Other This body of mind. My writing thread!


for the reacts yo!
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The life stays the same.
No matter the person I am.
Or was.
I have this body.
And it went through all of what I remember.
I take pity on it.
On myself.
But why?
Because what I went through was not okay.
And I know that now.
So I won't make the same mistakes as the others made.
My mind races.
And nowhere.
All at once.
I feel like I’m here.
In the world.
I feel so distant.
So far away.
I have music playing.
I have things to do.
It’s just my mind.
My mind is here.
My mind is gone.
My mind hurts.
I hurt.
It's so interesting.
This mind of mine.
I can feel down.
In just a matte if seconds.
It's fun so see from a far.
But not so much up close.
As I've said.
My mind hurts.
But oh well.
Have to get on with life.

But that's also strange.
Dealin with it.
Understanding it.
Realizing it.

It's funny in the end.
The way it makes me feel.
All of it.
I find it funny that my brain does this.
Cause if I can laugh at myself.
Why laugh at anything?
Ha ha!
As we looked up to the sky I was stunned. I felt her hand slide up my legs and then past my chest, finding its place on my head. I look up and smile. Seeing her body tower over me. I feel safe. I feel so warm. I lean my head into her criss-crossed legs. She moves her hand off my head and I frown.

"What?" She says in a tone I can't read.

I shake my head and close my eyes. I feel her hand return to the top of my head. Playing with my hair here and there. I don't open my eyes for a while. But once I do I'm not disappointed. I see my beautiful girlfriend smiling at the stars.

"They're shining for us," She says with a grin.

We were sitting under the big tree in our backyard. Looking at the stars and the moon. She had asked if we could sit under the stars. To be fair, I thought it was romantic. So I said yes. Obviously.

Here we are. We're just enjoying each other. And all that we have.
So, I got this idea from a post I saw on Tumblr.
As we sat there I smiled. This car was filled with trash, smoke, and real joy. We were eating these really nasty chips. They were called cheese chips. But they looked like Cheetos. But, they tasted like someone put cardboard in some Mac and Cheese dust. Then, put it in water and out to dry. We had bought them at the gas station at the edge of town. We had noticed the sign was broken.

I take a drag of my cigarette and see my wife smile.

"What?" I ask her.

"Nothing," She says.

I look at her and burst out laughing. Seeing her smile makes me feel so, so good. Knowing that she's smiling because of this moment.

We needed to get gas. But I had smoked a joint with her before we left the house. So, as a result of that, we had left the keys in the house. Right by the door. But we tried to find them in the car for a solid 10 minutes.

Once we were sure they weren't in the car we checked inside. And as we looked around the house we said fuck it and sat back down. Soon I got the munchies, and then I managed to say something about it.

"Can we try finding the keys again?"

"Sure," my wife says.

There we went. Looking for the keys once more. But this time I checked the key rack by the door. Finding it, I yell: "Found em'!" She walks to the door and sighs. I look at her and frown.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

She nods and opens the door for me. I nod at her and walk to the car. This time with the keys, I start the car. I look down and see we're low on gas. My wife gets in and I turn my head to her.

"Hey, thank you for coming,"

"Baby, you don't have to thank me, this brings me joy. Seeing you happy makes me happy." She says with a smile.

I feel relieved and start to back up the car. Moving fast because we don't have much gas. Then I start on the drive to the store.

I make it to the first one and the pumps are down. The second one wasn't a public one. I don't know, don't ask me. The third one was at the edge of town. Smiling because I found a gas station that was open, the pumps worked, and was public. She smiles at me and I feel joy down at the bottom of my heart.

We pull into the pump and turn to each other. I am the first one to talk.

"Can we get snackies?" I ask.

"Sure, you go get snackes and I'll get gas." She says with a smirk.

I get up and walk into the store. As I open the door I'm greeted with a warm smile from the cashier. I smile back and go look at the snacks.

I make it there and turn to the chips. All they had was off brand Cheetos, called Cheese Chips. They looked good enough. I grab them and walk up to the cashier and place the chips on the counter. She scans them and smiles once more. I grab them and walk out.

Thank you for reading!
Peace Out

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