húna / Sloth
Status: About to fall asleep again
Mood: Content, concerned, yet whimsical
Location: Sitting up at the table, next to Nigula and cuddling her plushies
Interactions: Eiji, Yui

Mentions: ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool , Tetro Tetro , Gunnhildr Gunnhildr , Kabochamp Kabochamp , Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
Upon seeing Almas take her plushies off the ground, Húna's gaze lit up with anticipation. She sat down back at her seat, watching her fellow Sin approach attentively, releasing a drowzy yet cheerful 'Eeeeeee!' long sound until Cat and Fish had been placed on top of the table, right in front of her. The ghostly girl was slightly disappointed when he had left them there, both close and at the same time just sooo far away... She pouted at the scene, considering requesting that the job was finished, however, since Envy's attention had shifted to Nigula, she gave up on it.

With a defeated sigh, the Sin of Sloth raised her hands up high, still holding the third of her pancake that's left. She focuses on the plushies, on how much she wants them on her lap where they can be hugged and cuddled and loved... Húna's eyes get a supernatural glow to them and at the same time, a purple-ish aura begins shining around the toys. Slowly, the pair of plushies float softly, about an inch over the table, making their way through the air and landing on the little girl's lap. Content, the ghostly Sin's eyes lose their glow, the toys' aura disperses and Húna putting her arms back down, gives her nap companions a gentle hug while giggling in delight.

Then she returns to nibbling at the pancake, only half paying attention to the other's antics. Razzie gave Almy a small lecture over trying to lecture Nig, the two roommates looked different amounts of preoccupied. She did feel a little guilty over making the man angry, though not enough to apologise yet. It just made no sense for little Húna, what was wrong in enjoying her pancake that way? To her it seemed like such a minor thing to worry about! Food is for eating, and so she ate it. The methods or extra utensils sounded... excessive... It's not like it would taste bad otherwise!

Finally finished with the morning treat, the girl licked her fingers to get out all of the bits and taste of the pancake out of her hands and then... Nigula had started opening the game with the two newcomers. Stopping her action mid-way, Húna had shot the vampire Sin a sleepy yet mildly concerned look. The humans would probably not be able to tell her discreet facial expression changes, but her fellow Sins would. Should they be being this open from the start? The little girl tilted her head as she wondered things, eventually reaching to the conclusion that if the explanations had gotten this far already, there was no point in trying to hide information. They were already gradually freaking, might as well get this over with.

Having licked through all her hand's fingers, Húna proceeded to point at those inside the kitchen:

"Glutto...ny", for Nigula, "Greeeed", for Razzmatazz, "Envy!", for Almas and finally, "Sloooooooooth~", at herself.

Without anything else to do, the ghostly Sin had then leaned on the back of her seat, eyes slowly closing themselves as Húna felt herself begin to daze off again:

"Good... niiiiiiiiiiiiight~~"

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"Sloth and Gluttony," he pointed to the two girls, now looking at the newcomers, "got it right." He finished his pancakes, cleaning off the plate and utensils before stashing them in his clothes. "Pride will tell you she's the deadliest. She'll go on and on and on about the things she has done and how great she is and whatnot." Greed made big exaggerated gestures to playfully mock how arrogant their feline friend was. "I know I don't look deadly, buuuuut~" Greed's skin started glowing yellow, his form shifting.
Greed was now a decrepit, partially skinless, monster. His voice throaty and rough. "I can look as I please."

After showing off a little, Greed shifted again, this time into a different form entirely.
She exhaled deeply, completely exhausted at having done so much in so little a span of time. "I think I'm gonna be stuck like this for the rest of the day." She groaned and moved her chair over to Sloth, pulling the girl and her plushies in so she could join her in a cuddly nap at the table. "Just... A small... Nap..." She passed out and snored alongside Húna.
The seven deadly sins?! Yui's mind started to spin with the different interpretations of that concept that she'd seen on tv or read about in books. Tying that idea to the strange but seemingly lovable characters in the room with her seemed a stretch to her but she had seen them do strange things already. While she was struggling with this new information she heard Eiji address her and snapped out of her spiral "Ta-" she said in shock at how she was addressed. She slid the plate towards him and pouted slightly while saying "if you're gonna start calling me strange names, you might as well just call me Yui".

Just as she was thinking that it was fine, maybe even nice, to get a weird nickname she was shocked again "Kiddies? Wait wh-" her second protest was cut off by Hùna's explanation and antics with her stuffed animals. Being more surprised that she wasn't really surprised, she forgot what she had wanted to say. Gluttony and Sloth... that seemed to fit pretty well actually but... greed? He didn't seem too greedy, just kind of mischievous.

Her eyes did widen as he suddenly changed to something out of a horror movie but before she could get too afraid he was suddenly... a woman? "Pfft" she started laughing as he said he was gonna be stuck that way all day, the thought that she was almost afraid of him getting to her.
Almas' anger had died down after he took several deep breaths. Greed was right, he should let loose. He knew one thing for sure that responding to every antics of Nigula wouldn't do him any good.

Calmness, that's what he need.

The fingers that had been playing with Húna's hair, he retracted them back. It calmed him somehow, maybe he could asked Sloth to let him do that again? She wouldn't mind as long as it didn't intrude her sleep. It would also be a plus score if she felt comfortable with it.

'I should probably learn some massaging techniques for the head.'

Yes, he could probably check if one of the book shelves had it. He was about to walked back to the room when suddenly Nigula and Húna introduced every Sin in the room. Well, except Pride he guessed as his head darted around the room only to found no black fur in sight.

'They haven't introduced the rest, though...' The green-haired Sin thought to himself. At the time when Greed fell asleep after he-that-had-turned-a-she showed off her capability, Almas sighed.

It would be hard to lift them both to bed. But he couldn't afford to let the sleeping Sins to sleep here.

'The blood inside them won't flow nicely.'

He decided to looked at they who were still awake in the room.

'Could one of you help me put them to bed? You could carry Húna if you're uncomfortable with Greed's current form.' He asked, with his facial expression to anyone in the room. He didn't really direct it to anyone in particular. Just one that's willing to.
Her laughter stopped when Almas spoke, having not heard him speak before she looked at him in shock "Wait... You're a" she caught herself before she could finish the rude sentence, instead focusing on what he had said. "Um... I could move, Sloth was it?, but I think the other two might be too heavy for me" she said, trying to smooth over her reaction from earlier.

She wondered what kind of person he was while she moved over and gave Hùna's head a gentle pat "I'm gonna move you to somewhere more comfy now, 'kay?" She said before gently picking her up, struggling less than she had expected. "Eiji, you've done enough for right now so you can just finish your pancakes before helping" she said, giving him a smile before nodding to Almas, signalling she was ready to go.

She would usually have trouble being so open around others and would likely have locked herself in her room all day but the good thing about all the surprises was that they kept her mind off of her usual troubles.
Nigula stopped eating when Razz turned into this..monster being, not really fazing her. She'd pretty much seen most of his scary forms when they tries to pick the right one for a prank. "Such a showoff.." She muttered as she bit into the pancakes once more. She almost spit it out when Razz turned into a girl and facepalmed at his declaration. He... well now She, knew about her limits but wanted to do something impressive to get something in return.

Nigula watched how Razz and Hùna slept, until Almas requested help with face. How he could make more than a sentence with his face alone, she didn't know but the lady agreed anyway. Nigula suddenly felt strange with a weird pain in her stomach and she knew what it was. She glanced at the lady, then at the cool guy. She didn't want to scare them away but her hunger was kicking in, her hunger for blood, that is since she ignored it last night.
Character: Chitose Eiji
Location: New Apartment
Physical Condition: Awake and fine
Mental Condition: Had his appetite whet, rustled.

Mentions: Kabochamp Kabochamp @Dark lord steel ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Gunnhildr Gunnhildr

Eiji grinned widely, waving Yui's bewilderment off, "Eh, Tan-han, Yui, dunno 'bout that!" The transformation into something slightly dangerous looking got the most reaction out of him thus far, too. Which was a raised eyebrow, before, a chuckle as that turned into someone who looked less than dangerous. With that he started to dig into the still warm pancakes, nodding to himself. Ain't so bad after all! Though immediately his attention from food was taken to Almas, picking himself up out of the chair befo-

"Are ya sure? I can do a little more on a empty stomach, ya know?" Eiji just barely held back anything more intense, opting to sit back down, index finger fidgeting and tapping on the table. This was odd. He guessed there was only eating he could do if he really couldn't help. Well, that and chat with the newly introduced Nigula.

Jeez, this was very odd for him.
When the lady named Yui nodded at him after lifting up Húna, he began to pick up Razzmatazz, and placed her on his back. He began to walk, heading straight towards the Sins' room.

The expression on Yui's face, the one where she was about to make an exclamation, but decided to stop midway. That expression caught him by surprise and in deep thinking. He thought deep to himself, completely not noticing the attention from anyone in the room.

'Did I make a mistake somewhere?'

He began to relieve the moments that had happened since the time when Nigula awoke everyone -except Sloth- up. It would be taking up to five minutes to went through and analyze everything in his memory. And the trip to reach their destination would take around three minutes.

'That would be enough if we're going to walk back here.' He thought, as he tried to balance himself, and as well keeping the passenger on him -and himself- from falling and crashing to the wooden floor.
[div class=mainCon][div class=contentWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class=textWrap][/div]Masamune Yui arrived later than she had hoped. Lugging the last box out of the taxi cab with a huff, Yui stared at the apartment complex, her new home. As she gazed in silent, Yui began to wonder what her new roommates would be like and if they'd like her. She wasn't used to living with other people. More of a reserved girl, Yui preferred living alone and having the place to herself to do as she pleased. It wasn't that she hated people; she just... had a hard time opening up more often than not. Over the years, she tried her best to make friends, but to no avail.

Her hair whipped as she shook her head at herself, willing herself not to worry and to just relax. Fixing her glasses, the brunette carried each of her boxes to the front doorstep of the apartment before fishing for her key within her purse. For the next five minutes, Yui desperately tried to relax as she relaxed her key was missing. Screaming internally, she took deep breaths, forcing herself not to dump all the contents of her onto the ground.

Her hand stung when she gripped her purse tightly in nervousness. She would have to knock on the door and see if anyone could open it for her. Her small right hand clenched into a fist so hard that it drew blood, before raising it up and giving the door a tentative knock.

"...E-excuse me? My name is Masamune Yui. I'm the new roommate. I uh...seem to have misplaced my key. Could someone open the door for me, please?," she asked in the most confident and calm voice she could muster and waited in anxious anticipation. She was calm. Yes, she was calm.

She. was. calm. At least... she hoped she seemed like it.
[/div][/div][div class=rightBanner][div class=mainPic][/div][div class=quote]Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.[/div][div class=tagBox]Masamune Yui
Location: Apartment
Mood: Calm and Relaxed [Maybe]
Tags: Tetro Tetro Gunnhildr Gunnhildr Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Kabochamp Kabochamp Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun [/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a

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Nigula bit her lip and her smile fell. She had to feed or she would go crazy and probably take more than she should. Her worries made her shift into a bat and back and jumped when someone knocked on the door. Grabbing her cap, the vampire bolted to the door and opened It, making sure she wasn't in the sun. Nigula forced a smile "Heya! You're the other person right? Come In! You're just in time for breakfast" she said cheerfully. She hoped the new lady didn't notice her fake smile or the way she was looking for an injury.

Húna / Sloth
Status: Asleep
Mood: Tranquil
Location: On Yui's arms
Interactions: Yui, also somewhat Greed

Mentions: ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool , Tetro Tetro , Gunnhildr Gunnhildr , Kabochamp Kabochamp , Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide AlluringRose AlluringRose
Trying to keep her head up only to begin to doze off again and let it drop repeatedly, Húna failed to really pay attention to the next events, being able to merely grasp some blurry figures and colors until her eyes closed again, as she fought the sleepiness on what was obviously a losing battle. Voices echoed all around her, Greed's voice, then the female roomate's voice, then Nig, then the other roomate, though what they were saying exactly was barely registered...

Yui... pancakes...showoff...stomach... Just bits of phrases made their way inside on the short span of time her eyes had managed to remain open. Sloth knew she was about to sleep, especially since she had just eaten something which was always a prompt for a new nap, but she just didn't want to come back to the realm of dreams yet. There was still something very important missing and the little Sin didn't want to miss the one thing she had actually requested for breakfast.

Someone was leaning against her, their body was warm and pleasant which didn't help with her struggle with trying to stay awake. There was an urge to hug and cuddle with them, like a nest of snakes would entangle themselves and hibernate all together inside the same hole. Gosh, just how much she wanted to pull them close and rest her head against them too! That was it, that was her limit, the cozy inviting warmth was just too much to resist and the ghostly girl's whole body began to lose its rigidity, leaning gradually closer to the nap companion.

Eyelids almost fully closed, Húna had felt a gentle hand softly caress her head, like the velvety touch of a feather...

"_'_ _____ move yo_ __ ______ere ____ comfy ___, '_ay?"

"Pu-", she let out a high pitched yawn, almost like a kitten's meow, "Pudding... brin...g............ ssssom-"

And then Sloth was out like a light. Hopefully, someone would remember to bring her beloved plushies along as well.

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Greed clung to Sloth like she were treasure she wouldn't let anyone take from her. When Envy pulled her off she didn't go without a fight. It woke Greed up enough to make her growl. Sloth was hers! While she wanted to fight, she didn't have the energy. With eyes half open she turned her head to look at the little Sloth, hearing her mumble the word 'pudding'. She forgot to make Sloth her pudding! "Make her pudding for me... if you don't I'll take your energy," she whispered to Alma. Greed wrapped her arms around him, hugging close to show it wasn't just a veiled threat. Greed hated disappointing Sloth. And if it meant avoiding it, she would sap the energy of anyone she could get ahold of. As quickly as Greed awoke she fell right back asleep, knowing she would be upset at having to sleep through the rest of the morning now. They had been without visitors for so long that Greed hadn't been using her powers all that often. After the prank, the pancakes, and the shapeshifting, the sin was pooped.
"Yes, you've earned the rest already" she said to the restless looking man, holding the adorable little sin gently as she followed Almas to their room, being very careful of walls and doors on the way. She had wanted to bring the plushies Sloth seemed to love so much in the same trip but it would've been a little dangerous so she figured it would be better to go back for it. When she heard the comments about the pudding she sighed a little, regretting that she had already forgotten about it during all the new experiences of the morning.

Putting her down carefully in a small bundle of blankets she gave her head another gentle pat "we'll make sure you get a pudding when you wake up, I'll just bring your Cat and Fish here now" she said before standing up and going to do just that. On her way back to the room she heard knocking at the door and decided to check on it after her current task.

Back in the room with Sloth she arranged the plushies so that it looked like they were cuddling her, hoping that would be cozy for the girl. She smiled at the sweet scene for a moment before leaving to answer the door and saw Nigula already there. "Ah, hi" she said, instantly reverting back to her shy mode when face to face with the third roommate.
[div class=mainCon][div class=contentWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class=textWrap][/div]"Hello," she said politely, almost to the point of sound nonchalant. Yui stared down at the little girl that had opened the door. Being quite the observant type, Yui could tell when something was wrong, even when someone was trying to hide it. Eyebrows scrunched up in worry, the girl could tell that the bright smile had been forced. Her eyes told the truth when her mouth tried to lie.

"Are you alright?," Yui questioned as she began pulling her luggage in through the door one by one. The girl looked quite young to be one of her roommates. Perhaps she was a roommate's younger sister or a roommate's child?

"Ah, hi," Yui's ears picked up, her breathing heavy from the exercise, and she looked up to meet another girl who had shown up to greet her. "Hello to you too," Yui greeted politely once more. "Are you...guys my roommates?," she questioned as she looked back and forth between the two girls.

Yui could hear noises from around the apartment complex and she could see movement from the corners of her eyes. As confused as she could be, Yui asked yet another question before they could even reply. "Are there other people here?"

If there were, either her roommates had quickly gotten comfy and invited all their friends over for a party or there were a lot more so-called roommates than she had been notified of. Sighing in slight irritation, Yui tried to keep her calm. Today was stressing her out way too much. She just wanted to get up to her room and crash down on her bed for a very long nap. She was tired, she missed her home, and every second she stood here she could feel her anxiety increasing by the second. Cold sweat began forming on her forehead and the brunette could feel herself growing faint.

[/div][/div][div class=rightBanner][div class=mainPic][/div][div class=quote]Quiet people have the loudest minds.[/div][div class=tagBox]Masamune Yui
Location: Apartment
Mood: Calm and Relaxed [Maybe]
Tags: Tetro Tetro Gunnhildr Gunnhildr Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Kabochamp Kabochamp Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun [/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a

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Nigula could feel her smile falter at the question. This Masasomething Yui was observant, she had to give her that. She wondered how she would react if she told her she needed blood. The vampire's train of thought was broken when the other Yui came back from taking Huna and Razz to sleep. The new roommate's questions made Nigula even more nervous and she could feel herself shifting into a bat. The red eyed girl ran away at super speed to the room Huna, Razz and Almas were currently in before shifting into a bat and back to a human numerous times.

"I'm hungry-" She then shifted into a bat "Need blood-" Back to a person "Or I'll go crazy!" Back to a bat. This bat-to-human shifting lasted for a few minutes, when Nigula finally calmed down and was taking deep breaths. She didn't want to scare them away, or probably end up killing them..
Character: Chitose Eiji
Location: New Apartment
Physical Condition: Awake and fine
Mental Condition: Had his appetite whet, rustled.

Mentions: Kabochamp Kabochamp @Dark lord steel ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Gunnhildr Gunnhildr AlluringRose AlluringRose

Ah. It wasn't much help dwelling on something as dull as that. For now he'd dig in— although that was cut short by the doorbell ringing. Huh, right, he had a third room mate. Nigula was apparently in a rush, shifting back and forth between her apparent bat form and her human one as if it were some fidgety habit. He would have probably made it sooner as well, if he didn't accidently stub his toe on the kitchenette's counters. In the end he didn't have much of a grasp on the new layout he'd have to memorize. Plus he wasn't used to a house built like this. With a bit of muffled hisses of pain, he stumbled on over to the hallway to the entrance.

"Ooh! Nice ta finally meetcha in person!" Eiji exclaimed, before taking a minute to take in the fact that he swore he saw Nigula. Even so, he tried to break the new roomie in- the ice. Not her. "How's about you come on in and have a bite ta eat, the pancakes Tan-han and I whipped up are delish, yanen." He continued, flicking his thumb back towards the kitchenette, pushing Yui's name first given she did most of the actual cooking. Though, he had concerns about the others. Should he try to hide the fact that there were obviously a lot more than two roommates she'd have? Maybe. But for now, he'd check up on everyone to see if they had it under control.

"Tan-han, don't be so tense 'round the new gal, sure you two will get along just fine." Eiji encouraged, though he doubt it'd have the largest effect, "Gonna go- check on things, yeah? See you two in a hot sec!" And there he went, not waiting for a single answer. How flighty.

It didn't take long to spot who he recalled were Greed and Envy. That seemed like it'd be fine and there probably wasn't much moving them in such a small time frame though Nigula-

"Yer breathing awfully hard, what's got yer tummy in a twist?" Eiji called out from behind her, attempting to give her shoulder a few taps. She really didn't look all that great, despite looking calm 'enough'.

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