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[div class=heading]what happened?
Years ago, people on Earth predicted that a solar flare would wipe out the human race and leave the planet a barren wasteland.

At first nobody paid it any attention. Slowly though, things started to change. The weather became erratic, crops wouldn't grow properly anymore and draughts became one of the most prevalent problems all around the world. The predictions were coming true. Humans would soon cease to exist.

So, these same scientists that foresaw what would happen felt the need to take matters into their own hands when nobody bothered to listen. They made labs deep under the ground where they hoped the effects of the solar flare wouldn't reach them. They intended to gather newborns so they could run experiments and create a race of humans with special abilities that might help replenish the Earth after everything that happened, and repopulate it.

How would they give these newborns special abilities, you ask?

They called it 'Essences'. Essentially, they are small particles collected from planets and moons, even asteroids. The scientists even drew on particles from stars and the sun that had been collected hundreds of years ago. These Essences were the main ingredient in the serum that was injected into the chosen children.

And the choosing ceremony was certainly a rigorous one. Some children, if their body composition met the needs of the scientists, were taken by force away from their families. Some families gave their children up in exchange for money. Either way, in the end, the scientists only chose fourteen kids, for they didn't have any more Essence than that, and none of it could afford to be wasted.

Now grown up, these people, more commonly referred to as subjects or experiments, are all of what's left of the world apart from the main scientists and guards at the lab. They are done with most of their experimentation, but are still waiting to be sent up to the surface.

Nobody knows what they'll find there, since apparently, anyone who went up, never came back down, but whether these are rumours or not are unknown to the subjects. And another thing they don't know is that the scientists have one more test for them.

And this just might be the most twisted one of all.
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[div class=heading]the lore you need to know
the overseer : harrison lee
Harrison Lee is the mind behind this whole experiment. He was the one who proposed the idea of creating a human race and it was he who suggested using the collected particles from space as Essences. Nobody sees him except on a large screen when announcements are being made. He mainly oversees all the work, but that't it.

the commander : clementine lee
Clementine lee executes her older brother Harrison's orders. He oversees, and she makes things happen. She interacts with subjects directly and there isn't a person around who isn't either intimidated by her or willing to disobey her, because the consequences are usually dire.

white coats & black coats
The White and Black coats are those people that work in the facility. White coats are all the scientists and tech people, because they all wear white lab coats. Black coats don't actually wear coats, but they're always in black, and they usually are the security guards and the trainers.

wrist cuffs & units
Everyone gets a wrist cuff which is a slim metal band around people's right wrists. It acts as a watch, since curfews and meal timings are very strict, and it also has a unique code underneath which store each person's information, including units. Units are more or less the adopted monetary system in the facility, and can be used at the food hub, the lounge, the research centre and in each subject's room for purchasing clothes if they wish, or other necessities. Wrist cuffs are also needed for scanning to gain entry to any place in the facility. All the hallways have scanners and doors won't open unless you have clearance through your cuff. Certain areas are off limits to subjects, and can only be accessed by the cuffs worn by the White or Black coats.

During the day, subjects are free to wear what is in their closet (which is limited to plain t shirts, tracks, shorts and jeans, and all clothes have subject numbers and names that appear as soon as you put it on, so impersonation is impossible). During training, subjects must wear provided uniforms as they are specifically created to suit various powers. (Ex: suits are fire proof, so those with fire abilities/attacked by fire abilities won't be left without a costume after training). There is also a hospital gown that subjects need to wear while experimentation is taking place.

There are various odd jobs that people can participate in, in order to gain units. Everyone is required to take up at least one job, and should they not want to choose for themselves (or should job positions in their preferred field be full), a job will be assigned to them. Jobs have rotations. Every two weeks, people are required to take up different jobs. Once again, if they do not choose, a job will be assigned to them. Failure to carry out the assigned job can result in doing time in solitary. Jobs available and positions open include:
ยป Cook at the Food Hub
ยป Gardener
ยป Research Centre Assistant
ยป Waiter/Waitress at the Food Hub
ยป Janitor (0/2)
ยป Repairs for general appliances
ยป Grunt Work which is more or less moving items from storage to the labs

The labs are currently only accessible freely by the White coats. Subjects gain access only by being escorted by a White coat, and only for their experimentation or medical check ups, if required. The labs are filled with state of the art equipment, things nobody has ever seen before or thought could be an actual thing in the world they live in. Some methods are slightly more painful than others, for the subject drug trials, but they yield results.

Hallways connect to every room in the facility, and access to every room can only be gained through an individual's wrist cuff. The doors are electronically controlled, and there are CCTV cameras in every nook and cranny, to ensure that nothing goes past anyone's notice in the facility. It is very possible to get lost in the hallways, considering the fact that they all look the same, and people have no way of seeing what's beyond a door since they're metal doors, however every door has a signboard on top, telling you what room you're about to enter, and beside the door is a map, showing you where you are and where you would need to go if you arrived at the wrong destination. There is also an intercom to call on either the Black coats or White coats for help or emergencies.

residential wing
Accessed through one door, and leads to a corridor of rooms on either side. These are the living quarters for the subjects only, and rooms are in ascending order. Subjects are to live in the room that corresponds to their subject number. Sleeping in another room is prohibited, and should the Black coats find out by morning that this has been the case, then it could result in solitary.

Every room is identical, unless subjects have chosen to decorate it however they please. It consists of one queen sized bed, One desk and chair, and a closet that is controlled electronically. A hologram sits on the door of the closet, and subjects choose what they want to wear by flipping through the available options of what they already own. Additionally, the hologram can also be used to buy new clothes, if the subject has sufficient units for it.

The Lounge is a common room that can be accessed by all the subjects. It has couches for lazing around, a pool table, a foosball table, a wide screen TV with no cable but an ample amount of movies and shows loaded onto the system digitally, and the lounge also has the door that leads to the indoor swimming pool, which can only be accessed during daylight hours. The Lounge also has vending machines, for snacks and beverages, should you be willing to spare units on it. Additionally, the lounge has a closet full of board games.

research centre
The Research Centre is more or less like the library in the facility. It is often used by the White coats for research purposes, but subjects are encouraged to read as well, for there are a variety of genres available for reading. The Research Centre closes at nine each night, and opens at nine each morning.

the athletics centre
Though experimentation is no longer necessary except for certain occasions, subjects are still put through physical training and this takes place in The Athletics Centre. They must go during the allotted time (subjects are taken in by batches, and there are three batches), and additionally they can go there any other time they wish to, if they want to continue training on their own for practise. The Athletics Centre closes at nine in the night and is open by seven in the morning.

the gardens
The Gardens are mainly the place to grow crops that are used in either drug trials or food, as well as to provide additional oxygen. It's quite a large space in a temperature controlled room with specially made light to help the plants grow.

the great hall
The Great Hall is where most events take place, should there be any. If Harrison Lee feels like there is some need to celebrate, then it happens here. Similarly, if major announcements are to be made by Clementine Lee, subjects are all gathered here.

the food hub
The Food Hub is like the cafeteria, and is more or less tables placed in a neat order with seats bolted to the floor. Meal times are strict and food will not be served outside those times. Subjects are encouraged not to waste food, and there is usually a set menu that changes each day. Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian options are both available, and aside from two cooks among the subjects, there is a head chef appointed who also takes care of livestock and ensures that the kitchens are stocked.

Solitary is the place the nobody wants to be, but in cases of bad behaviour, or in case any rules have been broken, subjects will be taken to solitary without question. The duration of their stay depends on how bad they have behaved.
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[div class=heading]the subjects & classifications
Subjects are classified into three sections, depending on the number of powers they have as well as how good they are at controlling their abilities.

the ferus

Those classified into this section each have three powers that are somewhat interconnected. They are among the more volatile of the subjects since with more powers, they have a harder time controlling them.
SUBJECT #1 | The Essence of The Sun | SOLARIS
Powers : Gravity Manipulation, Light Manipulation & Thermal Manipulation
Thea Winchester : taken by ShadyAce ShadyAce

SUBJECT #2 | The Essence of The Moon | LUNA
Powers : Darkness Manipulation, Invisibility & Fog Generation
Oliver Lameta : taken by starboy. starboy.

SUBJECT #3 | The Essence of The Stars | ORION
Powers : Dreamwalking, Telepathy & Telekinesis
Penelope Finch : taken by @luna.

SUBJECT #4 | The Essence of The Asteroids | ACER
Powers : Superspeed, Forcefield Generation & Energy Attacks
Margo Capulet : Taken by nymphadora. nymphadora.

the lacertus

Those classified into this section each have two powers that are somewhat interconnected. They are slightly better at controlling their powers, but are also prone to a few slip ups every now and then, if not careful.
SUBJECT #5 | The Essence of Mercury | NOVA
Powers : Portal Generation & Flight
Diego Espinosa : Taken by nymphadora. nymphadora.

SUBJECT #6 | The Essence of Venus | AMARE
Powers : Empathy Manipulation & Illusion Generation
Daphne Nordheim : Taken by Feyrie Feyrie

SUBJECT #7 | The Essence of Earth | GAIA
Powers : Plant Manipulation & Earth Manipulation
Isadora Delacour : Taken by christy christy

SUBJECT #8 | The Essence of Mars | CADMAN
Powers : Enhanced Strength & Adoptive Muscle Memory
Mihaly Andris : Taken by ella ella

SUBJECT #9 | The Essence of Jupiter | VENTUS
Powers : Weather Manipulation & Air Manipulation
Harrison Finch : Taken by ShadyAce ShadyAce

SUBJECT #10 | The Essence of Saturn | CRONUS
Powers : Healing & Energy Adoption/Transference
Conan Bronte : Taken by chamomile chamomile

the laicus

Those classified into this section each have only one power. They are better than the rest when it comes to controlling their powers since they each have only one to control.
SUBJECT #11 | The Essence of Uranus | SCYLE
Powers : Sense Manipulation
Ezra Mattoon : Taken by sophie. sophie.

SUBJECT #12 | The Essence of Neptune | TRITON
Powers : Water Manipulation
Sun Xu Rong : Taken by chamomile chamomile

SUBJECT #13 | The Essence of Titan | ARDEN
Powers : Electricity Manipulation
Collin Andrisani : Taken by @luna.

SUBJECT #14 | The Essence of Charon | GRIMLOCK
Powers : Fire Manipulation
Aurora Bhamra : Taken by sophie. sophie.
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[div class=heading]current job roster

thea winchester [ ShadyAce ShadyAce ]
margo capulet [ nymphadora. nymphadora. ]


isadora delacour [ christy christy ]
mihaly andris [ ella ella ]

research centre assistants

diego espinosa [ nymphadora. nymphadora. ]
collin andrisani [ @luna. ]


daphne nordheim [ Feyrie Feyrie ]
aurora bhamra [ sophie. sophie. ]


sun xu rong [ chamomile chamomile ]
ezra mattoon [ sophie. sophie. ]


penelope finch [ @luna. ]
harrison finch [ ShadyAce ShadyAce ]

grunt workers

oliver lameta [ starboy. starboy. ]
conan bronte [ chamomile chamomile ] [/div][/div][/div]
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It's 8:00 AM. The alarm clock in everyone's room has gone off. This is something nobody can control, since it comes from a speaker in the wall. A voice can be heard, and it sounds all too familiar since it's the same message repeated each morning โ€” but this time, there's something a little different.

"Breakfast is served only for an hour, from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM. As soon as breakfast is done, report for your current month's job duties. Instead of working for two hours today, jobs will be cut short for a gathering to take place in the Great Hall by 10: 00 AM. If your work is finished sooner, you can use the time for recreation."

The crackling of the speakers can no longer be heard, but there's no time to question the sudden need for a gathering. It's time to get up and get ready and assemble in The Food Hub for breakfast. Only ones currently not in their rooms are the cooks and the waitresses for they wake up an hour early to prepare the food โ€” the waitresses often help out in the kitchen since cooking for fourteen needs more people on the job.

For the time being, have breakfast, do your jobs, or, in the case of cooks and waitresses, spend your time as you wish, but don't be late to the gathering. Commander Lee doesn't like tardiness.

tags: ShadyAce ShadyAce nymphadora. nymphadora. starboy. starboy. Feyrie Feyrie ella ella sophie. sophie. chamomile chamomile christy christy

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