• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Zombie Paradise O_o Characters


Proud to be pagan


Nicknames: (you don’t have to have any)



Place of birth:


Appearance: (no anime please, real life pictures or detailed drawings)

Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)

Skills and/or qualifications:


Current weapons and ammunition: (please no weapons like grenade launchers etc, be sensible. Probably most won't have any to start with)

Inventory: (again be reasonable)

Background: (at least 5 sentences)

Why you are in Canada and/or in trainstation:

If you wish to play children (under 18), please have them as a side character. You can play as many characters as you can handle. As I said before, no serial killers etc. If you want them to have some criminal background, speak to me first as I don't want it to be all criminals. If you want to play someone in the military, it is a possibility but as I said before, this zombie apocalypse rp is focusing on civilians. Most military characters I will not be accepted!














arkadia arkadia Aukanai Aukanai Raku Raku SassyLlama SassyLlama KingofAesir KingofAesir idalie idalie ptarmiganfastidious ptarmiganfastidious
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Name: Kia Novak

Nickname(s): K

Age: 23


  • Bag with boxing equipment such a gloves, tape and clothes

  • Motorbike

  • Water bottle
Weapons & Ammunition: none at the moment

Previous Occupation: professional kickboxer/instructor

  • Black belt in thai kickboxing

  • Loves to cook
Personality: Kia is pretty stubborn and short tempered, but can be kind if she sees fit. Once she has made her mind up about something, there is nothing that can stop her. However, Kia is quite intelligent in the art of fighting, due to her experience with thai kick boxing. Moreover, Kia has always had a fear of snakes as she doesn’t particularly want to be bitten by a venomous snake.

Background: Kia had a good upbringing in the czech republic before moving to Canada with her parents when she was 18. She was homeschooled by her Aunt due to her parents having to work as long as they could just to get by in the Czech Republic. Then when her parents had enough money, they got visas for her Aunt, herself and themselves to start a new life in America. It took her a while to learn english, still getting it wrong occasionally. Nonetheless, she has prevailed in making a good career for herself in being a professional thai kickboxer and instructor when she wasn’t in the ring. Kai was always fairly smart, however she had an affinity for martial arts. She was a natural at picking it up and after trying a few, Kai settled on Thai Kickboxing. Now she is a 2nd Dan and continues to learn as well as teach.

Why in canada/trainstation: going to teach seminar
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Name: Patrick Ross

Nickname: Pat

Age: 26

Appearance: Patrick has close shaved dark brown hair with a start of a beard around his mouth and chin. However, he keeps his hair and beard well-shaved (at least at the moment). His eyes are a deep, dark chocolate colour that almost hides the distinguished colour of the pupil. He is mostly skinny, but he does have some muscles as it was better to look like he could defend himself to some extent due to where he lived.


  • A jacket containing his wallet
Weapons & Ammunition: none at the moment

Previous Occupation: Car salesman

  • Good at manipulating people

  • Has a very good memory and is eager to learn
Personality: He is kind and caring towards others, however from the area he is from, sometimes just walking away from a situation is the best way to go. Patrick tries to sometimes act like he is an open book, but the truth is that he is quite secluded him himself and doesn’t let people know the real him until he really trusts them. He loves reading as it is an escape from the real world and allows him to build on his knowledge. Additionally, he condemns any form of violence and believes that there is always another way: earning the right to be called a pacifist.

Background: Pat grew up in a troubled neighbourhood. You may think that this is the same old story, but truth is a lot of America is poor. There were always gangs around, but that didn't stop Pat from getting into an education that his mother thankfully saved money for. He was not a participant in any gangs; all he wanted to do was move out of the troubled area, get an honest job so both his mother and himself could live happily. After getting out of high school and going from one mundane job to another, Pat realised his potential in sales. He had always been good in manipulating people, not for the bad, but for bargaining more than anything. After a few years, he applied for a job in car sales. Patrick found that he was a natural at the job, working his way up the ladder so to speak.

Why in Canada/trainstation: going for job interview
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Doctor Aadesh Krishnamurti

Doc, Addy.



Place of birth:
Essex, England.



Aadesh, standing at the height of 6’2” has a slim but toned figure, not made for sports - however, does take up jogging (the only thing he can manage to fit in considering his work) to keep himself in shape. With thick, black locks cropped mostly away from his features, he sports a beard which manages to accentuate the gentle curve of his jaw. Weighing only 173 lbs. Alas, as any good Doctor, you would happen to notice Aadesh isn’t quite fit to be a jock.

Aadesh, is a sweet, if not incredibly sarcastic character to be around. With a heart bigger than his head, at times working to save the unsavable becomes a problem he’s not willing to give up on. Boundless amounts of hope embody his cheerful moods, rarely sincere unless provoked or otherwise sympathetic. Incredibly welcoming, awkward, and socially inept, he practically oozes the best aspects of an introvert - but with a loud mouth and bad pickup lines. Doctor Krishnamurti, can hardly fear gore; with a steeled stomach against blood and flesh (which applies to the dead who don’t attempt to consume his living body. He’s quite attached), but instead morbidly fascinated with the human anatomy. Yet it’s the same man who can eat his bowl of cereal quite happily over the stench of a dead corpse after working a few of his student placements in a morgue. It’s of no surprise his humour can also differ to incredibly bad jokes relating to amputation and disease, as well as varying scientific ones barely anyone understands.


Skills and/or qualifications:
Earned a PhD in Biochemistry.
Basic and adept medical knowledge of the human body and disease.
Cool-headed in stressful situations.
Incredibly good at working in a team, and thinking on his feet due to years of hospital theatres.

Previous Occupation:

Researcher for the National Institute for Health


Current weapons and ammunition:
Medical encyclopaedia (Hardcover)

Stethoscope (Expensive and a gift from his father)
Light-packed luggage of clothes.
Water Bottle 500ml (Full)
Phone and tablet
“The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin

Brought up in the UK, from an anglo-indian family and background, the move to the USA was purely for better pay and research facilities compared to the ones supplied in the British National Health Service. He was immediately snapped up by the National Institute of Health as a researcher. Since then, he'd been attempting to clamber the ranks into the CDC.

His upbringing was purely normal, nothing too special. His father was a banker, his mother a housewife. The only child of a happy couple, in a boring middle-class neighbourhood. His years in University appeared to wisen him in the big wide world, stolen away from the isolated bubble that came with privilege. He dedicated his life to medicine, taking jobs in morgues, hospitals, training to become a Doctor in biochemistry, which proved him to be an intelligent mind. If not completely stupid when it came to being social.

The move to America was a huge decision, but his parents thought the world of him. His father gifting a stethoscope which he kept neatly in a box and wore consistently. His breakthrough for the researching job was a paper written up on the effects of poverty on the consistency, mutation, and strains of disease in third world countries.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
Travelling to a CDC centre, when called upon as a matter of emergency - something he continues to be oblivious to. He missed the previous flight and was forced to take the train due to the airport being flushed with riots.

Doctor Aadesh Krishnamurti

Doc, Addy.



Place of birth:
Essex, England.



Aadesh, standing at the height of 6’2” has a slim but toned figure, not made for sports - however, does take up jogging (the only thing he can manage to fit in considering his work) to keep himself in shape. With thick, black locks cropped mostly away from his features, he sports a beard which manages to accentuate the gentle curve of his jaw. Weighing only 173 lbs. Alas, as any good Doctor, you would happen to notice Aadesh isn’t quite fit to be a jock.

Aadesh, is a sweet, if not incredibly sarcastic character to be around. With a heart bigger than his head, at times working to save the unsavable becomes a problem he’s not willing to give up on. Boundless amounts of hope embody his cheerful moods, rarely sincere unless provoked or otherwise sympathetic. Incredibly welcoming, awkward, and socially inept, he practically oozes the best aspects of an introvert - but with a loud mouth and bad pickup lines. Doctor Krishnamurti, can hardly fear gore; with a steeled stomach against blood and flesh (which applies to the dead who don’t attempt to consume his living body. He’s quite attached), but instead morbidly fascinated with the human anatomy. Yet it’s the same man who can eat his bowl of cereal quite happily over the stench of a dead corpse after working a few of his student placements in a morgue. It’s of no surprise his humour can also differ to incredibly bad jokes relating to amputation and disease, as well as varying scientific ones barely anyone understands.


Skills and/or qualifications:
Earned a PhD in Biochemistry.
Basic and adept medical knowledge of the human body and disease.
Cool-headed in stressful situations.
Incredibly good at working in a team, and thinking on his feet due to years of hospital theatres.

Previous Occupation:

Researcher for the National Institute for Health


Current weapons and ammunition:
Medical encyclopaedia (Hardcover)

Stethoscope (Expensive and a gift from his father)
Light-packed luggage of clothes.
Water Bottle 500ml (Full)
Phone and tablet
“The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin

Brought up in the UK, from an anglo-indian family and background, the move to the USA was purely for better pay and research facilities compared to the ones supplied in the British National Health Service. He was immediately snapped up by the National Institute of Health as a researcher. Since then, he'd been attempting to clamber the ranks into the CDC.

His upbringing was purely normal, nothing too special. His father was a banker, his mother a housewife. The only child of a happy couple, in a boring middle-class neighbourhood. His years in University appeared to wisen him in the big wide world, stolen away from the isolated bubble that came with privilege. He dedicated his life to medicine, taking jobs in morgues, hospitals, training to become a Doctor in biochemistry, which proved him to be an intelligent mind. If not completely stupid when it came to being social.

The move to America was a huge decision, but his parents thought the world of him. His father gifting a stethoscope which he kept neatly in a box and wore consistently. His breakthrough for the researching job was a paper written up on the effects of poverty on the consistency, mutation, and strains of disease in third world countries.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
Travelling to a CDC centre, when called upon as a matter of emergency - something he continues to be oblivious to. He missed the previous flight and was forced to take the train due to the airport being flushed with riots.



//Avalon Leslie Dalton//




Place of birth
//Port Hope, Ontario//


Face Claim
//Emma Watson//


- Impulsive; Avalon has a habit of not thinking before she does something. There is no stop-and-think mechanism in her mind, it's simply "go"
- Callous; Avalon has no sense of sympathy for people she doesn't know, or hasn't gotten the time to develop a sense of protectiveness for.
- Pessimistic; Avalon can never seem to find a bright side in anything. She's always searching for the bad outcome of a situation to prepare herself for it.
- Quick-tempered; Avalon is not hard to make angry. This trait paired with her impulsiveness may end in someone being injured.
- Sarcastic; The words that come out of Avalons' mouth are almost never serious, this can cause problems when she's sarcastic at a terrible moment.
- Cunning; Avalon is a slippery slope, she finds joy in the art of trickery to force people to do what she wants. But, make a wrong move and you might end up tied to a tree

- Bright; Avalon is quite intelligent for her age and standing. This applies to both common sense and book smarts
.- Determined; When she finds something that she feels needs to be done or completed, Avalon doesn't stop until it's done.
- Affectionate; When she knows someone well enough, Avalon can be extremely affectionate toward them. Despite her tough exterior, Kade isn't really as cruel as she seems.
- Fearless; Avalon will do anything, anything, to preserve her people's well being of the well being of the ones she loves.
- Loyal; Avalon possesses unwavering loyalty to her people and loved ones. Any who are able to get close to Avalon might experience this first hand when she disregards her own wants and needs to stay true to her loved one.
- Resourceful; Avalon has the ability to get herself out of a compromising situation with what she is provided, or what she has around her.

- Closed Spaces
- Crowds
- Being Alone
- Guns

- Fire
- Nature
- Long nights
- Dr. Pepper
- Accents
- Blue Eyes
- Quarters

Skills and/or qualifications
- Street Smarts; Avalon has the ability to assess situations and get out of them rather easily
- Strength; Physically and mentally, Avalon is strong, capable of pushing through the toughest of situations.

Previous occupation

Current weapons and ammunition
- Crowbar
- Small pocket knife

- Medium Backpack
- To water bottles
- A lighter
- To extra shirts
- An extra pair of shoes

Avalon grew up a orphan. Her parents dead by the time she was eight, Avalon was turned to the streets. Darrius,her uncle,did his best to take care of the girl but he didn't have the time nor the money. Avalon didn't attend school and worked day and night at a local diner from the time she was thirteen to do her part for her Uncle. Darrius was involved with some not so nice people and they liked to turn up at the cramped apartment the two lived in to "Make an example" of her Uncle for betraying them. They always had new recruits with them. "This is what happens when you leave." They'd say as they took their fists to Darrius's ribs. He had finally had enough when Avalon turned eighteen. The man took his own life and left Avalon with but a few months in rent. She made due, despite being alone, and was able to keep the apartment. Until everything went to shit. Avalon packed up her stuff and planned to leave Port Hope. Something was happening, and it wasn't good.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train
Avalon was born in Port Hope and has been their all her life. She's headed to the train station to leave when things get weird.

(Ahh, this is much more pleasing to the eye than my last sheet)​
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File: Magnolia Zabel


Name: Magnolia Zabel

Nickname: Mags, Zabby

Ethnicity: African/Hispanic

Place of Birth: Louisiana

Sexuality: Questioning

Age: 21

Height: 5'9''

Weight: 125

Apparel: Largely simple, monotone attire.

Criminal Record: Multiple cases of theft and burglary.

Inventory: Ice axe, water bottle, granola bars, pictures of her family

Occupation: Canadian Juvenile Rehabilitation Success Program Participant

Skills and Qualifications: Extremely resourceful, observant, agile, skilled in the art of lock picking, and breaking in

Background: Magnolia lived a typical, normal life, considering the poverty-stricken conditions she grew up with. Despite the constant danger of the threat of being evicted from their small shabby apartment complex looming over her and her family, she was quite happy. Her mother and father loved each other and her and her brother. Her mother worked as a bartender, and her father, a janitor. Their jobs prevented them both from being at home with their children in the long hours of the night. Magnolia would often stare into the almost pitch black night sky and awed at the random scatterings of white splotches that decorated the sky wonderfully, as she laid in bed waiting for her parents to get home. Of course, as a child, she would never succeed and would fall asleep well before her parents got home. All was well with her and her family. In the daytime, she'd roam around outside the neighborhood. The dusty, cracked pavement seeming to stretch out in front of her, though she respected her parents' wishes for her to stay close to their building. The sidewalks were often littered with garbage of passersby, and since her family had no money to spare for toys, she would collect an assortment of things around the neighborhood and fashion them into makeshift dolls and accessories. Even as a young child she understood her parents' obvious struggle and never blamed them for her sake.

Things began to unravel from the already unstable life that she shared with herself and her family when her older brother entered middle school. He'd often involve himself in gang fights and drug abuse. Continuing such behavior throughout high school, he dropped out as his drug debts rose beyond their family's capabilities. He is now on the run from his loaners, doing who-knows-what.

To make matters worse, Magnolia's father suffered from heart failure, leaving only her and her mother to fend for themselves. They are constantly harassed by her brother's drug dealers and are forced to pay off her brother's debt weekly. Seeing that no one has made it out of their in-shambles neighborhood with any success, Magnolia turned to petty thievery and burglary. In ideal circumstances, Magnolia would never be the girl to harm someone else's livelihood, however her fierce loyalty to her family leaves her no choice in order to provide for herself and her mother.

Personality: Introverted, kind-hearted. She has a great love for her family as shown by her actions all leading back for the livelihood of them. Magnolia is often times regarded as cold and ruthless in her behavior. This is not her intentions however, as she only does not want distractions from her goals. At times, she can be sarcastic and/or bossy.

Reason For Being In Canada: Being jailed in a juvenile detention facility, Magnolia was picked at random to participate in a mandatory program hosted by the Canadian government. She was then transferred over to the Canadian program where she has since been living. The program was a collaboration between the USA and Canada supposedly testing new methods of rehabilitating young juveniles, promising a higher chance of success after completing the program. It lasts 2 years after completion of K-12 education, assisting its participants in getting into, staying in college, and developing career and life skills.

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File: Magnolia Zabel


Name: Magnolia Zabel

Nickname: Mags, Zabby

Ethnicity: African/Hispanic

Place of Birth: Louisiana

Sexuality: Questioning

Age: 20

Height: 5'7''

Weight: 120

Apparel: Largely simple, monotone attire.

Criminal Record: Multiple cases of theft and burglary.

Inventory: Ice axe, water bottle, granola bars, pictures of her family

Occupation: Canadian Juvenile Rehabilitation Sucess Program Participant

Skills and Qualifications: Extremely resourceful, observant, agile, skilled in the art of lock picking, and breaking in

Background: Magnolia lived a typical, normal life, considering the poverty-stricken conditions she grew up with. Despite the constant danger of the threat of being evicted from their small shabby apartment complex looming over her and her family, she was quite happy. Her mother and father loved each other and her and her brother. Her mother worked as a bartender, and her father, a janitor. Their jobs prevented them both from being at home with their children in the long hours of the night. Magnolia would often stare into the almost pitch black night sky and awed at the random scatterings of white splotches that decorated the sky wonderfully, as she laid in bed waiting for her parents to get home. Of course, as a child, she would never succeed and would fall asleep well before her parents got home. All was well with her and her family. In the daytime, she'd roam around outside the neighborhood. The dusty, cracked pavement seeming to stretch out in front of her, though she respected her parents' wishes for her to stay close to their building. The sidewalks were often littered with garbage of passersby, and since her family had no money to spare for toys, she would collect an assortment of things around the neighborhood and fashion them into makeshift dolls and accessories. Even as a young child she understood her parents' obvious struggle and never blamed them for her sake.

Things began to unravel from the already unstable life that she shared with herself and her family when her older brother entered middle school. He'd often involve himself in gang fights and drug abuse. Continuing such behavior throughout high school, he dropped out as his drug debts rose beyond their family's capabilities. He is now on the run from his loaners, doing who-knows-what.

To make matters worse, Magnolia's father suffered from heart failure, leaving only her and her mother to fend for themselves. They are constantly harassed by her brother's drug dealers and are forced to pay off her brother's debt weekly. Seeing that no one has made it out of their in-shambles neighborhood with any success, Magnolia turned to petty thievery and burglary. In ideal circumstances, Magnolia would never be the girl to harm someone else's livelihood, however her fierce loyalty to her family leaves her no choice in order to provide for herself and her mother.

Personality: Introverted, kind-hearted. She has a great love for her family as shown by her actions all leading back for the livelihood of them. Magnolia is often times regarded as cold and ruthless in her behavior. This is not her intentions however, as she only does not want distractions from her goals. At times, she can be sarcastic and/or bossy.

Reason For Being In Canada: Being jailed in a juvenile detention facility, Magnolia was picked at random to participate in a mandatory program hosted by the Canadian government. She was then transferred over to the Canadian program where she has since been living. The program was a collaboration between the USA and Canada supposedly testing new methods of rehabilitating young juveniles, promising a higher chance of success after completing the program. It lasts 2 years after completion of K-12 education, assisting its participants in getting into, staying in college, and developing career and life skills.

Images not working but otherwise accepted!

Leo Grey Lachowski

Nicknames: "L" - Leo

Age: Twenty Four

Ethnicity: Italian - Russian

Place of birth: Florence, Italy

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Leo, in short term, is a loner. He is quite distrustful and often finds peace when he is by himself. He is quiet, but when pushed Leo can become a hot-head. He rarely, if ever, speaks of where he has came from and what has happened to him or his family.
He likes children, yet sees them as baggage during this hell-sent time.
He doesn't get close to people, often distancing himself to prevent any heartache. He can seem quite heartless, often feeling little for others and their situation or past.
If faced with the choice, Leo could kill anyone to save himself, infected or not. If he was ever bitten, he has his own plan plotted and coordinated.
+ Intelligent
+ Quick
+ Resourceful
+ Easy Going
+ Dominant

- Hot Headed
- Emotionless
- Cruel
- Defensive
- Quiet

• He Fears Heights
• Snakes
• Dumb People
• Getting close to others

Skills and/or qualifications: Leo used to go to the shooting range with his father when he was younger, in which his father taught him how to properly hold and fire a gun.

Occupation: Before the Virus struck, Leo worked as a Pharmacist.

Current weapons and ammunition: Leo has one pistol, Specifically a Beretta M9, with only one full clip left.

Inventory: Leo has a Black Backpack holding two bottles of water, a lighter, a half smoked pack of cigarettes, and one can of peaches.

Background: Leo lived in Florence, Italy for thirteen years. Eventually, his family decided to move him to the United States, Seattle, Washington to be exact. When Leo was fifteen he began to get associated with the wrong crowed. He began to steal and harm innocent people for money, until one day he was jumped.
Leo was seventeen when he was attacked, in which he suffered a collapsed lung, three stab wounds, and broken ribs. He was lucky to get out alive, yet a good Samaritan called 911.
Soon after that Leo's family moved to Canada to rebuild their life.
Soon, Leo's mother became pregnant with his baby sister, Callie. Sadly, when Callie was only one year old, and Leo was preparing to turn Nineteen, their parents were killed in a horrific car accident.
Leo took custody of his sister, and raised her as his own. Leo was Twenty Three when the infection hit, and his sister was only Five. In the confusion, Leo took his sister and fled, driving for hours until they ran out of gas. The pair came across a group, they were accepted in.
A few days later, Leo turned Twenty Four, only to have his sister shot and killed by a group member who went crazy. In turn, Leo shot the man to death, before leaving the group.
Since then, Leo has been on his own. He refuses to join group, as he fears for his own life and safety.

Why you are in Canada and/or in trainstation: Leo was in Canada due to moving there a few years prior.

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Leo Grey Lachowski

View attachment 294299
Nicknames: "L" - Leo

Age: Twenty Four

Ethnicity: Italian - Russian

Place of birth: Florence, Italy

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Leo, in short term, is a loner. He is quite distrustful and often finds peace when he is by himself. He is quiet, but when pushed Leo can become a hot-head. He rarely, if ever, speaks of where he has came from and what has happened to him or his family.
He likes children, yet sees them as baggage during this hell-sent time.
He doesn't get close to people, often distancing himself to prevent any heartache. He can seem quite heartless, often feeling little for others and their situation or past.
If faced with the choice, Leo could kill anyone to save himself, infected or not. If he was ever bitten, he has his own plan plotted and coordinated.
+ Intelligent
+ Quick
+ Resourceful
+ Easy Going
+ Dominant

- Hot Headed
- Emotionless
- Cruel
- Defensive
- Quiet

• He Fears Heights
• Snakes
• Dumb People
• Getting close to others

View attachment 294295
Skills and/or qualifications: Leo used to go to the shooting range with his father when he was younger, in which his father taught him how to properly hold and fire a gun.

Occupation: Before the Virus struck, Leo worked as a Pharmacist.

Current weapons and ammunition: Leo has one pistol, Specifically a Beretta M9, with only one full clip left.

Inventory: Leo has a Black Backpack holding two bottles of water, a lighter, a half smoked pack of cigarettes, and one can of peaches.

Background: Leo lived in Florence, Italy for thirteen years. Eventually, his family decided to move him to the United States, Seattle, Washington to be exact. When Leo was fifteen he began to get associated with the wrong crowed. He began to steal and harm innocent people for money, until one day he was jumped.
Leo was seventeen when he was attacked, in which he suffered a collapsed lung, three stab wounds, and broken ribs. He was lucky to get out alive, yet a good Samaritan called 911.
Soon after that Leo's family moved to Canada to rebuild their life.
Soon, Leo's mother became pregnant with his baby sister, Sylvia. Sadly, when Sylvia was only one year old, and Leo was preparing to turn Nineteen, their parents were killed in a horrific car accident.
Leo took custody of his sister, and raised her as his own. Leo was Twenty Three when the infection hit, and his sister was only Five. In the confusion, Leo took his sister and fled, driving for hours until they ran out of gas. The pair came across a group, they were accepted in.
A few days later, Leo turned Twenty Four, only to have his sister shot and killed by a group member who went crazy. In turn, Leo shot the man to death, before leaving the group.
Since then, Leo has been on his own. He refuses to join group, as he fears for his own life and safety.

Why you are in Canada and/or in trainstation: Leo was in Canada due to moving there a few years prior.
View attachment 294298




NAME Dawn Free
AGE 20 [December 23rd; Capricorn]
PLACE OF BIRTH Winnipeg, Canada
SEXUAL ORIENTATION Panromantic Demisexual


Would readily put herself in a compromising position to protect another - Burnie would be disappointed, Joel would approve. She has always put others needs above her own personal gain, taking great pride in her outlook on life and faith she has in complete strangers. Dawn doesn't like to fall into the trap of 'doom and gloom', always wanting to lighten the moment and offer temporary solutions to long-term problems, even if it seems unrealistic.

Quiet, often keeping to herself, Dawn prefers one-on-one conversations over loud opinions and talking over one another. Though this attitude has maintained even after the dead started to walk, Dawn has recently begun second-guessing her optimistic demeanor in favor of the reality society faces.

● Basic med skills
● Can see and understand both sides of an argument
● Adaptable to stressful situations
● Can make fast decisions
● Impeccable aim

Has too much faith in others
Believes that society can return to what it once was
Is weak in close combat
Easily offended
Cares too much

♥ Rain
♥ Biking
♥ Honor
♥ Nature
♥ Family

✖ Conflict
✖ Murder
✖ Sleeping in
✖ Dishonesty
✖ Injustice

● Medical Knowledge Has a basic understanding of medicine and how to treat certain wounds
● Impeccable Aim Can throw an axe at a moving target and hit it 70% of the time
● Ambidextrous From an incident when she was younger, Dawn suffered a serious injury to her left hand that when healed - gave her two dominant hands.

Dawn has had her fair share of hardships growing up with two dads and the other kids at school just not getting it. Not that this bothered her for long, realizing that it wasn't the kids' fault, but whom raised them to have such small minds. After an unfortunate incident when discovering her love of music - piano, more accurately, her dads' relationship had ticked more than one person off and she suffered the consequence. Beaten up in the playground after a grueling day of practice, Dawn suffered a terrible injury to her left hand after it was stepped on and crushed many nerves. She went through the therapy, never being able to play the same but managing to find a new strength in having a second dominant hand.

Burnie was a hunter, something she never could agree with but kept her mouth shut otherwise. He never let the animals suffer and not one part of the deers, birds and rabbits went to waste - really, it's like she grew up in a taxidermy office from hell. Joel had his own hobby; writing about anything and everything. From the moment she was adopted, every step, milestone, sleepless night was documented and given to her as a graduation present. Having one of her dads journals was... odd, sometimes but it was a great comfort as of late.

OCCUPATION In between her studies as a med student, Dawn worked as a barista.

WEAPONS Pocket knife

INVENTORY Bike, Canteen of water, 2x canned beans, Lighter, 1x Medkit, 2x Duct Tape, Compass, Wallet with family picture and $23, Joel's Journal, Blue Backpack

WHY YOU ARE IN CANADA AND/OR IN TRAIN STATION Returning back from a train trip to her parents home in Toronto

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NAME Dawn Free
AGE 20 [December 23rd; Capricorn]
PLACE OF BIRTH Winnipeg, Canada
SEXUAL ORIENTATION Panromantic Demisexual


Would readily put herself in a compromising position to protect another - Burnie would be disappointed, Joel would approve. She has always put others needs above her own personal gain, taking great pride in her outlook on life and faith she has in complete strangers. Dawn doesn't like to fall into the trap of 'doom and gloom', always wanting to lighten the moment and offer temporary solutions to long-term problems, even if it seems unrealistic.

Quiet, often keeping to herself, Dawn prefers one-on-one conversations over loud opinions and talking over one another. Though this attitude has maintained even after the dead started to walk, Dawn has recently begun second-guessing her optimistic demeanor in favor of the reality society faces.

● Basic med skills
● Can see and understand both sides of an argument
● Adaptable to stressful situations
● Can make fast decisions
● Impeccable aim

Has too much faith in others
Believes that society can return to what it once was
Is weak in close combat
Easily offended
Cares too much

♥ Rain
♥ Biking
♥ Honor
♥ Nature
♥ Family

✖ Conflict
✖ Murder
✖ Sleeping in
✖ Dishonesty
✖ Injustice

● Medical Knowledge Has a basic understanding of medicine and how to treat certain wounds
● Impeccable Aim Can throw an axe at a moving target and hit it 70% of the time
● Ambidextrous From an incident when she was younger, Dawn suffered a serious injury to her left hand that when healed - gave her two dominant hands.

Dawn has had her fair share of hardships growing up with two dads and the other kids at school just not getting it. Not that this bothered her for long, realizing that it wasn't the kids' fault, but whom raised them to have such small minds. After an unfortunate incident when discovering her love of music - piano, more accurately, her dads' relationship had ticked more than one person off and she suffered the consequence. Beaten up in the playground after a grueling day of practice, Dawn suffered a terrible injury to her left hand after it was stepped on and crushed many nerves. She went through the therapy, never being able to play the same but managing to find a new strength in having a second dominant hand.

Burnie was a hunter, something she never could agree with but kept her mouth shut otherwise. He never let the animals suffer and not one part of the deers, birds and rabbits went to waste - really, it's like she grew up in a taxidermy office from hell. Joel had his own hobby; writing about anything and everything. From the moment she was adopted, every step, milestone, sleepless night was documented and given to her as a graduation present. Having one of her dads journals was... odd, sometimes but it was a great comfort as of late.

OCCUPATION In between her studies as a med student, Dawn worked as a barista.

WEAPONS Hunting Axe, 9mm Pistol; 2x magazines, 12 rounds each = 24 bullets

INVENTORY Bike, Canteen of water, 2x canned beans, Lighter, 1x Medkit, 2x Duct Tape, Compass, Wallet with family picture and $23, Joel's Journal, Blue Backpack

WHY YOU ARE IN CANADA AND/OR IN TRAIN STATION Returning back from a train trip to her parents home in Toronto

Accepted! But as its the start she probably wouldn't have a hunting axe
Calliesta Lachowski
Nicknames: Callie

Age: Five Years Old

Ethnicity: Italian - Russian

Place of birth: Ontario, Canada

Sexuality: Heterosexual


+ Gentle
+ Innocent
+ Loving
+ Lovable
+ Funny
+ Sweet

- Young
- Confused
- Trusting
- Clueless
- Loud

• Afraid of the Monsters
• Blood
• Dogs
• Snakes
• The Dark

Skills and/or qualifications: None, She's to young.

Occupation: None

Current weapons and ammunition: Leo has the supplies

Inventory: Her White stuffed kitten, Pinky.

Background: Callie was born in Ontario, Canada. She cannot remember her parents, as they died when she was very young. Leo raised her on his own, and taught her how to be a sweet, yet protected little girl.
She remembers him telling her stories of their parents, and sometimes when the house was colder than usual.
Leo also taught her how to speak Italian, as that is Leo's first language.

Why you are in Canada and/or in trainstation: Born in Canada, at the train station to get away from the havoc.
295856[/ATTACH] #D87093]


  • tvypHxKPLhcDruVovFESn294M3Spz-3YGYd_udMIDVAsKeypB9Q1GnD1ds5gj5zn2akGLuk-bgG_9IQMtP2Rdo.jpeg
    103.4 KB · Views: 1
Calliesta Lachowski
View attachment 295852
Nicknames: Callie

Age: Five Years Old

Ethnicity: Italian - Russian

Place of birth: Ontario, Canada

Sexuality: Heterosexual

View attachment 295853

+ Gentle
+ Innocent
+ Loving
+ Lovable
+ Funny
+ Sweet

- Young
- Confused
- Trusting
- Clueless
- Loud

• Afraid of the Monsters
• Blood
• Dogs
• Snakes
• The Dark

Skills and/or qualifications: None, She's to young.

Occupation: None

Current weapons and ammunition: Leo has the supplies

Inventory: Her White stuffed kitten, Pinky.

Background: Callie was born in Ontario, Canada. She cannot remember her parents, as they died when she was very young. Leo raised her on his own, and taught her how to be a sweet, yet protected little girl.
She remembers him telling her stories of their parents, and sometimes when the house was colder than usual.
Leo also taught her how to speak Italian, as that is Leo's first language.

Why you are in Canada and/or in trainstation: Born in Canada, at the train station to get away from the havoc.

295856[/ATTACH] #D87093]
Accepted! Along with your other OC
Name: Yuuto Itsuki

Nicknames: (you don’t have to have any)
Yu, Yo, Suyu

Age: 18

Ethnicity: Japanese

Place of birth: Okinawa

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: (no anime please, real life pictures or detailed drawings)

Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)Yuuto is a go with the flow type of guy, he's usually very calm and laid back in most challenging situations,but don't take that as he won't take charge and start barking orders if no one else will. He's playful and flirtatious, and even makes jokes to lighten up the mood sometimes.

After being raised in a strict,disciplined household his whole life he wants to cut loose a bit and be adventurous, part of the reason he's in Canada in the first place

Skills and/or qualifications:

Can speak fluent Japanese

Has high stamina, and in good shape

Parkour ability

Can respectably handle a sword and multiple firearms

Is certified in Military Combative techniques

Occupation: Student

Current weapons and ammunition: (please no weapons like grenade launchers etc, be sensible. Probably most won't have any to start with) an wooden sword he keeps strapped to his backpack for practicing

Inventory: (again be reasonable) a Samsung galaxy smartphone, backpack, wooden sword, 1 bottle of water, large bag of Lay's original potato chips, 1 notebook and a small English textbook

Background: (at least 5 sentences) Raised in a Military household, His family was stationed at Okinawa air force base for all his life. Being raised by both his parents, who were both of high rank he was trained from a young age to handle a weapon,maintain physical fitness and general leadership skills. Trying to buck his parents hard rules he would do dangerous stunts and record them throughout his teens and eventually took up parkour. There was many a night his mother would pick him up from the police station for trespassing.

As he got older, during breaks in the strict regimen he received from his parents, his father taught him swordplay,as it had been in the family for generations and he took a liking to it,eventually turning it into a hobby,and something he could commit to (that wasnt illegal like parkour) after being raised being pushed into multiple sports. On his 18th birthday his parents tried to persuade him to join the military. However he declined, and decided to go to college

Trying to get ahead on his school work he was taken advantage of a foreign exchange student program which will earn him a plethora of college credits

Why you are in Canada and/or in trainstation: International exchange student

ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes
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Name: Carlos Torres

Nicknames: Bull

Age: 28

Ethnicity: Hispanic

Place of birth: Mexico City, Mexico

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Carlos is the tallest of his scattered brothers at 6'1". He has a athletic, muscular build which is covered by a black t-shirt, a brown over coat, a pair of dark blue jeans with some oil splotches on them, and a pair of black sneakers. He also has some scars where he's been shot or stabbed and his fingers are scarred with cuts from working in the shop. His hands are large and heavily callused.

Personality: Blunt would be one word to describe how Carlos is. Sometimes he shows little to no emotion with a strait face and a glare that could send a shiver down any soldier's back. Some people just call him "Bull" because all he seems to be is a big ball of anger and rage, but that's after he's upset. He understands empathy and caring, but it's often irrelevant to him. He will still try to show some kind of "caring" attitude, asking you if you're alright after a fall or something like that. It takes a lot to get him uneasy or frightened, being born in the worst part of Mexico City. He hates flying and boating, but he won't show it in a freak out. His reaction to those would be more like, "Fuck that, I would rather give a zombie a hug". He absolutely adores it when people complain about having a rough life, cause then he can show how easy how they really got it.

Skills and/or qualifications: Pretty good mechanic

Occupation: Mechanic in downtown Detroit

Current weapons and ammunition: Whatever's in his toolbox. Even his toolbox.

1 water bottle, half full.
His clothes
1 medium sized toolbox.
~Inside toolbox
~Multiple wrenches, a hammer, several screwdrivers, other necessary items, and a 6" knife (shh, secret)

Background: Carlos was born in a tight spot. He was brought to this world in udder hell, downtown Mexico City. Cops were often unjust, gangs riddled the streets, and to top it all; his parents were abusive of him and his brothers. He gained a rather insufficient education which he would improve in his later years. Carlos and his brothers ended up in gangs but Carlos never dabbled into drug use, unlike one of his brothers. After graduating from his second-rate highschool and dealing with parents ordering him to stay in Mexico, he left for America, Detroit as a matter of fact. He studied some more educational material, decent English, and a common job for people in his area, mechanics. After getting a job in a mainly-Mexican-run mechanic shop, he was sent to retrieve a tool they had to get from Toronto.

Why you are in Canada and/or in trainstation: Returning with the tool. Heading back to Detroit.
ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes
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Name: Jason Bautista

Nicknames: (you don’t have to have any)

Age: 24

Ethnicity: Southeast Asian

Place of birth: Southern California

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: (no anime please, real life pictures or detailed drawings)
View attachment 282935 View attachment 282936

Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)
- Down to earth and an overall optimist, Jason is the person who would try his best to keep a positive vibe between a group. But he is also quite outspoken with his thoughts, especially in a debate. Strongly believing in many of his own opinions, he would rather keep a debate up and about to learn about someone's mindset rather than shut them up with continuous "I'm right, you're wrong" gibberish. That being said, it does not mean he will never change his opinions. Jason will, but only if the reasoning is justifiable.
- Being headstrong, he has often had to butt horns with his friends. There have been numerous occasions of fists going flying and blood being spilt, but never anything he would strongly hold a grudge to.

Skills and/or qualifications:
- Being raised in Southern California, he had a strong taste of what guns can do. Jason can easily put a bullet in something he's aiming for, but he is no master. Just because he was raised around them, it does not mean he was an avid enthusiast. He has no interest in learning any of their names, their styles, or any tricks of the trade. So give him a gun, show him how to use it, and he can very well put up a fight.
- He never heavily centralized himself on a specific trait, so he became a jack-of-all-trades, per se. As long as the task only requires common sense, he is in the green to get it done. He knows to solve situations like bleeding out is a no, always cut the red wire, the star shaped screwdriver is the phillips head, and never press the big red button.

Previous occupation:
- Nothing extremely valuable, he has been going job to job since high school graduation. Jason isn't useless or dumb, he just has no intention in working someplace where he has no interest. As of now, he still has no idea what he wants to do. Not like it would matter, considering most civilization is doomed very soon.

Current weapons and ammunition: (please no weapons like grenade launchers etc, be sensible. Probably most won't have any to start with)
- None, he had no reason to bring anything.

Inventory: (again be reasonable) Preparing for a road trip gives one plenty of supplies. Will lose most of the gear at the point he abandons his vehicle.
- A white 2015 Acura TLX, not the best road trip car, but it wasn't like it was his or anything
- A 24-case of water
- A single box (12) of MREs, just in case they got lost
- A map of the area around the border between the USA and Canada
- A Galaxy S5, and its charger
- About $120 USD in his wallet

Background: (at least 5 sentences)
- Jason has always taken life as it was thrown at him, never quite preparing for the distant future. It is honestly the reason why he has no profession or goal right about now, since he could have gone to a university if he had only submitted the applications. Being this way drove his relationship with his parents downhill as soon as he began to develop a sense of independance. Jason has no siblings to tend to, so his ties to his family was never extremely close. His only close relationship is with his friends, who constantly mess with his carefree lifestyle but are always curious as to how he manages to pull through. He wouldn't kill or die for any of these individuals in particular; they were good friends, but not exactly lifelong partners.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
- At the moment, he was out with friends to road trip around and see Canada for its wonders. He has one friend with him currently, and the four others they were to meet on the other side of the border. The others had much more important lives, and couldn't spare the time for the drive and instead opted for a plane ride.
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Name: Yuuto Itsuki

Nicknames: (you don’t have to have any)
Yu, Yo, Suyu

Age: 18

Ethnicity: Japanese

Place of birth: Okinawa

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: (no anime please, real life pictures or detailed drawings)

View attachment 295883
Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)Yuuto is a go with the flow type of guy, he's usually very calm and laid back in most challenging situations,but don't take that as he won't take charge and start barking orders if no one else will. He's playful and flirtatious, and even makes jokes to lighten up the mood sometimes.

After being raised in a strict,disciplined household his whole life he wants to cut loose a bit and be adventurous, part of the reason he's in Canada in the first place

Skills and/or qualifications:

Can speak fluent Japanese

Has high stamina, and in good shape

Parkour ability

Can respectably handle a sword and multiple firearms

Is certified in Military Combative techniques

Occupation: Student

Current weapons and ammunition: (please no weapons like grenade launchers etc, be sensible. Probably most won't have any to start with) an wooden sword he keeps strapped to his backpack for practicing

Inventory: (again be reasonable) a Samsung galaxy smartphone, backpack, wooden sword, 1 bottle of water, large bag of Lay's original potato chips, 1 notebook and a small English textbook

Background: (at least 5 sentences) Raised in a Military household, His family was stationed at Okinawa air force base for all his life. Being raised by both his parents, who were both of high rank he was trained from a young age to handle a weapon,maintain physical fitness and general leadership skills. Trying to buck his parents hard rules he would do dangerous stunts and record them throughout his teens and eventually took up parkour. There was many a night his mother would pick him up from the police station for trespassing.

As he got older, during breaks in the strict regimen he received from his parents, his father taught him swordplay,as it had been in the family for generations and he took a liking to it,eventually turning it into a hobby,and something he could commit to (that wasnt illegal like parkour) after being raised being pushed into multiple sports. On his 18th birthday his parents tried to persuade him to join the military. However he declined, and decided to go to college

Trying to get ahead on his school work he was taken advantage of a foreign exchange student program which will earn him a plethora of college credits

Why you are in Canada and/or in trainstation: International exchange student

ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes
Name: Carlos Torres

Nicknames: Bull

Age: 28

Ethnicity: Hispanic

Place of birth: Mexico City, Mexico

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Carlos is the tallest of his scattered brothers at 6'1". He has a athletic, muscular build which is covered by a black t-shirt, a brown over coat, a pair of dark blue jeans with some oil splotches on them, and a pair of black sneakers. He also has some scars where he's been shot or stabbed and his fingers are scarred with cuts from working in the shop. His hands are large and heavily callused.
View attachment 295986

Personality: Blunt would be one word to describe how Carlos is. Sometimes he shows little to no emotion with a strait face and a glare that could send a shiver down any soldier's back. Some people just call him "Bull" because all he seems to be is a big ball of anger and rage, but that's after he's upset. He understands empathy and caring, but it's often irrelevant to him. He will still try to show some kind of "caring" attitude, asking you if you're alright after a fall or something like that. It takes a lot to get him uneasy or frightened, being born in the worst part of Mexico City. He hates flying and boating, but he won't show it in a freak out. His reaction to those would be more like, "Fuck that, I would rather give a zombie a hug". He absolutely adores it when people complain about having a rough life, cause then he can show how easy how they really got it.

Skills and/or qualifications: Pretty good mechanic

Occupation: Mechanic in downtown Detroit

Current weapons and ammunition: Whatever's in his toolbox. Even his toolbox.

1 water bottle, half full.
His clothes
1 medium sized toolbox.
~Inside toolbox
~Multiple wrenches, a hammer, several screwdrivers, other necessary items, and a 6" knife (shh, secret)

Background: Carlos was born in a tight spot. He was brought to this world in udder hell, downtown Mexico City. Cops were often unjust, gangs riddled the streets, and to top it all; his parents were abusive of him and his brothers. He gained a rather insufficient education which he would improve in his later years. Carlos and his brothers ended up in gangs but Carlos never dabbled into drug use, unlike one of his brothers. After graduating from his second-rate highschool and dealing with parents ordering him to stay in Mexico, he left for America, Detroit as a matter of fact. He studied some more educational material, decent English, and a common job for people in his area, mechanics. After getting a job in a mainly-Mexican-run mechanic shop, he was sent to retrieve a tool they had to get from Toronto.

Why you are in Canada and/or in trainstation: Returning with the tool. Heading back to Detroit.
ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes
Name: Jason Bautista

Nicknames: (you don’t have to have any)

Age: 24

Ethnicity: Southeast Asian

Place of birth: Southern California

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: (no anime please, real life pictures or detailed drawings)
View attachment 282935 View attachment 282936

Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)
- Down to earth and an overall optimist, Jason is the person who would try his best to keep a positive vibe between a group. But he is also quite outspoken with his thoughts, especially in a debate. Strongly believing in many of his own opinions, he would rather keep a debate up and about to learn about someone's mindset rather than shut them up with continuous "I'm right, you're wrong" gibberish. That being said, it does not mean he will never change his opinions. Jason will, but only if the reasoning is justifiable.
- Being headstrong, he has often had to butt horns with his friends. There have been numerous occasions of fists going flying and blood being spilt, but never anything he would strongly hold a grudge to.

Skills and/or qualifications:
- Being raised in Southern California, he had a strong taste of what guns can do. Jason can easily put a bullet in something he's aiming for, but he is no master. Just because he was raised around them, it does not mean he was an avid enthusiast. He has no interest in learning any of their names, their styles, or any tricks of the trade. So give him a gun, show him how to use it, and he can very well put up a fight.
- He never heavily centralized himself on a specific trait, so he became a jack-of-all-trades, per se. As long as the task only requires common sense, he is in the green to get it done. He knows to solve situations like bleeding out is a no, always cut the red wire, the star shaped screwdriver is the phillips head, and never press the big red button.

Previous occupation:
- Nothing extremely valuable, he has been going job to job since high school graduation. Jason isn't useless or dumb, he just has no intention in working someplace where he has no interest. As of now, he still has no idea what he wants to do. Not like it would matter, considering most civilization is doomed very soon.

Current weapons and ammunition: (please no weapons like grenade launchers etc, be sensible. Probably most won't have any to start with)
- None, he had no reason to bring anything.

Inventory: (again be reasonable) Preparing for a road trip gives one plenty of supplies. Will lose most of the gear at the point he abandons his vehicle.
- A white 2015 Acura TLX, not the best road trip car, but it wasn't like it was his or anything
- A 24-case of water
- A single box (12) of MREs, just in case they got lost
- A map of the area around the border between the USA and Canada
- A Galaxy S5, and its charger
- About $120 USD in his wallet

Background: (at least 5 sentences)
- Jason has always taken life as it was thrown at him, never quite preparing for the distant future. It is honestly the reason why he has no profession or goal right about now, since he could have gone to a university if he had only submitted the applications. Being this way drove his relationship with his parents downhill as soon as he began to develop a sense of independance. Jason has no siblings to tend to, so his ties to his family was never extremely close. His only close relationship is with his friends, who constantly mess with his carefree lifestyle but are always curious as to how he manages to pull through. He wouldn't kill or die for any of these individuals in particular; they were good friends, but not exactly lifelong partners.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
- At the moment, he was out with friends to road trip around and see Canada for its wonders. He has one friend with him currently, and the four others they were to meet on the other side of the border. The others had much more important lives, and couldn't spare the time for the drive and instead opted for a plane ride.
All accepted!
Name: Alan Williams

Age: 27

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Place of birth: Michigan

Sexuality: Heterosexual

without the weapons

Alan is that kind of guy in the group you can have a good laugh with. He Loves making jokes and making people laugh. One con of this however is that he may make a joke that may be offensive to others. Alan is also Aquaphobic which means he is afraid of water. He loves chopping down trees, this eventually led him to cut down trees for a living.

Skills and/or qualifications:
Alan has been cutting down trees ever since his father let him cut down his first tree when he was 14

Wood Cutter

Current weapons and ammunition:
Alan only has his trusty wooden axe he uses for cutting down trees.

Inventory: - Wooden Axe
- Water bottle
- a few granola bars
- Backpack

Background: Alan was born and raised in michigan. When he turned 14 his father showed him how to cut down his first tree. This eventually led to Alan getting a job as a wood cutter. Alan has decided to leave his home in Michigan and move to Canada. The reason for doing this was because Alan had been offered a better paying job as a wood cutter in Canada.

Why you are in Canada and/or in trainstation: The reason for moving to Canada was that Alan was offered a better paying job as a woodcutter in Canada.

Other: Please let me know if there was any mistakes I may have made! :P
Name: Alan Williams

Age: 27

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Place of birth: Michigan

Sexuality: Heterosexual

without the weapons

Alan is that kind of guy in the group you can have a good laugh with. He Loves making jokes and making people laugh. One con of this however is that he may make a joke that may be offensive to others. Alan is also Aquaphobic which means he is afraid of water. He loves chopping down trees, this eventually led him to cut down trees for a living.

Skills and/or qualifications:
Alan has been cutting down trees ever since his father let him cut down his first tree when he was 14

Wood Cutter

Current weapons and ammunition:
Alan only has his trusty wooden axe he uses for cutting down trees.

Inventory: - Wooden Axe
- Water bottle
- a few granola bars
- Backpack

Background: Alan was born and raised in michigan. When he turned 14 his father showed him how to cut down his first tree. This eventually led to Alan getting a job as a wood cutter. Alan has decided to leave his home in Michigan and move to Canada. The reason for doing this was because Alan had been offered a better paying job as a wood cutter in Canada.

Why you are in Canada and/or in trainstation: The reason for moving to Canada was that Alan was offered a better paying job as a woodcutter in Canada.

Other: Please let me know if there was any mistakes I may have made! :P
Accepted! Go ahead and post ^^


Lorelei Thompson
General Info

Lorelei Thompson
Whatever anyone can come up with
Place of Birth
Lara has a cheerful personality and often finds amusement in almost anything. Well, almost anything, except for horrifying, blood-curdling, and fearsome things. While she would not dare venture to the movie theaters to watch a scary movie, nor seek out a thrill in halloween-themed theme parks, she'd definitely dare traverse dangerous terrains to steal an image of a rare species. Okay, maybe not that overly dramatic. Her great sense of adventure and positive outlook has served her well in times of difficulty and unforeseen events. She is warm and knows enough social manners to get around. However, her easy-going attitude may cause her to be seen as immature and incapable of handling serious matters.
More Info

She participated in Tai-chi exercises but has no experience in combat, whatsoever. Her skills ranges from chopping down trees to scuba diving to cooking omelettes and other delicacies. Oh, not to mention, taking pictures.
Previous Occupation

-Dslr camera
-Hunting pocket knife
-Portable tripod
-2 Water bottles
-Some snacks
-First aid kit
-Notebook and pen
-Uh, girl stuff


Lara grew up in the island of Tasmania, Australia. She enjoyed a life spent with family and close friends. A love for travel eventually developed as she was introduced to photography at a young age. Often times, her father and older cousins would allow her to tag along with them to go out into the woods to hunt and out into the open ocean to fish. She would take these opportunities to develop her photography skills.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:

Lara was invited by a friend to attend a wilderness photography convention.

Code by Cecilia

Let me know if there's anything that needs to be changed or if the rp is still going^^ Thanks!


Lorelei Thompson
General Info


Lorelei Thompson
Whatever anyone can come up with
Place of Birth
Lara has a cheerful personality and often finds amusement in almost anything. Well, almost anything, except for horrifying, blood-curdling, and fearsome things. While she would not dare venture to the movie theaters to watch a scary movie, nor seek out a thrill in halloween-themed theme parks, she'd definitely dare traverse dangerous terrains to steal an image of a rare species. Okay, maybe not that overly dramatic. Her great sense of adventure and positive outlook has served her well in times of difficulty and unforeseen events. She is warm and knows enough social manners to get around. However, her easy-going attitude may cause her to be seen as immature and incapable of handling serious matters.
More Info


She participated in Tai-chi exercises but has no experience in combat, whatsoever. Her skills ranges from chopping down trees to scuba diving to cooking omelettes and other delicacies. Oh, not to mention, taking pictures.
Previous Occupation


-Dslr camera
-Hunting pocket knife
-Portable tripod
-2 Water bottles
-Some snacks
-First aid kit
-Notebook and pen
-Uh, girl stuff



Lara grew up in the island of Tasmania, Australia. She enjoyed a life spent with family and close friends. A love for travel eventually developed as she was introduced to photography at a young age. Often times, her father and older cousins would allow her to tag along with them to go out into the woods to hunt and out into the open ocean to fish. She would take these opportunities to develop her photography skills.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:

Lara was invited by a friend to attend a wilderness photography convention.

Code by Cecilia

Let me know if there's anything that needs to be changed or if the rp is still going^^ Thanks!
Accepted! Go ahead and post :)
Name: Hans Erschichft

Nicknames: Hans or The Sour Kraut

Age: 26

Ethnicity: German

Place of birth: Berlin

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: (no anime please, real life pictures or detailed drawings)

Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)
-He can be quite cold at times
-Beer (A lot)
-Speaking his native language
-The cold
-Messing around
-Being Sober
-Running out of work
-The Soviet Union

Skills and/or qualifications:
Military Training
Basic gun cleaning and repair
Degree in botanics

Occupation: Ex-Soldier now a Recruit trainer

Current weapons and ammunition: (please no weapons like grenade launchers etc, be sensible. Probably most won't have any to start with)
Huntsman Knife (Like a combat swiss army knife)
"Glücklicher" 1 10mm round (Its a lucky charm)

Inventory: (again be reasonable)
4 Cans of beer
Beer Mug
Huntsman Knife
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
4 MREs

Background: (at least 5 sentences)
Born and Raised in Berlin and Brandenburg in Germany the young Hans grew up in a strict disciplined family with 3 older siblings he had to learn to beat them all up... and he did.He went to university at age 18 and studied Botanics before joining the Bundeswehr where he joined up to the 36th Panzergrenadier division and served in the Iraqi Civil War before retiring.However due to the lack of Botany Jobs he decided to train troops for NATO while he waited to find one.So he moved to canada to train Ontario's Defence Force.

Why you are in Canada and/or in trainstation:
To train recruits for NATO and for some peace and quiet

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