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Realistic or Modern They Bite, Alright

Time: 11:32 A.M.
"Ana", Zoe repeated and met her laser-piercing blue eyes, briefly glancing back towards the doorway she'd just barreled through. At least, to some degree, her orders were mobilizing some sort of effort. Men were holding the doors open and urging the frantic packs of people to follow their shouting. A handful of guys were knelt by a line of sick and injured resting in the shadow of the hospital. A few individuals looked like they were on their phones, pacing along the curb and shouting over the atmospheric chaos. Zoe's focus was scattered by another barrage of gunfire inside of the building. The walls hardly spared her ears of the appalling screams of agony and terror. A shooting... Zoe shook her head before renewing her attention back towards Ana. She furrows her eyebrows, her voice dragging in her throat as she struggles to form a cohesive sentence. "Z-Zoe. My name's Zoe", she says, a vague country accent clinging to her words. Selina sobs in her arms and she immediately looks down onto her daughter's crimson-red face, warped with fear. She rocks the horrific infant in her arms, albeit shakily as she's shaking more than she even realizes. "Listen", she states as the encounter with her attacker in the hallway flashes through her mind. "I don't think this is a shootin'. People were pouncing on each other like animals. S-Some guy came up outta the ground and...", Zoe vainly tries to keep her own tears from streaming out of her eyes. Her lip quivers and her eyebrows cut into her forehead. "Good God, they're all dyin' in there! I-I couldn't have done anything. There's still babies up in t-t-the ward!" Just as quickly as her panic set in, Zoe bite her lip and took a breath. You ain't helping anybody by freaking out. Pull yourself together. She briefly scans around to make sure she wasn't drawing too many eyes. "I'm sorry. We've gotta do something, Ana. We can't leave 'em all up there."

LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87

Ana paused, looking at Zoe. She wasn't wrong. There was children still inside. "Nobody here has any form of weapon, what are we to do? And the one person who attacked you could have been high on drugs. I mean, I brought in someone maybe ten minutes ago who looked overdosed on cocaine." She explained, trying to calm her down, she went down and set a hand on her shoulder. "Look, panicking isn't going to help you, and it won't help the girl... Calm down, take a few deep breaths, have a seat, ok? The police should hopefully be here soon." She helped her down to sit on the curb next to her car.

"Czuć się lepiej?" She asked, not even realizing this time she was speaking another language. For as strong and knowing as she seemed, she was shaking, her knee bouncing up into her forearm, causing her hand's minor trembling to look like a quake. "Trust me, it's just like what you see on the news... This time it just got home... Well." She offered a strained smile, though genuine. "Home may be a stretch for us, Zoe..."

Yoseph pulled his phone from his pocket only to see that it had been cracked. “Motherfucker.” He said quietly before standing up and picking up the things he’d dropped during his encounter with the patient. “What the hell is going on here?” He asked himself quietly as he passed by the doors of the East Wing, which is normally extremely busy, only to see it was barren. He quickly left he facility and went into the parking garage next door. When he arrived at his car, he hastily patted the pockets of his shirt and pants before realizing he hadn’t picked up his keys. He groaned before heading back into the hospital and going back to the hallway he’d had the encounter in. He say his keys lying on the floor next to the door he’d locked he patient in and quickly grabbed them. A series of Loud pounds and snarls came from the other end of the door and he quickly ran back to his car.
Time: 11: 40
"I... I...", Zoe starts, the mentioning of weapons reminding her of the sidearm she left in her truck. However, the torn bits of her sleeve twitching in the breeze is enough to bury the thought. Selina was in her arms and out of the hospital. That's all that matters, she thought to herself. You'd just get in the way whenever the police arrive. She couldn't get the sights out of her head; the blood, the absolute mayhem. The things these officers will have to deal with... Could it all really be chalked up to a bunch of junkies? Ana directs Zoe's focus away from her distracting thoughts. "Yeah, you're right, you're right", she mutters breathlessly. Although she initially snaps away from the sudden touch on her shoulder, the rigorous burning in her legs coaxes her towards the curb. She slowly bends her knees and leans her back into the bumper of a nearby car.

Zoe raises her brow, unsure if her company had just spouted off some jumbled gibberish or spoke in another lingo. The moment passed whenever she noticed that Ana was trembling just about as badly as she was. She thinks back to the sharp tone of her voice, somehow managing to reign over the bombardment of sounds from millions of other sources. "Well", she says glumly. "Whatever the stretch may be, I want to thank you for getting things straight 'round here. Probably would've been trembled." Zoe attempts to reciprocate her smile before lifting her daughter to her cheek, softly cooing to her and patting her back. "Shh, shh, honey. It's okay. You're okay." She plants a gentle kiss onto her warm forehead. If she'd been taken down by the mob, Selina surely would've been killed. With the last of her tears rolling down her cheeks, a wider smile tugs at her lips. "Hell, I couldn't say 'thank you' enough." As a gesture of good will, Zoe extends a hand and places her palm on top of her bouncing knee.

LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87
Time: 12:03 P.M.

An hour after the announcement, the blood-crazed, cannibalistic humans overtook the hospital completely. The gunshots shifted from inside to outside the hospital, almost as if in rhythm to the march of the enraged that quickly protruded from the windows and doors, arms and face set in adrenaline rage, attempting to cling on to any unfortunate soul. Those nearby spotted the dilemma, and quickly fled from the other panic, only to spot the national guard amassed within their vehicles. Trucks and infantry along with helicopters in the sky surrounded the hospital. A soldier with a megaphone ordered the civilians, "Evacuate to your homes, and keep doors and windows locked. Leave your sicked and injured ones behind, if you cannot bring them with you. Our doctors will care for them." The voice echoed and boomed across the hospital's grounds, which enraged those inside the hospital to spark a frenzy. In only a few moments, the doors and windows alike broke, and the infected dashed forward for their prey.

Time: 12:14 P.M.

Ravenous claws tore apart the soldiers that stationed themselves close to the hospital. After all, they knew little of how the disease affected the the mind, so they were caught off guard. They tried to shoot at the creatures, but bullets provided no deterrent from the beasts that sprouted from the hospital's doors. All left inside in the hospital either became infected, or remained in hiding as they waited for help to arrive. The frenzy of the infected contained themselves in the form of sprints, lest their legs failed them. From those away from the carnage, the sight was difficult to witness, as many succumbed to the rage of the beasts. The infected showed no end in sight.

Time: 12:32 P.M.

After a short battle, the national guard realized their inability to keep the hospital grounds secured, as now the streets contained the human-consuming freaks. As a result, the commander instructed his unit to retreat. Due to this outcome, news stations broadcasted the danger to the masses, "Word from the National Guard has reached our stations. It is advised to keep all windows and doors locked; and to avoid the streets. A rabies type of disease has brought people into a rage, so beware of hostile individuals. Those without shelter are advised to come to Fort Mary for protection." With the public informed, chaos developed in the streets, as people stole goods, dealt with the infected, or attempted to flee in their cars.

OOC: For the next scene, you can roleplay up to 3:00 P.M, or about two hours and a half for your characters. The infected are currently in the streets around the hospital, and they can currently run due to their early infection. Unless you shoot the brain, which your characters have no knowledge of as of this moment, the infected will continue to come after your characters. Here are some choices for your characters, but you do not need to follow them: Head to Fort Mary, Flee the City, Take Shelter in Your Own, Etc. Please finish your post by May 12th, 2018 11:59 P.M. PST.

Ana smiled, looking at Zoe as her knee slowly calmed down. "Thanks." She said with a thankful smile, tucking a bit of blond hair away from her face. "I'm Polish, by the way. Born and raised in Warsaw." She told her. "I know Polish better than I know English, so I slip into it every so often... But I can usually keep it normal." She said, sort of apologizing for the outburst of Polish. They sat in silence, the gunshots sounding closer. The National Guard had arrived, and they were directing people to leave. But the people inside seemed to be enraged, it was strange indeed.

"Well, I guess we should go, I'd rather not get caught in this mess any longer than I have to." She glances at her watch. "I have to take my meds soon anyway. Perhaps I'll see you around Zoe, when this blows over." She told her, taking out a notebook and pen, quickly scribbling her number down. She tore of the paper and handed it to her. "If anything else happens, just call." She said, standing and getting into her car, driving to her house before shit hit the fan. She got home and locked the door behind her, finding her bottle of ibuprofen and taking out two pills, swallowing them with ease.
September 26, 2018
11:32 AM
boo. boo. LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87
Cherry was getting frustrated - no one was even acknowledging her. You'd think this kind of panic would bring people together, but no. Everyone is just looking to save themselves and not worrying
about anyone around them. Just as she was about to get the attention of someone nearby - and not in a very nice way either, she heard someone call out. "That -," the person stuttered.That makes two of us." It took Cherry a few moments to pinpoint where the voice was coming from. She was still uncertain, as the person the voice seemed to come from wasn't looking at her, but more so near her. It took Cherry a moment to notice that the woman must be blind, given the cloudy look in her eyes.

Cherry approached the woman, slowly. "Thank you for responding," she said, trying to sound gentle despite still being frustrated. Not at the woman, of course, but the fact that no one was helping a blind girl was even more annoying than the fact that no one was helping Cherry. "Are you okay? Do you need me to call someone for you?" she asked, trying to be helpful. Part of her wanted to leave and get herself and Liza somewhere safe, but she couldn't do that now. She was self-serving at times, sure, but she wasn't going to be the person who walked away from a blind woman.

Someone was by the doors, yelling between gunshots that were now within earshot. She sounded like she knew what she was talking about, like she was in charge, but going off the glance Cherry had gotten off her, she didn't look like anyone who worked in the hospital. Liza had attached herself to Cherry's leg, and was shaking. Cherry bit her lip, thinking. She should run, she should take Liza and run somewhere safe. "Damnit" she cursed inwardly, before taking the blind woman's hand. "I'm Cherry, I'll help you," she said as she quickly began walking away from the doors. She tried not to go too fast, worried she would cause the woman to fall or get hurt, but she had a hard time controlling herself from running. She grabbed Liza's hand with her other hand, pulling her along as well.

12:15 PM
Cherry had decided to take the woman home with her after being directed to do so by the military. She wasn't going to wait around to get her home, and she wasn't going to leave her there, which really only led her with one choice. Their car had been on the other side of the hospital, so it was going to take awhile to get all three of them to the car. Cherry's stomach was in knots, and she kept having to push thoughts of her father out of her mind. She didn't have time to mourn yet.

12:40 PM
They had made it home safely, but it was all over the news. She felt an urge to turn it off, to keep Liza in the dark, but there was really no point. She had been there - she had seen it all. There was only so much you could do. "Shit," Cherry muttered. What were they going to do? The national guard was telling them to stay indoors, or seek refuge. This was some story-book shit, right here, and Cherry was not prepared in the least. "Shit," she said again, unsure what to do. She wanted to say something, something to console Liza, something to the woman whom she had just brought into her home, who she didn't know even her name, but there was nothing. There was nothing she could say that could make this okay.

((PSA: I messaged Handabooo to make sure she was OK with all this so I'm not godmodding ok ty <3))
Robert King

Date: September 26th 2018
Time: 11:09 AM

Robert rushed back to the hospital as soon as he heard gunshots. They were in the West Wing but since the alert originated from there, he decided to tread very carefully. Crash carts were in abundance so helping people getting on their feet and resuscitating others was a piece of cake. He packed some other necessities in his Doctor's Bag and at first he felt guilty doing it but the screams knocked him back to reality. After rumaging for a few things, he headed to the direction of the West Wing.

Time: 11.23 AM

As he made his way towards the West Wing, there were few people and more screams. Not a good sign. Unless it was a video game. He pinched himself just to make sure. But recent games are becoming more realistic so he become more confused than satisfied. Deciding that it was not worth the risk, he decided to turn back towards the direction he came, helping those along the way.
Time: 11:32 A.M.
JustAlexandra JustAlexandra
Fen was just glad the woman had responded. She knew it had to be difficult for this woman to give her any sort of attention, but she was very grateful. Panic was continuing to boil in her chest, and she could feel her arms and legs trembling with uncertainty. More shots were ringing out, this time louder than before, as if they were coming from outside the hospital.

"I'm alright - I mean..." Fen's head swung around, listening on the impossible hope that her aunt was there somewhere, scared and looking for her. But she could hear nothing but the screams of the crowd as it began to disperse in disorder. Her cane was being knocked to and fro by running feet, so she pulled it closer to her body in an attempt to make herself just a little smaller. Tai was gone; there was no way in hell this stranger would sacrifice her safety by offering to look for her. Fen wouldn't even be able to describe her aunt. Swallowing the sour taste in her mouth, Fen turned back to the woman, her face blanching.

"There's no one you can call. I just don't know where I am-" There was a sudden bang to Fen's left, and she let out a shriek of surprise. She felt the woman's hand grasp her own, and soon the two were running away from the panic, hopefully somewhere safe. Fen would hate to ask this woman, who introduced herself as Cherry, to take care of her, but she couldn't seem to form words. Her mouth was impossibly dry, and it opened and closed as if to try and speak.

Time: 12:15

Fen had gathered that Cherry's vehicle was on the other side of the hospital, for they seemed to be walking a long way. She had also gathered that there was someone else with them, perhaps Cherry's sister, named Liza, although she wasn't talking much. Fen supposed that wasn't unusual, considering the circumstances.

Time: 12:40

Cherry actually had brought her to her own home, which Fen considered to be simply incredible. She had been silent on the ride over, purse still clutched in her white hands and cane leaning against her legs. Now that she was somewhere other than the hospital, she felt much safer, although fear still racked her bones. It was clear Cherry felt the same way, but perhaps even more so. Fen felt heat rise to her cheeks as she realized she was burdening this woman with more than she could possibly handle.

"I-I'm Fen," she murmured, leaning against the wall with her face tilted toward the ceiling. "I can't thank you enough. My Aunt Tai... She was there, but she didn't make it out." Fen felt tears pool in her eyes, and they began to paint her face in streaks. "I don't know what's happening - it doesn't look like anyone does. If you want me to leave, I can. I'm probably more of a burden than a help, anyway."

Fen was used to feeling the pity of others, but now she felt as though she ought to be doing something. Perhaps, if she had been in a calmer state of mind, she might have offered to help gather things together - from what it sounded, something very dangerous was happening - but she couldn't seem to concentrate on anything else but her own misfortune.
September 26, 2018
12:42 PM
boo. boo.
Cherry had still been at a loss for words when the woman spoke, introducing herself as "Fen" and apologizing for any burden she may have caused. Apparently her aunt hadn't made it out of the hospital, and while Cherry didn't connect with most people - or didn't make an effort to, at least - she felt her heart break for this woman who had just had a loss as horrific as her own. Who knew what the woman had heard, what she had done to get herself out of there. Cherry pursed her lips for a moment, she wasn't very good with words, and right now seemed like a time that it would be really good to be good with words.

"Don't talk down about yourself that way," she said, trying to sound strong for a woman who seemed to have even less than she herself did. "You're not a burden, you're just a person in need. Hell, we're all in need right now," she said, feeling a little more confident about what she was saying. It was true, of course. "You can stay with us for now, Fen, until we can find someone you know better," she added at the end, surprising herself. Of course, there was no other option - was there? There was no way she wasn't going to help this woman, she had been over this with herself once already, outside of the hospital. There was something about emergencies that made people act different, she supposed, and she was no exception.

"This is my sister, Liza," Cherry added, putting an arm around Liza. "Say hi," she whispered in her ear. Normally Liza mined her manners and was very respectful, but given the circumstances she could tell the Liza was still scared shitless. "Hello..." Liza muttered timidly. "She's eleven, and our father was in the hospital," she paused. "He didn't make it out either, unfortunately." Cherry took another moment for speaking up again. "So, it looks like we have two options right now - maybe three," she said, a "back to business" tone in her voice. "We can stay here," she said, listing the options on her fingers. "We can go to Fort Mary or," she paused, "We can try to go somewhere else. That being said, I don't know where we would go, but I'm not super fond of staying here," as she spoke, Cherry walked to the window, peeking out through the curtain and at the street. It was calm here, in the neighborhoods. If you didn't know better, you might think it was just a normal, quiet day. No doomsday like weather, no sirens. It almost made Cherry mad to see everything looking so... perfect. So fucking perfect on such a fucked up day. She sighed in frustration, letting the curtain close again. It was not the time to let her anger get to her. "Do either of you have a preference of which of those things we do?" she asked, trying not to sound annoyed. She didn't want Fen or Liza to think it was directed at either of them, it was more just the entire day. Nothing had gone right and the world was pretty much falling apart. But, literally.

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