Those Who Remain [Inactive]


Speaker for the Voices
TimeSplitter submitted a new role play:

Those who remain - Humans are becoming extinct, not there is much they can do about it.

The story begins on the land known as Ebon, a smallish planet which can only house a measly population of around one million people, not that it ever reached capacity. The land had been at peace for centuries, and so the Humans that inhabited went through an age of economic prosperity and happiness.
That was until the Evolved came. The Evolved were like the Humans in every way, except that they possessed incredible powers that ranged from feats of amazing strength to marvelous...
Read more about this role play...
Ethan, the Evolved Arbiter, awoke how he usually would with the sun gleaming in his eyes and a phone ringing on his bedside table. His wife, Amy, had already been up and he could hear her and his daughter chatting and laughing in the kitchen downstairs. He sighs happily as he thinks how lucky he is, taking in the bliss of the moment, before the stark ring of the phone reminds him of his duty. Lazily, he gets up from his bed and looks out from his window over the Cloudreach as he snatches the phone and puts it up to his ear.

"You have contacted Ethan, the best out of all the Arbiters, I'm currently out being awesome at the moment, but you can leave your..."

"...Cut the crap, Ethan."

The female voice on the other end cuts him off, and they both laugh heartily as though they had long been friends.

"How are you this morning, Samantha?"

"I told you this before, just Sam, OK?"

"Yes, Yes, alright. Sam, How ya doin'?"

"Pretty good... Pretty good, but unfortunately we're gonna need you at the Pinnacle as soon as you can get here."

Ethan sighs deeply again, this time out of exhaustion. Samantha was the Human Arbiter, and a meeting at the Pinnacle, the highest point of the Cloudreach, usually meant that a serious event needed discussing.

"I'm on my way." He says definitively, setting the phone down and rubbing his eyes from the blare of the sun. He dresses quickly and heads down to the kitchen to say his goodbyes to his family, kissing and having a short chat with his wife to inform her of what was going on, he heads over and bends down to talk with his daughter, Eve.

"You be good while I'm gone now, Alright? I'll be back at sundown." He says to her as he ruffles her hair, but also producing a pair of daggers in his other hand. "And don't just let these things lie around, sheesh." Eve snatches the daggers quickly off her father before giving him a big hug. "I'm sorry I don't carry my daggers everywhere with me, Dad." she says in chuckles. Ethan gets back up and they wave a little at each other as he leaves through the front door. It was the last time they saw him.

Ethan arrives in front of the Pinnacle to see Sam waiting at the door for him.
"Lets go, Lode and Torik are already inside." Their bodyguards nod slightly as they arrive and open the door for them, quickly closing it behind them as they enter. Lode the Forged Arbiter and Torik the Outsider Arbiter welcomed them with open arms. They chatted casually as they sat down, the calm in the room betrayed the serious dilemma. Lode munched on lumps of coal as he spoke, the hinges in his jaw letting out the slightest amount of steam as the coal tumbles into his core. "Alright, heres the deal. The Shimmerwalls are closing, and its going to be catastrophic if we let it happen." He motions to Torik and he heaves his huge arms and brings down a display board pinpointing the Shimmerwalls that cover the planet, speaking in a voice as deep as the grave, the Outsider continues. "We've recently discovered that the Shimmerwalls kind of... hold the surrounding land in place, and if the Shimmerwalls falter, then..." He paused to let the display board talk for him, the Shimmerwalls power down, the land cracks and bends, and as more Shimmerwalls die, the land is torn asunder until the entire planet is nothing but a wasteland. "This is worst case scenario, but obviously something needs to be done." Sam and Ethan are astonished, and the room is silent for a few moments as the four revise their options, but really, what could they do? Not even the Outsiders themselves knew how to repair a Shimmerwall. Just as they think, the room suddenly goes black.

The blinds that allowed sun in are closed swiftly, and the lights high above them shut off in a moment. Stunned, they look around in the darkness silently for a few moments, before Lode speaks up.
"I got it..." he says as he charges his core to shed more light over the room. The glow from the room lightens the face of the intruder, a gut-wrenching feeling as they lay eyes on the unmistakable figure of Black Jack.


While the other bodyguards were sitting in the corner playing cards, Axel, the Forged bodyguard, was alert. Luckily he was, he first noticed the light vanish from the room that his charge was in. Curious, he knocks on the door, but there is no response, he knocks again, louder this time, as the other bodyguards look up confused as to what he was doing. Finally, his curiosity gets the better of him, and he slyly opens the door, and then slams it wide open. The Arbiters were gone! He could hardly believe it, the room had only one door, and he was literally leaning against it, he rushes around the room, looking for any trace of them, but there was nothing, they had simply disappeared. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the edge of a Jester's hat seeping through a wall, and hurries over to inspect it, but the wall was flat, and Axel knew on the other side was the straight drop of the side of a building. But he knew he saw the hat, and he knew Black Jack was involved, and most likely to blame.


Its been almost a year since the Arbitration were announced as missing, the planet could not have gone more downhill in that time. Most had given up on ever seeing the Arbitration again, and efforts to elect new members have been fruitless. The gangs all over the city have gotten rowdier in that time, but this is where you come in. You've continued your life as you normally would, that was until, on a seemingly normal morning, a letter was slipped under your door, containing an Ace of Spades with a simple message written on it.

"Meet me at the Compass Warehouse at Midnight tonight. ~Signed, Black Jack"

Whether or not you decide to attend, you still have the day to decide, but everyone knows that the Compass Warehouse is home to the Wayfarers, one of the more ruthless gangs in the Deeper Downs, so you must approach carefully.
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TimeSplitter updated Those Who Remain with a new update entry:


I've spent alot of time thinking about this, so I hope you guys enjoy what I've come up with :)
Everyone is free to post, I'll try and control most of NPC's reactions and activities, though you guys are free to control NPCs as you see fit.

If anyone has questions or are confused, ask them in response to this post or PM me, and I'll answer them ASAP.

Read the rest of this update entry...
I laughed, as Katie stuffed mashed potato into her mouth, smearing it all over her face. "Ok guys, seriously, eat up. Your lucky I was able to even get potatoes. I'm going to go get some air." I explained as I wiped Katie' s face. "Watch Katie carefully Lily." I warned. Lily didn't reply, her face in a book as she slowly ate her food. I got up and went to the door. Just as I was going to step outside, I heard a crunch under my foot. I lifted it to see I had stepped on a note. I picked it up, and examined it. It was written in thick black ink

"Meet me at the Compass Warehouse at Midnight tonight~ Signed Black Jack

I grew somber, and a shadow crossed my face. "Sarah? What is that?" Lily asked. I was silent for a moment, reading it once more to make sure I wasn't imagining it, from lack of sleep. "Hm? O-oh, nothing Lily, don't-don't worry." I answered absentmindedly. I checked my watch. 4 hours. I needed to call a meeting, and get a babysitter. "Come along girls, you can eat later. I have an errand." I called to the girls. I decided to take them to Harry. He was a baker nearby. He was a dear friend, and always gave me all the extra pastries and bread. He would have let us live with him, if his wife weren't so wary. I rushed to his home as fast as I could.

I knocked on Harry's door. It had started to rain, and the girls were shivering.

"Sarah? What are you doing in the rain?" He looked at me, concerned. He knew my face was more troubled than usual. He looked over my shoulder at Lily and Katie, and gasped. "Come in, come in, get out of the weather!" He left the door and went to the cabinet, and got three brownies. I rushed the girls in, and we all sat down at the table. "What troubles you dear?" Harry asked, concerned. That's Harry for you. He was like a father. "Girls, why don't you go play in the living room." I ordered more than suggested. Harry's face went dark. I never sent the girls away. I slid the note across the table. As Harry read it, he grew very somber. "Sarah, this is bad. Do you think this has anything to do know?" Harry didn't even want to say Arbitration. It was said that Black Jack had eyes and ears everywhere. I nodded. "Something's up. And it's big. I hate to ask, especially with your wife, but would you watch Lily and Katie for me? Just until I'm back." I asked. "I- i dont know, Sarah. You know that Black Jack wants something. Y-you might not be coming back-" Harry was going to continue but I interrupted. "I'm coming back." My voise was as sharp as a knife. Harry was silent for a moment. "Ok. I'll help, for your sake. Just-be careful." We both stood. "Thank you Harry, I don't know how I would survive without you." I hugged the elderly man. "Can I use your phone?" I asked. He nodded. Just as I left the room, he mumbled to himself. "You wouldn't survive."

I called everyone for a meeting. We had to discuss this

"Meet me at the Compass Warehouse at midnight tonight. ~ Signed, Black Jack"

Adin looked at the slip of paper and reread it over and over. It was a short message, but for some reason she expected more out of it. Everyone had heard of Black Jack. His name was whispered through the streets of all the residents. Hearing his name whispered was practically a sin. If anyone knew that she had gotten a letter from him... well.

Her claws tapped on the floor of her cave wall as she thought some more. There were rumors he was the Grim Reaper. If those rumors were true, Adin couldn't help but think about her family and how he could have reaped there souls during the wars. But, of course, that was highly unlikely. The chance of that happening was unlikely.

"He's probably just a dangerous man," Adin muttered under her breath. "But danger calls my name." Her thoughts argued with herself, debating if she should go or not. On one side, if she went, it could be dangerous. On the other side, if she didn't go, Black Jack could easily hunt her down. Adin thought for a moment before making her decision.

"I'm going." And with that note to herself, she headed out of her cave towards the Compass Warehouse.
Deron awoke to several notes under the door, as he usually did. Most of them were the usual notices on how much rent he owed, which ment nothing more to him than that it was time for the landlord to "go missing". However, this morning there was another note, one from a so called "Black Jack" telling him to meet at a warehouse. He had nothing better to do so he decided to go there after his daily routine. He was trying to learn how to control the water within people's blood, it was extremely difficult but he was starting to get it down. So he spent the day moving water and blood with his mind until it was time to meet Black Jack.
Axel through the man down the stairs into an old subway. The man impacted on several of the stairs and Axel could swear he heard each of the bones break one by one. As axel followed down the man, who was already screaming in pain at the bottom of the stairs.

"Where is he?" Axel asked with a cold calm and indifference to the mans pain."I wont ask nicely again."

"I don't know wh..."The man began to say, between groans, before being picked up by the neck by the Forged man. He was lifted up with one only one hand which tightened on his neck and before he knew it the already throbbing broken rib burst in more pain."Fu...! You tin can!"

"One last chance! I know you hired him recently! WHERE?!"

"I...I..."He tried to say but by that point he could barely breath."Hired...Through intermediate...Dont know nae...Met two times...he chose place...not the same..All i know... please.."

The hand around the neck didn't loosen only tightened and it wasn't long before Axel let go of the body. Another dead end, Axel thought walking back to his car. A year of searching for the arbitrators all for nothing, every lead went cold and the memory of the event fading. He had only one name "Black Jack", So when he found the note practically gift wrapped in his car, he reacted both excitement and suspicion. Also a question "Why?"
The mail had long since been dropped off, but Hannah didn't bother looking at the pile tn thehat lay by her door, calling her name. Instead she simply continued with her morning, shuffling groggily across the hardwood floor as she prepared herself for the day. She had a few days off, which was nice, but she still got up early anyway, maintaining her routine as if she was on the job. Once she had flattened her messy hair from her rough sleep and had shook some of the sleep that clung to her, she got dressed. As if in a rush she slipped on her fur hooded jacket and a pilot's hat that had large goggles resting on it, simply wearing it for comfort. As she made her way through her house, readying for the days events, she crouched beside the mail that had been shoved in a messy fashion under her door. She quickly flipped through envelope upon envelope, not spending much time reading them. There was, however, a letter that caught her eye, and reluctantly she picked it up, opening it gently.

"Meet me at the Compass Warehouse at Midnight tonight. ~Signed, Black Jack"

Compass Warehouse. She knew exactly where that was. It wasn't a far walk from where she lived. She had to re-read the letter a few times, to make sure that her eyes weren't deceiving her, but it was as plain as day, printed in bold black letters on the paper. She stood up quickly, folding the paper a few times before sliding it gently into a jacket pocket, and sliding out the door.
Black Jack tapped his fingers impatiently on a nearby hard wooden table as he leaned forward towards the entrance of the warehouse. He didn't need to check his watch to know that his contacts should be walking through the door inquisitively at any moment, perhaps five minutes from now, he wagered to himself. He gets up with a start and begins pacing around the table he was sitting on, an unconscious -- or perhaps dead -- thug lay sprawled on the opposite chair. "Do you think I should go look for them?" he asks the thug, though predictably the thug doesn't respond, Black Jack mimics his response in a high pitch voice "Oh no Mr.Black Jack, they should definitely be on their way." Despite the fact that he was talking to himself, it was still reassuring to him, he had taken alot of time carefully selecting his candidates, and he really hoped he wouldn't be disappointed. He was about to ask the thug another question when he hears the footsteps of someone approaching the door to the warehouse, Black Jack excitedly turns to the door before kicking the thug off the chair he was slouched on, hitting the ground with a thud. "That's for the guests, you idiot!" he says in a loud whisper before leaning over to try and get a glimpse of the new arrivals.
Axel stopped his vehicle at a good distance away from the warehouse its self spending a couple of hours looking at it, analysis and downloaded information of the area showed few gang members as such outside the facility. Intuition told him there may be more inside with his quarry and planned his approached not trusting the direct approach implied by the note. He got out of his car, upholstering his blade in one hand and his pistol with the other. He moved quickly and quietly towards the warehouse trying to avoid detection.
The breeze that came through the city was quite comforting, bringing in the scents of the surrounding buildings. Hannah had been walking for a while now, making her way to the Warehouse in which she was invited to. She didn't understand why she was wanted, or what would happen when she got there, but as usual her curiosity got the best of her, and she couldn't help but accept the invite. The place was quite a sore to the eyes, obvious as it stuck out among the other buildings. She could already see there were others there, and she wasn't sure if she could trust them, but she continued nonetheless. Silently she made her way to the massive structure, reluctantly walking towards the large door that offered only discomfort and mystery. Whatever lay beyond that door, she didn't know, but she decided that she would regret not finding out. She hesitantly brought a hand up to the door, waiting a moment before she knocked several times, then stood back, awaiting an answer.
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"There it is..." I muttered to myself. Compass warehouse. I noticed a car was parked in front of it, and I saw a red headed girl, and a forged. They must've gotten the note as well. I crept up behind them. "Are you here for Black Jack as well?" I asked, making them jump
Axel watched the red headed girl come up to the warehouse entrance and watched her from hiding spot, but was surprised when the other girl appeared. He instinctively pointed the gun at the new girl and silently cursed himself at leaving his behind exposed.

"I suggest you both leave, i dont care what business you have here but you want be able to complete it today after i am through."
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Axel watched the red headed girl come up to the warehouse entrance and watched her from hiding spot, but was surprised when the other girl appeared. He instinctively pointed the gun at the new girl and silently cursed himself at leaving his behind exposed.
"I suggest you both leave, i dont care what business you have here but you want be able to complete it today after i am through."
"Ho ho, Mr tough guy are you? I really don't care for all your empty threats. I'm here to see Black Jack. I have a feeling it's about the arboration (did I spell that right?)."
"Enough!" Hannah spat, hearing enough of the bickering pair. Her hands balled into fists as she tensed slightly, her palms heating as she prepared for a possible means of defence. "We're all here for the same reasons, fools!" she growled, the once clear sky above them rumbling as clouds begun to roar through the atmosphere. A small flash of electricity darted through the sky, threatening the pair. "We have every right to be here. We got the invite, you're not any more special then us. So I suggest you back off." she growled to the both of them, watching them with a burning gaze filled with irritation.
Obnoxious said:
"Enough!" Hannah spat, hearing enough of the bickering pair. Her hands balled into fists as she tensed slightly, her palms heating as she prepared for a possible means of defence. "We're all here for the same reasons, fools!" she growled, the once clear sky above them rumbling as clouds begun to roar through the atmosphere. A small flash of electricity darted through the sky, threatening the pair. "We have every right to be here. We got the invite, you're not any more special then us. So I suggest you back off." she growled to the both of them, watching them with a burning gaze filled with irritation.
I was silent, heading for the door. I opened it, and cautiously walked in
Adin looked up to the warehouse. She could feel her heart leap and knew something interesting was about to happen. She slowly approached the door and opened it slowly, to see several people that had made their way inside. "Hello," Adin said cautiously. "I'm assuming you are all here for the same reason that I am." She waved the invitation around threw it over her shoulder. "My name is Adin and I'm here to see Black Jack. Anyone seen him?"
Deron walked towards the group of people forming, appearing out of seemingly nowhere. He saw them all talking to each other and rolled his eyes, he never understood people. He just waited patiently on the outskirts of the group, listening carefully.
Pastaa said:
Adin looked up to the warehouse. She could feel her heart leap and knew something interesting was about to happen. She slowly approached the door and opened it slowly, to see several people that had made their way inside. "Hello," Adin said cautiously. "I'm assuming you are all here for the same reason that I am." She waved the invitation around threw it over her shoulder. "My name is Adin and I'm here to see Black Jack. Anyone seen him?"
No, we haven't seen him yet

((Guys, think we should wait for TimeSplitter to get on? He is Black Jack))
Eve hugged herself as she walked towards the warehouse. She already hated having to come since Black Jack was supposed to have done something with her father's disappearance. Though she wanted to know more, Eve didn't want to look at the man who was at the center of the rumors. She stopped at the door and knocked lightly before opening the door. She saw a group of people, each different, who all stood there. "At least I'm not the only one here." She sighed and walked over to the others.
Black Jack watches excitedly as his contacts walk through the door, he wished he could have simply observed them as they argued amongst each other, but he knew he was swiftly running out of time. He considers just for a moment how entertaining it would be to throw a grenade into the middle of the group, but unfortunately he didn't need a bunch of meat bits, he needed a team. With that, he reveals himself from the balcony where he was resting, and leaps over the handrail to join the rest of the group. He looks around the group frantically as he speaks "OK, listen, I've called you all here for a reason...obviously... but that reason is NOT to kill you or harm you or whatever bad thing your thinking, so don't take out your shooties or stabbies. The last thing I need is for one of you to be un-alived." He talks as rapidly as he acts, but his actions and looks really aren't what the stories lived up to, Black Jack seemed short and thin, as well as having an extremely childish demeanor.

((OOC: Sorry guys I was sleeping x.x))

Hannah brushed the hair that obscured her vision. She couldn't believe her eyes. The notorious Black Jack she had heard ever so much about was standing right in front of her, had she couldn't help but be surprised, and somewhat disappointed. She suppressed a snort as she looked upon him, shaking her head as she stared at him with that intense, disapproving, dull green gaze. "You're Black Jack?" she questioned, barely being able to choke out the words as she looked in disbelief. "I came for business, not a play date... " she growled, gesturing to the many people that surrounded her. "Am I at the right address?" she asked sourly, hoping to test him as she usually did with people in an attempt to understand them better.
Black Jack crosses his arms quickly like a little kid would when they are upset, looking up at the girl who was being so rude to him. "Yea, I'm Black Jack!" he tries to say menacingly, though it comes off as nothing more than pathetic. "Well... I will be... in the future, anyways. Being the Black Jack is sort of a family thing, and thats why I called you here, cause the real super mean Black Jack from the stories went missing with the Arbit... whatever." He seems fairly upset as he talks about it, his voice cracking as though he was trying not to let out tears.
I rolled my eyes at the red headed girl's behavior. "We are all here for business, not childish bullying red head." I snapped. I turned towards the younger Black Jack. "What is it you want from us?"

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