• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern The Zombie Paradise O_o ((Closed for now!))


April 17th 2020, 8:30pm:

Not many people knew what was happening. On the news it said many cities were breaking out in riots, people going mad. The appearance of the police and military can unease citizens, then throw in a blackout and hey presto, you have a full blown riot. People think that they can get away with anything. Most were trying to either get home or get away from the riots until it calms down. Toronto had been hit by the blackout, slowly increasing to other cities and towns near it. Who knows what the rest of Canada was like, the news was only showing knews about Ontario state, nothing more. In of the train stops, many people were waiting for a train that would be driving away from Toronto, hoping to outrun the complete blackout. From Toronto, on its way to Guildford, hopefully onto Napanee and everything in between. It wasn’t long before a train was getting close to those whom were waiting. However, this was no mundane train. The train came screeching down the tracks from Toronto. A blaze could be seen from a distance, lighting up the dark tunnels from whence it came...


Kai wanted to get out of Toronto so she didn’t get stuck in any riots. She had been living in Canada since she was 18. However, her English was not as good as her french or her home language- Czech. A lot of the time, she forgot words and replaced them with her native language. “Kde je vlak?” She muttered under her breath, wondering where the train was and when was it going to come. For her, trains had been known to be rather late sometimes. Kai just thought that it was one of these days.

That was until Kai saw the train coming in their direction. To start with, it just seemed like a normal train, possible with their lights on. The train came closer, screeching down the tracks as it would if it were braking. “Konečně.” Kai sighed, the train finally there so she was able to get as far away from Toronto as she could. However, it was only until the train was on top of them that Kai realised that there was something wrong with the train. Instead of putting the brakes on, they seem to speed up. Not only was that the only problem, but the train was on fire. The flames blazed through the air, wisps of embers turning the air near into a scorching inferno. She watched in horror as she could not do anything to help those people on board. No doubt it would turn fateful.


At this very moment, Pat had no clue about the current riots and blackouts in Toronto. All he was worried about at this moment was his job interview in Oshawa. It took a while for Pat to find his call in life, but manipulating people to buy was certainly quick to find. Then when he found out he could use that skill to excel in the art of selling cars. Not to glamorous I know, but it payed the bills. This was the exact reason he was going for a job interview- it was higher up on the ladder as it were, plus it payed well. He was nervous but slightly excited to meet the new company. Of course, the actual interview was indeed in the morning. Pat being Pat, he always wanted to be prepared and get to where he was heading earlier to take in any factors that could indeed make him late.

However, that was soon interrupted by the blazing train going past. Patrick immediately stood up as he saw it getting ever so close to their train stop. Instinctively he ran towards the train, wanting to help the people inside the train. Pat could see the horror on those people’s faces; banging on the windows in hope that they could be saved. Without even realising, Patrick equally caught a glimpse of some people running away from something. All he could think of was that it was most likely the fire spreading inside the segments of the train. After the train had sped past them, now out of sight, Patrick stood there in shock. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. So much so that he slumped onto the floor, head in hands. Just as if anything could get any worse, an hour or so later, the power went out. Meaning that neither internet nor phone services would work. The blackout had engulfed them too...
Leo & Callie

Location :: Train Station
Feeling :: Horrified
Interactions :: N/a

Leo held tightly to his younger sister's hand, fearful of what was happening inside the city. He was worried for Callie's safety, and in no way was he going to risk her life.
Quite a few people were waiting with them, looking just as anxious and concerned. Suddenly, he heard it. It was abnormal, typically the train wouldn't be going as fast as it was. He narrowed his gaze, only able to see the glimmer of orange light. Then in one moment, the scent hit him. It was the stench of burning flesh, metal, and plastic.
He turns toward Callie, who seems oblivious as she holds the white stuffed kitten in her arms. He couldn't allow her to see this, not if it was what it smelt like.
He quickly wraps his arms around Callie, hauling her up on his hip. In the process, she drops her kitten, and wails in protest. In a fluid motion, Leo grabs the stuffed kitten and places it in her out stretched hands. He then firmly holds her head to face behind him, to watch the Horrified faces of the people behind them.

"Don't look Callie." He says firmly, "but-" "I said don't look." He growls, he couldn't bring himself to allow her to witness the people on the train.
Screams filled the cramped area, and the smell of smoke stung his throat. Yet nothing could compare to the agony he was witnessing. The passengers banged against the glass frantically, their screams muffled yet still surprisingly clear.
He watches as someone forced against one of the windows, a person who looked to be charred held them against the glass, before savagely tearing into the back of their neck.
Just as fast as the horror began, it was over. Callie was oblivious, squirming in Leo's arms. Several people were sobbing, wailing about how they should help them.

"What's wrong?" Came Callie's soft voice, he hasn't realized that tears had formed in his eyes. "We need to leave now, Callie." He says softly. "But what about the train, I thought we were supposed to get on?" She asks quietly, her voice soft and innocent. "They decided not to stop for us." He says gently, before pushing through the people.
They needed to find another way, sadly the train station would not be it. Frantically, he makes his way for the stairs, as many others were as well.
Suddenly, the power cuts. Callie wails in terror, as many others did as well.
"Shh, it's alright sweetie." Leo coos, yet he knew something was terribly wrong.
He was making his way up the stairs when he felt a heavy body collide with his. He falls backwards, slamming his skull against the concrete. He struggles to breath, pain radiating through his body, his world spinning wildly.
Callie had slipped out of his grip during the fall, and landed beside him on her knees. She wails in pain, skinning her knees on the concrete below.
Leo struggles to regain himself, and watches as a woman scoops up Callie.

Avalon Dalton

Her shoulder was killing her. The back pack slung across her back was only hanging off one shoulder due to the pain. Avalon readjusted that strap and glanced across the street in front of her, some dude came speeding by causing her hair to blow back out of her face. With a shout she leaned to try and read his license plate, but it seemed it was missing. Of course. Avalon shook her head and glanced around once more before jogging across the street.

On the other side she pulled her hood up over her head and walked along the side walk, hands shoved in her hoodie pockets. A few people walked by her, one bumping shoulders with her. The woman didn't even apologize, just kept on walking. Avalon was about the mutter an insult when she noticed the woman's eyes. They were far away, sort of clouded, like one might look after a lobotomy. Avalon shivered and her words died in her throat, and she decided it better to keep on walking. This was exactly the kind of weird shit that had been happening back in Port Hope. That's why she left.

The train station wasn't far from here, at least she thought. To be honest, Avalon had no idea why she hadn't just waited for the train to reach Port Hope, since it was going through their anyhow. She just wanted out. Some wacko shit combined with Yusef trying to get to her now that Uncle was dead, didn't do much to make her want to stay any longer. A kind stranger had taken her up in Oshawa and dropped her here in Toronto to take the train and double back through Port Hope and on. Avalon ran her hand along a chain link fence lining the side of the side walk near a park. The station wouldn't be too far now.

A corner or two or later, Avalon came along the entrance to the train station. She shuffled into the building and shrugged her bag off her shoulder as she plopped down into a chair in the far corner. Avalon sighed, tired eyes drooping as she slid down in her seat to lean her head against the back. Everything was just sort of clouded at the moment, she just needed sleep, and a lot of it. Unfortunately for Avalon, she has a feeling she wouldn't be getting very much today.

She could hear people yelling. Avalon's eyes sprung open and she watched as the train sped by. A hulking mass of flames in a track. On instinct, she jumped up out of her chair and ran toward the train, her eyes wide. Avalon jumps in place in shook momentarily before the sickening crack of a body hitting concrete. Avalon turned her head to the sound and gasped. A child, in the floor. Avalon took off from her place and back toward her back pack to pick it up before rushing back over to the girl. As she approached, she noticed a man on the stairs, he must've fallen.

Avalon scooped the child up in her arms and moved to sit in the stairs by the in injured man. "Here, honey, this'll sting." Avalon took out one of her water bottles to wash the scrape on the child's knee. "There, better." She turned her attention to the man.

"Hey, buddy, stay with us. You can't fall asleep." Avalon had no idea what the hell she was doing. This guy needed a doctor not a waitress.

Interactions: Leo and Callie Tasteless Tasteless



LOCATION Guildwood Train Station

J- What time does your train arrive?
D- Soonish. Not sure what the hold up is.

Dawn texts back to the group chat with her two fathers, impatient; she hasn't seen her parents for almost two months as her classes just would not allow her any time to do anything but study for exams with small snacks in between. The trains back in Winnipeg were typically late, nothing was ever punctual these days - but the wait was nonetheless grueling.

She audibly sighs and swings her backpack off her shoulder, resting it on her bike seat that is leaned against her side. With her free hand, she reaches up to massage the tense muscles.

"Come on," she mumbles, tilting her body forward slightly to get a look down the tracks.

B- Must be overloaded with commuters.

Dawn purses her lips. That's fair, I shouldn't be so restless- just as the thought passes her mind, she hears the unmistakable sound of an approaching train. She smiles and echoes her fathers words internally, good things come to those who wait.

Sliding the backpack onto her shoulders, Dawn bounces on the balls of her feet as the train comes closer and closer. Then she wishes it hadn't - the flames were seen first, then the sound of passengers banging up against the windows, then blood and she releases the breath she hadn't known she was holding.

And at first she recoils from the violent sight, wanting to jump onto her bike and peddle away from the situation in search of safety - but she can't get her feet to move, let alone muster up enough strength to ride away. And then her conscience kicks in.

"We need to help them!" She springs forward but the train speeds out of sight, still ablaze. She notices another man who had moved to help the trapped passengers, just as he falls to the ground in a heap. She takes a measured step forward, hoping to offer some words of comfort when the power cuts and she screams at the suddenness of it all.

It takes her two seconds to understand what just happened and she quickly unlocks her phone, desperate to call her parents but - no signal.

"C'mon.. c'mon..." The sound of a foot repeatedly tapping the concrete below the station fused with the light muttering of the male's impatience. The train station was the last place he wanted to be, coming from Southern California coming from Southern California where they hardly ever even saw trains, this was a completely unfamiliar experience for Jason. His head constantly looking to the tunnels for some glimmering sign of the train ceasing on the tracks to allow the passenger's entry, and he was sure many others were doing the same.

The idea of being stuck in the city during a predicted blackout was horrifying, especially since he had no prior plans to stay the night, thus leading to his lack of a hotel reservation anywhere nearby. "Well this trip is going absolutely great so far.." He thought to himself sarcastically, one hand reaching into his right pocket for his cellphone, and the other hand shoving itself into the left pocket of his jeans to touch the car remote nestled in the denim. He was lucky his friend loaned him a set of car keys, but to even get to the car he had to ride the train over to the next city where it was at the airport's parking lot.

"What a road trip this turned out to be.." Muttering under his breath, he began to process what remaining plans he could get through before tomorrow in his head. "Well if I can get to my car tonight, I should be able to drive over to the next city and pick up the girls.. Then mayb-.." Even his thoughts came to a sudden stop as he saw a flash of light from one of the runnels. "Oh finally, the train sure took its time to get here." He picked up the bag that he had thrown to the floor at his feet, filled only with a spare change of clothes and the absolute essentials like hygiene gear and a small first aid kit. Taking a step forward, he heard the horror before he would even see it.

The sounds of screams, calling for help and shouting in agony, echoed down the brightening tunnel. And now that he thought about it, the light itself was a much lively orange than the typical pale yellow seen from headlights. As soon as the train came into view, it was obvious to see something had gone awry with the locomotive. Flames licked the glass panes that haven't already shattered through, and bloodied faces and limbs reached out from their position inside the train with a heavy longing for escape. The world seemed to delay into slow motion for Jason, who took a moment to accept the reality before him.

The train vanished as fast as it had appeared, disappearing down the other side of the tunnel leaving. Jason's eyes were wide in surprise, his mouth slightly open as if he were trying to speak. His head turned slightly to look at the others who were waiting for that same train to pick them up, their expressions just as shocked as his own. But no one spoke loud enough to gather attention, the silence an unspoken answer to the disbelief that most others felt. Of course the instinctive action was to pull out a cellphone and blare the news all over social media, and that was what happened for about a good hour, even Jason himself trying to get ahold of his friends to see if they were anywhere near train tracks to catch a glimpse of the accident.

Their time on social media was over. No more tweets. Or status updates. The ceiling lights of the station went dim, and the NO CONNECTION symbol nigh simultaneously flashed upon everyone's brightly lit screens. It was an eerie sight, having everyone's faces only visible by the light from their phones. And even more haunting, the faint outlines of those shuffling in the dark reminded Jason of spirits, it was as if those screaming for help on the train came back to haunt him. What was he to do? A blackout, with no connection, in a subway tunnel full of strangers. An absolute astounding way to begin a roadtrip..
Leo& Callie
Location :: Train Station
Feeling :: Horrified

Interactions :: KingofAesir KingofAesir

He growls under his breath, his ears ringing. He watches the woman wash off Callie's wounds, despite her whines of protest.
Leo growls again, his hearing coming back gradually. The woman tells him to stay awake, to which he growls, "I didn't plan on it." He musters up the strength, and sits on the steps beside her. Without asking, he pulls Callie out of her arms.
The young child clings to him tightly, and he sighs.
"Thanks for cleaning off her knees." He says, investigating the minor scrapes. He hesitates for a moment, "my name is Leo, this is Callie." He says gently. The young girl hugs her kitten tighter, looking up at the unknown woman.

Leo raises his hand, rubbing the back of his head gently. His a groan, he pulls his hand away, thankfully there was no blood.
He hasn't caught site of the man, and he took off before Leo could recover, the asshole.

His gaze shifts to Avalon, and his eyes become concerned. "Did you see the people on the train?" He asks. He looks toward Callie, who is looking around curiously. "I saw someone... they.." He very softly whispered the last words, not wanting to frighten his sibling. ''bit someone." He shudders, the blood that had been on those people struck him as unnatural. "These riots are out of control, I mean what kind of drugs do you have to be on?" He grimaced, turning his gaze towards the man others who were panicking.
Pat and Kai rushed towards the man and girl whom had fallen after seeing the train. "Is everyone alright?" Pat asked the man, assuming that the litte girl was his sister. For a moment he had forgotten about the train and what strange behaviour ensued with those poor people. That was until he heard the man talk about someone being...bitten. He had no idea what was going on- these riots had everyone drug crazed. "I saw some strange behaviour too...those poor poor people...We couldn't do anything to help..." His voice was lowered with sadness as all he ever wanted to do was help people and stay away from such horrors.

Kai got down on her knees to talk to the child, making sure that she was alright. "My name is Kai. What's yours?" She asked the child, realising that indeed someone else had picked her up and brushed her off. "Lovely kitten there, what's its name?" Kai asked, giving a warm smile to the girl whilst trying not to struggle with her grammar and english. "You be fine kid, just a graze." She reassured her, trying not to scare her due to Kai being a stranger to her.

Tasteless Tasteless KingofAesir KingofAesir
Carlos Torres
Carlos groaned as he put his hand to the back of his neck and rolled his shoulders. He couldn't believe that they sent him to Toronto, fucking Toronto. This place was turning into a hell hole, so much it was almost like downtown Mexico City. He popped open his toolbox once more, looking at the new tool. Apparently it's some new kind a ratchet wrench. He closed it back up and looked down the tunnel. Carlos saw a faint light coming closer to the people waiting at the station. He was about to start screaming internally, but as the train got closer he realized something. That light wasn't your everyday LED, that light was flames. He dropped his eyebrows in a confused manner. As people screamed in fear as it zoomed past them Carlos merely stood there, more confused than frightened. The smell was the worst part, charred flesh and burning plastic was not a good combination. As it exited the station as fast as it entered, Carlos simply said "Qué carajo?" he said, meaning "what the fuck?". He seemed to be the only one that stood still as it passed as everyone flew to the walls or nearest stair well. "Guess I'm not getting a ride here" he said while turning around to leave the station. In the dimmed lights of the station he saw a small group converging around an injured man and a little girl. Deciding to show a little care in the midst of the chaos, he approached them. His face was like it was made of stone, emotionless, though his voice had a slightly empathetic tone. "You guys OK?". His accent was noticeable in his deep voice.
Tasteless Tasteless ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes KingofAesir KingofAesir
Avalon Dalton

Avalon glanced at the people rushing around and those seeming to have given up on getting out. She'd left Port hope to get away from shot like this, not to run right back into it. She turned to Leo and smiled, running a hand through her hair. "Sure thing." She slipped the now somewhat empty water bottle back into her back pack. A pop sounded as she rolled her shoulder back to ease the pain still occupying it. "I'm Avalon. Avalon Dalton." On any other occasion, Avalon would've offered her hand but, right now, that didn't seem very appealing. She hoped he understood.

When he'd asked about the people in the train, Avalon turned back to look at the tracks the train had sped by in not moments earlier. Leo had seen someone her bitten. That was even weirder than the dead eyed people back at Port Hope. Avalon shifted uncomfortably in the step and scratched at her neck. "No, I didn't see that. But... I've seen my fair share of people in drugs. Drugs don't make you bite people. That's like... rabies or something that does that. Right?" Avalon's eyebrows creased momentarily before they disappeared with a shake of her head. Rabies could be treated easily, people didn't usually have time to go berserk before someone took them to get a vaccine.

Another woman approached them, talking to Callie in a soothing voice, but not before and man with her informed she and Leo of strange things he had seen. Avalon thought for a moment before deciding to assert her own words to the, now, three adults. "I'm from Port Hope. I hauled it out of there when a started seeing people walking around with... dead eyes. Ya know? Like all glossy and sh-" Avalon talked with her hands. She stopped herself short when she remembered the kid with them, Leo's sister. She cleared her throat, "And stuff. They didn't set trains in fire though. Kinda just walked around out of it. Like... how some people get when they're high. But their eyes...." Avalon shivered. Running a hand down her face she sighed.

"Leo, I don't think these are riots. People don't have riots in trains that are in fire. People don't kill themselves in riots, most of the time." She shook her head, "This is like next level terrorist shi-" Avalon stopped herself again, clesrinf her throat, "Crap. Next level terrorist crap." Terrorists. That's what this was. Nothing else, nothing more. Another man approached their group. Avalon glanced over him momentarily before deciding he wasn't a terrorist and giving him a thumbs up and a lopsided grin.

"As okay as some people who just saw a mass coffin in flames roll on by can be."

Tasteless Tasteless , ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes , Raku Raku
Leo & Callie

Location :: Train Station
Feeling :: Confused
Interactions :: ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Raku Raku KingofAesir KingofAesir

Callie looks up at Kai, her brown cow eyes holding such innocence, it hurt. She hesitates for a moment, "My name is Callie." She says softly. When Kai compliments her white kitten, the five year old smiles brightly. "H-her name is Pinky!" She giggles, holding up the pure white stuffed animal. "My mommy gave it to me." She says quietly, pulling it back into her chest tightly.
At the mention of her scrape, she whimpers quietly,
"it does hurt though.." She rubs her knee with one hand, it had already stopped bleeding, yet had become a light bruise.

Leo listened to Pat quietly, nodding his head. "There was nothing anyone could do, don't think about it to much, you'll drive yourself mad." He looks towards Kai, who was speaking to his young girl seated in his lap. He met her gaze only for a moment, before his attention was caught by Carlos. "Yes, we are alright. Just some as-.. Jerk, decided to push us down the stairs and take off." His head throbbed lightly, yet he wouldn't admit it.
His brow furrowed as Avalon spoke,
"Yeah, some of the people on the train looked like they were just.. out of it. I've seen them around, they honestly give me the creeps." He admits quietly.
"Terrorists?" He questions, obviously not truly believing it. "Why would anyone want to attack us? We haven't done anything or been involved with the wars." He replies, matching her gaze. "If these are terrorists.. I can't honestly say we're fu-.. screwed. We're screwed." He grunts.
He looks around uncomfortably, and looks back towards Kai.
"What we need to do, is get out of this God forsaken train station." He growls.
Last edited:



LOCATION Guildwood Train Station
WITH KingofAesir KingofAesir Tasteless Tasteless ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Raku Raku SentinelSevn SentinelSevn

It's foolish but the more Dawn smacks the side of her phone, the more hope she has that it might actually connect to something, anything. It doesn't, of course.

She swipes up on the screen, enabling the flashlight so she can look around the subway tunnel for some sort of explanation - faulty wiring, broken lights, a delinquent to blame... but she finds nothing and can only accept reality. The power outage reached Toronto... but that was no riot. How could what was happening to those people in the subway car be considered a riot?

As the roaring of blood in her ears subsides, she can just hear a group of people nearby discussing what had just taken place - talks of drugs, terrorists... biting. Dawn pockets her phone and moves closer, hauling her bike alongside.

"What did you just say?" She questions the female that likened the subway car to a flaming mass coffin and then looks at the man with a small child in his lap when he suggests they all better get out of the station.

She glances around, sees a man staring at this phone and moves over to him to grab his attention - by literally grabbing his forearm. "Hey, do you know what's going on?"


She was still looking down at the girl. "Nice to meet you Callie and pinky." Kai chuckled, then standing up to talk to whom she assumed was her brother and the black man. "I agree, don't beat up." She told him, gripping his hand firmly. "Kai." Her face lit up slightly, trying to aleiviate his angst. Kai's attention was then turned to the brother of the little girl once again. "I agree, something not right. Out there though..." She pointed at the entrance and exit of the trainstation. "Not safe either. No where to go with riots and blackouts." She explained. "Café over there still in trainstation. Possibly safer." Kaikept suggesting ideas, trying to work out herself what was going on. Something wasn't right, she knew that much. Somehow, part of her knew that the riots were not the only problems arising.


He was brought back into the real world when his hand was gripped firmly by the woman also talking to them. "I'm Patrick, or Pat. Nice to meet you and yes I know, I try not to beat myself up too much...I just wanted to help them." He sighed, then listening to what Kai had to say about what's safer. "I agree with Kai. It's not safe out there with all the riots going on. We need to also stick together, it will be safer that way." Pat knew that they hadn't known eachother for long at all, but they all seemed friendly and of course not crazy rioters...

Tasteless Tasteless arkadia arkadia @everyoneelse
"No connection..? Of all the damn times it's got to scr-" Jason's words were cut short, his phone nearly slipping between his fingers from another passenger grasping his arm. Instinctively, he pulled the arm closer to his body even before shifting his head, then turning to look beside him and catching faint sight of blonde hair in the darkness.

Jason tilted the screen of his phone towards her, the dim light of the screen revealing her face to him while also showing the NO CONNECTION sign on the front of his phone. "Yours too then, eh? If I could tell you, I would have." His eyes wandered to the pitch black maws of the tunnel on either side of the track, as if he were still thinking about the train's passing. "But you saw that train.." If it could even be called a train. "..right?"

arkadia arkadia (Sorry its short. Grinding assignments rn, so I've hardly got time to make a long response.)
Location: Train Station

Yuuto looked up from his phone as the screeching train flew by and seemed to have a crowd of people magnetized to the closest exit. As the station emptied out he began to pick up the pace,straightening his backpack on his shoulders began jogging lightly. Going down a small set of stairs his phone beeped twice flashing NO SERVICE on screen.

"Damn phone must be on the fritz again,I just payed my bill"

As he continued through the station he came across a small group of people including a small child. He approched them with a small wave.

"Hey,uhhh, my name is Yuuto. Any of you guyses phones working?" He said with a smile as he pointed to his phone flashing the NO SERVICE notification. However his smile quickly faded as he looked around the group. This was not a happy time. No. Something was definitely wrong.

arkadia arkadia ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Tasteless Tasteless Raku Raku SentinelSevn SentinelSevn
Avalon Dalton
Avalon glanced around the group and shrunk back against the steps. Whatever the hell was happening, it was not good and lots of people all crowded around her was not going to help. She needed air. Avalon shot up from her spot on the stairs and pushed through the people crowded around them with a quick "need air" thrown over her shoulder. Avalong continued walking until she was far enough away to place her hands in her head and look around with a creased brow.
The abandoned train station looked gloomy, the scent of smoke and charred flesh still floating through the air. Avalon almost choked. Why would someone do that to all those... all those people? Why would someone set a damn train on fire? Why would that someone stay inside it? And whubthe hell was there biting involved? Avalon glanced down at her watch and frowned, it seemed to be going hay wire, it's digital screen glitching and going black. Avalon sighed. Great, technology was going to shit too.
"I don't have a cell phone, but my watch is freaking out. It's digital." Avalon made her way slowly back to the group, holding out her wrist to show them. "What the hell is happening?"

(Sorry about the lateness. Got caught up in some other things)​



Lorelei adjusted her position as she aimed her camera at the other would-be train passengers. It's been a fun trip..so far, she thought, clicking her shutter button once more. A sigh escaped her while her thoughts brought her back to the recent commotions that took the attention of most people in Toronto: blackouts, riots, etc. "And here I thought the world was becoming better," she mumbled before taking another shot of a woman holding the hand of a little boy. It always amazes her how people's natural responses to sudden changes in society gets captured in pictures. Perhaps I could be a documentary specialist, she smiled to herself.

The convention she was invited to attend has been canceled due to the recent events that consumed Toronto so Lorelei decided to make the best out of her trip to Canada. It seemed that standing on the platform awaiting for the train was not such a bad idea at all although she could feel a slight tension in the air. Adjusting the aperture and shutter speed of her camera, Lorelei stepped closer to the train tracks. "Hmm, how do you find a missing train?" she said out loud whilst glancing at her watch. "Well, follow the tracks!" Bringing her camera to her eye level once more, she activated the video mode, aiming the lens at the tracks, while stealing some shots as well. Finally, a faint sound can be heard from afar and Lorelei stepped back. "Train, here I come!" Anticipating that the train would soon halt, she continued to record its long-awaited arrival only to be greeted by its blaring light. It was as if a fiery chariot had replaced the train but instead of the whinnying of the horses, a sort of screaming and wailing sound was heard. Instead of a breeze of fresh air, an undesirable gross stench lingered in the air long after the train had vanished out of their sight.

Lorelei's mouth gaped open, trying to understand what had just occurred. Was that the train or was that not the train? A confused look spread over her face which was slowly succeeded by a mixture of surprise and fear. Bringing one hand to her face, she tried to pinch her cheek for reality check. No, not a dream. She took another glance at her camera which was still recording the now empty tracks. "Uh.." Carefully switching it to photo mode, Lorelei looked about her and realized that people had started to scatter, scurrying at their feet as if a calamity just happened. Remaining still, Lorelei started to snap pictures again, but this time, it wasn't for fun, it was her way of calming herself. It did not stop Lorelei's heart from beating so fast, though, and she anxiously started to head towards the exit when suddenly darkness had taken over. She stopped on her tracks, seized by fear. "Oh, no! It can't be!" Her wild imagination had ran amok, taking her to the days of halloween madness which she greatly disliked. Shaking her head wildly, she fumbled for her phone hoping to contact someone and help get her out of there. A dead signal was all she saw. "You were supposed to be a light to this darkness, my dear phone." She looked back behind her and started to walk towards the exit. A few people passed by her in a hurried manner while she decided to consume what energy she has left for the sudden fear had certainly drained her. "Why do I get so worked up, monsters are not real! And if they are--- well, if they are, then they shall behold my weapon! Ha!" She held her camera up high, feeling somewhat victorious over the fear that plagued her earlier. A little relieved, Lorelei noticed a small group of people huddled together and causally took a photo of them. "I wonder what's holding them up over there." The idea of talking and inquiring hadn't struck her before but it wouldn't hurt to ask. As long as she was sure no scary things were involved, she would be up for anything. Lorelei kept a few distance away from the group but enough to overhear their conversation. "Such weird things to talk about," she quietly observed. "I prefer terrorist attack against the biting.." was all she could muster to say to distract herself.

Where's the Train?!@anyoneAvailableOrNear
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~1am, 18th April 2020~

The riots had been going on through the night. However, little did they know, something else was brewing. Gun fires; grenades; smoke grenades; flares could be heard throughout the whole town. No doubt most of Canada was like this by now. Helicopters flew by, making small hurricane like winds as they passed. First the police were involved and then the army. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that the army would anything to restore order- whether that be arrest or killing. It was most likely that these people laying low in the trainstation would be safe for now due to the thick concrete of the underground. However, little did they know that the army had ordered an airstrike. Not because of the rioters, no… It was because of a new unreal, but terribly real threat. A certain threat that no one knew existed…


Patrick quickly awoke as a cataclysmic sound erupted throughout the town. He was sure he could here napalm and other sorts of weapons like bombs being dropped (as well as smell the destruction in the air). “EVERYONE GET DOWN.” He bellowed at the top of his lungs, getting down on the floor. Pat was hoping that no bombs nor napalm would be dropped on the station. However, it was the natural response to hearing such sounds and feeling the ground shudder. It seemed like a lifetime when waiting for all the commotion to stop. When it finally did, Patrick heard almost groans coming from the station. Was someone hurt? He had no idea. “Hello?”


Kai awoke to the sound of Patrick screaming at everyone to get down on the floor. Just like everyone following their instinct, she dropped to the floor, covering her face with her arms. She had no idea what was going on but all she knew was that the ground was shaking just like it would in an earthquake. Then when it all stopped, Kai crouched on the floor, peering out to the light at the end of the tunnel. As she did this, she spotted a figure getting nearer to them. She thought it was just a person whom came in here for cover after the unnecessary bombing. Then before Kai could speak, she heard snarling echoing throughout the subway, coming from this figure. “Kdo to je? Co se děje?” She muttered under her breath, wondering who it was as she bravely got up and started to walk towards this figure. It was almost like the figure heard her, snarling louder and almost running towards the group. Panicking, Kai immediately tried to grab anything that could help her, but she had nothing. It turned out to be a man, blood tripping down his mouth. He wasn’t acting human, what was he doing. “Sir…” Kai started stepping back, not knowing was going on.


arkadia arkadia ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Tasteless Tasteless Raku Raku SentinelSevn SentinelSevn BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22
((REMEMBER: No one will know how to kill zombies or even know that this man is one. You WILL struggle....))
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Carlos had almost fallen asleep when the bombs dropped. He was leaning up against a wall as the thunderous noise shook the station. As a man shouted something above the rumbles, Carlos merely stood there. Shielding his eyes from the falling rubble, he looked up at the lights, expecting them to fall. Thankfully, they didn't. Carlos reached down to grab his tool box and picked it up. "¿Qué demonios?" he said aloud. As he heard some strange noise, growling almost, come from a door a woman was near, he made his way over with his toolbox ready.
ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes - Approaching Kai
Avalon Dalton

Avalon had occupied herself staring at the wall opposite them. Whatever was happening it seemed they'd found it best not to leave the station. The cement of the wall she was pressed against was cold. Her shirt was thin and didn't do much in the way of warmth. She stopped worrying about the coldness of the wall when loud explosions sounded from above them and Patrick screamed at everybody to get down.

Avalon did as she was told, pressing herself flat to the floor and placing her arms over her head. She was content to stay there until to explosions stopped and she caught site of Kai approaching.... were those groaning noises. The hell? Avalon forced herself up and scrambled over to her backpack, yanking the crowbar she'd used as a weapon against Yusefs guys for years. She proceeded to clamber over to Kai and skid to a halt next to her, pointing the bar at him.

"Listen, dude, I don't know what the hell you're on, but you so much as touch a hair on anyone here's head and I'll bash your damn head in." He didn't talk, he just gurgled. Avalon stared at him in confusion, he had the same glassy eyes as the people she'd seen before. What was wrong with these people? "What the hell is the matter with this guy?" Avalon fell into step backing up next to Kai. She could hear Carlos's toolbox jingling as he approached. She turned to look at in momentarily. "Don't get too close, he's acting trippy."

Raku Raku ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes

Kai could see that Patrick was moving away from the situation. Being patrick, he never liked conflict and never liked standing up for himself. Even if that mean't that he would die because of it. "Everyone step away from him slowly... He seems strange..." She explained to everyone in a calm and assertive voice, not knowing what was happening or what he was on. At this point, the man had stopped running due to being confused by the the man approaching the group. She had a feeling that they would have to deal with him somehow, but how and with what? Something didn't sit right with her and the way he was acting was truly unique to any drug she knew about. He was acting like he had some form of rabies...

Kai saw the normal man with the tool box behind the strange man. "Get close enough to knock him out?" She asked the man with the toolbox quietly. Not knowing what else to do, she kept on talking to the man. "With the toolbox?" Kai continued, ceasing to step back away from the man now. As she waited for the man with the toolbox to act, Kai started to study the man whom seemed to have rabies. However, as she did so, there was clearly something entirely wrong. The man looked. Well dead. His eyes had clouded over and there was blood dripping down his mouth like he had just eaten raw flesh. He was acting just like something out of a film. Like a zombie...

arkadia arkadia ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Tasteless Tasteless Raku Raku SentinelSevn SentinelSevn BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22
Avalon looked over at the to of them and brandished the crowbar in her hands. The thing had knocked out many a man and it could definetely knock out this one. She could help. "I'll help." She pointed her crowbar at the strange man.

"We can flank him. He's out of it, should be easy." She didn't want tonkill the guy, of course, she just didn't want him hurting anyone.
Raku Raku ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes



The sudden sound of bombs breaking loose sent Lorelei to the ground but it was not an easy feat. My life! My life is on the line. What good is a camera if I'm dead! A man's voice, telling everyone to get down, brought her back to reality and gave her a sense of direction. Hugging her camera, she dropped to the ground, pressing her body against it and covered her head with her free arm. The trembling tunnel offered no comfort to her thoughts though she found some solace by forming an epitaph. Train of Guildwood, you will forever be remembered as long as fire, earthquakes, and bombs exists. After what seemed an eternity, the trembling ceased and an eerie silence that was supposed to follow after such an event was replaced by a more unlikely sound.

Lorelei scrambled up, kneeling on one knee. She saw one of the females from the small group stood up and started to approach the figure where the snarling seems to be coming from. "What are you doing?" Lorelei whispered, as if the female would hear her voice. She could not see the figure clearly and while she was rubbing her eyes, Lorelei saw another man approach the female. Observing the movement of the man with the toolbox, Lorelei could now see what made the other strange man strange. Slowly standing up, and seeing yet another woman join the entourage, Lorelei positioned herself behind them, using the others as cover. In case this strange man was indeed dangerous, the others could protect her. Right? She shook off the selfish thought and stepped closer to the group. Out of habit, Lorelei fumbled with her camera. What's wrong with that guy? Without second thought, Lorelei aimed the camera at the man and pressed the button.

The shutter button snapped and the flash of light momentarily filled the dark place. What was revealed after that was more shocking than the previous fiery train. A bloody, horrendous looking figure stood before them. What he or it was, Lorelei could not tell but memories of horror movies and The Walking Dead filled her thoughts that she could not help but gasp. Dropping her camera, which now hung around her neck, Lorelei stood there, immobile.

A strange man! ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes KingofAesir KingofAesir Raku Raku @EveryoneElse
With the snap of the shutter, the man turned his attention to the woman with the camera. He let out a snarl as he began to pick up his pace, moving towards the woman. Kai panicked, consequently putting her full force into a kick on his back and middle spine region. The man fell due to the force she exerted onto him. However, he just got up moments after, not even being crippled by the pain. Kai didn't know what else she could do until everyone helped to knock him out. He wasn't acting human, he was acting like a corpse. The man's mind still had the woman set into his mind due to the camera flash. She would have to move or attack and be quick about it.

KingofAesir KingofAesir Raku Raku Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi
Avalon Dalton
When Kai kicked the guy after a camera sound echoed throughout the place, Avalon decided it was time to get at him. She swung the crowbar behind her head and brought it down on the guys head. "Why" She hit him again when he got back up, "Would" She jumped away from a swiping hand and made contact with his throat, "You take a picture?"

Avalon stumbled backwards as his hand made contact with the under side of her arm, leaving a small gash. She placed her hand over it and cursed between her teeth. "What the hell?"

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