This just in!


New Member
The Girl From Nowhere! Who is she? Where does she come from? What does she want? We've all had these questions for many years, and we will finally get some answers in this sit down exclusive interview!

In this photo here it appears she is a gremlin, kidnapped by a vicious evil witch! Oh my, the tragedy she must have gone through! Let's see if we can get a comment from her.
Those were the worst years of my life.
There you have it folks! A terrible incident indeed.

It seems as though she once had a loving mother and father, like most normal gremlins. But one fateful night, during a terrible thunderstorm. Hail and wind forcing everyone inside, allowing the evil kidnapper free reign. He stole into her home and took her from under her parents noses', never to be seen again. Since then, she has been traveling between dimensions and universes, planet hoping in between that, as a past time. She's seen many wonderful and marvelous things, let's see if we can get her to tell us a little about those things?
I traveled all the known universes, I saw many things, and I wore many faces.

It appears she had mastered many different trades. She even headed an investigation as part of the IBI, the Intergalactic Bureau of Investigation. The case involved a kidnapped president, we have a copy of the ransom note here.

We have Mr. JFK! We won't hesitate to kill him! Here's a list of our demands, to be delivered to the lemonade stand on the corner by tomorrow!


2 Turtledoves

1 signed baseball by Bob

~The Bad Guys

We have traveled to her past, now let's visit the present and the future!

Here's a present day photo of our mystery person, clearly matured from that disgusting gremlin we saw earlier. As of today, the reason why there are so many questions surrounding Gadget is because she is just here to watch and observe. To determine if our race is worthy of living. If she deems otherwise, she plans on destroying out world. So there's nothing to worry about!

As for the future, Gadget has been making predictions about our people. It seems there's still hope for our people. All is not lost yet, isn't that great news? She says there's hope, but let's hear from her.
I hope there are friendly people here, so I won't have to destroy everyone.
You heard it straight from her, be friendly or die! That's all from The Newspaper Today, tune in for more good news about the pirate raid later!
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Hello there Gadget, nice to meet you and welcome to RpNation! That right there is some impressive BBcode, I also dabble in it but wouldn't have the concentration needed to do something that large xD . Anyways, below I have included a quick rundown of all the site's main threads just to get you going!

Happy Roleplaying,


Here we have the News & Updates where the obvious is posted. If anything is changed or updated, you'll get a notification from our beloved site owner The Dark Wizard

Now onto our next page, the Site Questions & Information this is where if you have a question about something you can post here, contact and Admin, and see the site rules and regulations.

The RpNation Development Zone is for legitimate ideas that might help develop the forum. Some of the more common things have already been asked and it's due to software limitations but doesn't hurt to ask something new! This is also where a The Dark Wizard may post things such as a poll seeing who would want a new addition to the site.

One on One (1x1) is where people post closed role plays of two or three people. Inside is a sub-forum where you can post ideas for such plots or just a partner search thread!(Mine can be found in my signature ^^)

Fandom is where people post role plays on various fandoms. There is a sub-forum for interest threads of this nature as well.

Fantasy similar to that above though set in places created by the creator...?

Realistic or Modern Ditto to that above though usually slice-of-life RPs or RPs containing little to no fantasy undertones.

Futuristic Again like that above yet with plots usually set far into the future.

Diceis like that above though they are plots that have strong dice aspects.

Nation Buildingthese are RPs that involves well nation building!

The Colosseumthese are RPs that focus on battle and combat.

Hosted Projects | - Best Roleplay ForumThese are LARGE scale RPs that are run by quite a few people. You must apply for one of these.

Roleplay Advice & Planningif you need held on a role play or just some advice, ask here! But be wary, this isn't for recruiting players.

Character Feedbackif you ever want feedback on a character you made, post it here!

Prose & PoemsandArtworkFor various works of art you would like to share!

Your Private workshop can only be accessed by you and staff! It's for thing such as WIP character sheets!

Tutorials if you wanna know how to do something, chances are you'll find it here

Roleplay Discussionfor talk about roleplay!

Entertainment Discussionfor talk about anything other then roleplay!

Personal Discussion for anything personal that you want to share! But keep in mind that the thread isn't a place for professional help.

That's about everything. If you ever want to know something else or just want someone to RP/talk with be sure to let me know!
/That/ is quite the introduction, color me impressed. :)

Everyone has the most interesting avatars while I am a potato.....seems about right. Well regardless of that, Hello!
Greetings and salutations!

Welcome to RP Nation, where Roleplay is our business.

That intro though...

You've found us, congratulations for choosing the best RP site on the whole intertubes, we're glad you're here and a part of the expanding universe that is RP Nation. Also, now you're officially one of the cool kids.

Before you being your quest to becoming one of the old hats here at RPN, please do take a second and take a look at the site rules. You can find them here: INFO - Official Site Rules | - Best Roleplay Forum.

Unlike the Pirate code, they aren't more like suggestions but rules that we take a bit seriously. If, however, you've got a few pieces of eight you'd like to swing our way, we're always more than happy to take it. (I said, the rules weren't suggestions, never said we weren't piratey mate).

Once you've had a glance over the rules there's more information to be had here: Site Questions & Information | - Best Roleplay Forum. You can find something there to answer just about any question you might have.

Now then, I know that you have to answers that you're wanting answered now and the first is, you can join any RP that is open. You can find the different RP genres here: Roleplays | - Best Roleplay Forum

They're set up by genre so if you're looking for that Belgariad fandom RP (sorry, none yet exists here) then you'll know you aren't going to be looking in the futuristic genre. Each genre has an interest check at the top of the page and you can peruse this to see if anyone is wanting to create an RP.

If you are trolling the RPs and you just gotta make your own futuristic version of the Elenium, then you can pick the genre (future or fandom? I don't know!) and create an interest check. In the interest check you can tell the whole world about your RP and what you want to do with it. If you get enough people to say Aye! then you create your RP.

If you have any questions, issues, or concerns, don't hesitate to get in touch with either the moderators of your forum (the genre), the Super moderators, or even the admin staff. You can do that here: Site Questions & Information

Again, welcome to RPN and happy RPing.

Rella said:
/That/ is quite the introduction, color me impressed. :)
Everyone has the most interesting avatars while I am a potato.....seems about right. Well regardless of that, Hello!
You're a lovely potato though. By the way, I love that intro, Gadget! I wish to make something cool like that one day.
Thanks everyone! You're all so awesome! I wish I had the art skills to make an avatar like this. In truth, I have no art skills whatsoever. I use Google and DeviantArt for any pictures I use :P

Thanks for the comments on my intro. I like to put time and effort into my work, although it could have been better if I knew more code or had better editing skills :D

Also, thanks for all the helpful links! I've read the rules and familiarized myself somewhat with the website. <3

Plus, I like doing neat stuff like that because then maybe others will look into what they can do. It's all rather simple really, so give it a try (:3)

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