The Yokai Village


One Weird Winker
Sign up sheet:



Race of Yokai:

Faction: (good or evil)

Appearance: ( Description or picture)


Powers: (at least 2)

Weaknesses: (at least 2)
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Nico said:



Kiyoshi Inoe



Race of Yokai:





Kiyo is very playful, bubbly and friendly. His optimistic attitude is very apparent from the moment you meet him. He loves sweets and has a major tooth for one. He always seems to be happy though he can be a bit sensitive and a cry baby. He loves reading and is very smart for his age. He can be brave and stands up for his friends if they need it. Kiyo is very close to his mother since his father disappeared when he was born. He likes helping her around the kitchen and cooking various stuff.


-Fox Fire (Power over demonic fox fire, 10x hotter then normal fire)


-Illusion Magic


-He isn't very skilled in his illusion magic

-He sucks at archery, prefers swords instead.

Accepted , please post intro thread
Name: Shiro

Age: 17

Race of Yokai: Dimension Leaper (?)

Faction: good



Background: Shiro's mother suffered from severe paranoia. She feared the end of the world and the human attack. She raised Shiro like a machine. He was nothing more than a tool to protect her. Her methods to go about this were not... quite humane. Shiro went insane. He started to have fits when he no longer was in control of his on body. Waking up from one of said fits, he found his mother dead. When Shiro's father found out, he was overwrought with grief and killed himself. Shiro's father was the only one that the boy could find solace in and trust. With him gone, there was nothing holding Shiro back. But, he didn't know what to do, so he holed himself in his dad's study and began creating. His father was a mechanic. Shiro quickly created his own mechanized weaponry that complemented his yokai powers. Once that was done, e decided to finally leave his home. However, he had never talked to someone other than his parents. Suddenly, for the first time in years, he was scared.

Shiro is mad. He has also spent minimal time in contact with others, and therefore, is incredibly socially inept. He fears his madness and that it can take over him, which it does in dire situations. Due to his past, he subconsciously suppresses his memories, so he remembers very little about himself. Trying to remember causes pain. He is incredibly curious and can never quench his thirst for knowledge. He fears physical contact with anyone, or getting attached to anyone.


Teleportation - short distance, leaves void

Gravity ball - Pulls items or people in a small area

Electric waves - Magnified brain waves.

Mechanized weapons - uses electric pulses and gravity to maneuver them.


Low stamina

Can't use any other weapons.

Physically weak.

Can't see well in bright light
Lazygout said:
Name: Shiro
Age: 17

Race of Yokai: Dimension Leaper (?)

Faction: good



Background: Shiro's mother suffered from severe paranoia. She feared the end of the world and the human attack. She raised Shiro like a machine. He was nothing more than a tool to protect her. Her methods to go about this were not... quite humane. Shiro went insane. He started to have fits when he no longer was in control of his on body. Waking up from one of said fits, he found his mother dead. When Shiro's father found out, he was overwrought with grief and killed himself. Shiro's father was the only one that the boy could find solace in and trust. With him gone, there was nothing holding Shiro back. But, he didn't know what to do, so he holed himself in his dad's study and began creating. His father was a mechanic. Shiro quickly created his own mechanized weaponry that complemented his yokai powers. Once that was done, e decided to finally leave his home. However, he had never talked to someone other than his parents. Suddenly, for the first time in years, he was scared.

Shiro is mad. He has also spent minimal time in contact with others, and therefore, is incredibly socially inept. He fears his madness and that it can take over him, which it does in dire situations. Due to his past, he subconsciously suppresses his memories, so he remembers very little about himself. Trying to remember causes pain. He is incredibly curious and can never quench his thirst for knowledge. He fears physical contact with anyone, or getting attached to anyone.


Teleportation - short distance, leaves void

Gravity ball - Pulls items or people in a small area

Electric waves - Magnified brain waves.

Mechanized weapons - uses electric pulses and gravity to maneuver them.


Low stamina

Can't use any other weapons.

Physically weak.

Can't see well in bright light
Please read the over view tab to see what species of Yokai are available.
Sorry about that.

Name: Yamato

Age: 17

Race of Yokai: kin

Faction: good



Background: Yamato was raised on the outskirts of the village. His father was a traditional dojo master and incredibly strict, forcing Yamato to train constantly. Not allowed to meet other people. The boy spent so much time on his sword skills, that he wasn't able to learn how to control his demon powers. All he did was hold them back constantly. One day, the build up was too much and flames erupted from Yamato, hurting him as well. The fire quickly burnt the dojo down. Distraught, his father banished Yamato from his home. Yamato had no choice but to tend his wounds and begin fending for himself.

Personality: Shy and quiet. Surprisingly clumsy outside of battle. May release fire at random points unintentionally. Due to his father's reaction, Yamato fears himself and others. He doesn't trust easily. He is perceptive and protective, but has minimal people skills. Blatantly honest.



Sword master



Doesn't have good control of yokai powers

Low defense (he relies on speed)

Not good with other weapons.
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Lazygout said:
Sorry about that.
Name: Yamato

Age: 17

Race of Yokai: yin

Faction: good



Background: Yamato was raised on the outskirts of the village. His father was a traditional dojo master and incredibly strict, forcing Yamato to train constantly. Not allowed to meet other people. The boy spent so much time on his sword skills, that he wasn't able to learn how to control his demon powers. All he did was hold them back constantly. One day, the build up was too much and flames erupted from Yamato, hurting him as well. The fire quickly burnt the dojo down. Distraught, his father banished Yamato from his home. Yamato had no choice but to tend his wounds and begin fending for himself.

Personality: Shy and quiet. Surprisingly clumsy outside of battle. May release fire at random points unintentionally. Due to his father's reaction, Yamato fears himself and others. He doesn't trust easily. He is perceptive and protective, but has minimal people skills. Blatantly honest.



Sword master



Doesn't have good control of yokai powers

Low defense (he relies on speed)

Not good with other weapons.
It's all goods ^_^ you can now post your intro... enjoy!
Name: Kanin

Age: 17

Race of Yokai: Usagi

Faction: Good

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/commission_for_mi_ya_ka_by_harumagai-d5wu79t.jpg.05c00c93fa95af1a0786705738c13d6e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48697" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/commission_for_mi_ya_ka_by_harumagai-d5wu79t.jpg.05c00c93fa95af1a0786705738c13d6e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: Kanin has been raised as a tool by his parents, being secluded from the outside world. Using his powers they stayed healthy and happy leaving Kanin sad and very weak. His uncle, a mute, came up to him before the attack and used Kanin's powers to gain the ability of speech, thus making Kanin lose it. When the attacked happen, Kanin saw them coming towards their house, but he was too far to reach his parents. He tried to yell but then realized, his voice was taken from him. He looked towards the house one last time before turning and running.

Personality: Kanin has blamed himself for not finding a way to save his parents and running instead. Making him want to help people, but having no knowledge of the world around him he was terrified. This makes him very trusting and he believes words over actions. He keeps to himself and tries to only be somewhere when he is needed.

Powers: Kanin can give someone anything by touching their skin, but he would lose it in return, and example of this would be emotions to luck to physical and mental harm. Kanin can also recieve anything from others, causing them to lose it. The only problem with this is that he can't control it, the person who is touching is in control, not Kanin. So the person can easily take something away from him or give him something, the only exception is the power itself.

Kanin also has the power to project images into someones mind which someone gave him this power.

Weaknesses: His biggest weakness is his power itself, not being able to use it on his free will he can easily be used. His other weakness makes him a lot easiier to be used for anythin, he is very trusting, making him easy to manipulate.



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Elimain said:
Name: Kanin
Age: 17

Race of Yokai: Usagi

Faction: Good

Appearance:View attachment 113052

Background: Kanin has been raised as a tool by his parents, being secluded from the outside world. Using his powers they stayed healthy and happy leaving Kanin sad and very weak. His uncle, a mute, came up to him before the attack and used Kanin's powers to gain the ability of speech, thus making Kanin lose it. When the attacked happen, Kanin saw them coming towards their house, but he was too far to reach his parents. He tried to yell but then realized, his voice was taken from him. He looked towards the house one last time before turning and running.

Personality: Kanin has blamed himself for not finding a way to save his parents and running instead. Making him want to help people, but having no knowledge of the world around him he was terrified. This makes him very trusting and he believes words over actions. He keeps to himself and tries to only be somewhere when he is needed.

Powers: Kanin can give someone anything by touching their skin, but he would lose it in return, and example of this would be emotions to luck to physical and mental harm. Kanin can also recieve anything from others, causing them to lose it. The only problem with this is that he can't control it, the person who is touching is in control, not Kanin. So the person can easily take something away from him or give him something, the only exception is the power itself.

Kanin also has the power to project images into someones mind which someone gave him this power.

Weaknesses: His biggest weakness is his power itself, not being able to use it on his free will he can easily be used. His other weakness makes him a lot easiier to be used for anythin, he is very trusting, making him easy to manipulate.
Accepted! You can post in the rp now!
Name: Bo'rai

Age: 25

Race of Yokai: Kitsune

Faction: Good


Background: Bo'rai was born as a middle child in his family, and as such wasn't always watched after as often as the younger or older siblings. After a few mischievous incidents he was enrolled as an apprentice with some of the town guards in the hopes that they would set him straight and teach him some discipline. While they may have tempered him, they couldn't completely remove his largely carefree nature. He learned a lot about martial arts and making better use of his chi abilities, but ended up having to improvise some of his own ideas since he never stayed long enough to finish all of his lessons. He ended up never going back to his family home, being worried that he may have brought shame on his family for running from the responsibility given to him.

Bo'Rai is often found with a few gourd shaped containers. Nobody is completely sure when he started drinking or for what purpose, but he tells most people that he's a better fighter with some alcohol in him.


Drunken Boxing- Martial arts style Bo'Rai uses after a couple of drinks. Bo'Rai's chi energy mixes with the alcohol with sometimes surprising results.

Chi Blast- Bo'Rai can make his chi into a damaging projectile he can throw at people

Chi Reflexes- Bo'Rai can use some of his chi energy to enhance his reflexes and coordination


The negative effects of drinking take time to wear off, and after he uses it he passes out until alcohol finally wears off.

Often lazes about and usually slow to act if there's no emergency.

Proficient with only a few weapons and no armor.
Name: Reika

Age: 18

Race of Yokai: Mizu

Faction: Good




Reika never knew who were her "real" parents, since she had been adopted into a new household by the time she was a year old. She had always been told she was left at the doorstop of a loving couple's home who had no children of their own. The couple owned the local weapons shop and were happy to be given a chance to raise a child. However, whenever the couple needed a scapegoat, they would blame the child. Soon they began to hate the child because she now represented all their mistakes and the shame they had for knowingly blaming her. They began to treat her badly, physically and emotionally. Tensions between the townspeople also cause much unhappiness in the small town. Seeing no reason to stay, she wanted to leave as soon as she came up with a plan of what to pack and where to go. However, the attack on her town started before she could leave, so all she could do was grab the nearest thing, her polearm, and flee.


She can control water with a flick of her wrist, as well as creating it from the atmosphere/environment (though it really depends on the environment, as in whether the area is humid or dry).

She also has healing powers where she can heal bruises or cuts. Major wounds and bone damage is a lot harder, so there's little chance she can do a lot to heal those.

She also has expertise in using her polearm, though refrains from using it unless truly necessary.


Healing others can take a lot of energy out of her if the wounds are serious enough. Every time she heals them, she's giving some of her energy to them.

Polearms and swords (basically weapons where all you have to do is strategically swing) are the only weapons she can use well. Despite having some knowledge on them, she can't use them decently.

She can act cold or uncaring of others at times, usually because she doesn't believe she can truly trust them.
CoreyXIX said:
Name: Bo'rai
Age: 25

Race of Yokai: Kitsune

Faction: Good


Background: Bo'rai was born as a middle child in his family, and as such wasn't always watched after as often as the younger or older siblings. After a few mischievous incidents he was enrolled as an apprentice with some of the town guards in the hopes that they would set him straight and teach him some discipline. While they may have tempered him, they couldn't completely remove his largely carefree nature. He learned a lot about martial arts and making better use of his chi abilities, but ended up having to improvise some of his own ideas since he never stayed long enough to finish all of his lessons. He ended up never going back to his family home, being worried that he may have brought shame on his family for running from the responsibility given to him.

Bo'Rai is often found with a few gourd shaped containers. Nobody is completely sure when he started drinking or for what purpose, but he tells most people that he's a better fighter with some alcohol in him.


Drunken Boxing- Martial arts style Bo'Rai uses after a couple of drinks. Bo'Rai's chi energy mixes with the alcohol with sometimes surprising results.

Chi Blast- Bo'Rai can make his chi into a damaging projectile he can throw at people

Chi Reflexes- Bo'Rai can use some of his chi energy to enhance his reflexes and coordination


The negative effects of drinking take time to wear off, and after he uses it he passes out until alcohol finally wears off.

Often lazes about and usually slow to act if there's no emergency.

Proficient with only a few weapons and no armor.
Accepted, you can start posting now!


Aes said:
Name: Reika
Age: 18

Race of Yokai: Mizu

Faction: Good




Reika never knew who were her "real" parents, since she had been adopted into a new household by the time she was a year old. She had always been told she was left at the doorstop of a loving couple's home who had no children of their own. The couple owned the local weapons shop and were happy to be given a chance to raise a child. However, whenever the couple needed a scapegoat, they would blame the child. Soon they began to hate the child because she now represented all their mistakes and the shame they had for knowingly blaming her. They began to treat her badly, physically and emotionally. Tensions between the townspeople also cause much unhappiness in the small town. Seeing no reason to stay, she wanted to leave as soon as she came up with a plan of what to pack and where to go. However, the attack on her town started before she could leave, so all she could do was grab the nearest thing, her polearm, and flee.


She can control water with a flick of her wrist, as well as creating it from the atmosphere/environment (though it really depends on the environment, as in whether the area is humid or dry).

She also has healing powers where she can heal bruises or cuts. Major wounds and bone damage is a lot harder, so there's little chance she can do a lot to heal those.

She also has expertise in using her polearm, though refrains from using it unless truly necessary.


Healing others can take a lot of energy out of her if the wounds are serious enough. Every time she heals them, she's giving some of her energy to them.

Polearms and swords (basically weapons where all you have to do is strategically swing) are the only weapons she can use well. Despite having some knowledge on them, she can't use them decently.

She can act cold or uncaring of others at times, usually because she doesn't believe she can truly trust them.
Accepted! You can start posting now!
Name: Usaia

Age: 16

Race of Yokai:

Faction: (good or evil) Evil....

Appearance: ( Description or picture) Pic

Background: It wasn't all Usaia's fault... It was a life and death choice, either she joins the rebellion against Yokai, or the rebellion kills her family. Sadly, she had to join the rebellion against her own kind... Usaia doesn't know where they held her family, but she loves them very most... The rebellion set her with many of the good Yokai so she can spy on the village... when the village was attacked, she fled with them, which was part of the rebellion's next plans.......

Powers: (at least 2)

Earth manipulation

Weaknesses: (at least 2)

The face of people suffering and the sound of it

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/nworb.jpg.71b025ea6332f9d45de181209c127d82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48807" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/nworb.jpg.71b025ea6332f9d45de181209c127d82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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yumiyukifan1 said:
Name: Usaia
Age: 16

Race of Yokai:

Faction: (good or evil) Evil....

Appearance: ( Description or picture) Pic

Background: It wasn't all Usaia's fault... It was a life and death choice, either she joins the rebellion against Yokai, or the rebellion kills her family. Sadly, she had to join the rebellion against her own kind... Usaia doesn't know where they held her family, but she loves them very most... The rebellion set her with many of the good Yokai so she can spy on the village... when the village was attacked, she fled with them, which was part of the rebellion's next plans.......

Powers: (at least 2)

Earth manipulation

Weaknesses: (at least 2)

The face of people suffering and the sound of it

View attachment 113257
Accepted! You can start posting!

Name || May Rin


Age || "Eighteen. Recently."

Race of Yokai || "I'm a Haru. Don't laugh. I know it doesn't exactly fit me but it's not like anyone can choose how they're born."

Faction || "I'm for the more pure things in life."

Background || "I'll tell you a couple things but the past in the past and should be left there! My family? They didn't want me. They looked down on me, treated me so strangely. I grow flowers for Christ sake! In what world is that bad? Well, they find it bad, so they through me out and I lived on my own for a while."

Power || "Well there's something I like about flowers. Mine are strong and unyielding. I can very well trap you if you're doing something I don't like! I can also grow flowers that um... how do I put it... chase people? They're like flower minions. I usually use those for some good fun, though the Venus Flytrap related ones have killer teeth! One more thing. Some of my flowers have fragrances that, while sweet, can cause some damage. Some make you sleepy, some make you sick, and some make you happy."

Weakness || "While I think I pack a good punch, I'm not exactly strong or quick. Maybe I can fight in a good fist fight, but bring out the weapons and I'm down for the count. Also, my flowers, they don't like fire... It's pretty self explanatory."​

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