Story Through Solitude / Descent into my Madness


A monster at your service.

The blackest reaches of this wretched abyss are one to admire, such utter blackness, abhorrent in all it's existence.

I swear, venturing forth will be quite the task, a walk beyond utter blackness if you will.

Inside, all reflections are drained, and in the hate of battle you see it...

A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors.

A legion of sin and necromancy await you on the other side.

Foul demons, overflowing with Black Imperial blood, conducting a soul abduction ceremony.

You look towards the victims and as one dies you are able to hear his soul cry, as if you were telepathic with the deceased.

Slaughtered useless beings in a nihilistic dream, that's all they are.

Cursed revelations bombard my mind, all drowned in eternal twilight.

These abysmal depths are flooded, to be honest, I lied.

But I assume you must want to know what these depths are flooded with?

We are flooded with the foundations of a prison.

The Prison Of Mirrors.

I lied again.

Through a trance of depondency you are merely a victim of your dreams.

This trauma will always linger...

This subliminal genocide.

I'm pretty sure no one has gotten it, the italicised words are references to Xasthur songs.

If you are a fan of black metal, please do yourself a favour and check out his stuff.

Malefic (the man behind the music) is a genious.


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