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Multiple Settings Thirsting for RP Partners


This is my loudest bork
Hello everybody!

Feel free to call me Kyles (my last name). I've been RPing as long as I've been on this site, about 5 years now. It is my favorite thing to do and I'm eternally bored when I'm NOT doing it. Writing is life and I'm always looking to improve. Anyways, I'm looking for an RP partner for a potentially long-term RP. My RPs are all dried up, so I'm RP starved at the moment. I would like to think of myself as fairly literate and imaginative. I'm big into Fantasy as that allows for a lot of world-building and creating lore, maximum flexibility and concept exploration. While Fantasy is my forte, it's not my only. I also do realistic and sci-fi, but I'm not a huge fan of simple slice-of-life plots.

In terms of Fandom, I'm willing to learn about anything though I don't do canon characters. They are simply too restrictive for me. I much prefer to make my own OCs and RP those. The only Fandom I'm huge about is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, which is my favorite aspect of the Pokemon universe. My inspirations there come from the entirety of the Pokemon universe and I attempt to inject a bit of logic to a game to keep it from being too restrictive. While we go by the Pokemon Lore, everything else in terms of the world is built from the ground up. I'm extremely interested in PMD RPs so long as you're willing to beyond the restrictive bounds of the game.

Romance is a big thing, but I'm also big on platonic love and affection. This is ESPECIALLY the case in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon as it's a fairly cheesy and light-hearted thing. Right up my alley. Genders don't matter to me and I can do any pairing. If my partner prefers a certain gender, I can play it. However, I'm not a fan of doubling just to double. I'm open to do any pairing you prefer to do.

I do have quite a few ideas that I'm interested in for RPs, but by all means shoot me some ideas. If we are to be partners, comfort, consent, and fun is the name of the RP game. I don't look to have some hugely advanced top of the line story. I just look to have as much fun as possible. This is my favorite hobby and I would like to keep it from being a chore with unnecessary requirements. I want to build an RP world together

If you're interested in RPing with me, feel free to shoot me a PM. It's easier for everyone if you shoot me a PM. There we can elaborate, establish boundaries and the world, etc.

Extra-Dimensional Traveler's Club
There is a weird club in school with dwindling membership as it seems.........weird. They claim to "travel to new worlds and collect relics." However, it seems like they just sit there and read books the entire time and then occasionally goes to buy artifacts from the local antique shops. Well you join this club because it's about to close soon anyways, right? May as well see what it's about before its doors shut for good. Turns out, travelling to new dimensions are a bit more literal than getting lost in the world of books.

Here, one can expect a multiverse RP with them travelling to new worlds and only leaving when they've collect the artifact present in each world. Both completely original worlds and established fictional worlds are all a thing here. This RP is highly dependent on world-building and since the ultimate goal in each world is to collect the artifact, it's all about the characters and the world they're going to

To be an Explorer (Fandom: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is one of my favorite things to RP and really the only Fandom I find worth RPing. I've never had a boring PMD RP as long as fun is placed above game mechanics. In this one, a Pokemon in the guild has gone missing on a grand mission. Given that they're the only members available in the guild at the moment, it's up to a couple of trainee best friends to go save the missing member. Where did this Pokemon go? Why are they missing? What does this all mean for the guild?

Here, you can expect things to get a little loose from the games and I try to inject some real world logic into a game balanced for gaming's sake. Example: I do not think in a world of a battle of survival a Pokemon would only know 4 moves. Instead, they know EVERY move up to their level. If a Pokemon is level 50, they know every move they can naturally learn from level 1 to level 50. I also try to utilize Pokedex entries from some Pokemon, abilities, it goes fairly in depth and allows for a lot of flexibility while drawing inspiration from the entirety of the Pokeverse instead of rigidly sticking to a single game and that game's mechanics.

This one is planned to go far and away beyond this original plotline and even further away from the normal PMD mechanics with the above in mind. You can expect a lot of cheesy moments and affection between 2 friends (genders don't matter), cuteness and fluff, yet with sometimes dark moments and hopefully good battles. That's my vision anyways and that vision depends on the partner.

The Animal Kingdom (Fantasy) (Animal x Animal)
This is an RP that mixes together animals and medieval fantasy. This isn't really Furry though. Think Redwall by Brian Jacques or the Tales of Despereaux (some of my favorite books of all time). In this RP, the Castle of the Panda King has been attacked and his daughter kidnapped. As mighty of a king he is, he's gone mad and when a king goes mad, he sends the troops. On top of oppressing his subjects, he has also sent troops into other territories, breaking the peace codes and treaties held by different territories for centuries. He's made an ominous threat. If his daughter isn't found, he will unleash the entire force of the mountains on every surrounding territory. Either he conquers the kidnappers or he conquers territories.

We will play a partnership who seeks to either find the king's daughter or take down the Panda King before things escalate a step further.

The Royal Escort (Fantasy) (Species and Gender pairing open)
The heir to the throne is set to be married off to secure an alliance with an allied country to become the biggest power allied power in the world. It is up to the Royal Escort Convoy to get them there safely and securely through a perilous land full of traps, bandits, rogue knights, hostile animals, unwelcoming territories, anarchist groups, and people who would love to start a war between the two biggest nations in the world.

While the heirs of the two kingdoms are to be MxF, everything else is open in terms of gender and species of all involved. If one is looking for a same sex pairing and they play an heir to be married, it'll open up some issues around not wanting to actually marry, but is being sent there for whatever reason. One can expect a lot of action here in various degrees and this story is versatile enough to allow extreme flexibility

The Scattered Expedition Force (Sci-Fi) (Alien/Monster/Nonhuman x Human)
You wake up after your Recon Ship was destroyed on a planet that's not your own. Armed with nothing more than your Pulse Pistol with one last magazine, you need to figure out what happened to the ship, find your scattered squad and get off this planet. The caveat? There's an alien civilization nearby and you're not entirely sure if they know about you. You could walk in and be accepted or you could cause planet-wide panic as an alien lifeform has touched down on their planet.

Technological Ruins (Realistic or Sci-Fi) (Human x Human)
Post a terminator-esque uprising due to a malfunctioning bug, humanity is pushed to the edge of extinction. Now relegated to a few select places with relatively primative technology at your disposal against vastly superior drones ready to kill as soon as your presence is sensed, how will you navigate the world? Get food? Survive? Is it possible to find more survivors and potentially retake humanity? This RP has a heavy focus on stealth, camaraderie, and survival. Killer Drones come in all shapes and sizes with all matter of different capabilities ranging from a 360 radar for vision, machine guns, blind with sonar, smell, etc.
This seems really, really interesting. I'm interested in pretty much everything you have here.
This seems really, really interesting. I'm interested in pretty much everything you have here.
Thank you for your interest. When you get the one you're leaning towards the most, shoot me a PM so we can set up an RP

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