This isn't a Bug Aliens VS Predator RP.


A Ghost of RpN's Past
This isn't a Bug Hunt.

Please Note: The Following thread contains graphic images. Discretion advised.

Playable Races/Factions:

The Colonial Marines: [media][/media]

History/Mission: The United States Colonial Marines were founded in the year of 2101 to be alert and ready at all times. They are the “Force-in-Readiness” who are at all times ready to operate in environments far from their own home soil. The Corps are split between the supporting establishment, which does the recruiting and training, and then there are the operating forces. They are the combat troops. Around 58% of those in the USCMC are in the operating forces.

The USCMC have fought on over two dozen worlds, including Tientsin, Helene 215, Linna 349, and even the Xenomorph home world, or what is believed to be so, LV-426.

Divisions: Each Colonial Marine Division is a balanced force of combat, service, and support elements for both orbital assault, and ground combat.

Marine Assault Unit: The Building block of the Marines. At minimum, each MAU has the logistical ability to sustain 30 days of combat operations. They are commanded by a headquarters platoon, with a logistics platoon, a maintenance company, and a medical unit. There may be additional combat support troops include a reconnaissance platoon, scout-sniper squad, and a combat engineer platoon. A heavy ordinance company is also attached for heavy fire support and aerospace defense, and can include self-propelled artillery, anti-ballistic, and anti-space systems.

The Rifle Platoon will be making up most of the Marines for this combat rescue drop. This is made up of the platoon commander, who may be assisted by a synthetic to offer technical and scientific support, and also to assist medics and drivers.

The Squads are made up of two fire teams. The Rifle Team and the Gun Team. The Rifle team uses the M41 Pulse Rifle, while the Gun Team consists of a gunner armed with the M56 Smart Gun, and a rifleman with the M41.


The standard ballistic protective armor system employed by the USCMC. This armor is designed to balance lightness with optimum protection. The armor includes an M10 Ballistic helmet. Which, is the standard helmet used by the Marines, it also has their Personal Data Transmitter, which will relay the Marines vital signs, and everything they see/hear via a camera attached to the helmet, back to the APC which has the monitors for them. The Helmet also has a set of infrared sights that may slide down so the Marine may use them. It will also hold the sight for a Smart gun. Also attached is the TNR Shoulder Lamp, which allows for lighting of dark areas.

A Colonial Marine in his armor, with some of his gear. Every marine is able to put custom designs on their armor.

A futuristic, powerful assault rifle with an underslung grenade launcher.

The M56 Smart Gun is a man-portable heavy machine gun with automatic targeting capabilities chambered for 10x28mm Caseless ammunition. The system is made up of four major components: The Operator’s combat harness, the head mounted sight, the articulator arm, and the gun itself.

The M56 is carried into combat on a self-aiming stabilized mount that is linked to an infrared target tracking system for accurate, autonomous aiming.

A flame thrower used by the USCMC.


A simple surveillance device that uses a high-powered ultrasound scanner to filter out moving objects in a stationary background. All Marines are employed with an Identification Friend Foe transponder which will allow them to be immune to the tracker. However, this may malfunction from time to time.

This is used as a simple surveillance device, and not full time.

Automatic firing sentry gun that will lock onto targets.


A troop transport vehicle. This vehicle is able to be dropped onto the battlefield by the Cheyenne Drop Ship. This is a lighter, less capable vehicle than other APCs in service.

This vehicle is meant for dropping from the belly of an USCM transport to rapidly deploy troops and various types of equipment, and typically carries the M577.

A transport housing many marines, and other various weapons.

Some marines may have their own personal weapons (i.e. shotguns . . . , in case of close encounters.)

Every Marine is trained to use every weapon listed above, and to be skilled in melee combat, both with a knife and without.

The Synthetics are artificial humans made and invented by the Weyland-Yutani Co. They are made to look like, act like, and seem like humans.

The Yautja(pronounced as e-wat-ya)/Predators: [media][/media]


An ancient race of honorable hunters, the Yautja have been around far longer than the human race, and live far longer as well. The Yautja are a race of aliens, who are highly advanced in technology. All the hunters are male; though do not think wrongly of the female. It has been stated that the female are just as strong, and skilled, if not more, than the male.

The Yautja see very naturally in the infra-red bandwidth of light, exclusively.

Leadership: The Yautja are led by a Clan Leader, normally an Elder, older Yautja who has proved himself to be both honorable, and worthy in battle, by surviving many a hunt.

The Clan leader is who watches the hunts closely, to know when a certain Yautja has become blooded, in human terms, the stage of going from a boy to a man.

The Hunts: Before a Yautja can go on the hunt to become blooded, they undergo rigorous training in each style of weaponry. They are also trained in hand to hand combat, and other such weaponry. Stealth is also a key factor in their training.

Honor: The Yautja have a high sense of honor. They will not attack the weak, the unarmed, young, or even pregnant females, anything that it would deem unable to truly fight back. The only way they would is if what was mentioned above attacked first.

Equipment: *Means this is something EVERY Yautja has, without, it means it is a weapon/tool that is optional. One Yautja does not have all of these.


The bio-mask is a staple in the Yautja culture, and tech. It allows them to breath in most any environment, and also protects the wearer’s head. The mask grants the wearer to multiple vision modes, allows them to zoom in on a target, examine that target, and have vocal mimicry. It also records video and audio. The mask also holds a tri-laser used in conjunction with the plasma caster. The eyes in the mask can flash; however, the color is a customization for each.The bio-mask is linked directly to the Wrist Gauntlet, which controls many of the masks functions.

The Bio-mask is unique to each and every Yautja, though some may look similar.Some of the vision modes are thermal, for human prey, and EM field, for Xenomorph prey. However, there are ways to hide one’s thermal waves from the mask. I.E. Covering oneself in mud, hiding in a place that is very hot. . . (Pictured above)


The swifter the hunter, the lighter the armor. The more military the Yautja, the heavier the armor. The Clan leader’s armor may be more for show. The looks differ from Yautja to Yautja. (pictured above)


A device capable of bending light around the Yautja’s body in such a way that it is rendered nearly invisible. The effect isn't perfect, as it may often leave a silhouette around the creature. However, in certain environments, and when the creature is motionless, it will help them to hide in plain sight.

The device is useless in a pure Xenomorph hunt, however, as they can smell out the Yautja. The ships of the Yautja also have a similar device. This is used often in hunts as stealth is a major factor for the Yautja. Other weaknesses are that water stops the effects, making it seem like an electrical field is zapping around the creature, however, it does it no harm.

Combi-Stick: A spear, which can be used as melee, or a long distance weapon.

Language Translator: This is a translator set into certain Yautja’s (normally the hunt leader’s) bio-mask so they may understand the language of another species.

*Medi-Kit: A kit with various items to heal wounds on the Yautja’s body, when used, however, it will result in pain enough to make the creature scream out.

(Every Clan has one) Mother Ship: A massive, mobile base for a single clan of the Yautja. These hold several Scout Ships, and are cloaked. They have holograms to show an area so the Yautja may study and know the area beforehand.

They can send pods holding Yautja in it down to the surface of a planet.

Otherwise known as the Shoulder Cannon, is a long range, energy projectile weapon. Most times it is guided. It can ignore armor, and blast a hole through the chest cavity of a human, and even blow them apart.

The Youngblood Yautja must earn these, however. Based upon the enormous power of this, it is considered the least honorable tool. When face with worthy enough prey, the Yautja will discard this, and rely then on its more basic weapons, like wrist blades and hand to hand. The most usual color of the plasma blast is a pale blue.

Some may even use two; however, these are often the older, and greatly skilled of the Yautja.

*Self-Destruct Device: This is a last resort item used by the Yautja. This is used for a ritualistic suicide, and to prevent evidence of their existence, and so that their technology may not fall into the wrong hands. No Yautja would dare go onto a hunt without this.

Smart Disc: A thrown weapon, an extremely sharp, circular cutting device thrown like a discuss, yet returns like a boomerang. It may feature grips to be used as a melee weapon as well.

*Vocal Mimicry: A feature many bio-masks have, a Yautja can play back the voices of humans heard and recorded by their mask to distract, or even frighten prey. Some, however, may be used to those humans that they may have fought alongside of as a thanks. That however is VERY rare.

*Wrist Blade: The Wrist Blade is the most basic Yautja weapon and is the weapon of choice for most Yautja. They are retractable and usually twin, serrated blades normally between six and eighteen inches in length, and two to eight inches wide that extend over the back of the hand from the gauntlet. They are very sharp and durable. Some are made of metals that are resistant to the Xenomorphs molecular acid blood.


The Wrist bracer is a small computer device upon the forearm/wrist of a Yautja. It houses the controls for many a Yautja’s weaponry, such as the Self-Destruct, the cloak, and sometimes even the Plasma Caster. It can change the vision mode for the bio-mask, the zoom, and even houses how to do the playback for voice mimicry. The loss of a wrist gauntlet is met with severe punishment.

The Clan: The Clan hunting and operating on this planet are known as the Blood Moon clan, based on how they only ever hunt during the rare months when the planet’s moon looks blood red, due to how the atmosphere and such are. They are led by an elder by the name of Red Eye.

The Xenomorph: [media]
Attack style: A lone Alien, or Xenomorph, is solitary ambush creature. However, in larger groups, they will swarm, coming from all directions, and places. Make sure that the floor is secure; as you may get pulled through it. Aliens prefer to take victims alive, so they may be cocooned and turned into a host to be impregnated with an embryo of another alien.

The aliens have numerous “weapons” to their aid. They are always stronger than the type of creature that is their host organism. Their hands have claws. Their tails have “stingers” which are very sharp, and can impale most creatures, and even lift them. They have a second mouth inside their mouth, with sharp enough teeth that it can puncture even the toughest of metal (Yautja Bio-mask). Certain xenos can even spit acid, able to either blind, stun, or kill who they are after.

Blood: The blood of an alien is highly potent acid, capable of melting through almost any substance, and is very potent to a human. It will burn through many things very fast. It is a dull, yellowish-green color.

Creating a Hive: The drones can produce a very thick, very strong resin from their mouths to meant for both building their hive, and to cocoon victims.

Intelligence: Xenomorphs have proven to be very intelligent. They can observe humans, or other creatures, using machinery, and learn how to use it. They are very skilled at problem solving. They are able to cut power to gain access to areas otherwise impenetrable. Aliens are known to only show emotion for their Queen, and Eggs.

The best way to explain how the aliens communicate is via some form of telepathy, or pheromone releases, however, they also will screech and make other sounds. They have the ability to inherit memories from generation to generation, and it is more than just instinct, it can include very specific events witnessed by earlier generations.

It is rumored that an alien will make its kill much slower and painful if the victim has a high level of fear and much faster if they show none.

Diet/Gender: Both are unknown. It is unknown if the aliens will feed on humans, and it is also unknown if they are male or female, so most assume they are asexual.

Society: Xenomorphs operate under a caste system, with groups of specialized individuals performing distinct tasks within the species. It is obvious that the queens and praetorians both have more control and superiority over the more common aliens.

The aliens, in larger groups, will create a central nest, or hive, overseen by an egg-laying Queen. Raiding parties will be sent out into the surrounding area to search for, and capture more hosts, which will then be brought back to the hive to create more.

The Life Cycle: The life cycle is made of several distinct stages. They begin life as an egg, laid by a queen. From the egg, a facehugger hatches, which, in turn, latches onto the face of a living host, impregnating them with an embryo known as a chestburster. After several hours, the chestburster violently erupts from the host’s chest, resulting in the death of the host.

The chestburster will then mature to an adult phrase within a few hours, shedding its skin. Due to how the alien will take some of the traits from its host, the individual alien will be able to adapt to its hosts environment.

Laid by the Queen, the eggs are large, leathery objects between two to three feet high with a four lobed opening at the top. The lobed opening will open when a potential host comes close.

The second stage in the life cycle of a xeno, the facehugger has eight long, finger-like legs which allow the creature to rapidly crawl, and a long tail meant for helping it make long distance leaps.

The underside of the facehugger is what delivers the embryo into the victim. The only purpose of the facehugger is to impregnate the host. It must make contact with the victim’s mouth. It’ll wrap its tail around the victim’s neck, and legs around their head. Shortly after this occurs the host will be rendered unconscious. At this time, the facehugger will implant the embryo into the victim’s chest. Attempts to remove the facehugger are futile, as it will wrap its tail tighter, choking the victim to death, and cutting it away is a bad idea based upon its acid blood. After an implantation, the facehugger will detach, and die.


The host will awaken with no outward negative symptoms. However, the symptoms that will build up are: Sore throat, slight nausea, increased congestion, and moderate to severe hunger. When it is a Queen embryo, however, symptoms may include: shortness of breath, exhaustion, as well as chest pains, and maybe even premature attempts to escape the host.

During this time, the embryo will take some of the DNA from its host, or traits, such as walking on two legs, for legs, or the mandibles of a Yautja. The embryo will develop into a chestburster over the course of 1-24 hours, maybe even up to a week in the case of certain queens. Once it has developed, it will violently erupt from the host’s chest, killing them.

Once it has emerged, the chestburster is less than a foot tall. However, it soon undergoes a dramatic growth spurt, reaching adult size within hours. It will molt before it reaches maturity.

Adult Forms: A xeno will take on various forms depending on the characteristics of their hosts.

The drone is the most basic, and common form of the alien. The drone acts very much like a worker bee, or ant. The main function of them is to keep a hive functioning properly, and to gather new hosts for impregnation. They are almost identical to a warrior, except their smooth dome, and that their tail ends in a stinger-like barb.

One of the primary assault castes of the Xenomorph. They are fast, reasonably tough, and savage combatants. Even in death, they are a danger. The highly pressurized blood of the warrior will cause the creature to burst apart, and drench nearby things in the acid blood. A warriors head is ridged, and there tail ends with a wide blade. The warriors are older versions of the drones.

A xeno spawned from a Yautja. Very rare, and considered an abomination to the Yautja and an affront to their species. They have many traits in common with the Yautja, such as dreadlock-like appendages on their heads, mandibles, skin tone, and vocalizations. They are large, and bulky. They possess greater strength than both the human spawned xenos, and the Yautja themselves. They also have thicker tails. Many a Predalien have their own unique appearance.

One of the last stages in a normal xeno life cycle, this xeno is very large. The most distinguishing feature is the large crested head, similar to that of a queen. They do not possess a second pair of arms upon their chest. They stand over 10 feet tall, towering over their fellow xenos in the field of battle. However, they are still almost as fast and agile as their sisters. They cannot scale walls, or ceiling, and are always in an upright, bipedal position.

They have very thick skin, sometimes being bullet proof. This allows them to shrug off things that would kill the normal xeno several times over.They are stronger than the typical xeno, and due to their role of defending the queen, they will fight with no fear of their own fate, making them very deadly. These are a very rare breed of xeno. They will eventually become a queen, if the queen herself is dead in some way.


Serving as both the mother, and leader of the hive, the Queen’s appearance differs from that of the smaller xenos, in many ways. She has an extra pair of arms from her chest, and a large crest extending rearwards from her skull. She is the LARGEST, and SMARTEST of the Xenomorph species.

The Queen is indeed capable of engaging in combat, and is a formidable opponent; however, this is very rare. The Queen will normally act as a stationary, egg-layer within the hive, and will let the lesser xenos perform the defensive and offensive tasks.

Whilst laying her eggs, the Queen possesses a huge egg sac which will render her immobile. The Queen can detach when she needs to, however, it is very painful for her.

The Queen will display traits of wrath and vengeance that are much more than any instinctual behavior. They are able to solve many problems, and she will also order her hive to do her bidding.

The Queen is able to sustain near-limitless gunfire, based upon how thick her skin is, and the natural armor she has. Hand-to-hand fighting is very unwise with the Queen, as she is very strong. She is incredibly fast for her size. They are very long lived, with some having been around for roughly tens of thousands of years.

Under normal circumstances, there is only one Queen in a hive, however, if there is a time that there are more, this will lead to a conflict, and the Queen who shows to be most dominant will then be referred to as an Empress, and will rule over the Queens in her domain.

The Queens are so intelligent that they have been known to operate human machinery, and even understand basic human actions. They are able to communicate, and command their hive, through obvious screeches, pheromones, and maybe even a form of telepathy. They have very good observation skills.

Though they seem to be violent monsters, the Queens are very protective and caring of her brood. She will act, or not act, when it is within the best interest of her hive. However, the destruction of her nest seems to drive the Queen into a vengeful rage.

The species and such information were taken from the Aliens Wiki, and the AvP Wiki.


LV-854, nicknamed Salvum by those who work there, is a tropical, jungle planet. The colony on the planet was established by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation as a vacation planet for not only the most of their workers, but anyone who needs a break.

The planet’s land masses are more of jungle islands, with beautiful, clear water, white sand beaches. The scenery of the planet is very beautiful, with vast sparkling oceans, many a fresh water spring in the jungles. The trees are green, tall, with various edible fruits. It seems that humanity may have been on this planet years prior, but that is a myth and a legend on the planet.

The main island, called Porta Inferi, houses the main visitor’s center. It is also a fairly large, mostly jungle island. There are some other resorts in the woods, and many man-made dirt paths for vehicles and people to traverse. So far, this is the only island to be inhabited by Weyland-Yutani, as it is the largest. The other, smaller islands may be more for rich investors to have for themselves and their families.

Much of the planet is, not just the islands, are still unexplored. It is known that there doesn’t seem to be any hostile, or life threatening life, and the air was breathable, tested during several readings. There are several things unknown, and even myths about creatures that take some of the vacationers away at night, among other things.

“It is hard to imagine how there could be danger at a place as beautiful as this, the planet is perfectly safe, nothing will bring harm to anyone there,” Mr. Weyland himself in an interview about the planet.

The Infestation

“A group of young vacationers, the children of some of Weyland-Yutani’s staff, ran through the jungle. They were exploring, as most youth do at the age, the young men trying to impress the young women with their climbing skills, and bravery.

“Come on! I saw this temple looking thing about twenty feet ahead of us! It’s through all the brush and stuff! Er, you know what I mean!” The apparent leader of the group yelled to the four stragglers behind him.

“Randy, could you slow down! We’re about half an hour away from the hospital and all that, what if one of us gets hurt!” A young looking girl spoke, obviously worried, and trying to be the most cautious of her group of friends, as always.

“Jessica, babe, don’t get yourself worked up. We’ll be fine. I’m here,” One of the slightly older looking guys, at the back of the group spoke.

“Just because you’re nineteen, and the oldest of us doesn’t mean you’re all that bad, if we run into something that really wants us dead, it won’t be bothered by an ugly human, Jason, you should know that, your dad was a marine, right?” Michael, the young man just behind Jessica told Jason, trying to tell him off.

“It isn’t ‘was a marine.’ Once a marine, always a marine. You should learn that about them. Maybe that’d make more of a man out of you, boy,” Jason retaliated, his voice angry.

“Calm down, boys, you don’t need to get all angry at each other now, we’re here to have fun, at rip each other’s throats out,” Courtney, the last of the group, stepped in. She didn’t like it when men fought over something that wasn’t her.

“Hey, guys, look! There, see it!” Randy pointed through the brush and bushes and other jungle he’d been pushing through.

The temple was large, grand, glorious, but old. It was grey with age, the stones used to build it now no longer cemented, but together due to weathering and age.

“See, I told you guys, now, don’t you think we’ll all be richly rewarded by Weyland-Yutani? And our parents will be so happy to, right? We found this. Not the company. Us, what do you say to that?” Randy asked, looking back at his bewildered friends.

“Weyland-Yutani said that they’d not found anything like this in even the remote area of the hotels and such, w-what is this place then? Could it be a prank?” Jessica voiced her concern.

“A prank? No, I found this yesterday, it couldn’t be. It’s too old to be a prank, and even if it was meant to be a prank, the jokesters are all dead now,” Randy spoke, his voice highlighting certain portions. “We should head back, go inform the company and bring them here.”

“No way man,” Jason said, shoving Randy aside. “Let’s look inside, and then go back.”

A sound came from the distance, like a twig snapping. Everyone turned their head and looked.

“W-what was that?” Jessica’s voice showed she was frightened, based upon her stutter, as well.

“Nothing. Maybe a group such as ourselves. That’s why we need to go in now,” Jason walked forwards, and touched the temple, tracing lines on it. “Just, how do we open the damned thing?”

“Well, maybe if you’d look, dumbass, the door, or whatever you’d call it, is open,” Randy spoke as he was brushing dirt off his shirt.

Randy walked to the door, or more of an open gateway, and pointed in.

“S-s-shouldn’t one of u-us stay out h-here? Y-you know, t-to guard the place? K-keep watch?” Jessica stuttered. She wanted out of here. Badly, panic was taking over in a big way. She didn’t care about the fame or glory or money.

“Good idea Jess, you should stay here, and make sure if no one comes in to kill us or something like that,” Courtney said, in a less than nice manner that was meant to be sarcastic, but scared Jessica very much.

“Courtney, she’s scared, leave her be. I’ll stay here with you, Jessica, if that makes you feel safer,” Michael said, smiling sweetly to Jessica.

“Aw, ain’t that sweet, someone has a crush!” Courtney mockingly yelled at Mike, before running into the temple, followed by Randy and Jason.

After awhile, Jessica and Mike had been standing there for what felt like ages.

“D-do you think something’s happened?” Jessica asked, looking over to Mike.

“I hope not,” he said back.

At that moment, Randy and Jason ran out, holding up Courtney, who seemed to be unconscious.

“What the hell happened in there!?” Michael yelled, seeing his friend knocked out.

“We stumbled upon what seemed to be a nest, something jumped out of an egg, and onto her face,” Randy said, talking fast. “We need to move, now, get her back. Maybe they can get this thing of her face.”

The thing on Courtney’s face was pale, ghostly white, and foreign to all any of the group has seen before. Jessica screamed when she saw it.

“Jessica! Shut up, and help! Now!” Jason yelled at her, not caring.

Together the group got her back to the resort, and it was nearing night.

Once the group arrived, the medical team immediately took Courtney to a surgical room, and a group of the guards at the resort took the rest of the group into questioning.

The Creature Arrives

Courtney awoke, the last thing she remembered was the temple, entering a room, seeing eggs all around, and then something flying at her at high speeds and the shouts of her friends. She looked around, and at her attire, letting out a disapproving sigh.

She was in a dark medical room, it was night, and she was dressed in a shitty hospital gown.

She sat up, and was about to get out of bed, hopefully get some food, she was hungry, and her throat was so damn sore, when a pain entered her chest. She coughed a little, thinking none of it.

She stood, and then grabbed onto her chest, and let out a scream. Pain exploded tenfold into her chest. She fell down, seemingly having a seizure, and screamed more. It hurt, a lot more than anything she’d ever known.

She rambled, shook, yelled at the top of her lungs. No one was coming to help her. She heard a cracking noise, her ribs and chest hurt and exploded with pain. Blood soaked her gown now.

She was still momentarily, and then let out one last scream before she spat out blood, and lay still. Her chest had exploded from the inside, a creature, bloody, and alien, from the inside, was there looking around, before bolting out of her chest, towards broken vent, and scurried away.

Courtney’s body lay there, all night. It was her friend’s horror to find her there.”

Shortly after these events, the Colonial Marines were contacted. The Predators were notified by a youngblood who sent a distress signal shortly before his demise.

The Marines will arrive two and a half weeks after this.

This takes place around 30 years after the events of the movie Aliens.

The Marine Squads:

@Fall will be playing Colonel Mako Alexander Bridges. Leader of the Marines, and Alpha Squad.

@StealthNinja115 will be playing Staff Sergeant
Zachary Lent Koontz. Leader of Bravo Squad.

@Sol The Hastag will be playing Mateo de Vera. Member of Charlie Squad.

@Dino will be playing Sergeant Jefferson Palcata Romare. Leader of Charlie Squad.

@Fall will be playing Sergeant Major Silent Wolf. Member of Alpha Squad.

@StealthNinja115 will play Corporal Demitri Leiht. Member of Alpha Squad.

The Hunters:

@Fall will be playing Red Eye, the Blood Moon clan leader.

@StealthNinja115 will be playing Counter, an Elite Predator who will be the leader of the hunting party.

@Makira will be playing Slark, an Elite Predator who will be on the hunt.

@ninbinz will be playing Pale Eye, an Elite Predator who will be on the hunt.

@Dino will be playing "Hunter", a Predator with no right to hunt on this planet.

The Hive:

@ninbinz will be playing Main Objective. Queen of the Hive.

@StealthNinja115 will be playing Lightscar, a xenomorph drone..

@DeGage11 will be playing an
unnamed drone

@Xenomorphic will be playing Hybrid. The Predalien.

@Makira will be playing Mark D2. Xenomorph Warrior.

The rules and character sheets. Each individual species has their own set of rules along with these ones:

  1. No Bunnying other characters.
  2. No metagaming, which is having the knowledge of all that happens, even if you aren’t there.
  3. No god modding.
  4. You may be one of each species, but the one you put the most work into will be the one you play the most.
  5. You must have at least three paragraphs, that’s five sentences each, in every post.
  6. You must have decent grammar and spelling.
  7. I will be checking your RPN history. If you’re new, and I allow you in, don’t betray my trust.
  8. You may have six characters, however, at max, only two Predators.
  9. And for the love of God, please do NOT join only to not post.
  10. The last rules are stuff to put in your sheet so I know you read the rules, man.


  1. No Marine can have every type of weapon. They can carry a handgun, and one primary weapon, but not a shotgun and a rifle.
  2. You must follow military ranks. If you do not know the military ranks, I will be providing them below. .
  3. There will be several NPC marines who are “cannon fodder”.
  4. You are not impervious to harm.
  5. If you are Synthetic, odds are you will not fight.
  6. No Marines, Synthetic or not, knows what a Predator is.
  7. Stay frosty Marines.

Marine Ranks Available, from lowest to highest.


Private First Class



Staff Sergeant

Gunnery Sergeant

Master Sergeant

First Sergeant

Sergeant Major

Those are the main combat ranks. If you are one of the following, you are not necessarily in a role of combat.

Warrant Officer

Chief Warrant Officer 2

Chief Warrant Officer 3

Chief Warrant Officer 4

Chief Warrant Officer 5

Second Lieutenant

First Lieutenant



Lieutenant Colonel

The leader of the USS Moby is Colonel Mako Bridges. Everyone else on board the ship is under his command.

Marine Character Sheet:





Appearance (Photo or describe):

Skill set (Hacking, engineering, etc…):

Weapons/Tools (if any):

Armor Customizations:



The Predator:

  1. The Predators are an honorable species. They will not attack those who are unarmed, unless they attack first, or possess a form of threat.
  2. No Predator can have every weapon that a Predator can have. They can only have select weapons.
  3. Only three Predators that are blooded are going on this hunt. You may have a Predator character to be on the ship, but maybe not in the hunt.
  4. You are strong, and tough, but not impervious.
  5. You are a stalking species; you do not always go straight for the kill.
  6. If a human seems worthy of fighting one on one, you would go one on one without your more ranged weapons, as that is deemed not to be honorable.
  7. The Predator names are not normally English styled, but would be more like the name of a Native American, named after a trait they possess.
  8. The Predator has their own language, but with their technology, they can understand the humans.
  9. The Clan Leader will be played by me.
  10. The Hunt is on.

Character Sheet:



Appearance (Description):

How their mask looks (Describe):





The Xenomorph:

  1. Most Xenomorphs are very easily killed. Keep this in mind.
  2. Xenomorphs do not speak English, nor even really speak. To make themselves known to each other, they use pheromones, and maybe even telepathy.
  3. You will start out as either a drone or warrior. You may try to be the Queen, but the person who I deem most knowledgeable and such based upon their CS for her will be her. There may be more than one queen if those who try are all very good.
  4. You must rely on stealth, or you may be killed, and forced to make another Xenomorph.
  5. I will let you know when you may need to become a more, powerful, xeno.
  6. Perfect, organism.

The sheets:

Name (Optional):

Warrior, Drone, or Queen (If you wish to be a queen, why should you be?):

Xenos don’t truly have personalities, but hey:


Skills(Stealth, tactics, stuff like that):

You can add some more to the Xeno sheet.
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Name: "Hunter" - The Poacher Predator we were talking about.

Age: 157

Appearance (Description):Looks like any normal Yautja apart from the fact his armor his covered in the blood of his kills that he hasn't washed off.

How their mask looks (Describe): His mask is normal but his eyes are green and illuminate when he isn't cloaked.

Weapons: "Hunter" Doesn't follow the same laws and rules of engagement as all the othe Yaujta that are in clans so he uses a Plasma Caster, Wrist blade and a combi-stick.

Skills: Stealth, Agility, Speed and Cunning.

History: At A young Age "Hunter" Was thrown out of his clan for being dishonorable, he never saw the point in following all those rules, why should he have to fight honorably with a human because it posed bigger of a threat than most when he would much rather blast it with his Plasma caster.

He'd been stuck on his current planet for years. He'd never really bothered going and hunting any humans unless they came near his home. Not that they would know where it was and now it seemed that a clan had come here on their hunt, which meant that he'd have to fight his own kind aswell to survive on this planet.

“Personality”: Has a lust for violence although he normally does not go searching for it. Keeps to himself and fights anyway that normally comes near his "Home" on his current what he would call prision.

The Hunt is on.


Name: Jefferson Palcata Romare

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Rank: Sergeant (Is in command of a 4 man squad including him.)

Minus the box.

Skill set: Is a tactician, likes to think his plans through instead of rushing into a fight and acting open impulse as he believes that will only end in the death of him and his squad.

Weapons/Tools (if any):The standard Issue M3 armor and helmet with a motion tracker attached to his helmet although they don't always work. Standard Issue Pulse rifle and Pistol. His Knife has The Sentence "Vengeance is sweet." Carved onto it.

Armor Customization: Jefferson's helmet has the word Retribution inscribed onto it and Skull with a knife going through it.

History: Born into a militaristic family, it was obvious his parent's wanted him to follow their career paths. This didn't bother Jefferson, he'd always been interested in the stories his father had told him about the fights he'd been in and his mother had always told him the weird wounds and injuries she saw during the time she served as a field medic. After he finished school and hit the age of 18 he went to his nearest recruitment facility and signed up.

He passed the physical and mental tests and before long was out on his first deployment, on LV-423 (Have no idea if this is actually a Canon Colony). Wasn't anything special, just some restless locals that needed help with some "Thing" That was attacking people at night or that was the assumption they made seeing as all that they knew happened was people kept disappearing. A group of people were ordered to go scout the area, Jefferson being one of them. They found what appeared to be a crashed ship. They searched the ship and only found these weird giant things...They looked like some kind of egg. The weirdest thing was this ship wasn't human made, there was all kinds of weird Alien technology in what you would think to be the helm.

It was only after they'd fully searched the ship that one of the know 100% eggs hatched. Some weird little creature flew out of it latching on to the nearest marine's face. They tried to pull it off its face but it was impossible to get off of him. One of the marines next to Jefferson grabbed their gun and shot the thing off the mans face, but the blood that squirted out of it started to burn the mans skin until he died. The Squad leader order every to shoot every single egg left inside the ship and scorch them.

Once they got back to the colony every was ordered to evacuate and that the Colony was too dangerous to live here.

Since then Jefferson has reached the rank of Sergeant and is now being deployed for what seems like the 100th time onto the battlefield.

Personality: Is normally high in spirits on the outside to keep his squads morale high and cheerful and will tell the occasional joke or two but on the inside he can be scared for his life wondering if this is the end for him and that there's no coming back from here on out.

Stay Frosty Marines.
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Name: Mateo de Vera -isn't a synth-

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Rank: PVT(Private)



Skill set (Hacking, engineering, etc…): N/A


M3 Pattern Personal Armor with standard suite of features including the M10 pattern Ballistic Helmet. (Basic Gear)

M4A3 9mm Pistol (Sidearm)

M4A1 Pulse Rifle loaded with standard 10x24mm caseless rounds (Primary weapon)

M314 Motion Tracker (Basic gear)

Armor Customizations:

Spray painted in white an "M" on the left shoulder pad of his armor and "dV" on the right side of his M10 helmet.


Mateo de Vera, a colonist. He grew up on the fringe colony UCPB-10 under USCM jurisdiction. He attended a public institution for his education and has completed his colonial reservist training program. His parents died when he was 13, both were employed in the local Armat Battlefield Systems branch which had suffered an untimely accident, no doubt caused by insurgents. From then on, he was living with his uncle until he made his decision to join the USCM. Currently, he is assigned under the command of Col. Bridges aboard the USS Moby. This would be his first deployment onto the field.


With regards to his psych analysis, we can surmise that the young private is volatile at worst. He tries to put on a cheerful attitude despite the Armat facility incident years ago, he still shows signs that he is still in denial. We hope that this would not cut into his battlefield performance as he had finished near the top of his class in the Reservist training program held in his home colony. He exhibited being a quick thinker and scored high on his marksmanship testing, he was observant and would usually lend aid to his fellow cadets during training, that being said he wasn't a reliable source of leadership as he panics when the given objective was vague. He usually points out whatever wasn't in place to the superior officers and is honest about his opinion regarding those officers in question. That cadet just likes to speak his mind. "Stay frosty, Marines" was something he took to heart and likes drilling into everyone else's minds, despite the fact that he is technically green and has only ever got out of basic training aside from reservist training, giving him absolutely zero combat experience outside of simulations.

-edited, it took me a while running through all the rules several times to realize what I was missing-
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My characters!

Name: Mako Alexander Bridges

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Rank: Colonel

Appearance (Photo or describe): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be07689ef_ColinalMarine.jpg.468402a96d1734814fee97d675492ed3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5190" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be07689ef_ColinalMarine.jpg.468402a96d1734814fee97d675492ed3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Take out that cigarette, he don't smoke.) Above his heart is the tattoo "Semper Fidelis" Latin for "Always Faithful." He has a tattoo on his left arm that is the USCMC logo.

Skill set (Hacking, engineering, etc…): Mako's main skill set is survival skills. He's able to think of how to get away in ways that won't leave him and his men dead. He's very smart, and a fast thinker.

Weapons/Tools (if any): Mako is equipped with a standard set of M3 Pattern Armor, along with the Helmet. He has the M4A1 Pulse, and he has two customized Smith and Wesson 500 Magnum Revolvers, they hold only four rounds each, and pack a hell of a punch. His helmet is also a state of the art helmet, with a motion scanner built into it. It often malfunctions, and he hardly relies upon it asides from the initial sweep of an area. Mako also has a six inch molecular-acid proof bowie knife. He will use this when he only needs to, and will sharpen it often.

Armor Customizations: Across his chest are the Japanese Symbols of "ライブ、愛と繁栄。" Meaning "Live, Love, and Prosper."

History: Mako was born to Shawn Bridges, a Marine at the time, and Angela Bridges, a young British woman. Mako was born in London, England, on Earth. He was the second of three children, and the only boy. Mako grew up there, developing an accent, however, at the age of six, he and his family left Earth to a Weyland-Yutani Colony on LV-286. The world was still little explored. When Mako was 9, his father arrived there, and the two grew close. Mako wanted the join the Corps once he found out what his dad was. To him, a hero.

However. A group was exploring the planet, and they stumbled upon an ancient ship, with xenomorph eggs on it. All Hell broke lose. When it came down to it, Mako watched his father get dragged through a vent by a xenomorph. He was his mother get splayed by one. He saw both his sisters have their chests getting burst.

And to make matters even worse, he was the only Colonist to survive.

About a week later, a USCM ship arrived, and sent troops to investigate. They found Mako, alive, frightened out of his mind, and maybe a little hungry. But alive. However, not every Marine was able to make it out, and when Mako, with his quick thinking, saw a dead Marine's pulse rifle on the ground, he picked it up and shot it like he had never shot before.

He, Sergeant Matrix Jackson, and two other Marines made it out alive. That was the day Mako truly became a Marine. He trained hard, vigorously hard. He had set it in his mind that this was what his father would want him to do. So he did it.

He has been on three official combat drops. The first was one that had nothing to due with Xenomorphs. The second, however, was when his nightmares became reality once again. Over the years, him and Matrix had bonded, a sort of father son relationship. Now, he once again lost that father figure, when Matrix sacrificed himself to destroy a xenomorph hive on another Weyland-Yutani Colony. Several Marines died on that drop, and Mako was the ranking Marine left alive to report.

Between his time from that drop, to his next, Mako went from a Sergeant, and enlisted man, to an officer. However, he progressed through those ranks fast. He became a Colonel within a few years after that second drop. His third drop was more of a success against the xenomorphs, as he was battle hardened, and his men were trained.

However, on this drop, the stakes are raised. Mako doesn't know every marine on the Moby, this ship he's been stationed on during his entire career in the Corps. Mako is tough, however, and will do his best to succeed.

Personality: Mako, is a tough man. He's not closed, but not entirely open. He believes in leaving emotions behind when he needs to, as that was something his father had taught him. "In a fight, leave your emotions behind, and think with your mind." Mako is a caring man, however, and he truly does not like it when a Marine dies. He takes it as his mission to make sure every Marine lives. With him giving the orders, he'll take every Marine death as an insult.

Unlike other officers, however, Mako will go into combat. Fully armed and equipped for a fight.

Mako believes that he is really doing this for the young. The young children at the colonies who aren't yet thinking of who, or what they want to be when they group up. When he heard of the distress signal sent from Salvum, and the circumstances, he said that he'd take the mission. "Stay Frosty Marines."

Theme Song: Hells Bells, by AC/DC. [media]

Name: Red Eye

Age: 256

Appearance (Description): Red looks like any normal Predator, asides that his eyes are red, giving him his name.

How their mask looks (Describe): Red's mask is a silverish color. It's basically the mask pictured above, asides that it is silver, and the eyes flash red when cloaked.

Weapons: Red normally does not go onto hunts anymore, however, he is equipped with a plasma caster, and a smart disc. His claws are unique in the fact that they are red, and made out of an anti-molecular acid metal.

Skills: Stealth, marksmanship, leadership, and more typical leader traits.

History: Red is an older Predator, born many years ago. His trial was not easy, but he was successful. A member of an old, clan, he was kicked out for how he was deemed "Too merciful" to humans.

He found the planet Salvum, as the humans refer to it, and had a few members of his old clan with him. He gained the hunting rights, and decided only to hunt when the moon was blood red for one month. He earned his right to be the clan leader. He isn't exactly a famous Predator, but is very respected.

“Personality”: Red is extremely honorable. So much that he will not attack a human, unless attacked first. Other prey, like the "serpents" he will go after. He's very commanding, and strict with his rules, however. He demands that a human without a weapon who wishes to fight a member of his clan, then he will fight in that way. Unarmed.

He has also killed a Predator who has went against his rules, but the fight was honorable combat. The Hunt is on.



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May ask something about the timeline and possible sidearms(pistols), I was just curious if at this point of the timeline the Weyland Yutani had developed the 3 round burst VP 78 pistol or maybe the M4A4 .45 pistol by Armat (Armat Battlefield Systems), or if this was set before the development of the M4A4 and standardization of VP 78 in USCM? And if they could be available as a possible substitute for the M4A3 you posted up there? -both of which were slightly superior in terms of bug killing to M4A3 9mm, with the VP 78 later becoming standard in the USCM over Armat's M4 family of pistols-
30 years, which meant VP78 isn't standard among USCM yet but a mainstay for WY security forces, this would be when the M4A3 begins phasing out in favor for the M4A4. Alright, I suppose I could still stick with an A3 and maybe stumble upon an VP78(and maybe a whole lot more WY manufactured weapons, seeing as Salvum/LV-854 is a WY corp owned planet) in an armory for security forces somewhere there or not.
Name (Optional): Lightscar (Will be understood early on.)

Warrior, Drone, or Queen (If you wish to be a queen, why should you be?): Starting as a chest-burster, but will technically be a Drone off the bat.

Xenos don’t truly have personalities, but hey: Naturally curious, exploring noises or lights that it sees. Also 'listens' to any 'orders' from the Queen, obviously.

Looks: From behind, he looks like an average Xenomorph. However, he has a large, white splotch on his dome that looks as if someone accidentally hit him with milk, only, the milk is engraved into his dome.

Skills(Stealth, tactics, stuff like that): It's good at sneaking, and strategically planning attacks or anything of the sort. It also memorizes patterns of potential targets and uses them against it (though when it comes to the Yautja and humans, which is going to be most frequent, it will associate one thing with all of them, for example, if 'Johnny' tends to run, the Xenomorph will think that all humans run from danger, and will likely chase after them, or plan to make them run right into him, or vise-versa.) It will, however, change the patterns it remembers if it is proved wrong multiple times (for example, if it runs into marines that stand their ground and fight, he will adapt his ways and not try to make them run into him anymore).


I'd like to reserve one Yautja, if possible. Also, I would like to reserve a Staff Sergeant with a marine squad of 4-6 marines (they can all be cannon fodder for all I care), although I may not make him if there are a lot of marines and few other species. But for now, I'm only going to have the Perfect, Organism.
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(Just a xenomorph for now, i kind of suck at multitasking...)

Name (Optional): (well.....i couldnt thik of a name :/ )

Warrior, Drone, or Queen (If you wish to be a queen, why should you be?): same as ninja, chestburster, drone.

Xenos don’t truly have personalities, but hey: very modest, will follow any orders given, and tends to only want to be in a group.

Looks: Average drone, for now. (sorry didnt really know how to be very original with this one.....)

Skills(Stealth, tactics, stuff like that): Tends to be unusually fast, makes most of his kills quick and silently, unless told otherwise by the queen. He is very acrobatic and will often try to hide when in a very dangerous situation. (Group of marines, fire hazards ETC.)
Name (Optional): Main Objective

Warrior, Drone, or Queen (If you wish to be a queen, why should you be?):


The propagation of my race is my only goal, we are more than the human's who provide us with bodies perfect for incubation, their warm flowing blood and their soft flesh provide us with material more than adequate to sustain our expansion. They think to hold us, to study us. They try to search in vein for our weakness but we have none. All they can gain from studying us is to learn that we will devour them and we will swarm the entire cosmos.

The Hunters!! They bind us and lock us within structures to test their young ones. Time and again we drive them to the brink of defeat and time and again they resort to the burning fire but always one of our brood survives and they will eventually become one of us. The Hunters provide us with good, strong children, thousands of younglings may die to their weapons but when one of them falls to us, we become stronger even more than they know.

I am the queen, my children will spread and then when there is nothing left..........

Xenos don’t truly have personalities, but hey: Dominance, I am the queen all will obey me. I will consume the humans and the hunters and they shall become incubators for my offspring. I am bigger, better, smarter and what does not kill me WILL make me stronger. I will survive at all costs for I can propagate once more.

Looks: She stands at 18 ft and weighs 10 tonnes. She is long sleek and black, her head protected by a crown-like carapace, her spine is hard and ridged, these ridges run the length of her body to end in a blade like tail. Her impressive, armoured limbs sport claws that can tear through metal.

Skills(Stealth, tactics, stuff like that):


Wall climbing abilities

silent communication

Psychic communication

Quick and agile as a 18ft tall, 10 tonne hunk of death can be.

Other Skills:

Great Strength

High intelligence

Hordes of drones at my beck and call

Claws that can rend metal

Trauma resistant body.

Weaponized body.

Echo Location

Pheromonic location

Guess whose a perfect organism? That's me
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Name: Zachary Lent Koontz

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Rank: Staff Sergeant (Also, if possible I'd like a squad under SSG Koontz's control, 4-6 marines. They can all be cannon fodder for all I care, I just feel the need for him to have one.

Appearance (Photo or describe): Koontz stands at six feet, one inch. Taller than the average man, but not by much. He has dark brown hair, which he shaves, but it is in need of a haircut, being about half an inch long at the beginning of the role play. he has brown eyes, to match his hair. His eyebrows are thick, but not very large. He has a muscular build, but doesn't look like a Spartan on steroids or anything like that. He also has a scar from the back of the right side of his jaw down to the pit of his right arm. This was the scar of a surgery done to save his life from an infection that was given to him from a wound given to him by a Xenomorph during a Xenomorph Extermination operation.

Skill set (Hacking, engineering, etc…): A nice sense of leadership along with a profound technological knowledge (Can quickly learn how to use and manipulate technology, which is helpful with hacking or setting up perimeters and checking cameras and such).

Weapons/Tools (if any): Equipped with an M4A3 Pistol and an M4A1 Pule Rifle. He also, on operations that he needs to establish a base camp, or a temporary secure perimeter, he has a UA-571C Sentry he can take with him, though he doesn't take it with him much as it wastes space and might slow them down.

Armor Customizations: He has a skull with a knife in it on the front of his helmet, and on his back he has was looks somewhat like a Xenomorph drone or warrior wrapped in a circle, and in the middle shows an incendiary grenade.

History: (Rather long, if you want to know the basic, boring, and undetailed story: On his first mission, he was traumatized by the Xenomorphs and doesn't want to go on the mission, but was forced to. On his second Xenomorph Extermination operation, he witnessed a headless Xenomorph body, and was also traumatized that something could not only kill the things that had traumatized him before, but had the guts to behead them too.)

Joining the marines seemed like the only path that he could do, his family lane up to his great-great-great grandfather had a history in the military. His very first operation was a Xenomorph-Extermination Operation. In that operation, he went in with a squad of four.

Two of his squad died within a half an hour of deployment, and a third couldn't take it anymore, and 'opted out'. The only ones left were him and his squad leader. His squad leader managed to keep him going throughout the rest of the operation, until the end. The headquarters said that the operation was failed, and that everyone needed to evacuate.

Zach and his squad leader were heading back to the best of their knowledge, but they took a wrong turn somewhere, a turn that Zach regrets to this day. They were being chased by what seemed like endless amounts of them, just climbing out of vents and climbing over the walls. They got through a door and managed to get it shut before any got through, but that didn't matter.

They turned around and saw the one thing they didn't want to. Zachary witnessed a matriarch, the queen of the colony. in a large room, littered with Xenomorph eggs. The Xenomorphs came quickly, coming from all the entrances they could find. The squad leader's quick actions are the only reason Zach is still alive today. The squad leader whipped his gun up, pointing it at a groups of eggs. At the screech of the matriarch, all the drones and warriors stopped and slowly backed away.

Zach remembers the words of that man, in those moments "Private Koontz, get the f*** out of here. You've proved to me you're one hell of a Xeno killer, but no two men can take this job alone. Stay frosty, marine." Those words comfort him and haunt him every day. Zach darted out of the room, then turned around to realize that the squad leader had stayed.

Now, he realizes how stupid he was to do what he did next. He ran back towards the room, and saw his squad leader open fire onto the legs, easily decimating twenty, or even thirty. The matriarch screamed again, and the Xenomorphes started to close in.

His squad leader whirled the gun up and began shooting at the martiarch, and to Zach's horror, each bullet bounced harmlessly off of it. The Xenomorphs swarmed the squad leader, and although he couldn't see the man, Zach can visualize what happened to him just based off of his blood curtling screams.

Most of the rest was a blur of endless corridors and thousands of Xenomorphs. The private threw an incendiary grenade, witnessing as a Xenomorph grabbed the grenade and wrapped himself around it, so when it exploded and burned, it was the only one killed by the fire. (This is how he gets his emblem)

Zach made it out of the facility, and above all of the sandy land, saw all of the transport vehicles already taken off and leaving. He stared at the vehicles, and his legs kept running all by themselves. He started to slow down, and saw a bright flash from one of the airbourne vehicles. With a wizz, Zach heard an explosion and whipped around to see the dent in the ground from a large explosive projectile, probably a rocket of some sort shot from the vehicle. Through the smoke and dead Xenomorph, more emerged, still chasing Zach. The private heard the rounds from firearms in all vehicles shooting, and after witnessing multiple Xenomorphs getting obliterated, the dust from the sand devoured him, and he realized how dangerous of a situation he was in, a Xenomorph could snatch him up at any second, or he could get accidentally caught by a bullet, which many were whizzing by him.

He 'hit the deck' and just stayed there, paralyzed. After what seemed like a year of only the sound of bullets and a huge, tan cloud, all the noises stopped. After a couple of seconds, the cloud settled, and Zach looked around. He nearly had a heart attack when he saw the dome of a Xenomorph no more than two feet from him, but he calmed down quickly when he realized the thing was unmoving. He got up, and saw a large, black area of Xenomorph bodies, and in the distance he saw the few retreating ones enter the facility again.

He nearly fell back down when the large transport vehicle slammed into the ground behind him. He turned around as the door slid open and he heard the pilot apologizing for the hard landing, and he took the hand that was offered to him to help him onto the craft.

After mission after mission, Zach was of the rank Corporal. He was assigned to another Xenomorph Extermination Mission. He bluntly refused, though he was forced to go. It was only him and three other soldiers of the same rank. They were to work as a team, with no immediate leader. According to intelligence, it was a small group of no more than five Xenomorphs on an exploration ship. There was no matriarch, and as far as they knew, nothing but Xenomorphs left on the ship. The goal of the mission was to enter the ship, activate it's self destruct sequence, then get off.

After entering the ship, it was rather easy to find the control center. The marines found it without having to face any Xenomorphs. They activated the self destruct sequence, and that marked all hell breaking loose. The loud announcments came on that the self destruct sequence had been activated and that they only had five minutes to disable them or they would be locked into place. The marines turned around to leave and a Xenomorph was standing in the doorway.

All four marines opened fire, and the Xenomorph retaliated. Zach witnessed the tail of a Xenomorph go through his comrade's neck, skull, and helmet with ease, the sharp tip only a coupel inches from Zach's own face. The remaining three marines killed the Xenomorph, it's acidic blood luckily not hitting any of the marines. They looked at their fallen comrade, knowing he had no hope. Exiting the room, one drop of the Xenomorph's acidic blood hit Zach's mask, dripped down onto his vest, and splashed onto the back of his jaw. The remaining two marines grabbed him as he fell to the floor in pain. They pulled him to his feet, put his arms around their shoulders, and dragged him onward, the acid still burning into his flesh.

The marines rushed towards their spacecraft, making it a great deal of the way. Suddenly, around a corner a Xenomorph came, only, it was facing down the corridor it had come from, and looked as if it was only pushed back. It charged back around the corner, and suddenly stopped screeching. When the marines turned the corner, they saw the Xenomorph on the ground, with no dome.

The marines made it the rest of the way to their spacecraft and launched off, not saying a word to each other about anything. The other two marines got Zach's armor and shirt off and the medic of the two began to perform an operation to stop the acid from getting any further, realizing it had already gotten to his armpit. After diluting the acid enough so it wouldn't burn through Zach's skin, the medic stopped any bleeding still going on and put Zach into hyper sleep.

After waking from hyper sleep at HQ, the marines found that Zach's wound had become badly infected and was life-threatening. They operated on him again, and Zach barely survived the surgery. The scar from the surgery is a constant reminder of the event.

Personality: Reserved, but doesn't want any more of his fellow marines to die anymore. He also had a deep hatred and fear for the Xenomorphs, and is always haunted by his past. 
Name: Counter

Age: 154 years

Appearance (Description): Looks like any other Yautja, other than the fact that when he doesn't have his bio-mask on his eyes are very open a lot of the time, taking in the environment.

How their mask looks (Describe): Counter's mask is a sleek, reflective black. When you look at his mask directly, you can clearly see your face staring back at you.

Weapons: Aside from standard equipment, Counter is equipped with a Combi-Stick.

Instead of the standard wrist blade, he has one on each wrist, and both are composed of Anti-Acidic Metal Alloy and are Scimitar (Instead of twin short blades, there is one, longer blade)

Skills: Counter is skilled in close-quarters combat, which is why he has his weapon set as it is. He is also a skilled tactician in that he can analyze situations quickly and decide what the smartest and most honorable course of action would be.

History: Since the day he was born, to the day he was baptized and blooded in a hunt, even to this day, Counter has followed in the steps of Red Eye. Red Eye didn't go on very many hunts in the years that Counter was able, but when he did, Counter was with him every time. Getting to the position he was in was... Difficult... But now that he's in his position he's determined to keep it.

“Personality”: Counter gets an extreme sense of honor from his elder, Red Eye. He also will obey orders from Red Eye at any time. Aside from this, he is also a very competitive Xenomorph hunter, so much that he counts every Xeno he kills and at the end of the hunt takes one of the Xenomorph skulls and etches the Yautjan number for the amount of Xenomorph's he's killed, and keeps it as a trophy. This is how he gets his name, Counter. The Hunt is on.
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Name: Slark

Age: 232

Appearance (Description): Slark is just like almost any other predator. He always exhales in a snorey kind dof way, but sometimes it may appear as some kind of a distance cry of animal. Slark has a large diagonal scar on his chest from his last battle against a drone.

How their mask looks (Describe): Slark's mask is just like all other predator's, It has all the visions in it.

Weapons: Slark is equipped with the plasma cutter, the smart blade, the wrisk blade and the wrist gauntlet. Meanwhile the gauntlet contains self-destruct device do prevent himself from being captured and experimented on. To hide the Blood Moon secrets.

Skills: Stalking, hand to hand combat, tracking.

History: Slark was well known for his capability of stalking someone and tracking down his prey. He was taught honor, and to never show mercy to his prey. He was found by Red Eye, and joined the blood moon clan. He is very loyal to red eye and will do anything he says. Even to kill himself with his own weapon. Hence, the self-destruct device on his wrist gauntlet.

“Personality”: Slark is a predator that loves to play with his Prey. He wants to see how his prey would react to certain events. How he would react when threatened. If he sees the prey worthy of his trophy, he will personally fight his prey one on one. Without any weapons except for his wrist gauntlet. When he wins the fight between him and his prey, he takes the head and collects them as trophies to remember his victory.

The hunt is on.
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Dino said:
History: Born into a militaristic family, it was obvious his parent's wanted him to follow their career paths. This didn't bother Jefferson, he'd always been interested in the stories his father had told him about the fights he'd been in and his mother had always told him the weird wounds and injuries she saw during the time she served as a field medic. After he finished school and hit the age of 18 he went to his nearest recruitment facility and signed up.
He passed the physical and mental tests and before long was out on his first deployment, on LV-423 (Have no idea if this is actually a Canon Colony). Wasn't anything special, just some restless locals that needed help with some "Thing" That was attacking people at night or that was the assumption they made seeing as all that they knew happened was people kept disappearing. A group of people were ordered to go scout the area, Jefferson being one of them. They found what appeared to be a crashed ship. They searched the ship and only found these weird giant things...They looked like some kind of egg. The weirdest thing was this ship wasn't human made, there was all kinds of weird Alien technology in what you would think to be the helm.

It was only after they'd fully searched the ship that one of the know 100% eggs hatched. Some weird little creature flew out of it latching on to the nearest marine's face. They tried to pull it off its face but it was impossible to get off of him. One of the marines next to Jefferson grabbed their gun and shot the thing off the mans face, but the blood that squirted out of it started to burn the mans skin until he died. The Squad leader order every to shoot every single egg left inside the ship and scorch them.

Once they got back to the colony every was ordered to evacuate and that the Colony was too dangerous to live here.

Since then Jefferson has reached the rank of Sergeant and is now being deployed for what seems like the 100th time onto the battlefield.
I don't mean to criticize, but he sounds a lot like my character, which is cool and weird.
StealthNinja115 said:
I don't mean to criticize, but he sounds a lot like my character, which is cool and weird.
I never read through your character apart from the name because I was going to call my character Zachery But you had Zachary So I decided against it.
Dino said:
I never read through your character apart from the name because I was going to call my character Zachery But you had Zachary So I decided against it.
I was going to name him something different, but my brother's name is Zachary.
Name: Pale Eye

Age: 210

Appearance (Description): He is tall by human standards, his hair is adorn with with small bone fragments from his fallen prey, his skin is pale and white one of the human prey might call him an albino, this has made the hunt much harder for him and given him much honor. His body is covered in the scars of those who have tried to make him prey but were in turn hunted. Even his eyes are pale which is where he draws his name. His armor is most unlike that of other hunters, it consists of the prey he has felled.

The carapace of a Xenomorph queen serves as his chest plate, while the rest of his armour is standard among his kind.

How their mask looks (Describe): It resembles the skull of a thing the human prey calls a 'sabertooth tiger', the Yautja do not have a name for the beast Pale Eye has slain and made into his mask, it is inlaid with the metal and technology that makes a mask of the Yautja.


Beyond the customary equipment Pale Eye wields a smart disc with a grip for close encounters


He is a hunter and the night is his ally even with his pale skin he is able to remain quiet and unseen in most environments, during the day he is just as stealthy.

He is intelligent and blooded, he has experience hunting his own kind as he was once hunted.

He is a close combat specialist and excels at getting close enough to his prey to see the sweat bead on their foreheads.

History: The Yautja are not known for their acceptance of difference, all they know is the hunt and their prey, this is at least true for the males of the species. Females must care for their young ones and teach them the skills needed to hunt all and never be prey, this is the same for Pale Eye's mother. As a young one he was deemed to be weak, his skin made him a target as bright as any sun on any planet, a hunter must survive with and without his armour.

His mother refused to let them kill him, even as the chief and elder ordered it, so she left in exile with her child. With his mother his sole guardian and a target painted on their backs Pale Eye was forced to live as prey and as prey he learned how his kind hunted, he learned how they stalked and toyed with their prey when arrogant and seemingly assured of their prey's demise, he watched as the different clans feuded with each other and he watched the practice honour.

When the time came and his mother deemed him ready to become blooded, she took him to a temple where such rituals were undertaken, whether by luck or misfortune the temple had already been in use, a new pack of youngbloods had been brought for their own right of passage.

Pale Eye ventured forth in the wake of those new bloods and began his own hunt. His instincts told him to trail his kin through the temple and watch as they traversed the buried hunting ground, he fended off the drones and continued to follow the group until they came upon the queen. Surrounded by drones Pale Eye was forced to join with the group of Youngbloods and fend off the queen. The battle was tight and many of the group had fallen, the only thing left standing was Pale Eye who dragged the Queen's carcass through the temple and back to his mother.

Unfortunately on his return he found his mother headless on the earth, above her stood the elder of the Blood Moon Clan. Showing his trophy Pale Eye petitioned to be of the blood moon clan.

“Personality”: He is patient, he is ferocious, he is confident but above all else he is intelligent and cold. The honour of his kind is written in his blood and that blood belongs to a hunter that belongs only because of his skill.

The Hunt is ON!!
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Name (Optional): Mark D2

Warrior, Drone, or Queen : Warrior

Xenos don’t truly have personalities, but hey: Mark follows his instincts, Fight or flight.

Looks: Looks the same as all other warrior drones, except, he has a large X scar on his exoskeleton head.

Skills(Stealth, tactics, stuff like that): Stealth, pretty much all other skills every warrior has.

Perfect Organism ? Beware of mine.
Name: Hybrid

Warrior, Drone, or Queen, etc...: Predalien

Personality: More of a disciplinarian, Hybrid believes in self discipline and doesn't spare the rod. However, he has never had to assert such discipline on any other being but himself. In doing so, he tries to strengthen his body and mind. He knows exactly what he is and also, what he is to others. An abomination to that of his host race, he tries to act much like them even if he does not have the ability to show emotion. Amongst the Hive, he is more of a loner, working with the hive only when he feels he is needed. Like his host race, he follows an Honor Code, and refuses to fight an unarmed opponent with his trademark weapons, rather using his superior strength in hand to hand combat. He waits till his enemies are ready to fight, and once they are, he will try his best to give them an honorable death fit on how well they were able to hold it off.

He shows the utmost loyalty towards the Queen and the Hive's efforts to propagate the universe with their kind and would even die for their cause if necessary. But, he does have a certain disliking towards other Xenomorphs and even shows a disliking towards the Queen, but respects her too much to reveal this.




  • Exceptional Speed and Agility
  • Superior Strength
  • Extreme Stealth
  • High Intelligence
  • Acidic Projectiles
  • Acidic Blood
  • Wall and Ceiling Scaling
  • Hidden Mouth
  • Extremely Sharp Claws and Tail Blade

"I guess one could say that I'm anything but a Perfect Organism."
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Name: Silent Wolf

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Rank: Sergeant Major

Appearance (Photo or describe):
However, his hair is a bit more grey, he lacks the face paint, and headband. He also has tribal tattooing going down both of his arms.

Skill set (Hacking, engineering, etc…): Wolf is a highly skilled explosives expert. You want something to explode, his is the man for it. He is also very skilled with a knife.

Weapons/Tools (if any): Wolf has the M56 Smart Gun, and a back up M4A1 Pulse. Wolf, however, unlike his other marines, wears no armor. Preferring instead a black tank top, and jungle style camouflage military pants, and combat boots. He has several explosives with him at all times.

Armor Customizations: He wears no armor, asides from the headset required by the smart gun.

History: Wolf has been in the marines since he was eighteen, his life before then is unknown, as he has never disclosed upon it. He has been in at least eight combat drops, the majority he served under Matrix Jackson, a famed Marine for his prowess in battle, and many other accomplishments.

Wolf was on the drop that resulted in the deaths of many Marines, and the rescue of Mako. Wolf even taught young Mako how to use a knife in combat. Wolf was offered leadership of the USS Moby after Matrix was K.I.A., however, he refused. He now serves in Alpha Squad, as one of the smart gunners in the squad, and also the explosive technician.

Personality: Wolf has always kept to himself, and he has not uttered a single word in years. The reasoning for this is unknown. Wolf seems to be a very honorable, and noble man. He has thrown himself in the way for many a person.

Stay frosty, Marines. 
Accepted list updated. If no one else joins, the RP will start before this Sunday, most likely Friday or Saturday. 
Go, my brothers. Honor is yours! (A.K.A. the RP is up.)
Name: Demitri Leiht

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Rank: Corporal

Appearance (Photo or describe):


Skill set (Hacking, engineering, etc…): He doesn't have a good sense of what he can and can't do under pressure, this is his first employment.

Weapons/Tools (if any): He has a M56 Smart Gun and a M314 Motion Tracker.

Armor Customizations: Skull and crossbones on his chest, the crossbones are Smart Guns and the skull is normal.

History: He originally joined the military because it interested him. On his first employment, he realized that almost everything about war that he had thought was wrong. The thought of getting out is what drove him through the employment, which took two weeks. Once he was taken off the front lines, it was hard to motivate him to go back. 'It's easy to get a man to go to war, but the hard part is getting him to go back,' that quote summarized his experiences. None of his squad were even injured, but he did watch another marine get shot. He thinks that the marine, survived, but he hasn't seen him since. He's been on a few combat drops, including two Xenomorph exterminations. However, he hasn't experienced anything extremely mentally straining. He's seen marines die, of course, and he felt bad, but he knows that they won'd be burdened by combat anymore, so it doesn't bother him to much afterwards.

Personality: He's known to be a little nervous, a lot of the time, but he doesn't let that get in the way of following orders. He's straight-forward and pretty serious most of the time, and isn't known to joke.

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