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Finished [Thistmal Town] A Short Stop or Two


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OOC: Sorry for a lack of pictures! I can’t find anything that matched the descriptions I wanted and I wanted to get this started as soon as possible :’) But I promise images will come to appear as they become relevant/interacted with.
Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Thistmal Town: Fountain Area
Their stop in Thistmal Town wasn’t meant to be long.

Though this small town shouldn’t have been considered large, Amice, whilst walking around, would come to the realization that she had lost something important. Two something importants, actually. Firstly, Asuka and her beautiful white feathers was nowhere to be seen. Secondly, Tahmuras and his big, fluffy red ears…was also nowhere to be seen. Then again, she was a gnome, so perhaps her small size contributed to how easily she found herself lost in these lands.

On one hand, perhaps there was a certain excitement to find in being alone without her two guardians. On the other hand…she didn’t have their guidance to help her figure out her way around different tasks.

What could she do? Who should she ask for help in finding her guardians? Alternatively…if her adventurous spirit was beckoning her…what could she look at?

With little luck asking around, she found herself amidst the town’s fountain area once again. Though plain, a statue of two big cats oversaw the fountain area, with a man in black and white robes sat beside the statues, strumming his fingers along a stringed instrument, filling the ambience with songs for the few individuals listening — consisting of an elderly woman resting peacefully at the benches, two dogs chasing and playing with each other, and three excited children running about the nearby field — happily shouting out cheers of “tag” and “you’re it.”
Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}
Mentions: Etymarchen Etymarchen

Amice was a tad bit panicked. Okay, perhaps a lot panicked. She'd sort-off been pushed along with the crowd for a bit and before she knew it... she was alone. Even though there weren't any goblins here, it was still pretty scary. Especially by how big everything and everyone was. She feared someone might step on her if she wasn't careful enough.

There was one thing that confused her. The large bath in the middle of the town. Along with the cats near it. She looked around, as she spotted some people that seemed approachable (the elderly woman). “Ehm... madam, have you maybe seen Asuka. She's ehm, pretty big and has lots of feathers. Or Tahmuras. He's a fox and knows fire magic.” She asked them. “Also... eh.. why's there a weird water-bath in the middle of town?” She couldn't help ask after the latter as well.
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Elderly Woman

“A big person with a lot of feathers…and a big red fox? Why, there are a few individuals with those descriptions even in this small town. Might your fox friend descend from Red…what is it? Redfox village? Oh, dear...no, I believe...it was called 'Redwolf'? Or was it...Red-owl...? Dearie me...My apologies, Young Miss...or...Young Boy? Child? Even as I should remember, my eyes and memory fail me by the years. A water bath...? I don't believe I..."

The elderly woman scratched the back of her head for a while, before realizing the girl's second question.

"Ohohoho! You must mean the fountain, Dearie!" The elderly woman would laugh cheerfully as she would begin to ramble happily. "You ought come by when there is a festival happening...! This fountain has been around since I was a young maiden. It is a testament to the kinship and equity of the three races this little town of ours holds itself highly to...Fae, Beast, and Human alike. By the kind gifts and offerings of the Fae, the hard labor and protection of Beast, and the innovative spirit of Humans, this fountain once served as a source for safe drinking water and water-cleansing and returning it back to the Thistmal River. Nowadays...it merely serves as an area for recreation, relaxation, and celebrations...or...well...it's the favorite spot for Lovely Herod over there to hide away and play his songs on his lute...!"

The woman's head briefly turned in the direction of the man playing an instrument.

"He's quite shy, but he may know better than I regarding your friends...His memory is much better than mine, after all...! Hohoho! But please, don't be shy to stay around a little longer, Little One!"
Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}
Mentions: Etymarchen Etymarchen

She was surprised that there were more than a few Asuka's and Tahmuras' here. “Well, Asuka is a {Xiānhè} and Tahmuras is a {Vulpix}.” She would try to explain, though she didn't know the names of their species in Common. “I am Amice, I am a gnome and I am nine and one and six years old!” She stated, counting out her age on her fingers. It seemed the lady needed to hear that introduction after all.

“A found ain?” She asked, wondering what that was about. “What is a test a mend? What is... kin ships? What is egg-.. egguity?” For an old lady she was using many big words in Common. She wondered what the Sylvan equivalent would be, as she surely didn't get these ones. “Inn o... va.. tive...” Yet another one of the big words. She gave up at 'recreation, relaxation' and what not.

As for being sent towards the other man, she was hesitant. “Wouldn't it be rude to interrupt this mister Herod's playing?” She asked. That and the man was a tad more scary than a grandmother. “I was also taught not to talk to strange man. What if he wants to try give me candy? That would be bad, I was told.”
Elderly Woman

"Ohoho...! Such a curious and kind young child...! You remind me of my sweet little niece when she was struggling to grasp [Common]. In-gen-u-it-y is an admirable quality of those seeking progress -- it is the will to learn and figure out how best to change something in order to find a way to progress to a better tomorrow. Kinships are lasting bonds based in something valuable and shared between two people -- like a party remaining at each other's side due to helping each other throughout their long, long journeys. And a 'test-a-ment'...is an action or object that people are able to touch and see that might be used to represent some sort of idea to be appreciated and valued by others. For example...a gift given to you might serve to be someone's 'testament' to demonstrating their love and care for you. Or, a guardian carrying their child as a 'testament' to their love and affection for them. Those are all examples of testaments of a kinship or love.

Ah...and don't worry, little one. Herod might act like he's annoyed, but never minds if he's interrupted! Watch and learn, little one!" The elderly woman cleared her throat. "HEROD, SWEETHEART! CAN YOU HELP A YOUNG LITTLE MAIDEN OUT OUT?!"

"AUGH--" The lovely ambience of song came to sudden halt, the bard, Herod, seemingly disturbed by the sudden noise jolted as his head turned over. "First of all--you're not a young little maiden. Secondly..."

Herod the Bard
In great contrast to his peaceful singing, he would aggressively point his finger to the old woman.

"YOU'RE A STINKING OLD CRONE NEARING YOUR HUNDREDS! Also, WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT INTERRUPTING ME WHILE I'M PLAYING A GODDAMN SONG, YOU FU-- " Before he could finish his words, his eyes made notice of the young little gnome next to the old woman, quickly hushing himself up as the elderly woman would continue.


"...A Vullll...what?"

"Oh, dearie me! I've already forgotten...!"

The boy stared at the elderly woman for a moment. A very, very long moment before sighing as if used to this charade. Eventually, adjusting his instrument, he would turn to the small child, crouching down to her height. "...You're, uh." He stared down at her with very intense (and potentially intimidating) eyes, in great contrast to his attempts to speak in a tone more gentle. "Whatcha lookin' for, kiddo?"
Amice Bellamy

Active titles: Fae, Small, Gnome, Ryken Adventurer F, Apprentice Survivalist
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}
Mentions: Etymarchen Etymarchen

The explanations the old woman were giving her were about as difficult to understand as the worlds themselves. “Okay...” She'd state a little hesitant. Was she going to remember all of this? Probably not. “Is this a testament?” She asked, showing off her [Catalyst B] to the lady. “I don't think the lady that made them loved the ones she made them for though, I think.”

Hearing the old woman shout startled her a little. Were old ladies always this terrifying? When she saw the man glare back, she really REALLY wanted to run off and hide somewhere. As he started talking more and more mean things, she hid behind the old lady.

Clearly rather terrified she might get yelled at, she didn't really dare answer Herod. Yet she figured not answering him might be even scarier. “Ehm... I'm looking for Asuka and Tahmuras. Asuka is a {Xiānhè} and she is big and has white and blue feathers and can fly. Tahmuras is a {Vuplix} and he's got red fur with bits of white and black and he likes fire.” She didn't know the names of their species in Common. “We've somehow gotten separated.”
"...A {Xianhe} with white and blue feathers that can fly...and a {Vulpix} with red fur accented with white and black, huh...? And associated with fire..." The boy held his hand over his mouth for awhile as he would attempt to recall information that came to mind regarding such a pair of characters. Though his pronunciation of these Sylfaen terms was perfect, there was a visible shift in his expression -- a mixture of emotions difficult to interpret from a boy with such difficulty in expressing himself. "Someone such as that..." His pinkish-red eyes looked upwards as they would point out to a pair of scurrying individuals, speaking up in perfect Sylfaen. "{Would it be them that you would be looking for?}”

Timed almost perfectly, the silhouettes of two Fae were made present.

"...Amice! There you are!"

That exclamation belonged to none other than Asuka, followed by the gentle worry of a hurrying fox.

"We were so worried...we looked everywhere for you, and yet we couldn't find you no matter where we looked...!” Tahmuras spoke, somewhat out of breath before realizing the presence of the two others. “Ah...are we interrupting anything? My...apologies Ma'am -- we’re her guardians, and -- "

"Ohoho! There's no need for you to apologize!" The elderly woman laughed cheerily. "Little Amice over here was merely keeping me company and being a sweetheart…! Isn’t that right, Herod?”

For whatever reason, Herod appeared quite distracted as the pair arrived closer. “…Oh, uh…right.” He nodded his head, glancing to the side as he answered awkwardly. “You know…it’s getting a bit late, isn’t it, Granny?”

“Oh my…the sun is beginning to set, isn’t it? Please — feel free to rest with us for the night. There’s much space available in our little cottage…! I’m sure that Herod would appreciate the extra company, wouldn’t you, Herod?”

Herod’s eyes remained on the pair for a moment longer.

What was in his eyes was a short gaze of a wishful yearning — one that carried a sense of loneliness with it as he reflected back to a nostalgic past.

Still, his eyes fell back on the elderly woman, a nod of his head in response to her query.

“I know you well, after all…! Feel free to follow us, Miss Amice…!”

With that, Amice and her guardians would manage to take a much needed short stop in this small town of Thismal before heading off on their continued journey.

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