Story Thoughts?


(I did't know what the prefix should be...)

So I'm sitting here in bed, and there's a storm raging on outside of my window.. I began to write about it, and I would like your opinion, critiquing, and anything else you'd like. Thanks, Coedy

What Could It Be?

It was a cold, dark night, the wind was howling like a pack of ferocious wolves, and the lonely moon shone by itself, without a star to help light up the sky to any weary traveler who was out there. It seemed like a movie, with thunder shaking the grounds, and lightning breaking up the dead, cold darkness of the first spring storm. It seemed every living thing had been tucked away, just like a dollhouse waiting for interaction.

The weather grew worse and worse, the lights flickered on and off, and the trees began to sway. Limbs of the lonely Evergreen tree began to fall along with the rain that seemed to never want to end. From the darkness and fear of the first spring storm, came a beauty of some sort, a beauty that could quite possibly change the world. But this storm was something different, there was a feel to the atmosphere that this one storm happened to bring, and not a thing would stop and contemplate it.

Although the storm seemed to be nothing but trouble, there was much more than would meet the eye. Something far greater than one could ever imagine; something more complex than one could ever think of, and something so mysterious not a soul could find the clues. What could this be?

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