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One x One The Wrong One


falling for you™
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Name] Atticus Blacksaint

Nicknames] TBA

[Age] 19 years old

Birthday] January 1

Gender] Male

Sexuality] Heterosexual

Personality] Atticus. Oh sweet sweet Atticus. Well that's what he likes you to think. This boy may seem charismatic, playful, bright, and intelligent, but looks are deceiving. Atticus is the typical 19 year old who just wants to have fun. Nobody really thinks that he's a troublemaker since he's the second oldest in the Blacksaint family. You see they pay attention to his older brother Nik, the man who is a big deal in the business world and seems to be the perfect heir. Because his older brother is this way, Atticus has had a cake life. So he lived one. He messed around, had fun with friends, dated rich pretty girls and had a carefree life. He's a bit irresponsible, but still has a good heart. But his fun carefree life was cut short when his older brother decided to take one big break from the family, shoving Atticus into the spotlight. He had to mature within days and had to show his parents that he wasn't a failure. He switched his contacts out for glasses, his muscle shirts and jeans for dress shirt and slacks. His messy beach hair became dyed a dark brown and was combed to look professional and business like. Goodbye fun times, hello boring times.

History] It was on January 1 around four in the morning that the second child of the Blacksaint family was born. A small child was Atticus with piercing blue eyes. Considered attractive by many, the boy was adored by many. As he grew up, Atticus was no longer the youngest, three being born after him. Though he was the second oldest, and his oldest brother Nik had all the responsibilities. Yes. He wasn't the heir of the business, nor was he going to be put into an arranged marriage. Instead Atticus lived however he wanted as long as he didn't get into trouble. But soon time passed and he noticed his brother getting a bit stressed out with his upcoming marriage, inheriting the company, etc. That's when Atticus got nervous. Soon enough his worst fears happened and Nik left on his twentieth birthday and was gone for a year. In that time span, Nik's fiance soon became Atticus' fiance. A very interesting turn of events.

Other] Atticus is now engaged to Eleanor Iskra


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Name] Carter Jennings

Nicknames] TBA

Age] 20 years old

Birthday] September 16

Gender] Female

Sexuality] Heterosexual

Personality] Carter is someone who has adventure built into her bones. Everything is exciting and she always wants to try new things. However due to her poor background, she could never do anything that involved money. This caused her to become very responsible and mature at a young age. Though it didn't change the fact that Carter was a free spirit that hated to be contained.

History] On September 16 in London, Carter was born. The black haired and blue eyes beauty wasn't born into a wealthy family, in fact her family was the exact opposite. Her father was someone who was always trying to get a decent job while her mother was a common house maid. While the three struggled with life, Carter helped her parents as soon as she could. She had many part time jobs to help pay the bills and soon the three moved from London. However Carter became easily homesick when she stumbled upon a rather well paying job. It was a job as a personal maid for an heiress of a company she had never heard of. When she was 18 she applied for the job and surprisingly got it. It was a good job and paid well. however Carter didn't see her family anymore and lived at the woman's house. During her time working for her, she ended up saving up enough money to go back to Europe for a small vacation and was actually allowed to do so as the woman had moved in with her fiance. So Carter took a break to go stay in Europe.

Other] TBA


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Nikolas Blacksaint





Nik is a very outgoing person; charismatic, quick with a joke, smart, leadership skills - much like his father’s, Elijah Blacksaint. He can make a friend quickly, like any good business owner and lawyer should, but raised in a family where the preferred sport is politics, Nik is blunt and stuck in a mindset where his values weigh most important. Cutthroat in the language of business, he won’t take no for an answer. Of course, that’s Nik’s business face - which he has to wear scaringly often - but under that, he really is an exceptional listener, quick with his smile. He loves friendly debates, often taking it easy on friends and others, since he is talented in it. He loves to help others; his family calls it his sensitive streak. Also he’s the biggest father figure to his sister, Valentine, since their father’s only true child is the business.


Firstborn to Lynne and Elijah Blacksaint, Nik is trailed by his brother, Atticus, the twins Lyle and Patrick, who’re seventeen, and the baby sister, Valentine, who’s nine. Born the heir to the exclusive Blacksaint Industries, Nik was raised to be confident and cutthroat - necessary skills to succeed and make a name for yourself. Nik graduated valedictorian of his high school class from his all-boys school, after having a zip social life, studying and shadowing his father, and trying to juggle his arranged marriage that he got roped into at fifteen. On his twentieth birthday, Nik left. Packed up and flew to his grandmother’s, in Vermont, before deciding to go backpacking in Europe with his best friend from high school. After the best year of his life, he returned home on his twenty-first birthday, ready to accept heirship and marriage, and, eventually, children. Nik was only really excited about the children part. He’d wanted to be a high school history or political science teacher, but wouldn’t dare risk a cutoff from his family.


Was engaged to Eleanor Iskra, a childhood friend who goes by her surname.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.8b3971276e22642b3a08fd635343a55b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106834" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.8b3971276e22642b3a08fd635343a55b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Eleanor Iskra

(Iskra, though past boyfriends have called her Ellie)




Iskra, and her twin brother Isaac, were born mid-April during a thunderstorm. The family has a saying: Iskra was born when lightning stuck outside the hospital, while Isaac was born when a rainbow graced the sky as a way to describe their personalities. Iskra can range from cool and blunt to bubbly and giggly. Normally, she’s a neutral soul: kind, happy to joke with a somewhat crude humor. But, the moment something goes wrong, or against her wishes, she can be a living hell.


Iskra, born Eleanor, worked her way to the top, to be the heir of her father’s company, an international shipping company, King’s Way. She battled her older brother, Isaac, for their father’s eyes and pride, when their mother, Jacky, passed away when the twins were seven. Immediately after, Iskra turned from being called Eleanor to being called by her surname. It was the best way to show that, in a significantly male-ran company, she could run with the biggest and baddest. At fourteen, the sole heiress to the company, beating out her brother, she was pushed into an arranged marriage with Nik Blacksaint, her father’s good friend. That hasn’t stopped Iskra from dating; her father was lax about how much she hung around the company, so Iskra had one or two serious boyfriends in her life. She broke all her relationships off after graduation, knowing she’d marry into the Blacksaints.


Previously engaged to Nik Blacksaint, it was broken off while Nik was off backpacking in Europe. She was then engaged to Atticus Blacksaint, Nik’s younger brother.



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