The Suspicious Eye
Your Darling Devil
Call me a kid and you won't live to regret it
Theresa |
Type of Creature: Immortal being
Name: Theresa Thrace
Age: 2807 looks about 12-14
Birthday: August, 8, 793 BC
Subject: Science, Health, Biology, Anatomy, Biology II, Biochemistry, Psychology, Gymnastics
Class Year You Will Be Teaching(1-7): 6th and 7th
Traits: Chain smoker, hard drinker, addicted to strawberries and rock bands. With all her training she has complete control of her body leading to:Enhanced strength, Enhanced stamina, Enhanced speed, Enhanced durability, Pain suppression, Enlightenment, Heightened reflexes
Physical Description: Short about 4'9'', with brown hair and eyes. Weighs at 96 pounds.
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Backstory: Theresa was a Greek child who was born with immortality. She didn't realize she was immortal till the 1st time she died at the age of 14. After her first death she stopped aging. Many of her loved ones grew up and started families of their own. Theresa decided to travel the world learning all she can. She has trained with countless masters in varying skills. She has complete control of her entire body and the life energy that flows within her. Over the years she has seen many things, been through wars, famine, death, and disasters. But throughout it all she still has faith in humanity. She has spent many years teaching at the School, she loves teaching fresh young minds. Although she would prefer it if she could have a class thats shorter, or free smoking on campus. Theresa has just recently gotten back from a long trip and is ready to teach.
Pet of Choice: Turtle called Jupiter, only thing that has lived just as long as her.