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Multiple Settings Through Blood and Tears!!

awaea sez "omg corrtni u mad him spawn out of existence!!! i did dat in 1646 when the king of azkaban waz bein a meanie grrrrrr." she getz like totally mad just thinkin of it XD and den she makes the car glittery wif magics and it goes really fast faster than light and it puts cool rainbow fire everywhere
cove holden arrives and falls in love with courteny jessicar
cove holding is courtney jessica's future husband in the future :3
Tails- I mean uh me oregenawl charetar named Gloves soooooz "I can get tihs tihng work in no time" the nbangs hanner on brok-brrokan car and made souper car that go go vroomvroom
lets go cove is so haoppy he buys coutrtey a pretzel
alfonsu replaces thebpretzel with pasta "NOA UNITALIANA FOODA ALLOWEDA"
gxxberkit is baneed for giving me nightmares : (((((((

Meesa herd furries r nawt hawt here so meesa shaved like Mr. Clean magic eraser head (he's my favorite super hero from Mii Zero Academy A)

Meesa name Milo nya, meesa likes pasta an racer cars nya, meesa even slep in a racer car bed 1 tiem!

(0mg ha1 3v3ry 1 1t5 50 n1c3 t0 s33 u!! 1 h0p3 u l13k ma1 0c!!!)

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