This Darkness


Junior Member

She opens her eyes to the bright sun shinning in her eyes, through a hole in her den wall, she blinks away sleep, her dreams were nothing but darkness, they had been for awhile now, very unusual for her. She sits up and yawns softly, she stands up slowly and shakes her pelt free of the moss that she used as bedding, She steps out of her den and looks around the camp was empty of wolves, as usual in the morning she leaps down and onto her large rock, It wasn't really hers, but she laid on it the most. She sits on the rock warmed by the sun, she then hears a loud crash and looks towards the woods and watches as birds screech loudly in fear and anger as a large pine tree crashes to the ground, she shakes her head and looks down at her paws, then scratches behind her ear.


He is awaken to the sound of a crash, he grunts softly and yawns, stretching of for a moment he slowly sits up, his long tail thumping lightly in his moss bedding, He stands up and shakes his pelt out , the moss falling on a few wolves sleeping around him, he steps over them tiredly, then walks into the camp clearing, he looks over at Dawn, she looked slightly troubled, he slowly walks over to her and nuzzles her neck gently "Good morning, Dawn." he says gently, she sniffs his muzzle in greeting "Good morning, Bullet." she says gently, He lays beside her and sighs softly spreading out over the warm boulder, She huffs with laughter and pushes him off the rock, "You take up a lot of room Bullet." she teases, he lays in the fallen leaves and looks up at her, "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah." he mutters before leaping back onto the rock and laying beside her, his head on his paws as he watches the pack come alive.


He hears a loud crash and growls softly, he looks up towards the sound and huffs unhappily, He licks his paw gently, he had recently cut open his pad, it was less swollen but still ached. He yawns and stands up, slowly he walks into the forest, his large paws leaving prints in the damp, soft ground, He makes his way to the creek, his throat ached with a cough and mucus, he sits beside the crystal blue, fast moving water, her laps at it gently feeling the water smooth his aching throat.


She lays in the wolf den asleep, she hears the crash but flattens her ears and tries to go back to sleep. The wolf beside her kicks her in the ribs as he sleeps, she growls loudly and nips his heel. The male pulls his paw away and looks up at her confused, she sits up and falls onto her left side not facing the male, she kicks up some moss and dust, but she closes her eyes slowly hoping to find some sleep.

The small brown pup padded up to Pyro quietly, wagging her tail in hopes of actually sneaking up on him. She crouches down in the tall, dead grass staring at him as he drinks the pure stream water. Her small body is practically shaking with the excitement and thrill of the scenario and she leaps out. She missed him and tumbled into the river, water spraying everywhere and onto the larger wolf. "Heh, sorry..," she apologizes in a small voice, waiting to see how he would react.

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