This is an Introduction.


Lurking Pun Ninja
Hello, now, I should probably tell you my name, but I'm about 49% sure that it will show up right beside this post-thingy. However, for all those who are so interested in this one post and cannot bear the strain of turning their gaze about an inch to the right, my name is DamagedGlasses. Now, what importance does a username have? I mean, DamagedGlasses obviously isn't my real name, my mother isn't as cruel as that, although she does have rather weird obsession of the letter 'y'.

When you pick a username, what runs through your mind, things like 'Wow, this is going to sound amazingly epic' or maybe 'Watch out ladies, 'insert corny name' is finally here'. I don't know about other people, but DamagedGlasses has been a favored username for a very long time, or at least it is if you consider one year a 'very long time'.

I love it because, it was actually a name that came to me based on my more recent years of middle school. Now, I bet you all can guess that I wear glasses *gasp*. What you might not know, and I really hope you don't, because otherwise I need to get thicker curtains, that I don't take very good care of them. I wear them most of the time, and while their on my face, they are relatively safe, except for that time I got hit by a girl in the face. Totally unrelated, but I actually did ask the girl to hit me in the face, I wanted to see how it felt.

However, while in middle school, I had this overwhelming habit of taking my glasses off and swinging them around in my hand, during class, a speech, homework, anywhere, I just had a great time with that feeling in my hand. Well, my classmates didn't enjoy it all that much, found it annoying really, but this one girl, whose name I will cleverly leave omitted, found it REALLY annoying. She was always the first person to tell me to quit, and the first to get ticked off when I didn't. So, one day in Chorus Class, I'm talking to the girl and I automatically take off my glasses and start spinning them.

Faster than I could react, which really isn't saying much since I have the reflexes of silly putty, she had hit them out of my hand, and they went flying to the other side of the room, where they hit the cold porcelain floor. My glasses, before that event, had a very long history with crash landings on hard floors, but this time they could take it any more. One of the legs, the right one, broke off.

Well tape fixed that, but neither tape or that incident could fix my habit for spinning. I still spun, and it was that summer where another incident occurred. I was watching a video, spinning my glasses, when suddenly the gears of the glasses lock up. I had been spinning it quite rapidly, because I was tired of the slow speeds and how they weren't exactly pleasing anymore, kind of like how drug abusers start having to do more drugs to get the same effect they had in the beginning, so when it locked up and immediately stopped, kinetic force said to it, "Alright, you messed up." and so, the left leg, the last one, broke off in my hand and the rest of the glasses flew into the wall of room. Tape, kinda, fixed that too.

Now, the body of glasses weren't the only things that suffered from my lack of care. Going back to my time in school, before the left leg had broken, I was in Social Studies and my glasses dropped from my table, landing on the floor lens first. So I was like, "Ugh, now I have to bend over and pick them u-Wait! I have an idea!" So I used my feet to drag the glasses over to me, so that I didn't have to bend over as as as I would have. The consequence of dragging the lenses on the hard ground was now I have a multitude of scratches on it that effect my overall capability to see, if only slightly.

Yet, with all this abuse, I'm now in High School and have a new body for my broken lens. My habit has been broke, and my new ones have leopard ends.

So to wrap up this lengthy "Hello", I hope to see what kind of community this website offers and the multitude of Role Play opportunities that I wish to enjoy thoroughly.
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Oh yeah, when referring to me, feel free to use "Glasses" or "Damaged" as an abbreviation. I refuse to be called "DG" and may even go so far as to not answer to it.
Welcome to RPN Glasses a/k/a Damaged (but not to be confused with "DG")! From the short story you wrote here about yourself for your introduction, I think you might enjoy our Creativity Discussion- people are free to post short stories, art, and the like there for the enjoyment of others, review, and discussion. We also have a wide array of RPs to chose from as well, of course!

If you haven't already, take a look at the Welcome to RPNation greeting page by one of our admins. It has a lot of links to help you get started and gives you an overview of just about everything you need to know. You can also check out our Questions and Information forum for a list of the rules, staff list, BBcode guide, and the like. There's a lot of great information there and if you ever need to reach users or staff with a particular query, it is definitely the place to go!

BUT since you came here for RP, here's the really important links! ;)

  • If you fancy 1x1 Roleplays (private role-plays) there is a recruitment forum right here where you can find your perfect match(es). If you don't see a thread worth responding to, feel free to create your own!
  • For group roleplays (3+ players) we have several places to look! The recruitment forum is here but you can also just peruse the role-plays themselves for the perfect choice. Here you can find the thread RPs (for a singular storyline) sorted by genre. Forum role-plays are used for bigger stories with several plot lines, larger groups, and the dice role-plays.

If you just want to chat about things, feel free to visit the Discussion Forums or visit our chatroom (called the "Shoutbox" on your top menu bar). Once you've made 10 posts, you'll also be able to use the website's Teamspeak, send private messages, alter your signature, and other neat stuff.

And please feel free to let me know if you need anything. =)
Welcome to RpN DG! Its great to welcome you to the site and I hope you have an awesome time here! I love your username, and in the future, I might use it myself! I loved the story, and I hope you have a great time here! I wish you luck!
Welcome to the forums, DamagedGlasses. I've never known someone to have a whole story behind their name choice. I myself am relatively new, but I just thought I might pass a message round.

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