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Fandom There's No Love Without Hate {Theresa Armstrong}


Demoness ready to play ;)
As far as Dean was concerned, this was a waste of time. To him, this was just a simple case of a few people gone nuts and killed themselves. But for Sam, there was a case here. Two people have died from "fright" apparently. One had run in front of a bus screaming that something was chasing him, though no one else saw anything. And the other had jumped off a roof, proclaiming that the end was near. For Sam and Dean, the end of the world has come and gone too many times for their liking. Like he said, crazy people who just couldn't take the pressure of everyday life, and had killed themselves.

And yet, here they were in a small town, which Dean has already forgotten the name. Sam, being the kind hearted all too loving person he was, couldn't help but believe there was a case here. So Dean had decided to humor him and go along with it. It wasn't until the third victim did he actually believe there was a case. The victim had actually run in front of their car screaming that aliens were coming to get them. It wasn't the screaming or the aliens part that got him believing, it was the eyes. They had a strange glow to them, and were darting around looking everywhere but at them.

They had no idea what they were dealing with, so they called up the one person who could probably tell them. Bobby Singer. He guessed it was a hex, or curse, which told them it was probably a witch. Before they hung up, Bobby mentioned someone that could help them find this witch. A druid. He gave them her address and hung up.

"You think we can trust this druid?" Sam asked as they stood outside the address that bobby had given them.

"Well, if Bobby trusts them, they can be too bad right?" Before Sam could respond, Dean lifted his hand and knocked rapidly on the door. He sent a grin to Sam. "Let's just hope she isn't like the strange, old druids we met last time,"
"Go away, you meddlesome kids," she called from her kitchen, then grumbled when she remembered Bobby Singer calling her up to let her know that there maybe a hex in her little town. Taking her apron off and walking towards the door, she opened the door. "You those boys that Bobby told me you two needed help?" Wearing jeans and a blouse, she crossed her arms, "Hurry up, I have pies in the oven." Infamous Caydance MacGregor was known around her town as a Druid and her magical practices have been involved with the goodness of the world.

Standing 5'5 and with a fit body tone, she was pretty fit being 24 years old.

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