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There and Back Again, a Plot & Partner Search


World Weaver


I am currently looking for a new RP partner (or three), as you may have inferred from this thread's existence.

If you're interested, feel free to message me (or post below if you're new)!

What to Expect

A quick overview of what you can expect from me, and what I expect from you.

  • I favor the point-of-view that romance makes a good side dish, not an entree.
  • I will play male or female characters, and I like doubling up or taking multiple characters each depending on plot complexity.
  • I write with excellent grammar and spelling, though not perfect. My RP partners need not have great grammar, but I would like to be able to understand you without too much effort.
  • I'm not strict about post length, but I prefer something in the range of 2-5 paragraphs a post. Exceptions happen, and I'm flexible.
  • I prefer to use written descriptions of a character's appearance, rather than trying to find just the right drawing or photo. I get why Play-By's are required in so many group roleplays, but I hope you don't mind me opting out for a 1x1.
  • Though I hope you'll excuse my more socially-awkward moments, I enjoy chatting and plotting out-of-character.

My Interests

  • Mainly, I enjoy just about anything with a fantastical element, be it magic/spellcasting, mythical creatures, psychic/superpowers, etc.
  • I enjoy modern, medieval, and occasionally other historical settings. I'm less interested in futuristic settings, but for the right plot I'd be happy to give it a go.
  • I stick mostly to original plots fleshed out between my partner and me, but I also do original characters in fandom settings. I may even do a pairing if it's back with a solid plot.

So that's pretty much my comfort zone, but (as you may have noticed) I can be convinced to venture out a little more for a good story.


Right this moment, I don't have any solid plots. I do, however, have a couple vague pictures in my head that seem like they'd be fun to develop and write. So here they are:

  • Magic school, like Hogwarts but an original universe. I'd like to mix something in to make it a little more interesting, like basing the setting's magic system on principles of Pagan magick, spirituality, and lore. Or every student has a pet dragon, anything a little different like that.
  • A special crime-fighting team composed of people with psychic powers is put together by the government. That could be psychic in the almost-any-superpower-goes sense, or it could psychic in the classic extrasensory perception (ESP) sense, like premonitions or supernatural intuition.

I'd really like to hear your ideas and/or brainstorm together. I promise I'm much better at fleshing out ideas than coming up with them, especially when I have a victim partner to bounce ideas off of.


Like I mentioned above, I'm mainly interested in placing original characters in fandom settings.

  • Harry Potter
  • Pokemon
  • Shadowhunters
  • I know there's more but I can't think of anything else right now

For more about me personally, you can of course visit my profile page.

Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Camlin! I'm still new, this is my 10th post! I'm interested in a 1x1.

Here are some info about me and what i'm looking for, i'll leave it to you to decide if we'll be a good match :)

  • I can play either male or female, i've never taken up more than 1 character at the same time but i'm willing to try
  • I usually reply to people with a least a paragraph (5+ sentences), but i'll most likely try to match you if you write a lot more
  • I also don't like using photos to show my characters appearance, I try to describe them as best i can
  • I will definitely reply everyday if we get it started, i'll be on mostly in the evening/night however, 5pm~2am Eastern time
  • I'm interested in all the same things you are (magic, mythical stuff, fantasy) although i've never really done any of them in rp ><
  • Plots i don't have anything planned but i do have some ideas in mind, i'm sure we can brainstorm something nice up
  • For Fandoms, i'm not too interested because i'm not too into any of them with the exception of maybe Harry Potter
Thanks for the responses! My 24 hours is up tomorrow afternoon, so I will be sure to get back to you ASAP.

And @Tayy, thank you for sharing that info. I think we'll get along swimmingly.

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