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Realistic or Modern This Boy is not okay

Circus boy

Magic Eight Ball
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Before I get into plots a couple of things. One please be able to write a few decent paragraphs, sorry if that is rude but I'm just no interested in doing a onesided roleplay. Second most of the post deal with mental health stuff so be forewarned. That being said if your looking for an edgey plot I might have just the thing for you so message me. Third just putting this out there due to the nature of the plots, if any of these plots strike a chord or resonate with you get help, your not alone. I get its probably the last thing you want to hear (but speaking as someone who has been there myself) your not alone.

That being said lets get to what your here for. (And yes romance is open for all these plots)

1. You the king of nightmares, yet your newest target has been giving you a challenge like no others, which at first pissed you off but now its become almost like a game. Any nightmare you try to give my character goes wrong. Snakes turn to gummy worms, falling from the sky turns into flying etc. One day you finally snap (this is where the roleplay starts) and interrupt the failed nightmare addressing me yelling at me for ruining all you nightmares and asking what gives. I smile and tell you that your nightmares don't work because there is nothing scarier then the stuff I've gone through in the past. The cheerful happiness you keep fighting in my dreams are the walls I've built to protect myself. The next night you attempt to break past these walls to be able to fuel your nightmares only for you the king of nightmares to be scared shitless. Though you wouldn't admit it. (what it is can be left unsaid if preferred) For what ever reason you then decided to make it your mission to make sure the darkness deep within me stays in check. So basically a hurt/comfort plot

2. I'm schizophrenic, and you are my best, and well only friend. While you are also most certainly and actual human being, I'm convinced your just one of my hallucinations and no logic or reasoning will convince me of otherwise. You also happen to be my caretaker (as your job) and my roommate, (though again I think I live alone and you're just a figment of my imagination to help me cope with my emotions. While I'm not a danger to myself or others, I can get confused between my hallucinations and reality, I would like to play my character as a kind innocent type, very wacky, who is emotionally fragile but really sweet. So caretaker/patient plot

3. You have been my best friend since highschool, but your conflicted between my split personality that I am unaware or well the a is unaware of b, b nows about a, (a)the one who only sees you as a friend, is kind and dorky, and (b) the one who keeps making romantic advances (which your kind of into), is snarky, sarcastic, thrill seeker, and a trouble maker

4. I'll keep this simple because we can expand, you yandere and obsessed with me, me totally not at all interested.

5. Your a powerful crime lord and I'm your toy (though my character has quite a few choice words when its comes to that) I would do this either as a childhood friend, or as being bought from an auction. (Just to be clear this is not a ero plot)

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