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Realistic or Modern 世界武术学校 (The World's School of Martial Arts)

Kobe Nathan Wade

One Thousand Club
The world you know now is gone. Crumbled to ash and dust years ago. Mankind has forgotten all of it's progress, like it had thousands of times before in it's short existence. It destroyed itself time and time again. It's member's souls are reincarnated into their corporeal bodies in the millions until they learn the proper way to exist and can move on as a species. Until then they continue creating their cultures, starting their wars, and telling their tales. This is one such tale.

In the city of Níngjìng, in a land surrounded on all borders by mountains, was a Martial Arts School. This school accepted students from anywhere on the globe regardless of race, creed, religion, or ideology. So long as your beliefs do not prevent you from loving Martial Arts, and loving your Fellow Student. This school is so devoted to it's purpose, and famous for this, because it was founded by a world renown martial arts teacher, of course. Nu Fae-Bong, has studied just about every martial art one can study in the land in which we preside. This is not to say he is a master of all of them, but he can surely be called a master of martial arts. His only wish seems to be the teaching of martial arts to eager-to-learn students.

The World Around Us
The culture of the world I describe is very Asian in decent. This is not to say your character has to be from this land. What was once northern china is developed enough to have created a road system. It is very connected with the Eurasian super continent. Any semblance of what was one the nation of china, however, is mostly gone. Only vaguely Asian architecture and the Mandarin language remain. This land's technology is also very rudimentary. Steampunkish if you will. We have elevators, slow moving cars, tugboats, and a few wacky inventors here and there are talking about how to make a man fly. On the other side of this are the more naturally in-tuned side of society. These people spend much of their time as farmers and herbalists. They live off of the land with respect for tradition. These people have a strong sense of spiritualism and have developed an ability to get them through life efficiently. Chi control. In the middle of these two worlds lives Master Nu Fae-Bong.

Na Fae-Bong traveled the world in his younger years studying the ways of martial arts and the science man was just discovering. He is a hybrid spiritualist and inventor. He opened his school of martial arts in his home city of NingJing. As a public figure and local business owner he has helped to build the city into the bustling culture center it is today. It boasts many world famous festivals, restaurants, and even a university. He invites anyone in the world to his World's School of Martial Arts to learn and grow.

So this is a little bit of a weird read, I know. What I'm trying to do is have a sandbox-style semi-realistic Kung-Fu movie roleplay. The powers will be very minor, manifesting themselves in added strength and speed. Basically Chi will be what allows your character to jump up a flight of stairs and do a flying side kick from ten feet away. Technology will be very steampunk in nature. A few radios here and there, maybe a steam-powered jetpack. Your character is going to be a student at this Martial Arts school. I'm also using this rp to test a certain sort of system I'm trying to work the kinks out of. If you have any questions ask me below.

The System
So i'm planning this to work on sort of a rock-paper-scissors sort of way. You character will have three options for each skill. Take it in terms of martial arts, for example.

Martial arts can be divided into two halves. Standup, and Grappling. Standup martial arts are your standard Boxing, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, etc. Grappling can be the ground-based martial arts such as Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling, etc. These two can sometimes meet in the middle with martial arts such as Judo, which specializes in throwing your opponent to the ground while you remain standing. Martial arts like Muay Thai and Karate also incorporate trips to accomplish this same goal. Standup, however, can be separated further into boxing and kicking. Boxing uses primarily your hands. Tae Kwon Do uses primarily your legs. Some martial arts combine both, some specialize. A very good boxer's worst enemy is a very good grappler. If his takedown defense is horrible, however, he'll be on the ground within the minute. You can see where I'm going with this. It's a rock paper scissors game with lots of different elements. So here's what I propose.

Boxing: (1,2,3)
Kicking: (1,2,3)
Boxing Defense: (1,2,3)
Kicking Defense: (1,2,3)
Takedowns: (1,2,3)
Takedown Defense: (1,2,3)
Submissions/Joint manipulations: (1,2,3)
Ground and Pound: (1,2,3)
Pressure Points: (1,2,3)
Strength: (1,2,3)
Speed: (1,2,3)
Stamina: (1,2,3)

What you will do for your character is choose your strengths and weaknesses. A 1 is a weakness, 2 is an adept, and 3 is a strength. If your character tries a straight boxing match with someone with a 3 in boxing, and you have a 1 in boxing, you're going to get your ass beat plain and simple. If your character has spent all weak training boxing defense and take downs, however, they will trump the other character and get them on the ground. If your character is perfectly matched in all areas, however, it will basically come down to strength, speed, or stamina. I'm sure you can guess how those will play out. For the purposes of this role play your character may start off with one strength and two adepts. The rest must be weaknesses. Your character can then train at the school to turn up to half their stats to a strength. All others can only be adept at max. For this roleplay I would prefer people who have a working knowledge of martial arts, or at least martial arts movies, OR a willingness to learn. I hope you'll all find this interesting. If you just find my system interesting and would like to discuss the kinks in that I'd be happy to too.

2 people interested and I'll start the rp.
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Quite the idea you have here, I must say I love the world building element. However, I must ask if weapon based martial arts, such as HEMA or kenjutsu, would be allowed?
Quite the idea you have here, I must say I love the world building element. However, I must ask if weapon based martial arts, such as HEMA or kenjutsu, would be allowed?
I think it could be possible, however I think for simplicity's sake we keep it at hand to hand in the beginning. I'd definitely consider coming up with traits for weapon combat as our students grow.
Realistic/Modern - 世界武术学校 (The World's School of Martial Arts) CS
Here is the character sheet

Realistic/Modern - 世界武术学校 (The World's School of Martial Arts) OOC
Here is the OOC

Minyari Minyari You are absolutely welcome.
Hubub101 Hubub101
athereal athereal

Feel free to discuss ANYTHING you may want to add to the roleplay to make it more dynamic or make my system run smoother or more interesting in the OOC. I am completely open to suggestions. The story will mostly comprise of training and what master Bong will call "Field Trips" until I think we're ready for the main quest line which I will also take suggestions for. If you have any fun training ideas or situations you have from a video game of kung fu movie you like bring it up and we might do it. I'm trying to stress here that I want you to create this as much as I am.

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