Story This is not a Love-story: The Girl with one sock.


The Girl With One Sock
By J. M. T. & __________

The Blindfold Tales Volume I


What the hell are you doing?!

We walked across the tracks, and slowly we made our way to my abode.

What are you going to do when she finds out there aren't any drugs? she's probably
going to stab you, and YOU would deserve it.

With my thoughts taunting me, each block seemed as another endless stipend of
eternity. Each glance I directed towards this girl was met with an inhuman lack of
emotion. She simply stared back as if she were some discarded doll, it was terrifying.
My mind began to race trying to think of a way to get out of this mess. As it continued to
draw blanks I just kept walking, followed by this girl with one sock.
Just as I could feel a thought working it's way to the top of my mind, I looked up.. Too
late several infinities weren't enough, we had arrived at my building.


"I'll uh, go up and get it."

"Hell no, I didn't walk all this way to get shortchanged and ditched at your doorstep."


"Fine, follow me."

We made our way inside, I lived on the fourth floor so the stairs seemed like a better option, lending me a few more seconds to think.


Shit just tell her and pray she doesn't stab you.

We arrived, at this point my hands were seizing as I fumbled to open the door. All of a
sudden we were inside my sorry studio, she entered first and I didn't get the chance to close the door.

"Hey, look... I don't have any drugs here, I lied I'm sorry... But I figured you might want a
hot shower and som-"


To be honest it kind of caught me off guard, I mean I was expecting something but somehow not
ready for it. Before my ears stopped ringing, I blinked twice and she was gone. I lazily pushed
the door shut before hobbling over to my bed and plopping down.

"Coffee..." I whispered into the void with a small sigh.

I lied there staring into the empty space below my ceiling, quietly my eyes slipped into
a state of lucidity somewhere between having dreams and being aware.
The sound of a cup sliding across my counter caused me to open an eye and suddenly
my nose was aware of the coffee I had wished for but hadn’t made.

This is where I die.

Looking towards the source, I see her with her back turned and for a brief second there
is a terrifying silence.

Do I say something?

“You know, it’s a really dumb idea to lie to some random street girl that you have never
met. Then invite her to your place, and not even have the damn drugs that you lied
about in the first place.”

Yep, this is where she kills me.

I sat up, but she didn’t turn. She just stood there staring down at the depleted cup of
coffee that she had been offered hours earlier.

What now Genius?

“I mean who the f--- does that?”

she said turning so that her eyes bore into the deepest depths of what at one point in
time would have been my soul.


For another moment we existed, me with a dumb look smeared across my face, and her
with those beguiling eyes. After the moment had passed I sat up, and she reached for
the pot of coffee to refill her cup.

"So what the hell do you want? You want to f--- me, is that why you lured me up here?
Or is it something more original?”

My eyes widened and I looked away, immediately I could feel my cheeks burn.

“Uhm, .. I-I’m uh.. No I mean not that uh that wouldn’t be-” I managed to croak out
before my body betrayed me, and I began to cough uncontrollably from swallowing spit
down the wrong pipe.

She giggled slightly at my discomfort, shaking her head; not doubt from my


“Too bad." She said with a few heaping's of sarcasm.

The coughing fit intensified and continued for much longer than what I thought should
have been possible. Once it had subsided and I began wheezing like an eighty-year-old smoker, I got
up and walked towards the cup of water she had filled, in I’m sure what was an effort to
subdue the silence.

Good God, am I an idiot.. Play it cool Damn it.. GOD YOU SOUND LIKE A CRAZED
DONKEY.. It’s because you are a jackass, that’s why.. A JACKASS!

Grabbing the cup, I proceed to gulp it down as if I had been in the desert for the last
year. Nearly choking on it, twice. Looking towards the floor I clear my throat, then look
back up and try to come up with some attempt at an explanation.



“You have no Idea what the hell you are doing do you?” She spits out before I get the
chance to even defend why this ludicrous situation is actually some fated... bologna.
That somehow I am actually a great guy and, it’s a pleasure to meet me.

“Yes, I mean.. No I mean. I mean, look. You just looked like someone I thought I would
be interested in getting to know.. You looked like you were maybe down on your luck
and maybe you could use some help.” I said trying to make me sound like somehow
less of a douche.

She Rolled her eyes and shifted her weight to her back leg with an expression I could
only express as disgust. I prepared myself for whatever verbal beating would come


“So you offer to sell me Zantex? What the fuck, is this some charity case? DID I LOOK
She blared, like one of those sirens that
warn people of the flying shit-storm that is about to engulf your home, suck you up like a
blender and throw you a mile down the road like a raggedy Ann.



She threw the ceramic mug at my special place with a force I could only describe as


Hitting the same spot on my face as the well aimed slap would ensure that the bruise
would be several shades of black and blue. Like a memento it would be there for me to
remember her for days if not weeks to come.

“Let me say what actually happened since you seem to incapable to telling the truth.
You were out with whatever assholes you call friends at that dive or whatever the fuck
listening to some shitty rock’n’roll. When you go outside to escape the smell of complete
and utter asshole and take care of your oh so lovely habit of breathing in cancer sticks.
When you look across the street and see that you aren’t alone for the first time in your
miserable existence. Oh and what do you see, a f---ing crowd of HOMELESS people
gathered around a god damned trash can trying to stay warm in this fucking cold. So
you watch them like the lowlife that you are, low and behold for some fucked up reason
one of them somehow catches your eye. You see that the look of sheer misery isn’t
stained across her face, so what do you do? You finally work up whatever you call a
backbone and approach her, but instead of trying to talk to her like any decent person.
You offer her some shitty pills because your opinion is so low of her that you think the
only thing she must be interested is some fucking drugs. So after your obvious attempt
to pick her up, she decided to follow you. But guess what asshat you don't have shit!”

It's not that what she said was even true, it's the way she said it as if she saw any
attempt to be cordial as a slight against her.

“Hey, you have every right to think the worst of me. It wasn't like that, I'm sure you are

“Pissed, hell yeah I'm Pissed. But pissed isn't even. So guess what asshole, You owe
she cut me off before grabbing me by the shoulder in an attempt to guide me
somewhere. It only took a second of me not budging to awaken the glare of some
demonic creature with eyes that cut and a look that could freeze blood.


She led me to the door which was still cracked open, with a firm kick I stumbled slightly
into the hallway. Evidently I was being thrown out of my own flat.

Slam. Lock. Bolt. Latch.

Christ what have I got myself into.

I slump down against the locked door, as one of my Neighbors pass I awkwardly wave.

“So how can I pay you back?”

No response.

“Are you disappointed because there is nothing to steal?”

“Not nothing to steal, just nothing worth stealing. God this place is a pigsty.”

Rustling from behind the door, before the sounds of this girl's footsteps traveled across
the studio apartment.

“Hey, what are you doing in there anyway?”

No response.

“So, this is how it's going to be then?”

No response.

Knock. knock. Knock. Hit. Jiggle door knob. Hit. Bang.


I sit there questioning for another five minutes before I hear her approach again.

Latch. Bolt. Lock.

And the door opens to reveal this girl now standing, wrapped in a

I just stand there gawking as she sighs and throws her former attire at me with a few
other articles of clothing, and my half empty bottle of detergent.

“Laundry, now!”

The door slams.

“Wash it on delicate....”
She said forcefully.


She trailed off in a whisper as her steps faded to the far end of the studio.


Turning to leave I hear a shriek of disgust.

I head to the laundry room which is shared by our floor. By the time I got back to my
door it was cracked open, which is kind of surprising considering it was like five minutes.

I knocked, not sure why, but I did.

No response.

I opened the Door to find her sitting crossed legged wearing an old band shirt and
boxers on my couch. In front of her was an old but well kept canvas backpack which
she seemed to be rifling through.

Say something idiot.


She looked up, meeting my gaze in a way I find hard to describe. It was both questioning, and
had answers only those that know the way of the lost could ever understand. As if she was asking
a question she had already known the answer to.


She sat up, and her eyes narrowed.

“What do you want? I mean really, why did you ask me here. For coffee, fine I've had some? For
a shower? Great, I've taken one. I don't even know your name...”

God, say something! Anything, make her go. Tell her to stay, just do fucking anything!

“Honestly.. You looked-”

“-like someone you once knew? Like a girl you wanted? What?”

“You looked like you didn't belong there okay!”

Oh no.

“What the hell does that mean, like I didn't belong on the street, or in a back alley with some
scary drifts? Fuck you, you don't know me from Chris-”

“-I wasn't finished. Look, you were standing there and I saw you-”

“-was watching you.”

“-saw you and you looked.. how do I say this. You looked like there was more to you, you stood
out in a way that people only see in the movies. Okay, I don't know.. I just knew that if I didn't
find a way to talk to you I knew I would regret it.”

Christ, even I thought that sounded like a line.. You are an idiot.

She looked away for a moment and then just broke out laughing. Honestly it was kind of
terrifying, but at least she wasn't mad again.

“Wow you must really be lonely, trying to pick up a girl with a line like that.”

“Well you're here aren't you?”

The laughter immediately stopped, and her posture became rigid.

“Let's get one thing straight, I'm here because I chose to be. Because regardless of what you
think of me or what you think I am. I chose to come up to your little hole in the wall and see why
the hell someone like you would talk to me. If it's for sex, fine I can do that if I chose to but I'm
not a whore, you do get to bribe me for use of my body. Just be straight with me.”

Be a decent human being.

“Look, not that it wouldn't be great I'm sure.. But I don't make it a habit of having sex with
random strangers I don't know?”

“But you will offer to sell them drugs and invite them over?”

Sigh of admission.


Now what..

“Look can we just start over, I'm August.. The short sighted dirtbag of this sad story.”

I gestured in a way that expressed that I was out of ideas of how exactly to prove I wasnt a
complete douche.

She scoffed slightly, but ended with a smirk.

“And I am Lydia, the girl with nothing better to do.”

I smiled, I think for the first time since I got myself into this mess, and her smirk grew into a
small grin.

Which started a conversation about why I think smiles are the single most threatening gesture
that we normalize as a species. For which she had her own thoughts and opinions that led down
more rabbit holes until the night had been spent. We talked about everything.. From nonsense to
history, philosophy to politics, childhood to dream-life.

It was strange, not because she was homeless, but rather because it had seemed as though I had
known her for years and we were just catching up.
At the end of it all we sat there for a moment processing, and perhaps how our conversation lead
us to where we were.

“I'm hungry. Do you want to grab a bite?”

“Sure I know a place nearby.”

So we got her stuff and headed to the 24hr diner on the corner. By the time we had ordered our
breakfast it was well passed dawn and after we had eaten that sleepy contentment was beginning
to encroach.

“You know, you were a lot less of an asshat that I thought. It was nice to just talk to someone for
a change.”

YES, you have made it out of ass hole range! Just don't fuck things up, leave in a good note damn it.

“Thanks, I think.”

“So... uh.. Where are you headed to? I mean after this.. Do yo-”​

“God, stop asking Shit like that. I have my places, I'm not some damn stray puppy that you get to keep.

I said don't ruin things you fucktard!

“Right, yeah sorry I just didn't have work today So I wasn't sure.”

“Slow down there buddy, it was nice meeting you.. surprisingly. But I don't expect to see you
anytime soon. I mean get real, I'm sure you have a life however sad and pathetic it may be. It's
still a life, and believe it or not I have a life too.”

And the award for ruining the most perfectly nice moments in a single day goes to.... Drum roll
please.. August.

“Hey I believe you, didn't know it was a crime to ask.”

“Well you might want to work on that.”

So after another agonizing moment of awkwardness. We got up dodging each other's glances. I
paid and we stood there finding the right way to part.

“Well, it was good meeting you. I better get going.”

“Yeah me too.”

“Well it's been interesting.”


She turned and began to walk away, but then something happened I didn't expect. She turned
back around.

“I almost forgot”

Freaking ridiculous mind blowing kiss.

The kiss breaks and I just stand there stunned looking like an idiot.

“By the way, it's Xanax. Not Zantex, just thought you should know.”

And then she walked out of the diner and out of my world. Leaving me with a sense of confusion
so thick that I had trouble making it across the street to my apartment. I tried to piece together
what exactly I did right but .. Yeah, nothing.

Afterwards I just went to bed and had the weirdest freaking dream.. But that's not important so I
will tell that later.


I woke up and he was just laying there holding my hand and looking at me with that stupid
worried face. I guess I had another nightmare.
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