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Realistic or Modern They Bite, Alright

Date: September 26th, 2018.
Time: 10:20 A.M.

The patter of rushed clogs echoed across the hallways in the hospitals, as several nurses pushed the mobile tables accompanied with feverish and malignant bodies. Alongside the nurses, scurried two doctors, who received the task of diagnosing and treating the new patients. Prior to such a find, none of the nurses successfully identified the illness, which suggested the necessity of a doctor's diagnosis. While the doctors watched, looking for any consistencies between the patients, they noticed that both contained bite marks, one on the neck for the smaller, female patient; and one on the arm for the bigger, male patient. Another similarity established itself fairly visible with both patients experiencing a feverish tone in their movements and groans. Then, BAM, the hospital doors slammed opened through the sheer force of the table's weight from the staff, showing a properly sterilized room complimented with dull green, blue, and white colors. There, the staff placed the patient in sync with the medical tools, while one of the assigned doctors aligned herself with gloves and mask prepped for examination. In the meantime, the others brought the second patient and doctor to a room across from the first patient's location.

The woman doctor commanded her staff, "Scalpel, stitches, needle, disinfectant , ..." with the list continuing for a bit, just as the doctor carefully scraped away the dead skin, before applying the disinfectant to the patient's bitten arm. The subdued man offered no screams, because before the application of chemicals, a nurse applied anaesthesia. In a matter of minutes, the doctor successfully alleviated the patient's arm, yet his fever remained in question. With the wound treated, the doctor checked the man's illness, noticing now that the man's eyes contained red, for which brought forth the notion of ebola to the doctor. However, she observed no hemorrhaging. Now puzzled, she checked the ears, nose, and any other orifices for signs of blood loss. As she committed the careful inspection, now searching the backside of the patient, she felt a soft tug at her legs. She boomed, "Stop touching me, this is serious," followed later by a scream, as the fingernails penetrated her garment, and then entered her flesh, "Argh!"

With pain clouding her judgement, she pushed the table away from herself, feeling the plunged fingernails rip out of her skin. The table landed straight into a opened wardrobe of medicine, which upon impact caused the chemicals to spill on the man's body. In the moment, a reaction occurred, followed later by uncertainty, and soon quenched by sight. A limb stumbled forward, no two limbs, and then an array of limbs. Two legs on the floor, and two arms on the floor, a spider's crawl, but with a man's body. An utterance of words persisted after the man begun its crawl, but the doctor and the staff only heard groans and moans. One of the staff members rushed to check on the patient, "That was reckless, Dr. Wang," in reference to the doctor who shoved the patient, and offered his hand, "You'll be alright. It's just a reaction. We'll get you all patch-." The man sprawled on the floor in a crawl soon lunged forward, teeth poised to strike. The staff who stood terrified, watched in horror as the man chomped down hard on the helpful staff member's palm. More screams occurred, not only from this room, but also across to the other patient's domain. A few seconds of calm, until the stammering of feet drifted into a chaotic frenzy, with the infected doctor and staff member's bodies erupting in a blood rush, forcing them to fall onto the hard, tiled grounds. A pile of notes from the doctor's lab coat pocket wandered onto a bloodied tile, describing that the patient internally bled to death.

Date: September 26th, 2018.
Time: 11:03 A.M.

From the carnage inspired the hospital's communication system to order to all within the hospital, "This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises. This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises." This message repeated itself indefinitely, as the individuals in the hospital began to scramble, while others attempted to help their friends, families, and admitted patients to escape. Not long after the evacuation order, several mangled, ferocious, and infected humans ran along the hospital's floors, searching for flesh to consume. Quickly, the west wing of the hospital grew with the infection, and those who managed to escape such a terror, realized that those infected acted cannibalistic. During the fiasco, some heard gunshots, as the hospital's police forces attempted to deal with the infected humans, but still the infected humans grew in number. The only way out of this nightmare presented itself on the outskirts, away from the hospital's terrifying creatures that hungered for human.

(( OOC: Your characters have an hour to escape the hospital before it is overrun. The west wing is completely infected, and the east wing contains the hospital's exit. In this setting, no one knows what a zombie is, as there is no zombie fiction available. From appearance, the infected humans have bloodshot eyes, pale/feverish complexions, and at times blood spurting through orifices (But not often). ))
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September 26th, 2018
Time: 11:08 A.M

Javel watched the machines give oxygen to his sister. It was the last month of her treatment that costed God know how much in medical bills. A small lung infection that started on her right side spread everywhere in a matter of days. When the doctors said she was free to go tomorrow, he was pleased. His mother couldn't make it, since she was still dealing with her own issues with the house. Their father was out of the question, not even paying attention to his own daughters health. Every cent that he made in the flower shop went towards paying her medical expenses, and he does not regret it one bit. She was watching a reality television show, but decided to sit really close to the TV so she wouldn't miss a thing. Javel leaned back and rested his eyes for a few seconds, before he heard alarms blaring off in the hallway. "Code white, everyone evacuate the premises immediately." Javel slowly rose from his seat while Liz jumped back into bed and hugged her stuff animals in fear. What the hell are they talking about, code white?

The gunshots rang from down the hall, causing Liz to squeal in fear. Javel quickly ran to the window and pushed it open, poking his head out to see what was going on below. Everyone was screaming in panic, wheeling those who were incapable of walking onto sidewalks and businesses nearby. Liz held her knees close to her chest and cried silently. He didn't know what to do, but their best bet was to escape the building that was in code white. He picked up his fragile sister and held her close to his chest with her legs wrapped around his waist. He unplugged her oxygen tank and replaced it with a brand new one, just in case the other one ran out. He tucked it underneath his armpit and walked through the double doors. He also took the liberty of grabbing her backpack and stuffing it with things that were irreplaceable. Pictures of the family, stuffed animals and other valuables were scattered everywhere. He grabbed everything he could fit and filled it with two more tanks of oxygen, her favorite stuffed monkey and a picture of their mother. He didn't know why everyone was running, why everyone was escaping, why there was gunshots and screaming from the floors below. Liz's room was right between the East and West wing.

Javel closed the door behind him and watched as nurses frantically rushed carried patients out of the building. The door from the West Wing was getting repeatedly banged against. He glanced over his shoulder, to see a doctor getting pushed against the door and scratching at the glass window. His eyes were glossy with a slight cloud, one of the signs of fear. Before he reached the handle a nurse grabbed Javel by the wrist and pushed him towards the exit in the East Wing. There were children everywhere, crying and hanging on to their parents for dear life. Some looked sick to the bone, having to get off of the machine that keeps them alive. As they reached the outside, the sun blinded them. The street was packed with patients wheezing and coughing into cloths provided by some doctors and desk employees. The shop wasn't too far away from the hospital, it only being two blocks away. He pushed through the crowd and crept behind a tree where his moped stood. He jumped on, putting his sister behind him and ordering her to hold on tight. He shoved the keys into the ignition and continued to drive down the road and into the shop. When they arrived, Javel opened the door with his keys and slammed the door behind him before running upstairs.
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September 26th, 2018
11:04 A.M.

Ana had been busy, pushing a gurney into the West wing when it all happened. She stopped, looking at the patient she was hauling. He was pale, eyes red, she hadn't, and still hadn't, noticed the bite mark hidden under his shirt. He was in a comatose, almost, which led her to believe a possible cocaine overdose. She heard shots, which made her panic, what was going on? Did this have to do with the code white? She backed up, making her way to the East wing.

The gurney began thrashing, and it got wrenched from her hands it fell with a loud clatter. "What are you doing?" She asked. The patient was still strapped in, but he tried to grab at her pant leg. In reflex, she kicked the hand. "jesteś zły?(are you mad?)" She shouted, backing away, then bolting for the door, something was wrong, very wrong. She got outside and someone caught her, pushing a filter mask up to her. She nodded putting it on as she inhaled deeply. She looked around again, trying to figure out what was going on. Would anybody know anything? She doubted it.

She went for her car, unlocking it and leaning in, fishing her Sig out of the glove compartment. A chill went up her spine gloved hands wrapped around the cool metal and plastic of the grip, her other hand finding the one extra magazine she kept. She pocketed the magazine, tucking the handgun into her waistband, safety still on. She had no idea as to what exactly was going on, but she felt she needed it. What if whoever else was shooting made it outside? She hadn't noticed and other security officers, so someone had to protect them. She closed her car door, locking it and pocketing the key ring. She paused. She had left a patient in the wing, where the shots were emanating. Had she just doomed a man?
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September 26th, 2018
11:04 A.M.

Constance had been left to wait until the doctor could see, regarding the incident earlier where a stray cat bit right into his arm and ruined a perfectly-ironed shirt. Such a waste, he summarised deep within his consciousness. He was ordered to stay put until one of the medical staff could stitch up the breach in his skin, and all he had for now was a set of freshly applied bandages held together by a safety pin. Constance was hoping to hold a meeting with his board of executives before lunch, though such an idea was now out of the question.

The loudspeakers brought a message. A supposed ‘Code White’, accompanied with orders to immediately evacuate the premises. Soon forth came a series of gunshots, and Constance supposed it was about time to leave. Luckily, he had been placed within the eastern section of the hospital. The exit was only a corner away. Already, Constance had a head start to get out before a panicking mob overwhelmed his position.

Constance left his seat, casually marching his way to the exit at a reasonable pace. In no time, he was already before a set of doors that he soon forced open, swiftly greeted by blinding rays of sunshine. Constance was outside, and ready to make his next move. Perhaps he should wait to be directed by a superior. Or maybe he should branch out and make a more independent choice. Whatever his options, he need to evaluate what would be the greater of what he was presented with.
Date: September 26th, 2018.
Time: 11:03 A.M.

Zoya sat in the waiting area in the east wing, one leg was crossed over the other as she read a sports magazine. Just as Zoya was about to flip the page her name was called. With casual grace Zoya placed the magazine on the table with the others and stood. She made her way over to meet the nurse. After a brief talk she was taken to a room and told to wait for her doctor. Minutes ticked by and her doctor had yet to show. It didn’t bother her too much though. She was a patient woman and she knew how busy it could get. Zoya pushed some of her long dreadlocks over her shoulders.

The silence of the room was suddenly disrupted by the sound the intercom. Zoya listened with rapt attention as the voice called for a Code White. No sooner had she heard that Zoya hopped off of the examination table and walked out of the room. Outside the room patients and hospital staff rushed to get away. Zoya had no idea what was going on or what they were running from. Some came from the best wing. Blood stained their clothing. She watched as more sickly patients hurried to get away. Quickly left the hall. She reentered the waiting room. Zoya headed for the exit. Once she made it through the doors she made her way to her car. Zoya planned on staying in her car until the panic settled down.
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September 26th, 2018
Time: 11:08 A.M

Calypso sat upright in a hospital bed with one arm around her little sister. They were reading the young girls favourite story while they waited for her to be called in for Radiotherapy. The female careful flipped the page and continued reading aloud. ""This is my house," said the swallow; "but it would not do for you to live there - you would not be comfortable. You must choose for yourself one of those lovely flowers, and I will put you down upon-" her sentence was cut short by a voice ringing over the loudspeaker. "Code white, everyone please evacuate immediately." the voice said causing her sister to look up at her in alarm. "No need to worry. I'm sure it's nothing too serious" Calypso told her as she set up Alice's wheelchair and grabbed some supplies in case they were out there for a while. But the sound that rang out next caused her blood to run cold, gunshots. There were gunshots ringing out somewhere in the building. "Stay calm" she spoke softly, trying to hide her fear as her sister looked up at her in terror. She swiftly lifted her sister into the wheelchair before poking her head out of the room.

It was chaos. People were pushing and running all trying to get out of the exit first, every man for themselves. Calypso was just grateful that they were kept so close to the exits on the first floor. "Time to go. Don't worry Ali. I won't let anything happen to you" she said while gripping the handles of her wheelchair. She pushed her little sister out of the room and into the chaos of people trying to get out of the hospital. It took them a few minutes but she managed to navigate though the crowd and get out into the blinding sunlight. There were people everywhere, screaming and crying. Someone was screaming another name looking like they were about to break down. Another trying to comfort her dying child who was struggling to breathe without a machines assistance. She had to get Alice out of there. Her sister was struggling to stay awake having been given some pills that made her drowsy. She made her way through the crowds aiming for her car which she had parked right outside of a cute little flower shop.

The flower shop was a little ways away from the chaos which gave Calypso a chance to breathe and get her thoughts sorted. That was until her watch started beeping, it had been 45 minutes. The females eyes widened a little as checked the food container, empty. Alice was on a Nasogastric tube which is a medical procedure which involves a tube going in her nose and down into her stomach. She got her food and medicine through this. When she finished 'eating' she needed to add water to flush the tube, but she had no water on her and the hospital.. Well the hospital wasn't an option. If the tube wasn't flushed with water any food still in the pipe could harden to it and cause a blockage. Which she couldn't have because then she couldn't eat. "Give me a minute Alice" she said, kind of looking around for a source of water, when she couldn't find one she realized she had to ask someone. "Do you have-" she tried to ask a passerby but they rushed pass before she could finish her sentence. Her green eyes flickered back to the flower shop. Something clicked in her brain and she pushed Alice a little closer to the flower shop so they were out of the way of the few people running past. Calypso knocked on the doors. "Hello? Is anyone in there? I need some water it's an emergency" she called, hoping that someone was in there.

BraveSoul BraveSoul
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Date: September 26th, 2018
Time: 2:26 A.M.

Mac had woken up in the night after a really shitty day of discomfort and pain in his side. Not only had he not had the time to go get himself checked out, but the shop was too busy for him to do so. So he'd opted to give it another day before he went to the doctor, but a few hours before bed he was relieved to feel it stop all together. The man had felt great afterwards, thankful that whatever it was had passed. However now, he was waking up amid a wet pillow and sheets due to his sweat. Groggily he'd sat up feeling feverish, only to get quickly nauseated and make a mess on the nearby floor. The next twenty minutes he spent in the bathroom, realizing that something was wrong. Mac woke his younger brother Cole as he started getting dressed, explaining to the teenager that they needed to get to the hospital and he needed to drive.

Date: September 26th, 2018
Time: 11:05 A.M.

Mac blinked awake slowly, between the lights and alarm above there was no way he'd be able to sleep. Raising his head up he looked about the room he was in, recognizing it as a hospital room. Slowly the memories of the night before were coming back to him. Getting sick, driving, the hospital, then finally getting prepped for surgery. "This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises. This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises." Had he heard that right? An evacuation? The hell was going on. Mac attempted to sit up and gritted his teeth at the sudden dull ache in his abdominal region, briefly he pulled the gown he was wearing up to investigate the stitched up wound from the surgery. At least it was a success. He mused briefly, head swiveling around the room to look for any sign of Cole but there wasn't. The man waited patiently for a moment before slipping his legs over the side of the bed, if there was an evacuation wasn't someone supposed to be evacuating him?

As if to answer his question he heard gunshots coming from somewhere in the hospital causing him to tense even further, fingers clenching to the side of the bed. So the evacuation was because of a shooter? At this point it didn't matter, what did was finding his brother and getting the hell out of here. The man pulled the IV taped to the back of his hand out with a wince and started to stand, having seen a belongings bag in the visitors chair that held his clothes. This would prove not only difficult but nearly a mistake as he almost lost his balance and sat back down immediately. Gruffly he rubbed a hand over his face, clearly the anesthesia from the surgery was still having an effect. His second attempt to stand went much slower and was met with better success, allowing him to gain access to the chair where he abruptly sat and started pulling things from the bag. The first being his phone, where he promptly started texting.

Where r u?

The text was a simple and quick one, then he put the phone down so that he could continue pulling clothing from the bag. Then Mac slipped out of the gown and started changing into his own clothes at a slow but hasty pace. His only hope was that Cole would reply saying he was outside the hospital already, or that he was at home would be even better. When more gunfire echoed through the halls he halted what he was doing momentarily to look at the door to his room for a moment. If this was a shooter, he was making his way through the hospital slowly but surely.​
Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
Date: September 26th, 2018.
Time: 6:05 A.M.
Marco sat at the edge of his bed and rubbed his head. Today was the day where he would finally go see a doctor about his smoking problem. He had been smoking for almost a decade with no problems and felt like he could go on longer but his friends had pestered him every day to stop. Sure the incescent nagging was in his best interests but, he had to admit it was getting quite annoying hearing about it every single day. He went over to his balcony and lit up a cigarette, slowly breathing in the toxic chemicals that soothed his mind. Marco always loved getting up early in order to take in the day, it was the only time in the entire day where he truly felt relaxed. No work, no worries; just a serene sense of comfort. After pouring himself a cup of coffee, he looked around his flat. It was a mess to say the least. Papers full of drawings were strewn out as if a small tornado had ravaged through his place while torn pieces of fabric could be seen in almost every nook and cranny.
“I really have got to hire a cleaner…” He said quietly to himself while rubbing his eyes. In reality, Marco could have probably done it himself but then again, Marco was absolutely lazy when it came to anything other than his work. He shrugged and decided to put it off (much like everything in his life) and proceeded to get ready for his appointment.

Time: 11:03 A.M.
Standing 20 ft. from the entrance of the hospital, Marco lit another cigarette and sighed heavily. The appointment had gone rather well… depending on who you were talking to. Although Marco did not have any major health concerns, he had been advised to stop smoking immediately in order to reduce his chances of any deadly cancers forming. He could just hear his friends in his mind laughing at him and telling him that they were right all along. He proceeded to go back inside and talk to the doctor about any alternatives. He didn’t think he could quit cold turkey and he also couldn’t see himself vaping as that’s what the younger crowd did.
Just as he reached the office with his physician the intercom blared, "This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises. This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises."
Marco looked at his doctor worried, “I swear I put out every cigarette I smoked.” He said praying to God that he didn’t accidentally start a fire or something. Suddenly he heard a loud pop; Marco had never fired a gun in his life but his mind made him think it had to be the sound of a gunshot. He held onto his bag and proceeded to head to an exit. Luckily for him, it wasn’t very far from where he was but the immense flow of people made it difficult to make any progress. People were shoving and pushing their way out the small entrance. He was almost there, just a few more feet until he was free from whatever emergency was going on. Marco pushed himself inch by inch until he heard someone crying. It was a miracle to hear it amongst all the ongoing noise but he stopped and looked around. It was then his eyes were opened. It was every man for himself, the healthy and strong were able to escape relatively quickly but the weak and sick were struggling to even move amongst all the commotion.
Marco sighed and against his better judgement, he decided to help the sick escape. He made his way to a man in a wheelchair crying because he couldn’t get any further than he had. Marco yelled at the top of his lungs to ‘make way’ and forcibly pushed the man ahead of other people until they both were through the doors. Once they were outside, Marco went back inside (much to the annoyance of everyone else coming out) and proceeded to help more people get out. It was exhausting to say the least.
“Docs right…. I really gotta quit…” he panted as got back inside the still bustling hospital. He leaned against the wall to catch his breath and looked at the absolute chaos going on, “What in the world is going on?”
Time: 11:04 A.M.

“You look like your dog just died.” Aunt Tai’s voice came from Fen’s left, and she managed to squeeze out a small smile.

“Just anxious,” murmured Fen, and she stretched a hand out to grasp Aunt Tai’s. “I know there are others here worse off than me, but I’m ready to go home. Not that I haven’t had fun,” she quickly added, biting her lip.

“I understand. Trust me, these guys’ll get everything sorted out. I’m telling you, it’ll just be more meds. Hopefully nothing that makes you this drowsy.” Aunt Tai poked Fen in the ribs, and the young woman snorted, making an exaggerated flinch.

“No wonder mom was glad grandmother volunteered to take care of you.”

Aunt Tai laughed again, squeezing Fen’s hand before suddenly slipping away. “I need to use the bathroom. They look pretty busy, but if they come to get you, just tell them to wait.”

Fen nodded, listening to her aunt’s footsteps mingle into the late morning bustle. She could hear trollies and carts rolling around, as well as the unhappy cries of kids and the chatter of adults. She felt lost in such a foreign place, despite having been here several times before, and she clutched the bag in her lap a little tighter. Her eyes were closed, as if she was sleeping, or frozen mid-blink, but in reality the eyelids had grown weak due to lack of use. She was blind, but she had other senses. For example, she could smell coffee from across the room, probably coming from the nurse’s lounge…

"This is a code White; everyone evacuate the premises.” Fen practically jumped at the sudden command blared across the hospital, and immediately confusion began to spread as people ran toward the exits. She shifted in her seat, but hesitated to go anywhere. There were too many people rushing around, and she could get lost in an instant.

“Auntie Tai? Tai?” Fen called into the panic-filled crowd, receiving no response but the patter of footsteps heading away from her. A groan left her lips, and she got to her feet, holding her long cane in front of her and beginning to roll it back and forth in a sweeping motion. As she entered the fray, she was jostled on all sides, bumped forward and back like a rag doll. But through these motions, she could figure out the direction of the crowd, and was able to make her way toward what she expected was the exit.

But there was a sudden push on her back, and she was sent sprawling on the hospital floor. Her chin slammed down hard, and she groaned once more, feeling utterly disoriented. Her cane’s strap was still around her wrist, and she had slung her bag across her shoulder, but she didn’t feel as though she could stand up. People were practically stepping over her, and she could feel shoes brushing past her arms and sides.

After a moment, when she felt the coast would be clear, she slowly got back to her feet, cane going back to swing before her, this time faster than before. She walked forward, stopped by what she assumed was the wall. Which way was the door? She edged to her right, and was relieved to find a handle, which she then pulled to make her way outside. Fen could feel the sun on her skin, and she could hear a multitude gathering outside, but where was Aunt Tai?

She called for her aunt once more, a note of desperation in her voice. She remained by the door, leaning against the wall and tucking her cane behind her. Fen wished someone would tell her what was happening. Was there a fire?

There was a sudden shot she could hear inside the building, and the people outside screamed in shock, Fen among them. I hope to God it’s not a shooting. Oh please…
Owen Boyers
Date: September 26th, 2018
Time: 7:23 A.M.

Owen stuffed his hands into his pockets, his light blue eyes watching his friends as they were practicing running up the side of the store. He shook his head and glanced at the store window, catching his father's gaze. He should be working right now, and they both knew this. Owen just wasn't in the mood, he told his father he would clock in at 8 instead of 7. The man was hateful toward the idea, but he decided to give Owen a break and let him hang out with the guys. It's not like people came to the store at 7:30 anyway. Most people weren't even awake yet. So here he was, watching his friends climb onto the roof of the store and show off.

"Boyers! Get your ass up here!" a voice suddenly called, snapping Owen out of his thoughts. The boy turned his attention on the three young men on the roof of the store. "I'm coming, don't...rush me," Owen said, trailing off as he took a step back. Bolting forward, Owen jumped up onto the side of the building, reaching up with one hand and grasping the ledge. He pulled himself up, joining the other three guys as he raked his fingers through his dark hair. "Its good to see you guys got the hang of it," Owen joked lightly, nudging one of the guys with a light laugh. This is when Owen could be himself when he was with his friends, the people who actually accepted him. He felt so open with these guys like he could trust them with anything.

"Oh shut up, look who's talking. You can't even get up there," the tallest male said, pointing at the roof of the beside them. It was true, Owen couldn't get up there. The roof was a solid 3 feet up higher than the grocery store. The only reason the others could get up there was the brick they could grab onto. Owen shook his head, looking at the blonde male. "I can. With enough practice," he said defensively, crossing his arms over his chest. With annoyance, Owen observed the blonde teen climb up to the other roof, followed by the other two guys.

Owen looked away from the guys, heaving out a sigh. He's tried it in the past, he could never grab onto that brick to get up there. No. He was going to get up there this time. He was determined. Taking a few steps back, Owen broke into a run and jumped toward the wall, reaching out to grab onto that brick. His fingers grazed the brick but the young man failed to grab onto it, his heart racing as he fell the 8 feet toward the ground. "Shit, Owen!"

Owen fell onto the concrete with a thud, a pained cry passing his lips as he grabbed his thigh. Within seconds, the three guys were at Owen's side, along with his dads. "What the hell happened!?" Liam, Owen's step-father, exclaimed as his husband kneeled down beside Owen. Timidly, Owen glanced down at his leg, the burning pain running through his knee as he saw the kneecap out of the place, on the side of his leg. "He tried to get up there! We didn't make him, he just did it! H-he fell," the blonde teenager said, looking between the two adults, Owen, and the other two boys.

Tears ran down Owen's face before the teen let out a scream as his father pushed the kneecap back into place. Breaking into a sob, Owen held his father's hand tightly while the pain slightly diminished away. "Come on, I'll take you boys home. Kyle, I'll meet you two at the hospital," Liam said, turning and leading the three boys to his truck. With his father's help, Owen slowly pushed himself to a stand and leaned into his father's side. Pain radiated through the boy's knee, causing him to slowly limp toward the other vehicle with his father.
Date: September 26th, 2018
Time: 11:03 A.M.

Owen sighed and laid his head back, his blue gaze drifting down toward his braced knee. It was red, swollen, and it hurt like hell. He knew he wouldn't be able to walk well for the next few days, the doctor already told him that. The man had left to get the wheelchair for him, leaving him alone in the room. His father had gone down to the cafeteria to get them some breakfast, and his stepfather was closing up the shop for the day. Owen laid his head back and closed his eyes, sighing softly.

As soon as the announcement came on, Owen's eyes snapped open as he listened intently. Code white. Evacuate. Code White. What the hell was a code white? Hearing the ruckus in the hallways, Owen looked toward the door with a frown. The next few, long, minutes Owen stayed in the bed as he waited for his father. Unfortunately, the man hadn't shown up. Where was he? Did he already leave? Where was the doctor!? Owen swallowed hard, flinching as he heard the gunfire. With his heart pounding, Owen slowly swung his legs to the side of the bed. Slowly pushing himself to a stand, Owen felt the tears rush to his eyes from the pain in his knee. Swallowing back the pain, Owen limped toward the door and stepped into the hallway. As soon as he was outside of the room, the young man was knocked to the ground by a couple of people running past him.

Owen cried out in pain, grabbing his leg as he looked around the hall. He swallowed hard and hurriedly pushed himself to a stand, using the wall to hold himself balanced. He limped as fast as he could toward the east wing, following the crowd as the tears ran down his face. His knee was in unbearable pain, but clearly, he had to get out of here. ASAP. Owen came to a stop as he spotted an opened door, his blue gaze looking toward the crutches leaning against the wall. Owen limped into the room, quickly grabbing the crutches and adjusting them to fit his height.

Owen quickly left the room, headnig straight for the exit and leaving the building. Once he made it outside, Owen began to frantically look around, trying to spot his father, his step father, his friends, anyone he knew. With no such luck, Owen went over to the car and opened the door, sitting in the backseat as he stared at the doors of the hospital. "Come on Dad...where are you...?"​
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September 26, 2018
11:00 am
Cherry had brought herself and her sister to the hospital that morning. She was called early, told that her father had had a good night and it was continueing into the morning. She knew that that didn't mean that he was really getting better, but he had good days and bad days. She had asked the nurses to call her if he was having a good day. She came to visit almost every day anyways, but she made extra time to come if he was feeling well. It was better for everyone, and she knew that if it helped her, it helped her sister, Liza, even more.

Liza was sitting up on the bed with Richard. She was showing him all the work she had gotten back graded. She was doing remarkably well, considering her father was dying. Although, no one had said that to her explicitly, Cherry thought that she must know. 11 was old enough to work out these things, and she never asked if Dad was going to come home, or when he was. Cherry was greatful for this. She wasn't ready to take care of a child as it was, and she didn't know how to explain death to her. Of course, that time would come, but hopefully later.

"This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises. This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises," came over the loudspeaker suddenly, making Liza jump. It was much louder than a normal and instantly gave Cherry a rush of adrenaline. She looked at her father, who was giving her a strange look back. "What's happening?" Liza said, her voice cracking. "It's okay, honey," Richard responded, comforting her. All of a sudden, gunshots rang out, and screaming came from the other rooms. "Shit...shit!" Cherry jumped out of her seat, quickly picking up Liza and setting her on the ground. "Okay, Dad, you heard 'em. Lets go," she said, helping pull him up out of bed. She put his arm over her shoulders, supporting his weight. "Liza, you hold on to my shirt okay, and don't let go," she said, her voice filled with a commanding tone. She wasn't about to let her sister get hurt with whatever was happening. She took a deep breath. "Okay, the exit isn't far... lets go," she said, approaching the door and using one hand to swing it open.

The scene outside was absolute chaos. Patients, nurses, and everyone else were scrambling around. Monitors and carts were knocked over, papers everywhere. There was blood smeared across one of the walls. "Fuck," Cherry mumbled, her heart pounding in her chest. "Okay, okay, this way," she said, spotting the exit sign. Her father was slow to move, weak from his illness. "Cherry," he said, gasping for breath. "You need to go - I will make my way out." Cherry just shook her head. There was no way she was going to let him lay down and die in here. He wouldn't make it out on his own, and there was clearly no one here wiling to help.

A few minutes later they could see the exit, finally. People were rushing past them and out. "Hey! Can someone help us?!" Cherry screamed, but no one stopped. The exit was so close, but so far. A moment later, she heard a gutteral noise behind her. She turned to see a man with bloodshot eyes and pale skin. That alone wasn't enough to scare her, but there was something else. He was... lifeless. It was like something else was controlling his body. "Shit...shit!!" She said, trying to pull her father along. "Agh!!!" he cried out in pain, falling. "Dad! Dad! You have to move! It's only a little further!" she cried, trying to pull him along. She was watching the man get closer to them. He was slow, but not slow enough. Liza began to sob. "Go Liza! Go!" Cherry screamed, pointing to the exit. She hesistated a moment before following orders. "Okay, Dad, c'mon. Please. You can do it," she said. He tried to stand once more, but couldn't. "Cherry I have lived my life," he gasped." But you haven't and you have to be there for Liza." Cherry looked at him, tears in her eyes. She knew he was right. "I..I," She tried to say she couldn't but she knew she had to. Cherry hugged him hard, kissing his cheek. "I love you," she said, before pulling away and running to the exit. Behind her, she could hear her fathers screams.
Colorado Sullivan
Date: September 26th, 2018
Time: 11:05 A.M.

Colorado had been up since 2 A.M. when his brother had woken him, asking him to drive him to the hospital. Right when they got here, Cole waited until his brother was taken into surgery before he headed downstairs to the cafeteria. He spent the next few hours, waiting patiently to hear about his brother. When the doctor had finally informed him that his brother was doing just fine, Cole had rushed up to the room. Unfortunately, his brother was still asleep from the anesthesia. He had fallen asleep until 10:46, and then he went downstairs to get some breakfast.

Now, Cole was standing in line with a tray of breakfast food, for both him and his brother. The medicine should be wearing off shortly, at least that's what Cole hoped would happen. When he heard the announcement through the intercom, the young man frowned and looked at the other people in the cafeteria. Setting down the tray, Cole stuffed his wallet back into his pocket and began to follow the others outside in an orderly manner. Thought, when the gunfire began, Cole's fear began to rise. "Mac." Cole turned on his heel and ran upstairs, pulling out his phone as he heard the text message come through.

Looking down at the phone, Cole stepped onto the floor and read the text. 'I'm coming. Wait.' Cole looked frantically around the hall and jogged to his brother's room, dodging the running people. Cole came to a sudden stop though, when he saw the blood smeared along the walls. Cole's face turned white as he looked at the other people. They were going to die... there was a shooter... "Shit!" Cole broke into a run toward his brother's room, slamming right into the older male's side. Cole fell to the ground with a hard thud, his frantic gaze looking up at Mac.

"Mac, come on! We need to get out of here, now!" Cole said, pushing himself to a stand as he grabbed his brother's hand and led him downstairs, toward the east wing of the hospital to find the exit. He went as slow as he could with his brother's healing surgery, not wanting to hurt the other male too much, but they had to get out. Now.

Crono Crono
Robert King

Date: September 26th 2018
Time: 6:22AM

"Beep!!Beep!!Beep!!Beep!!Bee-" The alarm went off making Robert curse very loudly. He looked at the clock to see it was 6:22am. He sat up and looked around the room. His room was pretty bachelory. If that wasn't a word, it now is. He had a 6*6 bed which he bought at a ridiculous amount of cash, thinking he could have more than 3 women in it. Ohh how he was disappointed. Some 80's posters and a lava lamp. A lava lamp. No wonder he wasn't getting more women. After he had some depressing reminiscing, he went to the shower and wore just typical normal clothes. A pair of faded jeans, an official shirt and some black loafers. After a heavy breakfast, he took his keys, his doctor's bag and rushed out of his apartment.

Time: 7:37AM

"You have 3 surgeries today. Two minor and one major surgery." The Surgical Attending said to him as they walked to the Doctor's Lounge. " The two small surgeries are a patient swallowed a few legos cause his child was a brat..." Robert lifted the X-rays to the lights to see the pieces of legos. "..and the other is a patient who needs a fecal transplant. Those two should take around 3 hours. The other one will be in the afternoon. A Spinal re-alignment. All hands on deck with this one. I need you at your best."

"I will Doctor. See you at OR4 later." Robert entered the Lounge to review the cases one more time before heading out to the Surgical wings.

Time: 11:03AM

After the two minor surgeries, Robert made his way to the Lounge to have a shut eye. He needs all his strength to do this operation later on. Spinal Re-alignment was a difficult surgery which has a low success rate, so basically doing it will dramatically increase the hospital's reputation, or so the Board says. He closes his eyes to get a shut eye.

"This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises. This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises," Robert woke up with a jolt. Not to the speakers repeating the same message over and over again but to the sound of people running and screaming. He looked around and saw people rushing towards the exits. His efforts to stop people so that they can explain what was happening were all futile so he took his Doctor's bag and Stethoscope and rushed towards the exits and to his car.

Mentions: None
September 26, 2018
10:52 AM

As the bus came squealing to a halt, one man raced to the front to be the first off. The man was holding the wrapper of what was once a fast food breakfast sandwich, in his other hand was a simple black folder brimming with documents. Tony was late, again. It was a real struggle to adjust to a new time zone, especially one so drastic. Tony had found it near impossible to properly adjust his sleep schedule, as his body wanted to stay up later and sleep in later. This was his second appointment this week he had almost missed, but that did not stop him from getting breakfast and a cup of coffee to go. A man has to eat, no? It was a damn shame how his life had turned itself upside down over the course of just a handful of months. Just a few months ago Tony lived in a New York highrise, driving a Ferrari to his office that looked over Manhattan. One bad case later, here he was taking public transportation alongside the rest of the commonwealth eating a fast food breakfast sandwich. The thought of losing it all made Tony's stomach do flips. As the bus door decompressed and swung open, Tony rushed off the bus and made a stop at a trash can that sat outside the hospital. After discarding the empty wrapper in the bin, he took a brief moment to lean his folder against the trash bin and review today's client. Today's big winner was a man by the name of William Reese, and from the sound of things he was far from the brightest bulb in the box. Poor William had injured himself working on a construction site nearby and wanted to milk his injuries for a large settlement. Tony was ready to pull the man in reality and explain that no company worth its name would compensate the idiot who threw his back out playing a game of 'who can throw the sledgehammer the furthest' with his equally as moronic coworkers. With an exhale of pure disappointment and a shake of his head, Tony retucked the folder securely underneath his arm and entered the hospital.

That very specific hospital scent washed over Tony like a tidal wave. It was almost nauseating, the whole place was as a matter of fact. From the coughing of the elderly; disgusting. To the whining of some brat who broke his arm; annoying. Tony hated hospitals. The lawyer was eager to meet with Mr. Reese and explain the nature of his situation, then get out of here as fast as he could. After taking one last look around and silently judging everyone in the waiting room, Tony approached the front desk to figure out where William's room was. All the nurses behind the desk were huddled together and murmuring about something. Tony was unable to catch any of the details, but he caught some keywords. Patient. Bite. Tony chuckled, imagining all the dumb ways people could get bit by an animal. He was sure that was the nature of the conversation, last time he heard about any people biting people he was in kindergarten. Deciding he had enough waiting around for the nurses to finish gossiping, Tony tapped his fingers loudly on the desk to gather their attention.

"Hey scrubs, you got someone waiting here." Tony whined sarcastically, shaking his head slightly. After a few eyerolls and dirty looks were shot his way, one of the nurses broke from the group and sat down in front of the hospital computer, putting on the best customer service smile she could give to such a rude man and asked Tony what he was at the hospital for. Producing an old tattered up business card that read Anthony Reed Attorney at Law from his pocket, Tony gave a fake smile and began to speak.

"I'm looking for my client. One umm... William Reese. You know, like the candy?" Tony explained, giving a slight shrug of his shoulders. The nurse typed away at the computer, bringing up the records of who was currently in the hospital. After a brief search on her computer, the nurse informed him that William Reese was currently residing in room 367 in the West Wing.

"Thanks." Tony grumbled begrudgingly as he made his way to a set of double doors, above which was a sign that read West Wing. The doors were currently shut tight, and in front of them stood a rather large security guard. Tony was immediately taken aback by the fact the security guard already had a pistol in hand, as opposed to having it clipped to its holster. It was a threatening sight to behold, so Tony approached the man with caution.

"How's it going, Rambo?" Tony greeted in his almost signature tone, referring to the man's already drawn firearm. The guard failed to see the humor in Tony's little joke, as he simply grunted and shook his head 'no'.

"West Wing is closed off until further notice." The guard instructed, motioning for Tony to take a step back. Tony obliged the man, something he rarely did without a snarky remark. The guard had a stone cold expression on his face, one that signaled to Tony that something might truly be wrong. Peering past the man through the windows that were built into the double doors, Tony could see doctors scrambling every which way. They seemed to be running back and forth between offices and hospital rooms, wearing looks of fear upon their faces. The most curious sight in the wing was a pair of patients with their back to Tony, giving him a nice full view of their full moon. Classy. They seemed to be stumbling down the West Wing, slowly following behind the doctors. Tony wondered if they were switching rooms or something, it was the only explanation for why patients were moving around so freely.

Suddenly, from further in the West Wing, Tony heard the unmistakable sound of gunshots. Being from New York and working alongside a crime family, the sounds were instantly recognizable. Tony's facial expression change from one of unease, to one of fear. Why was there gunshots in the hospital? Tony certainly did not intend on finding out first hand. So lost in thought, Tony almost missed the announcement over the loudspeaker. A code white, calling for everyone to leave the hospital immediately. As more and more gunshots began to ring throughout the West Wing, the guard in front of the door muttered a string of curses under his breath as he readied his weapon, swinging open the door before turning back to Tony.

"Get out of here, now!" The guard barked to Tony. Once again, Tony obliged the man without question. Turning and running as fast as one could in a pair of dress shoes, Tony joined the crowd of people who were beginning to flood the East Wing exit.
Date: September 26th, 2018
Time: 11:10 A.M.

Mac's phone vibrated with a text from his brother. The man quickly grabbing it to give it a read and cursing under his breath at his younger brother's recklessness that was currently rivaling that of his own. Not only was Cole inside the building but instead of getting out he was heading here? Mac quickly tried calling the teenager but there was no answer, only serving to grow his current worry for the boys well-being. The man hurried to finish dressing, dumping the hospital gown on the floor. This next time when he stood up from the chair he did so carefully, gauging just how well he was going to be on his feet. It was difficult to describe how he felt when standing up, especially too quickly. It was as if his body was physically capable of the act of walking, but his mind and balance was completely thrown off.

Though for the next minute he attempted moving about the room, hearing more screams and cries from the world outside his room as people attempted to escape the hospital. Whether he was up to it or not, it didn't matter. Mac started for the door and exited into the hallway but was immediately met with Cole running right into him. Mac stumbled a step backwards, grabbing the railing on the hallway's wall for support. The younger male had managed to close to where he'd just had surgery causing him to flinch harshly but bounce back in time to tell that Cole hadn't noticed. The younger male was pulling him by the arm down the hall, "Cole! Wait!" He'd protested on deaf ears as they continued. Moving at normal speed was one thing but the speed he was going now was making everything blurry and he once again started feeling nauseated, though somehow managed to stay on his feet in a stumbling fashion until they'd gotten around the corner to the elevators.

Mac broke free of his brothers grasp, momentarily leaning on the wall and shaking his head as he attempted to sober himself up while Cole hit the button by the elevator. It was then that he saw blood further down the hallway, and a pair of legs laying on the ground, the rest of the body hidden around the corner. Noticing it he was met with a renewed impatience and moved to stand by Cole at the closed elevator doors. The moment they dinged open however he froze rather than rush in. Inside there were two bodies on the ground, blood covered the floor, and someone was crouched down...biting on the bodies? "Jesus..." He'd muttered in disbelief at the sight. It took another moment before he gave up on the elevators and this time he'd grabbed onto Cole's hand, having seen the door leading to a stairwell behind them, just across the hall. Dragging the younger male into the stairwell he let go once inside. The thought of going down flights of stairs wasn't exactly on his bucket list but what choice did they have? The elevator of horrors was out of the question.

"Just go." He spoke somewhat huskily, ushering the younger man ahead of him in an attempt to keep him focused on himself rather than Mac. Once Mac started descending he kept his left hand on the railing and his right was pressed against his lower right abdomen where he'd been operated on. Despite the cool air of the hospital he could already feel that he was sweating a little as he started down. He kept up the quick pace to keep up with Cole, focusing on moving and getting to the bottom despite the discomfort in his side and slight disorientation. The further down they got the louder the screams became, the more shots popped off. But they were in different directions, not that Mac had any time to focus on what that could mean. When they reached the bottom Mac needed a moment, but Cole was already opening the exit door onto the first floor before he could say anything. So Mac took a deep breath and followed suite, keeping as close on the younger man's heels as he could. Collapsing here wasn't allowed, he told himself, but once he got outside to safety then he could. Once Cole was safely out of harms way.

The exit wasn't far, maybe a turn or two? Mac hadn't counted, but the light flooding in from the opened doors as people scrambled out was a welcomed sight. Once outside he knew he couldn't keep going, now he absolutely had to stop for a moment. Most of the people were running for the parking area ahead, some still standing just outside the doors. Mac veered off to the side, going around one of the sharp corners of the building to at least gain some distance from the exit. There he leaned against the wall, far more out of breath than he would have been had he been at a hundred percent. "I...I need a second." He told Cole between the deep breaths, the temptation to slide down the wall and sit was high but he fought it and stayed standing. Mac was hoping the dizziness would fade once he caught his breath.​
Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
Last edited:
September 26, 2018
11:29 am
Cherry burst through the exit doors, panting, tears streaming down her face. It had taken everything in her body not to turn around, go back and save her father. Or just to look, to see what was taking his life. But she couldn't. Inside she knew that that was what he wanted, in a strange way. He was ready to go, he had told her before, but this was not the way anyone expected him to go. She had been planning to take him home before it happened. She wanted him to die comfortably, surrounded by his family - even if that was only herself and Liza. Fate was not on their side that day. A small lump of fear had taken hold in Cherry's stomach, and it wasn't going away. At least, not until they figured out what was going on.

She spotted Liza amidst the crowd that had surrounded the building. She was crying still, and an older woman was comforting her. "I'll take it from here, I'm her sister," Cherry said, pulling Liza's hand and walking away from the group of people. The woman tried to protest, but, either seeing as Liza willingly went with her, or the look on Cherry's face, she stopped. Honestly, she didn't have time to deal with anyone else today. How was she going to explain what happened to their father? Shit, she didn't even know what had happened. When they were safely away from the majority of people, Cherry took a deep breath, turning around and squatting in front of Liza.

She paused, unsure how to begin. "Liza..." she pursed her lips. "Dad was very sick... you know this," she watched the tears begin to well once again in Liza's eyes, and her own did the same. "He wasn't strong enough to make it out," she blurted. It was hard to say it any other way. "He was shot..." she said, she couldn't tell her sister that some crazed man had killed her father. "He couldn't run fast enough, and he was shot... I'm so sorry," she said, sobbing just as hard as Liza was, and pulling he into a hug. Cherry was not the emotional type, usually keeping a straight face, but this was a special circumstance for her.

After a few moments, she stood and wiped her eyes. What were they supposed to do, now? Something was clearly going on, and they certainly weren't going to go home without some kind of confirmation of what the hell was going on. Did they need a lawyer? She felt her pockets for her phone. "Shit," she mumbled. She must have dropped it, or left it back in the room. Well... she certainly wasn't getting that back anytime soon.

"Hey!" she called out, approaching the crowd. "Does anyone know what is going on?! What does the news say?" She asked, pointed at anyone and everyone.
Date: September 26, 2018
Time: 10:59am

Alexander had been awake so early today that he had to actually ask himself why he had taken some vacation of from his duties as a pilot, but then he had remembered how he had come to visit his friend Miguel, someone who was close to retiring from his duties as a Marine. Heck he was even grateful that the guy was helpful enough to had let him stay at his place and use one of the family vehicle. But ignoring that he looked at the clock while looking down at his friend, who kept on muttering things that really didn't matter. He had to ask himself how he had been foolish enough to break get into an accident when there had been no car close by, heck, maybe he had forgotten how to drive? He wouldn't know. It wasn't until a minute later that he was asked to leave that he raised an eyebrow before heading toward the East Wing of the hospital. Why there? Maybe it had to do with how he had parked his car around that side.

Time: 11:03am

He had been almost by the exit, when he had remembered that he had forgotten something but then the speaker came on, making him pay close attention. "This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises. This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises." To him, that was questioning, since what he remembered was how a Code white had to do with aggression, well, he wasn't completely sure but maybe he was, all that mattered was that he exited the hospital and head toward his car. He had no idea what was going at all so he left the building and head toward the car, maybe he could find out what was happening while at his friend home.
Time: 11:29 A.M.
Fen was on the cusp of breaking down. She was still against the wall, hands shaking and mouth dry with uncertain fright. She had crossed her arms around her chest as if to comfort herself, but she was still utterly alone, even with this crowd of people before her. She could hear cars starting up and leaving, which was a smart move, but she had no way of leaving, unless she siphoned the help of some kind passer-by. But she felt unsettlingly sure that no one would help. Everyone was too busy saving their own skins from... whatever. She didn't even know what was happening!

Someone knocked roughly against Fen's shoulder as they passed, and the young woman stumbled forward with a startled grunt. She could hear her cane fall with a clang, and she dropped to her knees, teeth clenching together, to find it. Once she closed a fist around the top, she struggled back to her feet and backed up, swallowing a sob as her tears began to sting.

Where the hell was Tai? And what the hell was everyone so scared of? She had a notion that no one even knew, but then again, no one was talking to her, so how could she tell? Well, standing here wasn't going to find answers. Plucking up her courage, Fen pushed away from the wall and held out her cane, doing her best to venture into the people ahead and find some answers and possibly her aunt.

It seemed as though the others were just as confused as she. She heard a woman calling out, "Does anyone know what is going on?! What does the news say?" That seemed like a good place to start, so Fen started toward the voice, pinpointing the source as well as she could.

"That - That makes two of us," piped Fen in a trembling voice. She tried to face the speaker, but where she was she could have been miles off.

JustAlexandra JustAlexandra

Someone had to take control might as well be her. Nobody seemed to be collected enough. "Everyone!" She shouts trying to get the attention of patients and doctors alike. "Clear away from the doors! God knows what is going on, but it sounds like a shooting!" A gunshot punctuated her sentence. "Those doors are not bulletproof, so get clear! If they come out, it will be fine! Authorities should be here soon!" She told everyone.

Did she believe that? Not really. She was panicking just a little bit, but it didn't show. She hoped she was right, however. She still hid her gun, not wanting to cause a panic. She took in a heavy exhale, she was not the type to lead, but nobody else was.... "I know I'm asking alot, but I want people to start moving injured and sick around the side of the building so they have some protection! Others, keep an eye on the doors, but do not be visible! I don't want any more deaths today!" She said, raising her arms to make sure everyone focused on her. Her left arm was shaking, and the sleeves slid down, showing the burn scars.
Date: September 26, 2018

Time: 5:35 A.M.

*exceptionally long - will NOT be anywhere near the standard length for all prompts*
"Ah! Damn-!", Zoe winces, gritting her teeth together and recoiling her head away from her hand. A noxious taste, prompting far-flung memories of chewing on pennies, offends her touchy taste buds. She moves her quaking hand into a pale beam of moonlight entering through a nearby window and groans in annoyance at the pooling streaks of blood filling the slits on her knuckle. "You prick...", she mumbles, laying her hand on her lap and compressing her thumb into the cut to slow the bleeding. She'd been playing nurse for her own hands since she showed up at this pearly-white Hellscape. Constant assaults of anxiety were threatening to punch her heart through her rib cage, enticing a repetitive cycle of unconsciously gnawing on her own skin until her canines tapped a nerve and a sharp pain reined her back into the moment. Zoe slumped into the cushions of her seat and slid her heels across the tiled flooring.

"God, I gotta calm the Hell down...", she whispered under her breath, nearly drowned out by the sound of thunderous pulsing inside of her skull. "Waiting... s'all it is. You've made up your mind; you've agreed to this." Zoe shakes her head and purses her lip bitterly. "Hell, it was your dumbass that decided, with all the wisdom in the friggin' world to back you", she scoffs, "to become a hospital hermit." She rolls her head along the back of her seat and peered out of the moonlit window pane. Longingly studying the starry night sky as if it were some kind of long-lost lover. Ever since she was first brought into this hallway, she'd hardly stepped beyond its walls. The one time that she returned to the lobby, a tsunami of overbearing worse-case-scenarios flashed before her eyes and the resulting fear has left her on DEFCON 1.

Her eyes then drifted towards the other end of the hall, committing the ritualistic tracing of the embolden lettering, 'WEST WING - MATERNITY WARD', painted on the top edge of the doorway. She briefly rubs the top of her knuckle, the blood coating the pad of her thumb. She presses deeper into the split flesh and her wandering sights settle on the pane of glass directly in front of her. Currently, impregnably opaque without any light to scatter the shadows. Just beyond it, in the third row of baby carriers, second from the right, her beloved baby girl was sleeping soundly. Dwelling on the thought racked her body in disgust; merely thinking about her made Zoe's throat constrict and the back of her eyes burn. She felt her hands beginning to tremble again. "C'mon now, chin up", she whispered and rested her elbows on top of her knees. "There's enough wrong with you as is..." Case in point, her inner voice grumbles.

Chatting with yourself? No shit there's something wrong with you. Just quit frettin' over it. You know this... however much it may hurt... is the best thing for Selina, so quit your crying and be grateful that you found someone who can treat her like the angel she is.
Still, Zoe was tormented by the very thing keeping her anxieties from going nuclear. Selina couldn't be in a safer environment, but she felt as though the blackness storm clouds were circulating just above her head. This doesn't feel right...

Zoe rises out of the chair with a tired moan. Cradling her hands to her chest, she tiredly drags herself to the observation window and leans her shoulder into the wall. Resting her temple against the looking glass only stresses the pulsing veins beneath her pale skin. The ice-cold surface digs through her head and rakes down the length of her spine. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She whimpers softly, closing her eyes tightly. Stop it! What're you so scared of? She's right there. Her hand unconsciously presses into the glass. Feeling for her precious princess through the darkness. You know she is.

A quiet slapping sound snaps her eyes towards the floor. A black spot between her feet shimmers like a jewel in the mouth of a cave. A thick fluid begins to run between her fingers. Zoe stretches her hand and watches the blood, uninhibited, fork around her middle finger. Darkening her skin until it blends with the night encompassing her. Something's wrong... She lays her palm over her knuckle, lifting her laden head until she's staring into the twinkling eyes of her parallel self. I can feel it... but why? Her lip suddenly twitches and she bites down on it. "No, no, no, anticipation's always the worst. It'll all be okay. S-She'll be okay." A rattily breath vents out of her flaring nostrils. She blinks until the tears are forced away. Zoe pushes herself away from the window and, practically, stumbles back into the waiting arms of the chair. The moment the cushions catch her fall, her tensed muscles disappear beneath her skin and the siren song of sleep gradually prevails over her fried nerves - lulling the bog-minded, young woman into a dreamless slumber.
It'll all be okay...

"The Hurrier I Go..."
Date: September 26, 2018
Time: 10:25 A.M.
"Well, I really hope you don't mind the early hour. We just, you know, kinda sprung out of bed this morning!" The itty-bitty woman exclaimed, flashing an impossibly white smile and clapping her hands together. Her pure elation was an outright cure for all negativity. Zoe's lips curled into a crooked smile, the oppressing fear that had deprived her of sleep lifting pounds of weight off of her shoulders. "We didn't wake you too early, did we?" Her big, warm eyes lost their charming laugh-lines as sincere concern straightened out her gentle features. Zoe dismissively chuckles, "I slept just fine, Mrs. Downs. I only got here a little while ago." Zoe mirrored the grin that re-appeared on Mrs. Down's and turned her attention to the man just by her side, hearing him clear his throat. "We've got a lot to do today, so we're glad you're willing to begin so soon." Mr. Downs; the poster-child for the working-class man: rough around the edges, but Zoe couldn't picture him harming a mouse.

"I pray it all goes well for you", he says with a brief smile. Zoe straightens her back and rests her hands on her hips. Somehow, she had a feeling that he saw through her fib earlier. "Many thanks, sir. I hope the same for y'all." Despite her rampant uncertainty, she was, at the very least, confident that Selina would be in good hands. The Downs couldn't bear kids of their own, due to Mrs. Down's infertility, so it eased her woes a little bit. "Mister and Misses Downs?", a soft voice piped up behind her. One of the nurses greeted everyone with a smiling nod. "Are you all ready to head up to the maternity ward? The little ones just started waking up a minute ago." They readily nodded. Zoe swallowed in a vein attempt to relieve the renewed tension in her chest before bobbing her head as well. "Let's go", the nurse says before leading the Downs away. As he passed by, Mr. Downs laid his hand on Zoe's shoulder and met her eyes with a gentle gaze. As if he knew how fragile she was, in this moment. Zoe simply smiled and matched his pace as they made their way back to the ward.

Time: 11:00 A.M.
The nurse's explanation of the impeding process to the Downs quickly degraded into droning background noise. She stood at the window, hands tucked in jacket pocket to keep her fingernail-picking under wraps. Third row, second from the right, laid a little angel, capped and garbed in hot pink. Wiggling in place and arcing her little, balled fists through the air around her. Her eyes wandering aimlessly all around this strange, new world. Zoe had set her jaw and blinked away the occasional tear in her eye, hopeful to avoid any sort of reenactment of her previous breakdowns. The Downs had repeatedly assured her that they'd work to prepare visitation rights, but there was something about handing over her parenthood, her rights as a mother, that made her stomach flip. Selina... even after shuffling through every rational voice in her head, all she wanted to do was say 'I'm sorry'.

Without warning, bloodcurdling screaming and pained cries suddenly pierced her ears, reverberating through the halls and leaving an eerie silence in its wake. Everyone was rooted where they stood. Zoe's own body shook from the force of her pounding heart. She turned her gaze down the hallway and looked at the various hospital workers around her, hoping for some kind of response. Several doctors and nurses took off sprinting in the direction of the sound. "What in the Hell was that?", Mr. Downs mumbled under his breath. Zoe nearly leapt out of her skin as bright lights flashed and a shrill alarm casted the silence away. "This is a Code White", a mechanical voice speaks just above the repeating alarm. "Everyone evacuate the premises." Mrs. Downs snatches her husband's arm and desperately tugs him away, trembling in terrible fear. "Come on, honey!", she urged. "We gotta go! We gotta go!" The young nurse rushes to Zoe's side, "We'll take care of your baby, okay?" She speaks quickly. Her voice blended with the piercing cries of the babies inside of their room. "Just get out of the building! Fast!" The cluster of horrifying sounds stunned her in place. She turned between the end of the hall and the window, watching the nurses inside dashing between the baby carriers. The first gunshot makes the decision clear; fuck it. Another thought doesn't pass through her mind before she's barging into the room, shoving through any obstacles that block the path to Selina.

Third row, second from the right... "Selina!", Zoe scoops her up in her arms, holding her closely as she wails in horror. "Come on, honey. I'm gettin' you outta here." She covers her eyes and presses her close to her chest. Much to her surprise, the nurses didn't even try to stop her. They had sprinted out of the room as soon as the shooting started. Running away from the babies' room, Zoe is immediately grabbed by the shoulder and finds herself face-to-face with Mr. Downs, sweating coating his stern face. "C'mon, honey!", he commands. "Keep with me, we're headin' for the stairs!" Mrs. Downs awaits mere feet away, rubbing her own hands and staring down the hallway like a deer in headlights. The run through the hallways is a blur; gunfire, screaming, metal clashes, and shouts for help. She felt hands beneath her boots and pushed passed countless figures. Whatever the Hell was going on, she didn't care; she just to get Selina and the Downs' out of here. As her shoulder taps into another blurry figure, a pair of hands shove her against the wall. "Ah!", Zoe shrieks. She turns her back towards the attacker and curls herself in a ball to protect Selina. "Downs! DOWNS!" She doesn't hear any familiar voices. The attacker's hands viciously pound against her back and something hard digs into the sleeve of her jacket. Zoe cries out in pain, their solid grip tearing through the fabric without reaching her skin. "Get off me! Get off!" The weight of the body is thrown away before she's yanked onto her feet. "Don't stop!", Mrs. Downs' shaking voice accompanies Mr. Downs pulling her through the hall.

Time: 11:30 A.M.

The light at the end of the tunnel finally reveals itself after an apparent eternity of wading through a sudden war zone. The jammed group of panicking people around the doors suddenly begins to filter through the opening, tripping and stumbling over each other to get out of the hospital. Just outside, Zoe can hear a particularly loud woman shouting orders to a group of people standing around the doorway. "... but do not be visible! I don't want anymore deaths today!" Christ, Zoe ponders, taking a glance at Selina to make sure she's okay. Was the place being raided? Occupied? Zoe stumbles out onto the pavement, gasping hoarsely for breath and collapsing onto her knees. "It's okay...", she whispers before planting a kiss on top of Selina's head. "It's okay, we're okay..." She glances up to find the Downs setting themselves on a nearby bench. She turns her head to the other side and spots the woman she heard earlier. A younger girl, wearing a headscarf and raising her hands in the air. There was something... gnarly about her arms. Her skin looked darker, twisted up and malformed. It didn't matter to her. Everything was going by too fast to focus on anything for too long. She might know something... "H-Hey!" Zoe called out to the woman. She slowly rises back onto her feet and limps closer. "Uh, ma'am? Are you with the hospital? Do you know what's going on?" Her voice trembled uncontrollably. Zoe cradles her crying daughter right up to her cheek and tenses up to fight breaking down into a sobbing mess.
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Chihara Eze
Date. September 26, 2018
Time. 11:02 AM

Chihara sat in a chair near her grandmother's hospital bed and studied for her classes with an app on her phone. She took a brief break to look up from her device and saw that her sister and grandmother were still trying to pick a birthday cake for her mother. She wondered why they still weren't done yet.

Subira, Chihara's grandmother, pointed to a rather colorful recipe, "Don't you like this one, Rayray. The colors look so pretty."

"Too many colors. My eyes are bleeding!" Rayowa turned her head away from the book and cover her eyes with one hand.

"Well if y--" Her grandmother began before being interrupted by a voice on the intercom.

"This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises. This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises." The intercom blared in the hospital room.

When Chihara heard this, her heart skipped a beat. She knew many a hospital emergency code and was certain that code White had something to do with a violent person. She breathed heavily, wanting nothing more than to just curl up in a ball and wait for it all to go away but she forced herself to get up. She got a wheelchair for her grandmother to get in and told her sister and grandmother, "You heard what the intercom said, we should go."

Her grandmother shook her head, "I think we would be safer if we stayed here."

Chihara's was starting to find it hard to breath and her eyes welled up in tears. She didn't know what to say so she just stood there, holding the handles of the wheelchair.

In the room, nobody talked for a moment. Chihara could hear the clambering footsteps of people near the doorway as people tried to escape the hospital. She heard a faraway scream and gripped the handles of the wheelchair more firmly. Then she heard a gunshot. Her heart raced faster and she snapped her head towards her grandmother.

Her grandmother's eyes were wide and she froze for a second before looking at Chihara, "Let's go."

Chihara pushed the wheelchair closer to her grandmother's bed and helped her get in it. She looked at her little sister who looked about ready to cry. "Rayowa... We have to go. Don't worry, it'll be fine." Despite her best efforts, her voice was still shaking. She was afraid her sister wouldn't listen but luckily, Rayowa walked up to her side.

"Rayowa, can you open the door please?" Chihara asked, since her hands were full.

Rayowa walked up to the door and pulled it open. Chihara nodded at her and walked through the door. The hall was packed with people pushing their way to the exit. As soon as Chihara finished getting through the door, Rayowa scrambled to her side. With a little effort and time, they were able to push their way to the exit.

When the got out of the hospital, Chihara released a breath she didn't even know she was holding. She pushed her grandmother all the way to their car as Rayowa followed. She unlocked it and helped her grandmother get in. Once they were all safe in the car Chihara looked over at her grandmother. "What do we do now?"

"We wait." Her grandmother said, closing her eyes as she rested her head on the head rest.

Chihara just wanted to go home but she didn't argue. She was happy that at the very least, they were out of that hospital. She put her key in the ignition and turned it. "Just in case."

She heard a woman a few feet away from her, turning to look down at the face. At this point some were moving away from the doors and moving around to the other side of the building or just hiding. "Co?" She asked, fixing her sleeve. She then shook her head after a moment of thought. "My apologies, I'm a bit nervous... Never was the leader type..." she said, her adrenaline fading and become less commanding." She paused, drawing in a breath.

"Yes, I am with the hospital, call me Ana." She began, lightly smiling. "But I'm afraid I can't tell you what is going on except for the fact there is something going on. It may be a shooting." She told her, taking a few steps closer to her. "And what is your name?" She asked, trying to get help her calm down.
Hadley Beyer
September 26th, 2018

Hadley has just clocked in and met up with the night nurse to get a pass down of the patients. She had many of the same patients from yesterday so she was familiar with their needs. The night nurse also told her about the strange ER patients they had come in late last night. "Mutilated bodies and an illness the doctors weren't able to explain." The night nurse told her. "They're going into surgery around 10. It's all a big mystery!" For a moment, Hadley was grateful she wasn't an ER nurse anymore. No more having to deal with scary 'mystery' patients. Not too concerned, Hadley took the pass down clip board from the night nurse, thanked her, and took over so she could go home. Her 12 hour day had just started. Hadley chugged the rest of the coffee that was still in her cup and tossed it in a trash can she was passing by. She checked her watch and headed down the hall to the ICU. She checked in with the girls at the desk, got any requests from the patients, and started with her first room. The mornings were busy with medication and breakfast. She walked in and out of rooms making sure the patients were medicated properly, their bellies were filled one way or another, their medical machinery was doing okay, and their families were comfortable. She went through the motions of her work day just like every other.

11:03 am
Harper had just finished her morning rounds and all her patients were settled in. She took some time to herself and went down to the employee lockers to check her phone. She could feel her blood sugar dropping and needed some sort of sustenance to get her through until lunch. She grabbed her phone from her locker and saw she has 3 missed calls from her fiance. She rolled her eye, thinking it was probably just him calling to ask where he put his wallet. She decided to give him a ring back while opening up a power bar and started to chow down. The phone rang a few times before he picked up and answered.

"Hey! You're okay. I was worried."

"Uh...I'm at work." Hadley answered confused, continuing to eat her power bar.

"Yeah, I know Had." He sounded annoyed with her stating the obvious. "But your hospital is all over the news. Apparently there's some crazy illness from mutilated bodies they're trying to figure out. Could be ebola, they're saying. I just wanted to make sure you're okay babe."

"Oh yeah I heard about those patients from the night nurse. They're saying it's ebola, huh? Well if I hear anyth-" Hadley's sentence was cut off by a hospital wide announcement.

"This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises. This is a code White, everyone evacuate the premises"

Fear struck Haldey. A code white. Memorizing the codes was one of the first things you do in nursing school. Codes were so important. Code red, fire. Code black, bomb threat. Code Amber, missing child or infant. Code white...aggression. Aggression? And an evacuation? What could have happened in the 15 minutes Hadley was by the employee lockers?

"Had? Hadley what's happening? Babe please"

"I'll call you back later okay, Conner? It's probably nothing." She said, and hung up the phone.

Hadley grabbed her purse from the locker and walked out of the medical staff office into the hall. She saw people running in panic in every direction. Doctors, nurses, patients and their families. Something was happening. Something serious. If this wasn't that big of a deal, this evacuation would be way more organized. She had no time to think, she just started running through the panicked hospital trying to get out. She maps out the hospital in her head, although it's very big, she knows it well. She's been working here for two years now. She takes the south stairs down with a bunch panicked of people. She runs through the hallway to the closest exit, the visitor's entrance. When she gets down the stairs she sees a congregation of people trying to get through the door. They were pushing and screaming trying to get through. People holding their loved ones. Patients still attached to their IVs and holding their oxygen tanks. The sight of the entire hospital trying to get out one door was frightening. Harper pushed her way through the people trying to get to a location where she would be safe. Finally, she pushed herself out of the hospital completely, finding herself in the emergency room parking lot. She turned around and looked at the hospital, people were shoving themselves through every exit they could find, even the windows. The hospital was in complete panic. She stood there everything unfold in front of her with everyone that had already made it outside, wondering what was going on.
Date: September 26, 2018
Time: 11:04

As Yoseph was putting his scrubs in his work-locker located in the North WIng, he heard the call for code White over the loud speaker. "Hm. That's strange, I wonder what could have happened." He said somewhat calmly as he gathered his things and closed his locker. He opened t he door to the staff room and sighed as he walked out. He started to walk towards the East Wing as he pulled his phone out and put one earbud in. He hit 'shuffle' on his music app and dropped his phone into his pocket. He started to hum quietly as he walked casually down the hallway. He jumped a bit when what looked like a pale, drunk patient stumbled into a wall ahead of him. Yoseph sighed and walked over to the patient, putting his hand on his shoulder. "Excuse me sir, are you alright? What building are you i-" Before he could finish his question, the patient swung at him, letting out a loud snarl as he continued making lazy swings at him. Yoseph narrowly dodged most of his swings before catching his wrist and pushing the patient into a wall. "Sir, if you don't stop, I'll have to hurt you." Yoseph said as he pushed the patient back. When the patient lunged at him, Yoseph quickly moved out of the way before punching him hard in the back of the head. The patient fell to the ground before he slowly started getting up again. "Sir, I need you to stop." He said calmly as he directed the patient over to a nearby room that had no occupant. When he lunged again, Yoseph moved out of the way as the patient slid into the vacant room. Yoseph quickly slammed the door, letting out a sigh of relief as he stumbled back and slid to a sitting position once he'd made contact with the wall.
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