The Zombie Games


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Britt-21 submitted a new role play, The Zombie Games!




Bf/Gf(I will allow pre-paring relationships. But know, they can always break up):




Did you ever think this would happen at a Zombie Run?:

Badass or scardy cat(Does not effect the character. Im just funny xD ):


Looks: (Real):

Name: Tammi G.

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Bf/Gf(I will allow pre-paring relationships. But know, they can always break up): Nope

Weapon(s): A gun and blade

Personality: She's fast, quiet when trying to get past bandits, shes couragous, smart, funny, silly, sweet to her allies.


Did you ever think this would happen at a Zombie Run?: Nope

Badass or scardy cat(Does not effect the character. Im just funny xD ):Badass


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Name: Kaitlin (Kai) Brooks

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Bf/Gf(I will allow pre-paring relationships. But know, they can always break up): Single

Weapon(s): Kitchen Knife, Shovel and a revolver with three bullets

Personality: Grown up with the boys and spent little time with her mother, Kai was a tomboy. She always played flag football and got dirty in the mud. She had a hard front and a lot of confidence. She's loud but still has that soft womanly voice. She can be rough and a little messy at times. She was never known as the clumsy type or dingy type. She was more cautious and paranoid since she had a thing for watching horror shows. She loves to joke around and lighten the mood even if the situation at the time is bad and her jokes aren't called for. She doesn't usually express her mean or sad side. She says being a downer will give her headaches so she keeps herself in a happy lighten mood. Even still she has quite the temper and can set off at any time with the right amount of push.

Pets: Eagle

Did you ever think this would happen at a Zombie Run?: "I had my suspicions. I mean who wouldn't , don't you watch movies.

Badass or scardy cat(Does not effect the character. Im just funny xD ): Badass with a tinge of Scardy


Looks: (Real):

Name: Blake Benford

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Bf/Gf(I will allow pre-paring relationships. But know, they can always break up): Single

Weapon(s): Three pocket knives , shot gun with eight rounds, frying pan.

Personality: Blake is a pretty serious guy whose not found of showing emotions to anyone. He has a thing with trusting people, since his family wasn't the best. He usually gives someone a smirk or half a laugh that sounds fake. He tends to hang out with his buddies from school, the ones that were able to get close to him. He used to smile and joke a lot until his girlfriend cheated on him. He's a pretty sour unhappy guy because of his life events. To strangers he would be helpful and give them causal smiles. To his enemies he'll swear like a dog and act rude. Him snapping is like a pitbull of it's leash. He rampages and throws things. He swore he'd never hit a woman so he usually punches a guy that's around him or something hard enough to make him snap out of it. One thing he doesn't do though is cry.

Pets: None

Did you ever think this would happen at a Zombie Run?: "Beats me. I took this I should be fine right ?

Badass or scardy cat(Does not effect the character. Im just funny xD ): Badass


Looks: (Real):
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Name: Lee

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Bf/Gf(I will allow pre-paring relationships. But know, they can always break up): None

Weapon(s): Assault Rifle and a Pistol

Personality: He's an average zombie slayer with a love for music and electronics. He's serious when in the mood and joking when in the mood. A zombie apocalypse has sort of been his dream (save for the emotional struggles) and always went to zombie runs to see if such a thing would happen.

Pets: None.

Did you ever think this would happen at a Zombie Run?: It was sort of his dream.

Badass or scardy cat(Does not effect the character. Im just funny xD ): Badass when in the mood.


Looks: (Real):
Name: Takara Abell

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Bf/Gf(I will allow pre-paring relationships. But know, they can always break up): None

Weapon(s): Shotgun, pistol, pocket knife

Personality: Takara is fun to be around and hates being alone. She was (and still is) very athletic in everything she does, so she hates to just sit and wait. Takara will do anything to make someone smile, she can't stand seeing someone sad.

Pets: None

Did you ever think this would happen at a Zombie Run?: Never

Badass or scardy cat(Does not effect the character. I'm just funny xD ): Both, really depends what's going on.


Looks: (Real):
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Tacio Feryu





Bf/Gf(I will allow pre-paring relationships. But know, they can always break up):



Custom riffle which can be set to be manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic with an attached katana.


Calm in the most chaotic situations but mostly he enjoys killing zombies. It like... releasing his anger into them.


Has a dog but got killed in the outbreak.

Did you ever think this would happen at a Zombie Run?:


Badass or scardy cat(Does not effect the character. Im just funny xD ):

100% Badass.



Looks: (Real):


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Name: Micheal Aru

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Bf/Gf(I will allow pre-paring relationships. But know, they can always break up): Single

Weapon(s): A mountain climbing pick axe

Personality: Micheal is a scaredy cat who doesnt like to kill zombies. He loves everyone but would not risk himself.

Pets: Kario (dog)

Did you ever think this would happen at a Zombie Run?: No

Badass or scardy cat(Does not effect the character. Im just funny xD ): Scardy cat


Looks: (Real):
Name: Brian Lanepre

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Bf/Gf(I will allow pre-paring relationships. But know, they can always break up): Killi

Weapon(s): His mind, and a machete.


Personality: Brian spent four years studying archaeology and anthropology. After completeing his degree he had a thurst for adventure. He worked under Dr. Stromhousen, a crazy archaeologist who believed he would find evidence of ancient alien astronauts, on an ancient pyramid dig in the amazonian jungle. Brain used his machete to blaze trails through the dense vegetation of the jungle, helping the good doctor record his findings and carrying the supplies. After years of using his machete, the edged tool became an extension of his body. After his adventures in the jungle ended Brian set his sights on the zombie runs.

Brian is adventurous, intelligent, determined and a risk taker. Some may call the man arrogant, but he is not self centered at all. He cares for the ones he loves and at times came be controlling or possessive.

Pets: None

Did you ever think this would happen at a Zombie Run?: Never

Badass or scardy cat(Does not effect the character. Im just funny xD ): Badass cat!



Looks: (Real):

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Name: Sabine Chevalier

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Bf/Gf: Taqhart's Brian

Weapon: Winchester Hunting Rifle, an antique she took from her grandfather's attic


Personality: She's rather clingy, and sticks close to those she views as 'strong' or 'reliable'. She tends to take advantage of those who would let her, and pushes the limits as far as they go. She gets terrified easily and tends to break under pressure rather than persevere. She's also rather dedicated to becoming a singer, but has yet to get a job any greater than the one at mcdonalds. Never went to college. She had a hobbie for zombie and survival stories, too.

Pets: A corgi that she babies and puts dresses on.

Did you ever think this would happen at a Zombie Run?: I'd always suspected that zombies would attack. But not like this. Never like this.

Badass or scardy cat: Scaredy cat through and through.



Looks: (Real):

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Now, if you guys wish to all be in a group, Hit the like button (our charries will be together)

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