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A futuristic sci-fi universe known as Mass Effect

(Zaeed is notorious as the galaxy's most feared bounty hunter and mercenary soldier):

(We've reached an agreement with veteran mercenary Zaeed Massani. You may know the name; Zaeed has been involved in some of the best known (and some utterly unknown) military operations in the Terminus Systems, and is feared as a ruthless and relentless bounty hunter. I felt you might need a man with his skills on your mission, so I arranged to have him join you.)

Zaeed Massani
Zaeed Massani is extraordinarily good at killing people in combat, and even better at not being killed.

He can kill stuff with a rifle. He can kill stuff with a pistol. He can still stuff with grenades. He can kill stuff with a sharp stick. He can kill stuff with his goddamn hands. He might be able to kill stuff with harsh language.

Massani has survived odds that would make a Krogan give up and cry. If something can be used to kill someone — including terrain, nearby machinery, ad hoc explosives, the environment… — Massani will be able to use it.

He’s even taught himself hopelessly archaic skills such as knife throwing. He apparently uses those to kill time.

Being the last man alive on the battlefield is something he’s quite familiar with. In DC Heroes terms, Zaeed always uses his Luck to survive odds that should kill him, and carefully keeps part of his large Hero Points stock to endure damage.

He’s a mediocre fire team leader. This is because he fights solo, concentrating on killing what’s in front of him and surviving to the expense of his unit’s safety. However he’s an excellent soldier, following orders well and taking good tactical initiatives to execute on the battle plan.

Zaeed is the very model of the grizzled badass. He has an overclocked killer instinct and a genuine taste for deadly violence. It’s not that he doesn’t mind death and carnage – he actually finds it pleasant. He thrives on being challenged and surviving difficult odds.

Being shot at and shooting back provides that in spades. Zaeed seems unable to adjust to situations that can’t be summed up as “kill or be killed”.

His favourite memories are of situations so tense and deadly that he was the only thing left standing on the battlefield. He’s actually interested in quasi-suicidal and impossible-looking missions as ways to push himself and his skills.

For 20 years Massani was devoured by a primal need to gain revenge against Santiago. He doesn’t seem sane about it. His near-death apparently left him with a massive PTSD kept under control by obsessing over killing Santiago.

He reportedly felt a flash of adrenaline every time he heard a gunshot or felt pain as he thought of killing Santiago – not exactly the reaction of an undamaged individual.

Zaeed strongly projects the impression that he’s a completely amoral butcher and killer who’ll slaughter anyone and do anything for money. This is not actually true. Although he readily admits that he’s done “some very bad things” during his long, blood-soaked career, Zaeed responds with surprising aversion to some of the evils he sees in his work.

This seems especially true for grave mistreatment of children. He reacted with obvious, lasting disgust when he saw how biotic kids had been imprisoned and tortured on Pragia. His dislike for Batarians may also come from the fact that many Batarians thrown out of their native systems are ruthless slavers who do not hesitate to trade kids of various species.

The ability to ignore and overcome pain is very important to Zaeed. He’s obviously contemptuous of persons who let injury and suffering overwhelm them. As far as Zaeed is concerned, no wound is ever serious and you just have to tough it out.

After Shepard and her team helped Zaeed kill Vido, the veteran is left empty and aimless.

He knows it’s time for him to retire. But he just can’t come up with an idea and his thoughts gradually drift toward the morbid. Usually it’s some variant of going out with a huge bang that kills a lot of people whom he hates. Mostly he’s deluding himself. It’s obvious from the outside that Massani will never be able to retire.



Zaeed and partner, Vido Santiago, headed the Blue Suns "private security firm". As it underwent development, the Suns started taking part in batarian slave trade, something Zaeed Massani disrecommended for the organization. Zaeed disagreed on the issue, and the rest decided to discuss their differences with a vote. The "vote" ended tragically for Zaeed, as he was shot point-blank at the face by Vido. Zaeed survived the gunshot wound, although over the following years, he got stressed and wasted on alcohol, his reputation and organization gone from his hands, and all he was thinking about was revenge on his ex-partner Vido.

To restore his glory and name, Zaeed took a job from the Shadow Broker: to crash the turian frigate Verrikan. Zaeed recruited three freelancers: the salarian Kendo Holin, the asari Tristana, and the ex-Blue Sun Jace Reyn. The mission went on well, as Zaeed and his three freelances infriltrated the turian frigate, fighting off the turian soldiers that were there. The asari Tristana came to rescue Zaeed, who was surrounded by a number of turian soldiers drawing guns at him. Tristana and Zaeed had a thing in the past, but Zaeed claimed he broke it off before it killed him. He then asked about Jace, but it appeared the payoff was now split fifty-fifty. With the job almost done, Zaeed set the Verrikan ship on a collision course. As he was about to embark off the ship, Tristana suddenly blasted Zaeed with biotics, revealing to be under Vido's employ.

Zaeed and partner, Vido Santiago, headed the Blue Suns "private security firm". As it underwent development, the Suns started taking part in batarian slave trade, something Zaeed Massani disrecommended for the organization. Zaeed disagreed on the issue, and the rest decided to discuss their differences with a vote. The "vote" ended tragically for Zaeed, as he was shot point-blank at the face by Vido. Zaeed survived the gunshot wound, although over the following years, he got stressed and wasted on alcohol, his reputation and organization gone from his hands, and all he was thinking about was revenge on his ex-partner Vido.

To restore his glory and name, Zaeed took a job from the Shadow Broker: to crash the turian frigate Verrikan. Zaeed recruited three freelancers: the salarian Kendo Holin, the asari Tristana, and the ex-Blue Sun Jace Reyn. The mission went on well, as Zaeed and his three freelances infriltrated the turian frigate, fighting off the turian soldiers that were there. The asari Tristana came to rescue Zaeed, who was surrounded by a number of turian soldiers drawing guns at him. Tristana and Zaeed had a thing in the past, but Zaeed claimed he broke it off before it killed him. He then asked about Jace, but it appeared the payoff was now split fifty-fifty. With the job almost done, Zaeed set the Verrikan ship on a collision course. As he was about to embark off the ship, Tristana suddenly blasted Zaeed with biotics, revealing to be under Vido's employ.

Freeing himself from Tristana's biotic grasp, Zaeed managed to stab his ex-girlfriend while the ship itself was being fired upon by the garrison. A hole opened up on the hull, nearly sucking them both out. Zaeed took the opportunity to kick Tristana completely off the ship, luckily finding another object to grab before plummeting to the surface with her. Zaeed rushed to an escape pod and escaped the ship, in time to see from a distance the turian frigate Verrikan explode, describing it as a wonderful sight to see.

Zaeed is contacted by Cerberus, for a job offer to take on the Collectors with Commander Shepard. Commander Shepard finds him on Omega, where he has tracked down a batarian fugitive of which he was hired by "someone rich enough to hire him". Zaeed greets Shepard and accepts the offer. He also asks Shepard in helping him take down Vido Santiago, whom Zaeed has tracked down on the planet Zorya. Zaeed hangs out at the Normandy SR2 cargo hold, bringing along some trophies and keepsakes: his favorite but battered M-8 Avenger "Jessie", a Blood Pack helmet, and the turian frigate model ship Verrikan.

When Shepard takes part in Zaeed's mission, Zaeed finally meets Vido Santiago after 20 years, at his base, where Vido taunts him. Zaeed then intentionally initiates a compressed gas fire which eventually spreads throughout the facility. Shepard can then choose to either put out the fires, thus saving innocent workers, or pursue Vido. If Shepard chooses to save the workers, Vido escapes with a gunship and curses Zaeed, telling him that he'll "see him again in another 20 years". Zaeed gets infuriated with Shepard. At this point, Shepard can convince Zaeed to work together as a team and to put his vengeance aside until the mission is complete, thereby securing his loyalty, but only with great difficulty. Otherwise, Zaeed's loyalty is not secured. If Shepard chose to pursue Vido directly without saving the workers, Zaeed corners an injured Vido. He ejects a thermal clip from his pistol into a pool of fuel that Vido is lying in. As the fuel ignites and burns Vido alive, Zaeed turns and walks away, his vengeance fully satisfied. If Shepard travels to Zorya after the suicide mission, is a Paragon, and has at least two more squadmembers left, then there will be an option to leave Zaeed to die when a metal beam collapses on him. Shepard has the choice to save him or let him die. Shepard, ofc, saves him.

Zaeed is contacted by Cerberus, for a job offer to take on the Collectors with Commander Shepard. Commander Shepard finds him on Omega, where he has tracked down a batarian fugitive of which he was hired by "someone rich enough to hire him". Zaeed greets Shepard and accepts the offer. He also asks Shepard in helping him take down Vido Santiago, whom Zaeed has tracked down on the planet Zorya. Zaeed hangs out at the Normandy SR2 cargo hold, bringing along some trophies and keepsakes: his favorite but battered M-8 Avenger "Jessie", a Blood Pack helmet, and the turian frigate model ship Verrikan.

When Shepard takes part in Zaeed's mission, Zaeed finally meets Vido Santiago after 20 years, at his base, where Vido taunts him. Zaeed then intentionally initiates a compressed gas fire which eventually spreads throughout the facility. Shepard can then choose to either put out the fires, thus saving innocent workers, or pursue Vido. If Shepard chooses to save the workers, Vido escapes with a gunship and curses Zaeed, telling him that he'll "see him again in another 20 years". Zaeed gets infuriated with Shepard. At this point, Shepard can convince Zaeed to work together as a team and to put his vengeance aside until the mission is complete, thereby securing his loyalty, but only with great difficulty. Otherwise, Zaeed's loyalty is not secured. If Shepard chose to pursue Vido directly without saving the workers, Zaeed corners an injured Vido. He ejects a thermal clip from his pistol into a pool of fuel that Vido is lying in. As the fuel ignites and burns Vido alive, Zaeed turns and walks away, his vengeance fully satisfied. If Shepard travels to Zorya after the suicide mission, is a Paragon, and has at least two more squadmembers left, then there will be an option to leave Zaeed to die when a metal beam collapses on him. Shepard has the choice to save him or let him die. Shepard, ofc, saves him.

250 words minimum
6'3, heavily scarred, hazel eye and grey cybernetic eye, Zaeed’s deep, gravelly voice has something of a British accent. Most of his sentences are laced with military-style profanity for emphasis, vigour and just because he likes to swear. His voice actor was the late David Sachs. The traditional Blue Suns tattoo can be seen on Zaeed’s neck, though it is now a bit faded. He also has ink on one arm, and perhaps on his back. Zaeed has a definite swagger to him. He is a charismatic man projecting a strong impression of being a ruthless killer and grizzled warlord. He never hesitates to speaks his mind. Wherever he is, he struts around like he owns the place. Massani used to be handsome. Though it’s difficult to get past his disfigurement, looking at the intact half of his face and imagining the rest provides an approximation of whom he was.​
Last edited:
A futuristic sci-fi universe known as Mass Effect

(Zaeed is notorious as the galaxy's most feared bounty hunter and mercenary soldier):

(We've reached an agreement with veteran mercenary Zaeed Massani. You may know the name; Zaeed has been involved in some of the best known (and some utterly unknown) military operations in the Terminus Systems, and is feared as a ruthless and relentless bounty hunter. I felt you might need a man with his skills on your mission, so I arranged to have him join you.)

Zaeed Massani
Zaeed Massani is extraordinarily good at killing people in combat, and even better at not being killed.

He can kill stuff with a rifle. He can kill stuff with a pistol. He can still stuff with grenades. He can kill stuff with a sharp stick. He can kill stuff with his goddamn hands. He might be able to kill stuff with harsh language.

Massani has survived odds that would make a Krogan give up and cry. If something can be used to kill someone — including terrain, nearby machinery, ad hoc explosives, the environment… — Massani will be able to use it.

He’s even taught himself hopelessly archaic skills such as knife throwing. He apparently uses those to kill time.

Being the last man alive on the battlefield is something he’s quite familiar with. In DC Heroes terms, Zaeed always uses his Luck to survive odds that should kill him, and carefully keeps part of his large Hero Points stock to endure damage.

He’s a mediocre fire team leader. This is because he fights solo, concentrating on killing what’s in front of him and surviving to the expense of his unit’s safety. However he’s an excellent soldier, following orders well and taking good tactical initiatives to execute on the battle plan.

Zaeed is the very model of the grizzled badass. He has an overclocked killer instinct and a genuine taste for deadly violence. It’s not that he doesn’t mind death and carnage – he actually finds it pleasant. He thrives on being challenged and surviving difficult odds.

Being shot at and shooting back provides that in spades. Zaeed seems unable to adjust to situations that can’t be summed up as “kill or be killed”.

His favourite memories are of situations so tense and deadly that he was the only thing left standing on the battlefield. He’s actually interested in quasi-suicidal and impossible-looking missions as ways to push himself and his skills.

For 20 years Massani was devoured by a primal need to gain revenge against Santiago. He doesn’t seem sane about it. His near-death apparently left him with a massive PTSD kept under control by obsessing over killing Santiago.

He reportedly felt a flash of adrenaline every time he heard a gunshot or felt pain as he thought of killing Santiago – not exactly the reaction of an undamaged individual.

Zaeed strongly projects the impression that he’s a completely amoral butcher and killer who’ll slaughter anyone and do anything for money. This is not actually true. Although he readily admits that he’s done “some very bad things” during his long, blood-soaked career, Zaeed responds with surprising aversion to some of the evils he sees in his work.

This seems especially true for grave mistreatment of children. He reacted with obvious, lasting disgust when he saw how biotic kids had been imprisoned and tortured on Pragia. His dislike for Batarians may also come from the fact that many Batarians thrown out of their native systems are ruthless slavers who do not hesitate to trade kids of various species.

The ability to ignore and overcome pain is very important to Zaeed. He’s obviously contemptuous of persons who let injury and suffering overwhelm them. As far as Zaeed is concerned, no wound is ever serious and you just have to tough it out.

After Shepard and her team helped Zaeed kill Vido, the veteran is left empty and aimless.

He knows it’s time for him to retire. But he just can’t come up with an idea and his thoughts gradually drift toward the morbid. Usually it’s some variant of going out with a huge bang that kills a lot of people whom he hates. Mostly he’s deluding himself. It’s obvious from the outside that Massani will never be able to retire.



Zaeed and partner, Vido Santiago, headed the Blue Suns "private security firm". As it underwent development, the Suns started taking part in batarian slave trade, something Zaeed Massani disrecommended for the organization. Zaeed disagreed on the issue, and the rest decided to discuss their differences with a vote. The "vote" ended tragically for Zaeed, as he was shot point-blank at the face by Vido. Zaeed survived the gunshot wound, although over the following years, he got stressed and wasted on alcohol, his reputation and organization gone from his hands, and all he was thinking about was revenge on his ex-partner Vido.

To restore his glory and name, Zaeed took a job from the Shadow Broker: to crash the turian frigate Verrikan. Zaeed recruited three freelancers: the salarian Kendo Holin, the asari Tristana, and the ex-Blue Sun Jace Reyn. The mission went on well, as Zaeed and his three freelances infriltrated the turian frigate, fighting off the turian soldiers that were there. The asari Tristana came to rescue Zaeed, who was surrounded by a number of turian soldiers drawing guns at him. Tristana and Zaeed had a thing in the past, but Zaeed claimed he broke it off before it killed him. He then asked about Jace, but it appeared the payoff was now split fifty-fifty. With the job almost done, Zaeed set the Verrikan ship on a collision course. As he was about to embark off the ship, Tristana suddenly blasted Zaeed with biotics, revealing to be under Vido's employ.

Zaeed and partner, Vido Santiago, headed the Blue Suns "private security firm". As it underwent development, the Suns started taking part in batarian slave trade, something Zaeed Massani disrecommended for the organization. Zaeed disagreed on the issue, and the rest decided to discuss their differences with a vote. The "vote" ended tragically for Zaeed, as he was shot point-blank at the face by Vido. Zaeed survived the gunshot wound, although over the following years, he got stressed and wasted on alcohol, his reputation and organization gone from his hands, and all he was thinking about was revenge on his ex-partner Vido.

To restore his glory and name, Zaeed took a job from the Shadow Broker: to crash the turian frigate Verrikan. Zaeed recruited three freelancers: the salarian Kendo Holin, the asari Tristana, and the ex-Blue Sun Jace Reyn. The mission went on well, as Zaeed and his three freelances infriltrated the turian frigate, fighting off the turian soldiers that were there. The asari Tristana came to rescue Zaeed, who was surrounded by a number of turian soldiers drawing guns at him. Tristana and Zaeed had a thing in the past, but Zaeed claimed he broke it off before it killed him. He then asked about Jace, but it appeared the payoff was now split fifty-fifty. With the job almost done, Zaeed set the Verrikan ship on a collision course. As he was about to embark off the ship, Tristana suddenly blasted Zaeed with biotics, revealing to be under Vido's employ.

Freeing himself from Tristana's biotic grasp, Zaeed managed to stab his ex-girlfriend while the ship itself was being fired upon by the garrison. A hole opened up on the hull, nearly sucking them both out. Zaeed took the opportunity to kick Tristana completely off the ship, luckily finding another object to grab before plummeting to the surface with her. Zaeed rushed to an escape pod and escaped the ship, in time to see from a distance the turian frigate Verrikan explode, describing it as a wonderful sight to see.

Zaeed is contacted by Cerberus, for a job offer to take on the Collectors with Commander Shepard. Commander Shepard finds him on Omega, where he has tracked down a batarian fugitive of which he was hired by "someone rich enough to hire him". Zaeed greets Shepard and accepts the offer. He also asks Shepard in helping him take down Vido Santiago, whom Zaeed has tracked down on the planet Zorya. Zaeed hangs out at the Normandy SR2 cargo hold, bringing along some trophies and keepsakes: his favorite but battered M-8 Avenger "Jessie", a Blood Pack helmet, and the turian frigate model ship Verrikan.

When Shepard takes part in Zaeed's mission, Zaeed finally meets Vido Santiago after 20 years, at his base, where Vido taunts him. Zaeed then intentionally initiates a compressed gas fire which eventually spreads throughout the facility. Shepard can then choose to either put out the fires, thus saving innocent workers, or pursue Vido. If Shepard chooses to save the workers, Vido escapes with a gunship and curses Zaeed, telling him that he'll "see him again in another 20 years". Zaeed gets infuriated with Shepard. At this point, Shepard can convince Zaeed to work together as a team and to put his vengeance aside until the mission is complete, thereby securing his loyalty, but only with great difficulty. Otherwise, Zaeed's loyalty is not secured. If Shepard chose to pursue Vido directly without saving the workers, Zaeed corners an injured Vido. He ejects a thermal clip from his pistol into a pool of fuel that Vido is lying in. As the fuel ignites and burns Vido alive, Zaeed turns and walks away, his vengeance fully satisfied. If Shepard travels to Zorya after the suicide mission, is a Paragon, and has at least two more squadmembers left, then there will be an option to leave Zaeed to die when a metal beam collapses on him. Shepard has the choice to save him or let him die. Shepard, ofc, saves him.

Zaeed is contacted by Cerberus, for a job offer to take on the Collectors with Commander Shepard. Commander Shepard finds him on Omega, where he has tracked down a batarian fugitive of which he was hired by "someone rich enough to hire him". Zaeed greets Shepard and accepts the offer. He also asks Shepard in helping him take down Vido Santiago, whom Zaeed has tracked down on the planet Zorya. Zaeed hangs out at the Normandy SR2 cargo hold, bringing along some trophies and keepsakes: his favorite but battered M-8 Avenger "Jessie", a Blood Pack helmet, and the turian frigate model ship Verrikan.

When Shepard takes part in Zaeed's mission, Zaeed finally meets Vido Santiago after 20 years, at his base, where Vido taunts him. Zaeed then intentionally initiates a compressed gas fire which eventually spreads throughout the facility. Shepard can then choose to either put out the fires, thus saving innocent workers, or pursue Vido. If Shepard chooses to save the workers, Vido escapes with a gunship and curses Zaeed, telling him that he'll "see him again in another 20 years". Zaeed gets infuriated with Shepard. At this point, Shepard can convince Zaeed to work together as a team and to put his vengeance aside until the mission is complete, thereby securing his loyalty, but only with great difficulty. Otherwise, Zaeed's loyalty is not secured. If Shepard chose to pursue Vido directly without saving the workers, Zaeed corners an injured Vido. He ejects a thermal clip from his pistol into a pool of fuel that Vido is lying in. As the fuel ignites and burns Vido alive, Zaeed turns and walks away, his vengeance fully satisfied. If Shepard travels to Zorya after the suicide mission, is a Paragon, and has at least two more squadmembers left, then there will be an option to leave Zaeed to die when a metal beam collapses on him. Shepard has the choice to save him or let him die. Shepard, ofc, saves him.

250 words minimum
6'3, heavily scarred, hazel eye and grey cybernetic eye, Zaeed’s deep, gravelly voice has something of a British accent. Most of his sentences are laced with military-style profanity for emphasis, vigour and just because he likes to swear. His voice actor was the late David Sachs. The traditional Blue Suns tattoo can be seen on Zaeed’s neck, though it is now a bit faded. He also has ink on one arm, and perhaps on his back. Zaeed has a definite swagger to him. He is a charismatic man projecting a strong impression of being a ruthless killer and grizzled warlord. He never hesitates to speaks his mind. Wherever he is, he struts around like he owns the place. Massani used to be handsome. Though it’s difficult to get past his disfigurement, looking at the intact half of his face and imagining the rest provides an approximation of whom he was.​
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