These Black Rings

Nope! Everything was quite clear. I just looked up brain atrophy. I love roleplay's that make me look stuff up! ^.^

I bloody love this idea by the way. Not a lot of good apocalypse roleplay's that don't have zombies (:
Thank you very much!

What character are you wanting to play for this? We may as well start shaping something since we're here!
I'm not sure… I just started thinking about it, so… Give me maybe, five minutes or so. Then I'll most likely have an idea ^.^

What about you?
Ah, I didn't have the time to really thinking it over either, and was hoping to be a bit of a sponge and find inspiration in the character's future companion and environment. I shall surely find something at a random time soon, anyway, knowing myself xD !
Ha, for sure :)

I just noticed you want a description for the character in the character sheet, not a picture. That's totally fine, I like the idea, but I'm curious. Why? :3
I feel like it's a bit more of a meditative method, and I like the idea of us thinking and taking quite a bit of time to do our CS and our posts :) .

Hmm. Character descriptions. That's going to be rough. Looks amazingly fun though.

I probably won't make a character sheet till like 5pm eastern, as I'm going to the library and CS done on my phone would be a sloppy mess.

Although I will be thinking of how to make my character the whole time.
Ah. Well then. As I hope to be spending quite a bit of time with you in this RP . I can OOC from my phone with ease.

How's everyone's day?

Ah. Sweet! Yea. I tend to stay away from Most public RP's as the tend to get disorganized unless I know the author or Realllyyyy like the idea.
Hey Model! Nice seeing you again ^.^

I haven't seen you in anything other than Journey Through Kalden :)  
Oops, didn't mean to send that twice...
Ok, I'm here.

I thought you guys already started since I saw people posting in it, haha

I might be able to get my CS up tonight, and if not then tomorrow.

Also, I found out that i'll be mostly absent next week. So if I don't get any posts in, I'm sorry.
Sounds good!

I know what you mean Model. I mean, I'm usually one for chaos in a lot of things, but role-play's are not one of them :3
And when everyone just does their own stuff and is..Ahem..''.2Edgey5me''. (That phrase makes me shudder.)
Welp, I gotta go get some breakfast. It's almost noon, and I haven't eaten anything yet… Granted, I did wake up at 10-ish, so... X3

Anyway! I'll be back soon enough to watch anime or something and RP. Goodbye for now!
Oh, and also, when yall post a reply to me, can you tag me in it? I don't seem to get notifs like everyone else.

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