This Is What Makes Us Girls [Inactive]


Two Thousand Club
Daisy "Daze" Hale

Daisy happened to be just slipping into her shared apartment at 2 am, as drunk as can be. The siren has decided to drown out her sorrows in Long Island Iced Teas and tequila shots. Instead of immediately retiring to her room with Spence, the girl has decided to remain out in the living room. Waking her roomie could prove disastrous.

Instead, she decides to grab a bag of chips and a beer and collapse into the couch. She flips on the television but makes sure to keep the sound low, so she doesn't alert the other girls, although at least one of them is bound to be awake by now. As the alcohol is cracked open, the sound echoes against the high ceilings and the look on Daisy's face makes her look like a deer in the headlights. The budlight is brought up to her plump, pink lips as she washes down the couple of chips she just devoured. Her emerald eyes are glued to the television, displaying impossibly tall and skinny girls all competing to be America's Next Top Model. The show was sort of stupid, but entertaining as hell and the flower could not get enough.

There's a sound of footsteps in the distance as Daisy mumbles "Oh shit" and proceeds to sink down into the comfy couch, so her head cannot be seen. Her drunk mind fails to realize that they can simply walks a few extra feet to find her already half way off the seat with her beer still in her hand.

(Whoever that is, is up to you guys! @Hollipop @OneHellOfACatLover @alreadyrunout @ArtisticKwittyKat234 )
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LYDIA "Lyds" had been studying for an up coming test for science. She sighs being exhausted. Lydia glances up from her book to the clock next to a cup of pencils. "Already two.." mustering enough strength she gets up shuffling over to the kitchen for a late night snack. Once she was in the kitchen she looked around. There really wasn't anything that would satisfy her munches. Lydia open the refrigerator, letting the cold air seep into her exposed arms, she bends down, looking at the contents that were inside. There were some: old pizza, probably from yesterday night, a soda, and some olives. Lydia looks over the food and picks the pizza. She takes a piece then shuts the door, after hearing a sound of a beer bottle opening. She would know that sound anywhere. "Hello?" she calls, walking past the doorway and into the living room "Daisy?" She knew is was daisy. She was the only one who wasn't here. Everybody else had gone to bed. Stepping forward a bit she sees a figure slumping on the couch and she notices that the TV was one, which wasn't on before. She sits in a love seat. "Daisy.. What have you been up to?" she laughs taking another bite of her pizza.

Mentions: @Britt

I hope this is okay...)
Spencer "Spence" Evans

Spencer Evans was many things--however, a heavy sleeper wasn't one of them. Only an hour before, she had arrived home to the apartment after working the night shift at the diner. Besides Daze, Lydia was the only awake roommate when she slipped into the cramped space she shared with her five best friends in the entire work. However, Lyds was busy studying for something, and Spence was tired from work, so she decided to take advantage of her empty bedroom and pass the hell out. Unfortunately, she was awoken by the sounds of conversation in the living room. She recognized the voices of Lydia and Daisy.

She sighed and threw her legs over the side of her bed. Dressed in the oversized men's button down that she wore as sleepwear, she walked into the living, muffling the back of her jet black hair and blinking quickly to get to the sleep out of her eyes. "Loud much?" Spencer asked them both good-naturedly. She was annoyed, but she wasn't mad at them or anything. "Mmm, beer," she walked into the kitchen and plucked a bottle from the six-pack in the fridge. Living with five roommates, no matter how good of friends you all were, meant labeling all of your food and drinks so nobody took them. However, everybody had agreed that the booze was fair game--and thank god for that.

She walked back into the living room and flung her arms around the shoulders of a very intoxicated Daisy. "Hey, drunky. Have fun?" she asked over the back of the couch. She took a sip of her beer and breezed around the other side, sitting down next to her friend. "How's studying, Lydia?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Part of her wished that she could have gone out with Daze tonight, but she had been picking up a ton of extra shifts at the diner lately to help pay her portion of the rent. She was so happy that she had off tomorrow--er, today rather.

Emma "Ems" Levitt

Emma had heard things from downstairs, causing her to wake up. She groaned, thinking one of her roomies had gotten into a fight or somethign again. She was the mother aof the group, and the glue girl. Honestly, Emma didn't know how long these girls would last without her, they would tear other girls apart.. The brunette swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and adjusting the oversized band sweater so it lay hanging off one shoulder, just the way she liked it. She brushed through her hair with her fingers, applied her lip balm, cracked her knuckles, and walked downstairs. "Why are you three up? It's like 2 am.." Emma groaned, walking to the fridge and grabbing herself a bottle of water. She didn't bother to actually listen, if anyone gave her an answer, she was tired, and she wanted to go back to bed and resume her dream of kittens and marrying Ian Somerhalder.

Clarissa Jackson

Clarissa woke up, lifting her head slowly from her pillow. She let out a burst of air, squinting to look up and over at the clock. It was extremely difficult to read so, after staring for a long moment, she let her head fall back onto the pillow. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to fall back asleep for awhile but failing. Being up late studying, trying to raise those dropping grades, wasn't the best way to spend a night, especially when your body was incapable of letting you sleep past a certain time, apparently.

Seriously? Another migraine!? Clarissa slowly made her way out from under the warmth of her blankets and over to the door. She shivered slightly, rubbing her arms to make the odd, random feeling go away. The shivering made her head begin to pound more so she quickly walked over to her dresser and took a couple aspirin. Clarissa glanced up in the mirror to look at herself. The large, baggy tee shirt she was wearing ended just above the middle of her thighs. She was never able to sleep with pants on so she always slept in just a shirt and underwear. But that didn't really matter around here anyways so she didn't bother putting on pants.

Exiting her room and wandering into the kitchen, she looked over at the rest of her roommates who had already made their appearance. She raised a hand as a hello before opening the fridge. Grabbing a beer and opening it quickly, she turned around slow and closed the door behind her by leaning back into it. Clarissa lifted the bottle to her lips and begin drinking, taking one large gulp after the other. Honestly, she hated the taste of this stuff but it always seemed to help her relax some so it was worth it. She held the bottle in her hands and simply looked over at everyone, forcing out a somewhat friendly yet clearly strained smile at the others.
All Daisy could offer the others was a stupid grin as she lifted herself up and back into her seat, polishing off the remaining amount of alcohol in the bottle. To be honest, she really shouldn't but drinking anymore but 'knowing your limit' is not something Daisy Hale was known for. In fact, it was quite the opposite for the wannabe siren.

"I--I am never leaving this couch."
Emma groaned and turned around. "If none of us are leaving, then I'm going back to bed because there's someone in this room who has yet to f*ck Ian Somerhalder and marry him so.." She trailed off, chuckling. "Daze, lay off the alcohol, will ya?" She said, smirking. In all honesty, she just wanted to go back to bed to have her 'me time.' With the girls around she barely got that, and it was nice to sleep.

Emma sighed, knowing she shouldn't go back to bed, she sat down on the couch next to Daisy and crossed her legs. "Well now that we're all up.. Who's hungry?" She asked, not caring to note how some of them had already had a slice of pizza or the like. "Well, anyone? I'm f*cking starving here." She laughed, hoping to get a laugh out of the other girls.
Lydia laughs at Daze's comment. " Oh.. All right.. " She laughs once more re fixing her messy bun. She turns to Ems " you and Ian.. " she giggles wiggling her toes. Lydia let her thoughts of her school and her old fun life run through her mind. She was pulled out of them by Ems talking. "Oh.. Well I just had a slice of pizza.. But you know me! always hungry" she says before setting her feet on the floor.
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