• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy THSS - OOC

Thanks RPN for failing to notify me about things again : P

I'm already sort of busy today, but I'll get a post up tomorrow~
It's 2 AM, so It's technically tomorrow XD
There's a short and sweet post~
yey new posts and the arrival of the final room mate. something something-
Will reply again tomorrow, sorry for the delay I got busy trying to catch up to more urgent things and depression wouldn't let me be : P

I'd have prefered to do so after Greed replied again, but I think they're waiting on Envy and well, it's been quite a while ^^'
So yeah, expect me sometime tomorrow
Take your time <3 don't push yourself if you're having a bad day. Of course we do wanna hear from you though so when you can just post up!
I was wondering as well, some of the original interests didn't actually make a CS, should we bump the interest check to see if people wanna give them a go?
Yeah... The person that claimed Wrath in the interest check never did show up on the other threads afaik, weird.
Wait deude, ur deppresed?...

Depressed, anxious, possible of having panic attacks for anything... Your pick. I actually do take meds for those, but I've slipped up with them in July and am now suffering for it. Adaptation to the side-effects all over again, hu...rray ^^'
Hey! Just wanted to apologize for not replying yet. Cause school is starting soon and I'm getting ready to retake my driving test, things have been a little busy. I'll be taking my test this tuesday and whatnot. But other than that, I'll be able to reply sometime tomorrow, if you don't mind it being a little on the short side.
One day later than I expected to, but there's a Húna post! >w</

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