Thousand Wounds Gear Style

Forn Clakes

ECR Refugee
This martial arts style is mentioned in the Autochthonian book, page 190, under the Gyroscopic Chakram Artifact.  It states the following:

"In addition to their use as ranged weapons, gyroscopic chakrams may also be used in close-combat as saws...Alchemicals have developed an entire Celestial-level martial art based on a pair of these weapons known as Thousand Wounds Gear Style.  Practitioners are noted for their calculated efficiency at delivering killing or maiming slashes and for interposing their disks as shields to deflect attacks."

When i first read this, i came up with a flurry of mental pictures of an Alchemical utilising this Style, but when i came to make some Charms, i came up blank.

Can anyone please help me with some sample principle Charm ideas i could utilise?

Cheers all,

Hmm... I've never done a MA style before. Maybe I'll take my own crack at it.

It seems to me that from the very minimal description we have of the Style in canon, it is strong in both defense and damage.

I think it might do some of the following things:

  • Add dice to initiative (Since this is primarily a thrown-weapon based Style, and those weapons generally get no speed bonus, this is important.)
  • Add dice to parry pools
  • Add dice to damage
  • Provide extra actions in the form of attacks and parries
  • Bypass armor (It's likely that a large number of the Alchemicals' enemies are metal-plated to some degree)
  • Amputate limbs

Before I start organizing these effects into actual Charms, does anyone have any comments?

Add a scene length charm that allows the use of multiple ones in close combat without off-hand(s) penalties.
Add a scene length charm that allows the use of multiple ones in close combat without off-hand(s) penalties.
That sounds like something that the Form could do.

The style has been written (I think by Goodwin, though I wouldn't swear to it); however, it got pushed out by other material.

 When asked if he would post the style online, he stated that he was contractually bound not to--which means that someday, WW will likely release it in another publication.
I would hope so. It would be shitty of WW to sit on material like that, never releasing it, yet at the same time forbidding anyone to have it for free.

But it won't be released until after 2nd edition is out, right?

Isn't Bastions of the North the last book to be released for this edition?

That, is what is truely retarded.
What is retarded is that they announce a second edition and continue to publish for the first.  If they're going to change a whole bunch of things, they should just bloody put out the second edition first, so all the books are compatible.  I personally don't believe in White Wolf's propaganda about "all previous books shall be compatible with the second edition."
Seiraryu said:
What is retarded is that they announce a second edition and continue to publish for the first.  If they're going to change a whole bunch of things, they should just bloody put out the second edition first, so all the books are compatible.  I personally don't believe in White Wolf's propaganda about "all previous books shall be compatible with the second edition."

"Exalted 2nd is going to force me to throw away all my old books, I feel cheated".

"Exalted 2nd sucks, I'm going to keep all my old books and use 1st edition exclusively".

Members of the first group, meet members of the second group.  When you can both agree on a stance and tell White Wolf about it, then they can start publishing according to fan dictates.  Until that time, though, nobody's forcing you to buy a single freaking book.  So why are you bitching about what WW chooses to publish?
memesis said:
Seiraryu said:
What is retarded is that they announce a second edition and continue to publish for the first.  If they're going to change a whole bunch of things, they should just bloody put out the second edition first, so all the books are compatible.  I personally don't believe in White Wolf's propaganda about "all previous books shall be compatible with the second edition."

"Exalted 2nd is going to force me to throw away all my old books, I feel cheated".

"Exalted 2nd sucks, I'm going to keep all my old books and use 1st edition exclusively".

Members of the first group, meet members of the second group.  When you can both agree on a stance and tell White Wolf about it, then they can start publishing according to fan dictates.  Until that time, though, nobody's forcing you to buy a single freaking book.  So why are you bitching about what WW chooses to publish?
My view:

"Man! Exalted 2nd is going to kinda suck! I'll probably buy the book and have to do all my own conversions because WW will probably never come out with the books I use most!"

I choose to think of it as, I hate how slow they publish the garbage. But thankful they are eventually getting around to setting only 1 rule. (I suprememly HATEthere are 2 systems for combat.)
Hey, hate to ressurect a thread but I was wondering if anyone's made any progress on this.  I'm highly unsatisfied with the Thousand Wounds Gear Style from the wiki and am more interested in what Stillborn has (possibly) come up with.  I'm working on a take of my own, I'll try and get parts of it up tonight or tommorrow.
Eh... I seem to be cursed when it comes to MA Styles. I've tried to write a few, and haven't succeeded as of yet.

This will be my third attempt.  I'm fully planning on the initial draft to be twinkishly overpowered, and it can then be toned down to an acceptable level by group concensus from there.

I think I can well with this one, the themes are already laid out, I know the progenitor Exalted group and culture, and the style weapons are already decided.

So, charm tree structure.  I was thinking of a forking path that intersects twice would be appropriate, given the motif of dual wielding.  So charm one is followed by charm two, charm three is followed by charm four, and charm five, the form charm, requires both charms two and four.  Then the tree branches off into two groups of two charms each, and comes back together for the ultimate charm of slicey-dicey-blocky-goodness.

Now, what exactly does efficiency in killing and maiming mean in a Celestial level Martial Art?  How should the style defend using gyroscopic chakram?  

A reflexive, scene length dexterity based parry with essence to martial arts attacks, ala Four Halo Golden Chimpanzee Chicanery?  Or whatever that charm is called.  A charm that treats the chakram as shields, raising the difficulty to hit?  A toned down version of Artful Maiming Onslaught?  An Extra Action charm wherein the Exalt throws a gyro chakram at the target, it rebounds, he hammers it with the remaining chakram, spiking it back into the target and raising damage, repeating the process until the opponent resembles beets* in a cuisinart?  An early permanent charm that boosts initiative?  A later charm that enables mad dice pool splitting without somehow stepping on the toes of Multi Limb Frame and Hyper Dextrous Tentacle Apparatus?  I really want to avoid effects of other Alchemical charms, while remaining within the schtick of mecha-magical-mayhem.  

I'll work on this a bit, but if anybody has cool ideas for what to do, or what not to do, please toss 'em up.  I'm gonna need help on this one, seeing as charm design is not what I'm best at.

*The author in way wishes to imply the condoning of the consumption of beets.  The aforementioned vegetable is simply used as an example due to its coloration.
It might include a reflexive parry/ disarm: the gyro-chakram catches an attacker's weapon between its blade and yanks it out of their hands (or snaps the fucker).

Might have a supplemental attack Charm a la Joint-Wounding Attack designed to cripple & inflict madd pain.

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