Idea Thoughts on Wild West/RDR2 inspired RP?


Magic Eight Ball
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"We're more ghosts than people."
This sentence caught me recently as I started to explore RDR2 on a superficial level. It gave me a deep-seated urge to be part of this world and all of it's intricacies. There is something so humane about what change will bring us. What comes next when we've grown so accustom to a role we were born or thrown into? Who do we become?

Specifically, this change is about a dying world. The wild west is becoming more civil and outlaws/gunslingers and all of these sorts are becoming less and less. More lands are being built upon. The thriving hum of city life is attracting far more eyes and ears than the desolate lands that people ride on. More job opportunities and gains to live the sweet, city life. To many, it might some glorious to finally adapt to this oncoming behemoth of a new dawn. To the rest, they are set in their ways. They have their codes. Neither side is right or wrong. it's just all human nature. To adapt or to remain who they are and always will be.

There is so much to explore in this world. So many lives to be had and tragedy to be shared. From the top of the snowy villages that reside near the mountaintops to the ghost towns that lay barren in the desert. There is something in the start of the slowly dying wild west that intrigues me. To see the different clashes of life vs death, rich vs poor, outlaw vs sheriffs, city vs nature itself.

Now granted, i feel like to make this RP it shouldn't be exactly based on America's history. It should be enjoyable for all. No sort of discrimination unless maybe classism(?), maybe others that could be okay. That doesn't mean though that I'm against the idea of factions/gangs/mobs based on ethnicity and such. Just like RDR2 with the Italian mob, all sorts of life is coming to the west. We can have Italian mobs, the Irish mobs, different types of sheriff departments, different outlaw gangs, Native American RP. Bringing culture of all sorts as long as we remain respectful, easy on the gore, and keep it in the guidelines here.

To finish this jumble mess that my mind has set out, I am new here basically. I use to RP and then life put my in a whirlwind for a long while, so i'm basically a baby just trying to understand this new site like mashing my fists on the keyboard. This idea of a Wild West RP does feel like it could be a lot to handle especially since I don't really know how to go about it. Maybe I just don't have much self confidence or this idea genuinely should go to someone with a lot more experience than me, I don't know.

All I know is that I would happily work with anyone and everyone if people want to join in possibly making a world for lots to enjoy and be a part of.

That's all. Have a good day/night.
Love this idea!!
Thank you! I just love the atmosphere that RDR2 had to offer. It's such a beautiful game. Maybe I'll start working on it soon if people get interested in it. I just want it to feel fun for everyone.

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