Things That Go Bump in the Night


A Sad Remnant of a Forgotten Time













Theme Song


Name: Randolph Chunk

Age: 46

Birthplace: Harlem, Massachusetts

Personality: Randolph is a family man at heart, and is a loving grandfather. He takes great pride in the work he does, and will often spend his free days drinking and watching football with his college and work buddies. Randolph is, in essence, an easygoing individual hiding a deviously clever mind.

Biography: Born to a lower-middle class family in Harlem, Randolph struggled through much of his life before being approached by the Cheiron Group. Now a member of an elite monster-hunting organization, Chunk was assigned to work security for the suspected vampire CEO of Venture Enterprises, Vincent Lacroix. Randolph isn't one to shy away from vigilante work, and has personally made certain that Harlem is monster-free, thanks to his fantastic practical skills, generous equipment budget, and disarming nature.

Species: Human

Abilities: Randolph is armed with a wide variety of tools for his trade. At all times, he has on his person:

  • One silver cross with a depiction of Christ engraved on it, and the faith necessary to keep it activated in troubled times.
  • One plastic salt shaker for entrapping zombies, ghosts, wraiths, and all sorts of boggarts
  • One airline-portable bottle of holy water blessed by an ordained minister, for sanctifying graves and sprinkling on shapeshifters.
  • One hip flask of strong woodgrain alcohol, for boosting one's spirits and increasing one's resistance to magickal influences prior to encounters against demons and witches.
  • Five magazines of .45 caliber ACP Silver Special rounds, loaded with rock salt. Silver Specials are blessed en masse by a libertarian rabbi hired on by the manufacturer
  • One John Browning single-action M1911 service pistol, chambered exclusively for Silver Specials.

Should Randolph feel the need to boost his arsenal, he carries a break-action Ithaca Auto & Burglar shotgun with shells hand-loaded with silver shavings, styrofoam, and lighter fluid. It is far from subtle, and horrendously difficult to use without lighting the room on fire. However, Chunk can hide it on his person due to its relatively small size.


Band: Electric Light Orchestra

Food: Chicago-style hot dogs

Color: Sky Blue


Theme Song:



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Officer-Chunk.jpg.b5d8f019738d0ec3667f59a6c4204eea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44297" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Officer-Chunk.jpg.b5d8f019738d0ec3667f59a6c4204eea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


  • Officer-Chunk.jpg
    47.2 KB · Views: 57
Name: Madison Notre-Dame

Age: 82

Birthplace: Paris, France

Personality: Madison is a jovial sort, which is unexpected from someone with such an inexpressive face. While a bit slow on the uptake, his patience and outright stubbornness helps him get by. He has some understanding of the workings of human society, enough to realize that his appearance may be off-putting to normal humans, but he's still struggling with some of the more nuanced bits. Like how romance works.

Biography: Madison was created rather haphazardly from the remains of a ruined church and pieces from a busted tank by a cabal of mages allied with the French Resistance, in an effort to counter the German occupation during World War II. He mainly saw action against the supernatural element of the occupation, from vampires and werewolves, to dark fey from the forests of Germany, and even a few demonic beings from the lower planes. Ever since the liberation of Paris, he had wandered the Earth, fulfilling his original directive as closely as he is able: protect humanity from the monsters in the dark.

Species: Golem (Clockwork, Sanctified)

Abilities: As a construct of wood and steel, Madison possesses inhuman strength and endurance, able to punch his way through a brick wall and lift cars with little effort, and shrug off antipersonnel fire with minimal damage. In addition, since he was made from sanctified wood and cold iron, he can interact with (read: punch) incorporeal spirits as if they were solid, and acts as a holy symbol against beings who find such things abhorrent.

Also, he has picked up a few skills during his wanderings. He has enough working knowledge of constructs to effect self-repairs when needed, and even learned a few wrestling moves here and there.


Band: Doesn't really listen to music enough to have a favorite, but doesn't mind listening to the radio.

Food: Doesn't eat, but prefers the occasional piece of Newcastle coal to supplement his magical reactor core.

Color: Brick Red


Theme Song: [media][/media]



This is roughly the size of a human linebacker.
Name: Aislin Hunt (Pronounced Ash-lin)

Age: 18

Birthplace: Augusta, Maine

Personality: Easy going, slightly cynical sense of humor at times.

Biography: Aislins parents migrated to the U.S from Ireland many years ago. Aislin however, was brought by her Grandmother after her parents died in a car accident when she was 6 years old. Aislin moved to the city of New Agnes when she was 17 and now lives in a small apartment, earning a living by selling magickal amulets, talismans, and herbal tinctures and potions to the residents of New Agnes, both magickal and mundane.

Species: Human

Abilities: Aislin can perform magick with ease. She is able to remember chants and spells (yes, she is a witch) and perform rituals, from summoning entities from different planes to healing and divining the future.


Band: Coldplay

Food: Spaghetti

Color: Navy blue


Theme Song




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