This fanfic is a severity 4 offence

This fanfic is a severity 4 offence

Scene 1: A room in a Lunar aspected manse - a woman wearing a Sarashi is knocking on a coffin

*knock knock*

"What is it?"

*Knock Knock*

"Karen, is that you? Can't it wait?"


"OK. OK"

The coffin opens

"So, Misho thinks this is Ingosh Silverclaws' hearthstone?


"Just like the other five stones?"


"OK, Let's see what this one will do. I just hope I don't end up spending another day standing upside down on the ceiling."

Scene 2: The hearthroom of the manse - Secret & Karen enter and are greeted by Thrice-Radiant Misho.

"Look, secret, the hearthstone has formed. A perfect crystal of moonsilver."

"So was the one we found in An-Teng, and the one in Paragon, and..."

"Just look at the stone. It matches the inscriptions in the Dragon King temple perfectly."

"It looks just the same as the others to me."

"Ahem. Can we begin please?"

"OK, It's just you're not the one who could be turned into a Beast of Resplendent Liquid."

"Tonight, my fellow exalted, you are to witness a breakthrough in biomotonic research and paradise is to be mine!"

"do you really have to tell us all this again? this will be the sixth time you have told us what you are trying to do."

"look, I need as many stunt dice as I can get for this."

"oh, so that's why you're hamming it up so much?"

"With the cleansing power of the Moonsilver Hearthstone focussed by the Wand of the Changing Moon, tonight the vecrotic essence will be cleansed from Secret's exaltation and she will be reborn as a Lawgiver of the Unconquerred Sun! Marena, you may begin."

"Moon Healing Escalation!!!"
I think its a giant shout-out to Sailor Moon, but I'm not familiar with that show to say for sure.
Ahh, but then it's not an offence at all -> shoot on sight would be the right type :lol:
Kyeudo said:
I think its a giant shout-out to Sailor Moon, but I'm not familiar with that show to say for sure.
Hi, all. Long time reader, first time poster, so be gentle ... *chuckle*

The last part is, indeed, a huge shout-out to Sailor Moon, but I'm going to feel REALLY old if I'm the only one that caught the Rocky Horror Picture Show reference, with a paraphrasing of a Frank-N-Furter line (The one that ends "... and paradise is to be mine!") ... *wry grin*

Mind you, the Sailor Moon thing has me now considering insanely silly Negaverse/Underworld parallels. Would the Silver Prince be a Kunzite analog? Or how about the Lover as Beryl?

Insanity abounds in my poor, sleep-deprived mind this afternoon ... :lol:

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