Throw Me in the Dark (Fantasy Adventure)


Junior Member


Appearance Pic:




Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Skin Color:

Hobbies: (What do they do in spare time?)

Mannerisms: (How do they behave?)

Education: (What are they skilled in?)

Occupation: (How do they make a living?)

You can be any fantasy creature or human. No limits in here. 
Name: Antonia Garrett

Appearance Pic:

Description/Bio: Antonia is a resident of the human world, living a boring life in a normal town. She is an average woman concerning weight and height, with black hair and grey eyes. Once someone takes her out of her element or makes her uncomfortable, she shows her inner warrior.

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 120lbs

Eye Color: Grey

Hair Color: Black

Skin Color: White

Hobbies: Baking, Reading, Painting, Singing, Playing Cards

Mannerisms: Smokes, Drinks, Science-Oriented, Bad Temper, Loving, Open-Hearted

Education: Studied for a PhD in medicine.

Occupation: Family doctor at McCullough-Hyde Memorial.
Travis Nightbreaker



Description/Bio: Travis is quite a dark character, he has a strange sense of humor, of which he uses a lot, he gets surprised stares everyday, he's fairly social, and is quite the character, he has few friends, mostly because he a little beyond sane at this point. His thought process is quite crazy, his solutions to problems are always...different. Travis is a Human-dragon hybrid, and can shift in between forms, but it does take energy.

Height: Human: 5'5 Dragon: Slightly taller than 3 humans stacked on top of each other.

Weight: Human: 144 Dragon: 412

Eye Color: Red

Hair Color: Light black (Is that a thing?

Skin Color: Pale white

Hobbies: Travis loves to fly, anything involving being in the air, he loves it. He loves to be able to fly high above his home, in fact his home is practically the sky. He also likes to climb things, and it pretty agile. He also likes to steal things, he has slick fingers.

Mannerisms: Travis always acts like he's the greatest, head of the class, and is constantly trying to prove his worth. He has a very sarcastic attitude, but he isn't completely soulless, he has a heart, he just doesn't care for many people. He has a slight temper, but he's very rarely ticked off, but when he is, he's a walking bomb waiting to blow up someone, or something.

Education: Travis knows every last bit about dragons, their history, the anatomy, everything. He's also fairly sharp-tongued (that was a metaphor...) He learned everything he knew from the streets, and somehow managed to survive that...

Occupation: Travis makes a living as a thief, a traveling thief if you could believe that. He steals anything he can, when he can, if its of value to him.

He occasionally speaks to dragons, just to see whats happening, dragons are pretty social believe it or not.
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Name: Jenny Greenteeth

Appearance Pic:

Description/Bio: Jenny is very sweet at times. She is tall with a swimmers build and long, sharp yellow nails.

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 109lbs

Eye Color: one is green and the other's yellow

Hair Color: Dark auburn streaked with green(she blames chlorine)

Skin Color: Pale white tinged slightly green

Hobbies: She swims and tricks

Mannerisms: She is very tricky and slippery. Very deceptive, she enjoys decieving others and acting kind and sweet before striking and destroying them. Somehow.

Education: Swimming and marsh creatures

Occupation: Marine Biologist and Swimmer
I'd accept you, but I don't know if you've read the plot thread yet. Usually people post there first to show me their understanding of the rules. Unless you're someone that's posted and you just changed your username.
Thank you, darlings. I had a rough night and wasn't able to get on. Whenever our last applicant posts her character here, I'll start this baby.
Name: Sedrian

Appearance Pic:

Description/Bio: Sedrian is a vampire from the fantasy world with little to no memory of his human life due to his extended life span as a vampire, almost all of his memories are things he did as a vampire, not a human.

Height: 5 ft 11

Weight: 297 ibs

Eye Color: crimson

Hair Color: white

Skin Color: pale

Hobbies: sharpening blades, training, hunting.

Mannerisms: He normally doesn't act friendly towards other people, acting spitefully unless it's a member of the opposite gender, as he has a higher tolerance for women than men.

Education: Sedrian was schooled professionally, that being one of the few things he remembers as a human.

Occupation: he doesn't have a job, as he doesn't have a home and therefore no need for expenses.
Name: Ricka Kadra

Appearance Pic:

Description/Bio: As a boy Ricka wanted to become something of great and heroic legend but instead became something of great nightmare. Every time he did something good he was still shunned by the people and so with that he became something of great terror to the people.

Height: 5 ft 11 inc

Weight: 135

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Black

Skin Color: White

Hobbies: Ricka spends his time wondering the woods training his skills

Mannerisms: Honest and a loyal man but doesn't tend to show to much emotion at times.

Education: Climbing and overall a very nimble person

Occupation: Assassin

(I can change the back story if it isn't Lore friendly also if possible I would like to make a character for the role of the Ruler of Outer world)
Name: Zarathos

Appearance Pic:

Description/Bio: Zarathos is a proud warrior that lost his clan 20,000 years ago. After losing everyone that mattered to him he traveled the roads alone. Being the last of his kind Zarathos has defend himself on a daily basis, from creatures that would harvest his organs, horns, ect.

Height: 7'2

Weight: 400 lbs

Eye Color: Yellow

Hair Color: None

Skin Color: Purple

Hobbies: He is hunting a dragon that he had only seen in his dreams, but he had seen on the day he lost his clan.

Mannerisms: He is a warrior that lost everything. He is a hard man that believes that the innocent should be protected, but he also believe that if it isn't his problem he shouldn't get envolved.

Education: He isn't the smarts, but he knows how to fight and wage war.

Occupation: He does physical work for people and then continues on the road.
Name:Cleon (He never knew his last name nor really had a care for what it was)

Appearance Pic:

Description/Bio:Cleon was previously in the human world just your average college student, working to become a certified therapist. But that was so long ago he does not even remember the date of when he transcended into the Mid-World, all he knows is that time had seem to go a lot faster and he had watched over this intriguing world for some time, he had seem to become ageless never getting young or old for that matter. Cleon would occasionally interact with the world but he rarely did, he only did when he couldn't bare the loneliness, he would travel alot too if he had nothing else to do which is usually all the time so you almost always catch him roaming.

Height: 6"2

Weight:190 lb

Eye Color:Green

Hair Color:Red

Skin Color:Peach

Hobbies:Traveling, Skipping Rocks, Reading.

Mannerisms:Cleon is very polite when people are speaking to him but he can also switch to a more aggravated Cleon who seems stressed out among many things.

Education:He has acquired many skills for being in the Mid World physical and mental skills

Occupation:He does errands for the locals in towns.
Name: Arden

Appearance Pic: pic by F-AYN-T on deviantart. All credit for this lovely picture goes to the artist.


Description/Bio: Arden is the sort of person who is always looking for adventure, and can get bored quite easily. He used to live in the human world, but when he found out about his powers, he ended up being taken to the Mid-World. Arden can control the wind and carries two magical swords. However, his powers are weak when there are extremely hot conditions and they're hard to control when he's really angry.

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 150 lbs.

Eye Color: Cobalt with silver flecks.

Hair Color: One side is jet black and the other side is silver.

Skin Color: A really pale color.

Hobbies: He likes to go sword training, hunting and pretty much anything that stimulates the mind.

Mannerisms: Arden always has to be doing something and can never sit still. He'll complain about not being productive if he hasn't done anything yet. Sometimes he can come across as very blunt or rude.

Education: He had picked up swordsmanship after doing a lot of assassination jobs for various people.

Occupation: He doesn't really have an official job. Whenever he's running low on money, he'll take up some assignments as an assassin.

Btw, pumpkins :)

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