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Sandra submitted a new role play:

The wold of the mysterious and unique. - Vampires to fallen angels, The world of the mysterious and the Unique has all. Are you one of them?


Humble Werewolves or Sick vampires and even to Human murderers who have resigned there job, are all in the world of the mysterious and unique. The world of the mysterious and unique is the name of a huge town. People with special abilities or race or even unique or mysterious personalities and backgrounds live there.But the most Biggest high school/college had been build together in the world of the...
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Palastina (first person)

I was greeting every kid who was coming through the entrance of the new school to the auditorium. When she had enough, she lazily got up on stage. "Welcome students! New and old! This new year is going to be great and.." I said this very boring speech and then i thanked the lord that it was my dad's time to go up on stage.


He introduced himself, he cracked a couple jokes during the presentation but nobody laughed, like always so ten minutes later he was done with his speech, "So enjoy mysterious and unique highschool and college, if you have any problems speak with me!" Kofi ran down the stage expecting a few dozen of new kids asking him questions, but mostly they all go to his sweet and devilish daughter.
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Xona sat formaly beside Kofi legs crossed and hands tapping the side of his knee impatiently. He wished for the coming year to begin already, this was always the most exciting time of the year when those from the past would return and those still unknown appear.

Xonas leather suspenders had been wearing into his shoulders and now hung off of them dangling on either side of his thighs.

He listened like each year to Palastinas rehearsed speech, and like every year he began to admire the growth he'd seen in her since she was young. Being a close companion with the Principle had its perks and seeing that little ray of sunshine was one of them.


Kai came to the school excited for the coming year, he flicked a strand of his unusually red bangs out of his eyes. At some point a white haired girl began to speak to them but Kai easily zoned out becoming lost in his thoughts. Unable to shake off his anxiousness.
Colt quietly listened to the speeches as he was in deep thought. This was his first year in this school. It was odd, knowing that he was probably one of the youngest people in the school by 100 or so years. Also knowing that there were so many demons around made him slightly uncomfortable, but he shook it off. Not every demon was bad, at least from his limited experience. As the speech ended and the students went their different ways-though most of them went to talk to the principle's daughter-Colt stayed in place, soaking it all in. "This is my life now..."
Aisha sat down with her brother Vincent as they heard the girls speech. Vincent was lazily gazing around trying to find something interesting, while Aisha on the other hand was listening patiently for her speech to finish. While waiting Vincent leaned over towards Aisha and whispered "Wanna sneak out through the back?" while tilting his head towards the back door. She kicked his knee which caused him to grunt slightly while rubbing his now sore knee. She leaned towards him and whispered back harshly "You are going to sit here and be respectful" as she turns her gaze back at the principle.

I answered many questions quickly, not really paying any attention, What caught my eye was a black haired boy with blue eyes just sitting there, he looked nervous. So i walked right over to him. " Hey! Welcome to The mysterious and unique high and college! You seem new also nervous, would you like to have a chat about the school? Or do you have questions? I am always open for questions!" I hated asking people this but every year, i have to so i had no choice. Also i was worried about a teen who had red bangs, but i'll go right to him after this kid.
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Xona looked over to his right staring at Kofi for a moment before smiling silently and turning back to the rather large group of students in front of them.

"Are you excited?" He sparked up a conversation,

"At all?"


Kai took a small breath looking around him to see the large arrangement of students he'd be attending classes with. Nymphs strutted down a path together smiling and laughing, as satyrs rammed into one another with hysterical laughter.

It was definiatly Unique this school.

"I am actually very excited, i can't wait for this year! Many new students have joined us and it will be a pleasure teaching them!" Kofi smiled at a student and then at Xona,
Aria groans softly as she smacks her hand into her alarm clock to shut it up then she got up out of her bed and she dressed out of her pajama's with a slight smirk and she went to go take a shower and after her shower, she went and got dressed into her nurse's outfit and grabbed her purse before heading outside.

She mumbles to herself as she walks to her car."Why does it have to be work today instead of having a day off."She smiled slightly at the thought of that then remembering she actually did have to go to work today made her frown again as she opened the door and got into her car, turning on the car by sticking and turning the keys in the ignition.
Aisha looked around at all the different students in the room and saw how many different species there were though she didn't have the courage to go up and talk to them. So instead she sat quietly and waited to see if anyone would approach her, while her brother got up ad left when the announcement was over.


Vincent walked around the corridors wondering what to do, he was really bored and didn't like being in big crowds. He walked to one of the back buildings and took out a cigar, lighting it and relaxed.
Xona smiled glad to see such an enthusiastic response from his surprisingly older friend. The thought made him sigh,

"I still don't understand how you look so young..." He breathed out shutting his eyes momentarily as he fixed his glasses in defeat. He remembered someone mistaking Xona for Kofis father when they had fine out for lunch. It totally ruined his mood.


Kai noticed a girl who seemed around his age waiting quietly as she observed those who would pass her. Seeing as he himself was bare of any companions he approached her quietly eyeing her pair of wings before taking a seat and extending out a hand

Aisha turned towards the boy with red hair sitting next to her and smiled shyly "Hi" she says and shook his hand. She wondered what species he was as she looked at him.
Kai rose a brow at the girls wandering eyes before sighing with a smile,

"Kai Florence, you?" He placed his hand down beside him the sight of the girls wing giving away her species instantly.
"Oh...sorry, I'm Aisha Kappel" she says shyly as she was never good with introducing herself to others "H-how are you?" she says in her attempt to start a conversation.
Kai continued to smile finding her nervousness amusing, and chuckled

"Aisha," he repeated with a nod as if he was approving the name.

"I'm just dandy, you?" He responded.
She smiled "I'm good too" she says as she nervously played with her green hair which she sometimes does out of habit.
Kai eyed her odd hair, yes his wasn't that normal but it still struck him as different.

"That's good to hear," he flicked a strand of his hair out of his face,

"So a Fairy?" He inquired.
Kai nodded in understanding,

"Reaper of souls.....dun dun dun.." He stated the last part over dramatically,

"Scary I know." He chuckled looking up into the sky.
Kai chuckled along with her,

"Aren't I? So, Aisha was it? Ya it was um....Any siblings attending this's school you?" He questioned with a raised brow.
Colt quickly snapped out of thought when he was approached by the principles daughter, who if he recalled was named Palastina. "No, i'm not nervous, just thinking is all." He wasn't much of a talker, so he wanted to get the conversation over with. Plus, if he knew anything about these type of people is that it was more of a formality than genuine curiosity. Still, He was curious about one thing. After a long pause, he spoke. "So, I'm assuming most people at this school have lived for a very long time, in human years at least, correct?" He still felt a little weird when thinking that he was so young in comparison to everyone else.
I noticed his expression and I looked in to his eyes, reading them like a book. "I see, I guess you don't like very long conversations!" I giggled a bit. " Well everyone who goes by human years are as old as you, i bet you're seventeen! I'm seventeen too." I smiled. "If you don't mind, may i ask you what species are you also your name and powers?" I gave a nice sweet smile, if the new students think i am so formal and nice they should think again, many seccond and third year students have been rumoring about me that when i am mad or irritated i can make someone faint just by staring them down. That's not true. Unless i go into full demon form.. I thought. I have a demon form when i want to show it, but i am a fallen angel all the time.
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