Throw Me in the Dark


Junior Member
Normality, schedules, and the mundane rituals of life that are known as jobs. Not many people break free from these chains that are forever shackled to their ankles, but those that do find their senses sharper, and their minds clearer of the fog that held them entranced. Such was the case with Miss Antonia Garrett and the unfortunate circumstance in which she no longer found herself in the human world.

That is not to say that she died and found herself in the afterlife, as most humans would suspect, but she found herself in a world only known to her through books. Mid-World, Middle Earth, Wonderland, a place so strange, yet oddly familiar to all people through the stories of the ages. And that, besides a small introduction in Antonia's home, is where the story begins.


There was knocking, but not from the front door.

Antonia had been startled awake, thinking that visitors had come to her home in the middle of the night. Unusual, but not entirely strange. What had been strange was the fact that when she got to the door, she heard the knocking once again, but not from the entrance to her small house. The knocking had come from the laundry room in the back, scaring the woman out of her wits.

At first she tried to comfort herself that it was just a small animal that had made its way into her home through the windows in the back, but as the knocking continued, she couldn't quell the fear that it was a person. She went back into her room and grabbed a small aluminum bat out of the closet and her cell phone, then dialed the emergency line. As she waited for someone to answer she began to slowly approach the laundry room.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"There's a person in my home, I'm at 36 North La-..."

Before Antonia could finish the address the door slammed open and she dropped her phone and the bat in awe. Blue light streamed from the doorway, blinding her, while some force began to draw her in. She attempted to grab the doorway to stop herself, but she fell sideways and was sucked in. The blue light took everything over for awhile, but before she knew it she was once again on solid ground.

The first thing Antonia noticed was the trees of the forest she was in. They looked to be made of crystal and gave off a similar blue glow, though theirs was much fainter. The grass was also white, but no snow was to be seen and it was quite warm all around. When she came to her senses enough to move, she stood up, shaking her head.

"Am I dreaming?"

She looked around the immediate area of the clearing for signs of life, finding only small insects and strange, dog-sized mushrooms with holes in them. She was frustrated and terrified because she didn't know where she was. So she did the only thing that seemed natural to her...she let out the most hopeless scream she could muster.

"Is there anybody out there?!"

And then...she waited.
(Just a intro post!)

Travis leaned up against one of crystal like trees and sighed, another day, another pile of stolen items. He threw his pack on the floor and started rummaging in it. In it were various amounts of jewelery and other shiny objects. He smiled devilishly as a large sapphire lay before him, the catch of the day, as he called it. He stared at the gem's blue gleam for awhile, it was perfectly shaped, with a deep extravagant blue. He loved it, he might even keep it. Travis threw the other items back in his pack and slung it over his back, holding the sapphire in his hand. He stood up, and let his wings tear through the back of his clothes, He stretched them wide, this was the most relieving part of the day, the part where he relaxed. He leaned up against one of the trees and folded his wings around his body. His silence was interrupted by a scream not to far away. He clicked his tongue. "So much for relaxation." He stood up and pulled his wings back inside his shirt. He began walking towards the direction of the scream, He was a little angry, after being chased for the larger portion of the day, he wanted rest. The person yelled out again, this time a question. He rolled his eyes. "Keep on screaming! I Dare you! Come on, scream one more time!" He yelled back. He let out a low growl after his yell, and continued to walk forward.

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