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Fantasy The Wyrd of the Black Dogs | Lore



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The Wyrd of the Black Dogs


‘The king is dead. Long live the king!’

In the year of our Lord, 1325, his highness Edmon Reyard—Edmon the First—passed away at the hands of an unknown assassin. The court of the Duinar Empire, located in its capital Ironway, is now in shambles. Two princes, Edmon the Second and Half-Jon, fight for the right to rule; and all the while a third force, Frei the Malcontent, is amassing forces in the provincial south. Of the assassin, there is no hint and news, although some suspect the Chain had a hand in it. The Duinar Empire, once one of the mightiest empires of the continent of Eld, is slowly breaking apart. Civil war is on the horizon; decadence and hedonism is leeching money from the empire’s coffers; and corruption, violence and theft are on the rise. From outside the Empire, there are troubles brewing in the continent of Eld, in the Varian Republic and Dreadgloom. Everywhere people are turning their plowshares into swords. The time for peace is over.
Amidst the chaos in the capital arrives the Black Dogs: a professional mercenary company made up of misfits, outsiders and various other people from all over the continent and outside of it too. They have a long history of participating in small wars and skirmishes against the barbaric tribes of the Cantons. Now they are looking to make a buck from what is perhaps the biggest conflict to happen in the continent for decades. Will they succeed? Or are they digging their own graves? Only time will tell!

1. Factions and Organizations
2. Regions, Locations and Nations
3. Deities and Religions
4. Races
5. Technology, Culture and Other Notes
6. Flora and Fauna
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Factions and Organizations

The Duinar Empire

  • The Royalists. Supporters of Edmon the Second. The royalists are mostly composed of the old-world nobles of the Duinar Empire. They have deep roots and lineages, and seek to maintain the status quo. Edmon the Second is the only legitimate son of Edmon the First. The Second is known for being cruel, vicious and narcissistic; he has always pushed for expansionist policies. Currently they hold the most power in the Duinar court.
  • The Levellers. Supporters of Half-Jon: includes most of the new nobles of the Empire and the emerging merchant companies. They seek to change the structures of the nation and are partly influenced by the neighboring Varian Republic. Notably, Half-Jon is an illegitimate son of Edmon the First; his mother was an ambassador from the Varian Republic. Half-Jon is known for being easygoing and intelligent, although some circles consider him to be a timid leader. They have a hostile relationship with the Royalists.
  • The Separatists. Originating from the Annex, they are a secessionist group led by Frei the Malcontent, and is composed of a collection of city-states. They demand the separation of the south—the ‘Annex’—from the Empire, and are seemingly willing to fight for it. Not much is known about them, since they are still a nascent force, but Frei is reportedly a distant cousin of the Edmon family. His whereabouts are unknown.
  • The Chain. The Chain is the official religious institution of the Duinar Empire. Uniquely, they are not only responsible for the performance and observation of religious ceremonies, but also maintaining the legal system of the Empire. As a result of these dual responsibilities, the Chain is composed of two relatively independent branches, the Temple and the Anvil. They follow the deity of justice and law, Duin.
    • Temple. The clerical branch of the Chain. Their duties include the performance of religious ceremonies, and the sanctioning of religious mandates and interpretations. The Temple has recently been threatened by restrictions placed on their powers, especially by Edmon the First, which is why they are being suspected of having a hand in his assassination. They are easily recognizable through their white vestments—with red highlights—and the tonsure they wear. The Temple is led by the Archbishop, Salestine.
    • Anvil. The legal branch of the Chain. They field legal agents in the form of city judges and circuit judges. The former is usually permanently situated in a city, while the latter roam the outskirts of the Empire, meting out judgment according to the laws. The Anvil also function as a state military force under the Empire. They are recognized by their slate-gray overcoats, black cloaks and wide-brimmed hat. They are led by the Chancellor, Martial.
  • The Royal Guard. The official security and guards of the Emperor and their royal family. They have recently been put on hot water for their failure in preventing the assassination of the Emperor. Their leader, Guard Commander Augustine, has been punished and put under house arrest.
  • The Royal Academy. In spite of the name, the Academy is run independently from the Duinar government, although it was initially established as a state institution. It is headquartered in the capital of the country.
  • Welsel Trading Company. The largest trading company in the Duinar Empire, notable for having participated in several trade and exploration missions to the southern continent, Ars.

The Varian Republic

  • The Black Dogs. One of the largest mercenary companies in Eld. They have participated in tasks and missions throughout the country. They are known for having an unusual organizational structure, consisting of separate “divisions” which operate more or less in a decentralized manner until they receive specific missives from the headquarter. Aside from that, each “division” is also bound together by a code of laws. They are headquartered in the Varian Republic, in Black Mountain, where they have access to top-notch weaponry and Dwarven gear. They are currently led by the Arch-Commander Tanith.
  • The Varian State. The official government of the Varian Republic. Is noted for their exceptional diplomatic branch, although some also recommend their intelligence services. It is mostly led by a tense coalition of two parties: the Varian Magickal Society and the Mechanists.
    • The Musketeers. A special order of Varian troopers equipped with black powder muskets, the newest invention of the Varian Republic. Highly reputable.
    • The Order of Machines. The official engineering order and union of the Varian Republic.
  • The Mechanist Party. Represented by the image of a hammer and an anvil. They have a significant presence in the Varian society, and their policies concern technological development and usage. They are notable for disliking magic in all forms. A not insignificant percentage of the Mechanist party consists of dwarves and gnomes.
  • The Varian Magickal Society. The second largest political organization in the Varian Republic, represented by the image of an orb on a blue flag. They advocate for mages, the use of magic and its development. They are notable for disliking some of the mundane technological advances pushed by the Mechanists, such as electric light, which they believe threaten the development of magickal technology.
  • The Bluemark Adventuring Company. Colloquially referred to as Bluemark Adventurers. The largest competition to the Black Dogs. A mercenary company that is reputed for their contributions to exploration and their attempts at colonizing the West, frequently working with countries that border the West.
  • The School of Iunas. The official religious institution of the Varian Republic, centered around Iun, and also functions as the official state university of the country. They wield significant power and are noted for contributing to the culture of the Varian Republic. Due to the population of the dwarves in the country, the School of Iunas has a dedicated department of technology. As a result, the Varian Republic is widely understood to be the best country in terms of technology.

The Cantons

The Kingdom of Jul

  • The Red Drakes. An independent group centered around, and famed for, hunting creatures of the Cantons.
  • The Royal Chevalier Order. The national order of Julese fighting men and women, often associated with the Order of Julus, who they work with in tandem. They are known for their strict adherence to the Chevalier Code, adapted from the Code of Julus, and are responsible for the security of the country and other military operations.


The Irian Forests


The West

  • The Order of Thriken. A secretive institution based in the mountains of Jokir, split into three monasteries that worship three separate deities. The Order of Thriken fields operatives that work bounties and missions.
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Regions, Locations and Nations

  • The Duinar Peninsula. A peninsula that stretches out from south-east of Eld. It has access to favorable sea routes, and is named after Duin, the deity of justice.
    • The Duinar Empire. The largest nation in Eld, only rivalled by the Varian Republic. It has a long history, dating back to the ancient period—the “Shadowed Age”—and while the nation is a monarchy, it is also defined by its large, robust legal institution which guarantees rights to the common citizen, and does not abide by a system of serfdom.
    • Ironway. The capital of the Duinar Empire, home to the Iron Castle, where the Emperor holds their court. A decently sized city with impressive architecture and a good economy. The city is found in the south of the Empire.
    • The Royal Academy. The largest university in the Duinar Empire, located in the capital.
    • The Annex. A territory north-east of the Duinar Peninsula. While it is officially considered a part of the Duinar Empire, the territory was only very recently included, hence the name “Annex.” The territory is mostly ruled by a collection of semi-autonomous city-states. The Duinarian legal system has not yet been fully introduced to the area, leading to areas that are rife with crime, seditious thought and chaos.
    • Tanith River. A vast river that runs through the Empire, starting from the head of the Duinar Peninsula and leading through the Annex, the Kingdom of Jul and to the Cantons, connecting with its glacier pools. The river notably powers several important cities in the Empire, including Ironway and Ashcliff, and is used for transportation.
    • Duinith Delta. A complex delta that can be found at the very end of the Duinar Peninsula. It holds several important dock-towns which are used by the merchant companies of the country.
    • Ashcliff. The second largest city in the Empire, acting as a middle-point between Ironway and the Annex. While somewhat far from the trading hubs of the Duinith Delta, the city has access to the eastern shores of the peninsula, which gives them access to trading routes with the Irian Forests, the Julese and mining colonies in the Cantons. Contains the headquarters of the Welsel Trading Company.
    • The Iron Road. A vast network of roads largely developed by the Duinar Empire that stretches across the continent of Eld, passing through the Varian Republic and nations of Dreadgloom and Mithia. It serves as an important trade and traveling road.
    • Misty Lake. A small city in the Annex, near the borders of the Cantons and Jul. Unlike some other cities in the Annex, Misty Lake is directly administered by the Duinar government. It serves as an important resting place for people traveling to the Cantons or arriving from there, and also acts as a diplomatic meeting ground for people from the Kingdom of Jul.
  • The Varian Republic. A nation that lies to the north-west of the Duinar Peninsula. They are notable in being a republic, rather than a monarchy, and therefore ruled by an elected leader and a citizens council. Similar to the Duinar Empire, trade is an important part of the Varian Republic, though they are also distinguished by their culture and cultural production.
    • Black Mountain. A mountain that lies to the extreme north of the Varian Republic, straddling the border between Dreadgloom and the Varian Republic. It houses the headquarters of the Black Dogs.
    • The School of Iunas. The School of Iunas simultaneously serves as the largest university and the largest religious institution of the Varian Republic. Religious officials of the School of Iunas are known as “Schoolmen.” It also serves as the cultural center of the Varian Republic. It is situated in the Varian capital, Daruvan.
    • Daruvan. The capital of the Varian Republic, known for its ostentatious architecture and its famously snobby social circles. Houses the School of Iunas, the governmental palace of the Varian state and the councils chamber.
    • Ultima. A city close to Black Mountain. An important manufacturing hub of the Republic, and houses the majority of dwarves in the country.
    • The Round. The southern beaches of the Republic, known for its long span.
  • The Cantons. A wide stretch of mountains and hills that partially divide the south and north of Eld. It is to the north of the Duinar Empire, the Varian Republic and the Kingdom of Jul. It is populated by a variety of tribes, both human and non-human. Part of the reason why it has not been claimed by the larger nations is because of its harsh wilderness, extreme weather and the prevalence of large beasts in the region, including dragons and gryphons.
  • The Kingdom of Jul. A kingdom with a supposedly older history than any of the other nations in Eld. The name is derived from Julus, who is also the official deity of the nation. The kingdom is a very conservative monarchy, characterized by strict hierarchies and a system of serfdom, although it is also recognized for the quality of its swordsmen and chevaliers. The Kingdom lies to the north-east of the Duinar Empire, north of the Annex and south of the Cantons.
  • The Irian Forests. Large tracts of forested areas to the north-east of Eld, divided from the Duinar Empire, the Kingdom of Jul and the Varian Republic by the Cantons. It is home to a variety of different biomes and tribes, although the majority of the area is seemingly administered by the Irian Federation.
    • The Irian Federation. The largest “country” in the Irian Forests. It is an administration headed by the major tribes of the Irian Forests, although unofficially the Elvish tribes hold the most power. Mara-Far is the most popular deity in the Federation, largely due to being spread by the Elvish tribes. The country was created as a result of conflicts between the Irian tribes-people and the human nations.
    • Iria. The capital of the Irian Federation, which holds the federation council. Decisions are made by vote among the heads of the tribes. The “city” is peculiar for consisting almost entirely of tree-houses, including the council chamber.
  • Dreadgloom. A small country to the north and north-west of the Varian Republic. They are known for their necromantic guilds and their worship of Hood.
  • Mithia. A country that lies south-west of Dreadgloom, and west of the Varian Republic. They are known for their wizarding guilds and their worship of Thyr.
  • The West. A region, somewhat barren, populated with clusters of warring nations and tribes.
    • Jokir. Few know much of Jokir. It is a distant country in the far west of Eld. The nation is composed mostly of farms surrounding three cities: Wan, Mal, and Yor. The country is peaceful, mainly exporting the unique herbs and crops that grow in the soil—known for their healing properties. Most people who visit only see the cities and the closer farm lands, and they never question the lights coming from the mountain ranges that exist at the edges of the territory. At the peaks of these three peaks lies identical monasteries. No outsider has dwelt there—with the high elevation and elements killing any non Jokir—but within are the training grounds for the Order of Thriken.
  • Ars. The continent to the south of Eld. Somewhat unknown, and only frequented by explorers and merchants.
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Deities and Religions

  • Duin. The deity of justice and law, commonly referred to as “Father” or “Lord.” Duin is worshipped primarily in the Duinar Empire, and is associated with it. They are represented through the image of a sword crossed with a book. Their worshippers favor order, hierarchy and law above everything else.
  • Iunas. The deity of knowledge and intellect, commonly referred to as “Iun” or “Iunas.” Iunas is worshipped primarily in the Varian Republic, and is associated with it, although they are also worshipped by some sorcerers. They are represented through the image of an open book. Their worshippers are strong advocates for the pursuit of knowledge.
  • Julus. The deity of war and honor, mostly worshipped in the Kingdom of Jul, although it is widely associated with warriors of many different stripes. They are represented through a diagonal mace. Their worshippers are encouraged to follow the “Code of Julus” which, among other things, forbids breaking promise and harming innocents, and promotes dueling as a means of settling personal conflicts.
  • Thyr. The deity of magic. Primarily worshipped in Mithia. They are represented via the image of a staff ribboned with cloth. Although they are worshipped primarily in Mithia, followers of Thyr can be found all around Eld. Their followers advocate for the research and pursuit of magic.
  • Mara-Far. The deity of nature and peace. They are mostly worshipped by elves and are associated with the Irian Federation. They are represented through the image of a tree. Their followers, above all, advocate for peace and the preservation of nature.
  • Goldbloom. The deity of light, the sun and wealth. Commonly worshipped throughout Eld, though sometimes associated with the Varian Republic. Represented through the image of the sun. Their followers encourage the practice of exchange, trade and generosity.
  • Ifrit. The deity of fire. Worshipped throughout Eld but sometimes associated with Mithia. Ifrit is represented through an open flame. Their worshippers favor sacrifice and passion.
  • Hood. The elusive deity of death and spirits, almost only worshipped in Dreadgloom but invoked everywhere. Is often associated with acts of evil and death, but favorably perceived by people from Dreadgloom. Their followers encourage freedom and, oddly enough, protection of the weak.
  • The Inner Gods. Three deities exclusively worshipped in Jokir. One is a trickster god, known for his love of trading and gambling. The second is known for beauty and art, protecting the people and keeping peace. The third is simply known as the Weeping God of the Sun.
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  • Humans. The most common and most powerful species in Eld.
  • Dwarves. A short, squatty species, known for their smithing and inventive minds. Dwarven weapons and armors are prized everywhere. They are mostly concentrated in the Varian Republic, near Black Mountain.
    • Duers. A supposed ancestor to the common dwarves, however being somewhat taller, often approaching a human in height, and usually residing underground. Typically found in the Cantons, some parts of Dreadgloom and Mithia.
  • Elves. They tend to populate the forests and wilderness, and typically have a dislike for human cities. Their relationship with humans is tense, due to a series of minor conflicts initiated by human attempts at exploration and colonization. They look similar to humans, but tend to be taller, have long ears and a thin frame. They have a natural talent for magic, and can “sense” magic and magical affinity, making them popular candidates for teaching in wizardry schools.
    • Dark Elves. A more mysterious form of elves. They typically live in underground areas.
    • Pale Elves. Not much is known about them, since they inhabit the harshest and coldest regions of the great Cantons. They typically refrain from contact with other civilizations.
    • City Elves. Not very distinct from common elves, but they have lost some of the instinctual abilities of common elves such as the natural affinity for magic. They generally live in human territories and cities. Their ears are somewhat shorter, and they can be stockier than common elves. Also includes half-elves.
  • Beastfolk. A broad category of races who exhibit features of other animals. They are largely concentrated in the Cantons, though they inhabit other places too, such as the Irian Forests. They are an uncommon sight in most human cities. Depending on the race, they exhibit specific talents.
    • Lizardfolk. A category of beastfolks that exhibit features and qualities similar to lizards and reptiles. The most shunned of the beastfolk. They tend to prefer swampy, warm areas, and hence are found in the Irian Forests primarily. Often confused with Dragonfolk. They can spew acid from their mouths.
    • Dragonfolk. They exhibit features of dragons, and can live in many different areas without difficulty. They are different from Lizardfolk in that they are warm-blooded and spew fire instead of acid. Similar to Lizardfolk, they are also often shunned due to their radically inhumane features. In spite of their supposed lineage to dragons, they are not friendly with them.
    • Catfolk. Elusive creatures of the forests, known for their ability to see in the dark and their friendly nature. Sometimes found in human cities, but they are most common in the Irian Forests.
    • Bearfolk. Similar to Catfolk, although much more rare in human cities. Exhibits the abilities and features of bears, and are known for having strong bodies. Most commonly found in the Irian Forests.
  • Starfolk. Creatures of an unknown origin, said to have come from a fallen star. They made of a silicate structure, and possess great endurance, although they are very rarely seen, since they tend to keep to themselves. Typically found in the extreme west of Eld.
  • Gnomes. A species friendly to humans. They typically live in co-habitation with humans and are known for their particular talents in construction and mining. Though naturally weak and frail, their small, lithe statures are admired by many, and have earned them spots in sapping crews.
  • Orcs. A species much larger than humans, possessing greenish skin and a naturally tough body. Although they are noted to be aggressive, orcs come in various kinds. Sought after in military organizations, though they can be seen in intellectual circles too. They are most often found in the Irian Forests.
    • Deep Orcs. A cousin of Orcs who are mostly found underground. They are tougher, bigger and more reclusive than their cousins. Can be found living together with Dark Elves. Compared to their cousins, they have a dark, bluish hue to their skins.
  • Halflings. Often confused with gnomes. They differ in being marginally shorter than gnomes, and exchanging their slimness for a relatively thicker body. They are friendly with humans and often found in human cities.
  • Demons. Creatures from the extreme west. Comes in various shapes and sizes, although they tend to be tougher and stronger than most other creatures. Can exhibit a variety of features and abilities. They are seen with suspicion in most human cities, due to their unnatural appearance, although this depends. Can be found all over Eld, although concentrated in the extreme west.
  • Spirits. Including spirits who possess the body of ghouls, skeletons and other forms of matter. While they themselves are not tangible, they can make themselves tangible by “inhabiting” an object, with which they can interact with the physical world. They cannot “inhabit” living people. They exist in the “Cleft,” a celestial realm in between the lines of the ordinary world, and occasionally comes to the physical world either because of invitations or out of curiosity. While they can be found all over Eld, they are mostly only socially accepted in Dreadgloom.
  • Jokir-Ane. An elusive species that live in the region of Jokir. They possess unusually hirsute bodies—as protection against the cold—and typically have blue eyes. They are somewhat pale, completely lack the faculty for magic and are slightly taller than humans.
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Technology, Culture and Other Notes


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