Three's Company: a mystery twist...


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Three's Company: a twist....

What if Janet and Chrissy didn't meet Jack in thier bathtub? What if Janet met Jack at the Reagle Beagle and instantly fell for him, and visa versa?The possibilties are endless....

This Role Play is for Three's Company fans alike and newbies. Yes you hear it! The 1977 tv show Three's Company finally has a Role Play game!


1. PM me what character you want. Try and stay in character unless the scene calls for it.

2. One charcter per person. PM me if you want more than one. Making up characters if you would like is fine, just include that in your PM. Janet Wood is taken, by me of course!

3. Please don't hog a character if it isn't yours!! Making the scene is fine but don't hog the character's if they aren't yours and leave others with nothing to say! Alright? Thanks!

4. Have fun! [Keep profanity down, a little. Ok a lot. Thanks!]

Janet walked into the Reagle Beagle, fluffing her short bob as she did. Greeting Steve the bartender, she sat down in one of the maroon barstools, and ordered her usual beer. She sipped her drink, taking in the scenery around her. There was a lot of people in the Beagle today, most of them being couples. She sighed and turned back to watch Steve as he mixed another customers drinks. She put her chin in her hand and thought a moment. It was actually bothering her that she was here alone, instead of with a guy-friend chatting or with Chrissy or Elanor.Now things like this never bugged Janet before, not sensible, reliable, earthy little Janet, but now of all times it seemed to. A lot. After setting her money on the table and saying a short goodbye to Steve she turned and headed out of the door of the Beagle.

As she walked down the sidewalks of Santa Monica, she shoved her hands in the pockets of her overhalls that were cut into shorts, and starred absentmindedly down at he feet as she kicked a small pebble. 'Why did seeing all those people in there bother you Janet? You've seen half of em' before? What is so different now?' She was caught up in her thoughts so much she hadn't realized a man stording toward her. The two collided, the man landing on top of Janet as they fell into the grass.

"Hey!Watch where you're goin' bub!" Janet squealed angrily in her usual high pitched voice.

The man still stunned looked down at the small woman he'd landed on with mild curiosity. He cracked a his goofy half smile as he starred down at the dark woman in awe, as she rambled on about 'what a clutz' he'd been. Still deep in thought, he noticed she had now stopped talking and was trying to push him off of her with no success.

"Uhhh...excuse me sir?!You've been lying on top of me for five whole minutes and I'm not very comforable!!!"

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to," he extended his hand and she begrudginly took it, brushing herself off as soon as she had balance.

Janet grumbled,"It was sorta my fault too. I wasn't paying attention."

He let out a small laugh as he looked Janet up and down. She was a good 9 inches shorter than him, with a petite build, dark black hair,and giant chocolate brown eyes. She was frowning at him at the moment, but being Jack, he hadn't noticed.

"I'm Jack. Jack Tripper," he said stepping forward and tripping on a pebble.

Now it was Janet's turn to laugh,"I'm Janet Wood.It's nice to meet you, but I really have to get going..."

"Wait, are you thirsty?The least I could do is get you something to drink?"

Janet studied this mn for a moment, his clear blue eyes sparkling with a childlike wonder.Crossing her arms across her chest, she stepped foward and asked,"you're not gonna try and get me drunk so you can take me to your place and take advantage of me are you?" She asked wearily with a smirk to her tone,and a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth....

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