The World of Od


Salamancer, first class
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
(Character sheets are pretty different for this roleplay, just some basic info on your character. Pictures of Character, Weapons, Pets, Any other points of interest that might be difficult to explain with words. History is optional, as most of this roleplay is "make it up as you go", so you can always add stuff into the actual roleplay later on, though you should probably update your character profile as new info is added so that other players can keep track of what has happened. Magical powers are accepted, but please be reasonable, fair and creative. Using Nuclear Antimatter Disintegration Spells (NADs) are fun, but maybe not all the time on everyone you see. :3)

Character Name:

Race (there are many people, elves, orcs, trolls, monsters and other assorted entities living in the land of Od, of which variety are you?):

Description (Age, Height, Weight, Eyes, Hair, Etc. Pics are good):

Job/Class (If any: Warrior, Blacksmith, etc. These can change as often as your character does, just keep this updated as to what your character is doing currently):

Where do you live? (feel free to make up whatever town, forest, city, cave, village or street corner you wish):

Personality (Habits, Preferences, Dreams/Motivations):

Things you love:

Things you can't stand:

Equipment (anything your character has on them of importance, weapons, tools, other accoutrements):

Details (Anything else we need to know, if your character has magic, please explain what kind, in at least a little detail):

History (As it develops):

(Once your character has been accepted, feel free to jump into the RP just about anywhere your character fits :3 That's about it, happy adventuring :D )
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Character Name:

Furatt? (means "flutter" in japanese)


17 (I realize that she doesn't look that old, just imagine her older-looking, but still cute and sweet)



4'11" 95 pounds

Original design by Shotze on DA. It was an adopt, and I did buy her, so she is mine. Don't steal!



Where they live:

Deep in the forest.


Furatt? is a rather awkward girl at first. She tends to shy away from others and is painfully quiet at times when she first meets somebody. She also keeps her emotions to herself when it comes to new people. Her emotions are only shown to people she warms up to, which happens pretty quickly since she likes to make friends.

When Furatt? warms up to somebody, she is suddenly pretty bubbly. When she makes new friends she wants to take then to cool places she has found and takes then on little adventures. Furatt? can also become affectionate, often hugging people she knows well enough...or thinks she knows well enough. She might come off as clingy, but she's just very loyal really. She still doesn't talk that much, but at least she starts letting her emotions out.

Beneath her quiet, shyness is a surprisingly sassy young lady with a, at times, quick temper. If she is in a particularly bad mood she can be set off by little things. Later one, she might realize that she was wrong to get so mad and try to make up for it. But, if not, Furatt? can hold a grudge for a pretty long time and will stubbornly not talk to that specific person to avoid arguments...and because she just doesn't like them. She also gets upset pretty easily, so it's best to keep that in mind. She'll often give little looks to show her displeasure. Also, she hates it when people point out how small she is. She knows.

So, overall Furatt? is a sweet young lady once you get to know her. She'll take you on little adventures and be very loyal to you. But, she can have a quick temper is overly-sensitive at times.

Things you love:

Sweet foods, animals, adventure, cuddling (with a person she loves).

Things you can't stand:

Loud people, drama, ants, being bored, sometimes her bunny toy.


Bunny toy.


Furatt? is what I call a Butterfly Child. She can turn into a bunch of glowing butterflies that look like the one covering her eye in her normal form. She's also bisexual.

Here is her character page, which contains more pictures of her


Furatt? was not born to anybody. Instead, she was created by nature. So, she's sort of made up of magic. It does not seem like she has any great purpose. Furatt? is just sort of...there.

Anyways, Furatt? was raised by the animals of the forest. Her bunny toy (in the picture) has always been with her. It is like her guardian. It can speak to her mentally and nobody else. The bunny's expression also changes when nobody is watching. Furatt? also seems to be linked to it, so if she gets too far away from it she becomes sick and started freaking out.

Furatt?'s bunny toy may be her guardian, but that does not mean it's a good one. It often suggests risky, mischievous things for her to do (ex. messing with the bear), which often lead to Furatt? getting into some kind of trouble. It may also become jealous of any friends she makes and might try to discourage Furatt? from being friends with them. It's sort of a control freak really. Despite it all though, Furatt? still considers the toy her friend, but feels hate for it from time to time.

The girl has never left the forest. Her bunny toy told her about the monsters out there. But, Furatt? still longed to see what was beyond the trees. The rest will be developed through role-playing.

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Name: Kiran


She is a young gypsy woman of nineteen, and has known only the gypsy lifestyle for as long as she can remember. As she has always been outside for most of her life, she maintains a light tan and is quite physically fit. The young gypsy stands at about 5"7', and scars, scratches and bruises can be seen from her childhood and up to now. Though for the most part, she is able to hide these scars beneath her clothes, mainly hiding them because it was a bit off-putting for the people she entertained for money. In both ears she has a single silver hoop earring in both earlobes, and short, uneven brown hair. Her eyes are a dark grey, and she is rather observant of her surroundings.

Job/Class: She is a traveling gypsy, never staying in one place for long.

Where she Lives: The longest she's ever stayed in one place had been for about a week, so she has no permanent home to speak of. But she will usually set up a temporary camp site in a forest, or cave, whatever shelter is available to her at the moment.

Personality: At times she can be quite daring and straight forward, almost always speaking her mind unless she believes it is necessary to lie. For the most part she is quite friendly and easy to get along with, but she doesn't actually trust people very easily. While she may seem relaxed and laid back, the woman is always on guard and has an eye out for any sign of betrayal or trouble in general.

Habit: A light sleeper that can easily be awakened if someone were to simply call out her name. When she isn't entertaining, she will practice her ribbon dancing or her skills with the dual daggers which she keeps hidden within her skirt. (She does not carry a sword like in the picture)

Preference: For the most part, she prefers to travel alone, as she considers it safer. But now and again she does not mind having company as it does sometimes get boring, having no one to talk to. Kiran is also uncomfortable with the idea of staying in one place for very long, and will try to come up with an excuse of some sort if she finds it difficult to leave for one reason or another.

Dreams/Motivation: While it is true she can never comfortably stay in one place for very long, she still silently desires a sort of home that she may return to when she is done with traveling, or needs a break. A place that is safe, secure, and always has familiar faces waiting to greet her when she visits.

Things she loves: Kiran enjoys freshly baked anything, bread, desserts, whatever else can be baked in an oven or over a fire. She also likes when she is able to make a lot of money from one job alone, and having a good companion from time to time.

Things she can't Stand: Rich people whom always have their noses in the air and flaunt their money where ever they go and people who try to treat her as if she is lower or beneath them. She tends to get wary of magical items, and tries to avoid them when she can.

Equipment: She carries two dual daggers within her skirt, though she ends up using them to help her hunt rather then fight. Kiran also has two large, red ribbons which she uses for when she dances, though she can also use them like whips or to wrap around and grab something if need be.

Details: She is a regular human, gypsy woman. Kiran has no magical aspect to her, none of her items contain any hint of magic, and she cannot control or use magic in any sense.


Her mother was a gypsy, as was her father, and every other family member she ever met. Which wasn't very many to begin with, as they were always traveling and didn't travel for long in groups. It just wasn't safe, her mother would say, and in case of danger, it was easier to shake off and lose the enemy when you were in a smaller group. Most of the time it was just she, her mother, older brother and father as they traveled across the land. As a result, Kiran had seen and experienced many things that not all children got to experience when she was young. Of course, this also came with it's share of dangers, whether from falling from a tree, tumbling down a rocky passage, or simply proving she could fight as well as she could dance.

By the time she became old enough to be considered a woman, her family seemed to have dwindled into nothing. Her father had left to travel on his own, her brother left almost immediately after he became a man, and her mother fell to her death when simply trying to collect food. Of course this was quite a blow for her, but she made herself persevere, until she got to where she is today.
Ruythan the Coalworthy. (Od duck)

Age: 254

Gender: Male

Height: 5"

Race: Dwarf

Job: Miner

In the great city of Krathful, famous for its plentiful amber mines, lived a guild of spritely young dwarves called the AmberForgers. They were formed from the remnants of a previous guild called the StoneForgers who died after the great fossil wars of 1452. Not much is known of the AmberForgers apart from the fact that they can make beautiful sets of translucent, orange armour from the rare material Amber. Ruythan is the greatest miner of the guild, nicknamed the Coalworthy due to the fact that his armour, even though being made out of amber was always the same colour of Iron, or stone. The de-colouration is from the massive amounts of dust he produces as he smashes away at the rocks, almost detecting the amber even before he has seen it. Ruythan is jolly but fierce; nice to his friends but horrid to his enemies. Secretly deep down he wants to escape the shackles of the guild and make his way south, towards adventure and glory. Nothing is known about his family.

Abilities + Weapons and stuff.

  • Oresniffing (Detects ores and amber in a close vicinity, around 5m), Pain resilient (Very hard to injure due to the fact that he is a dwarf), Low light vision, Persuade, Armour + Weapon repair.
  • Battle-hammer (T'was his grandfathers)
  • Pickaxe (His guild gifted him this pickaxe, it is surprisingly sharp and light)
  • Pouch of sharp rocks (Rocks)
  • Powerful elvish slingshot (Given to him by a close friend)

Loves: Companionship, people who can make him feel less of a big hulking dwarf, and more of a kind, squishy dwarf.

Hates: Halflings.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befac7cba_images(1).jpg.c1b9f3cc25d5ea14e27e5c9d68eafaf2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15503" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befac7cba_images(1).jpg.c1b9f3cc25d5ea14e27e5c9d68eafaf2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befac9e4c_images(1).jpg.989a20f12323086aadda27880da3bdb4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15504" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befac9e4c_images(1).jpg.989a20f12323086aadda27880da3bdb4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character Name:

•Harper Malain


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.cc6f22a23db1e23a49f51b5e8f731a69.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15541" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.cc6f22a23db1e23a49f51b5e8f731a69.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

•A healthy 23-year-old human male with shocking silver hair and brown-green eyes. Slightly muscular, though not brawny, he is physically fit and in good traveling/fighting condition.


•Currently studying as a Silver Mage, a practicer of magic who records information on their surroundings to for future uses. He is enrolled in the Wizard's Tower University of Kingsdale's "Magic for Science" department, and is collecting information pieces for their Magical Flora, Fauna and Phenomena Archive.

Where they live:

•Traveling abroad, but owns a small cottage in Kingsdale, the second largest city in Westershire, apart from the capital of Broan.


•Harper has a tendency towards innocent kleptomania, picking up items and specimens to study and then becomes so absorbed in his work that he forgets to replace or dispose of them when he is finished. As such, the pockets of his robes are nearly always full of trinkets and leaves and things, though many have uses he discovers as he studies them.

•He prefers cool climates to hot ones, so he is constantly in forests or caves or other hidden out-of-the-way places, searching for objects of interest to study.

•Harper's lifelong dream has been to become a Head Silver Mage, Field Research and Analysis Specialist. He grew an insatiable love of learning as a young boy and is always constantly seeking out new founts of wisdom to tap and drain dry.

Things he loves:

•Books, scrolls, any other form of communication and translation of knowledge.

•A cup of strong tea. He carries a specially crafted cup and saucer designed for heavy travel, they are enchanted to keep liquids at the "just-right" temperature for drinking and enjoyment.

•Tavern Gossip. This is an unexpected means of research for Harper, but a liter mug of grog and gathering truth from the hearsay of a rowdy crew is sometimes as profitable as pouring hours over musty old tomes.

Things he can't stand:

•Know-it-all magicians, fortune-tellers, anyone attempting to make predictions or assumptions with no evidence or experimentation.

•Harper has a distinct fear and loathing for snakes and lizards, any reptile within eye-sight sends him into a cold sweat and he becomes very nervous and jumpy, sometimes to the point of violence if he is stressed enough. This was from an unfortunate exercise in class one day, where the teacher's transmitigation spell missed the rat she was supposed to transform, hit an enchanted looking glass on her desk and bounced off, hitting Harper and trapping him in the body of a skink for three weeks.

Frogs and salamanders are fine.

•Sourdough and Rye Bread


•Harper carries a collective of vials, scrolls, charms and an extra set of tweezers (just in case), all tucked in his cloak jacket, tunic pockets, or the small junking satchel on his back. He carries a thin, delicate, and very special sword named Angelique. Through it, he can direct and amplify his spells, like a wand, and well as defend himself physically if necessary.

Details: •Harper loves to travel with fellow discoverers, explorers and adventurers. His ability to analyze situations and find a quick or safe route to take is incredibly accurate. •Harper is learned in many different schools of magic, most of which are attune to helping him study his subjects. Spells of far-sight, small-sight, illumination, excavation minor, many other utility spells, all come pretty naturally to him, due his constant use of them.

As for Magical attacks or defenses, well, let's just say that he is practicing them very hard.

History: As the son of one of the Head Mages of Broan, Harper was expected to rise to a position of high political power and and prestige. But he always got distracted and caught in the details, and spent more time studying the line of ants on his desk rather than the line of text in his book. Still, he made passable grades, and graduated close to the top of his class. Due to the stress between his father and himself for not conforming to his destined role, Harper left his city and his family, exiling himself to a life of permanent field study. He eventually settled into a village suburb of Kingsdale, but soon grew tired of the quiet life, so he transformed his house into his laboratory, and set his pack on his back once again to search for objects of study once again. 
A note to all Odians: Since Od is so large, it seems a shame to cluster all of these fine characters in one area. So, feel free to team up with a friend and have them play the environment for whatever area you want to discover, maybe repay the favor for them for a few quests. If you can't find anyone, just ask me, I'm always glad to play a little Environment. It's open world and playing alone isn't all that fun, so feel free to colonize, explore, adventure, as long as everyone is having fun with it, anything goes. :D



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Character Name: Tekkan Faerwen

Description: he's 25, although he looks more like 20. He stands at six feet tall, with a medium-slim build. His eyes are deep blue, set into a handsome face, with dark brown hair. He wears robes of white and gold, kept magically clean, and also with some armour set into them.

Job/Class (Warrior, Blacksmith, etc.(These can change as often as your character does, just keep this updated as to what your character is doing currently): Sorcerer, he is studying to further his skills in vivomancy, which is essentially the direct opposite of necromancy, in which he can cast light to do whatever he needs, such as cut at or bind an enemy, or more mundane tasks, such as grabbing things from further away, or allowing him to leap much further than usual. He can also use it to heal himself and others, fixing up wounds and curing diseases. The light he bends can even be bent around him, making him invisible.

Where they live: the great city of Ishvael, home to some of the world's greatest sorcerers. It was there he was born and raised, studying under the great Borsal, one of the greatest sorcerers to ever live. It's quite close to a fairly large forest, as well as a lot of caves in the great mountain ranges very close by, which offer it protection from certain directions. He often travels, though, to document the world and

Personality : He has a highly curious mind, willing to try things out, although this can also make him reckless, ready to try anything and rush into a fight with little in the way of planning. He's a bit of an Od duck.

Things you love: discovering new things

Things you can't stand: Tight spaces. He feels too confined. Same goes for inactivity.

Equipment: His clothes give him boosted capabilities, and he can form weapons with his light.

Details : nothing else really

History : Well, he was born and raised in Ishvael, and studied under the great sorcerer Borsal. When he was 20, he had completed his apprenticeship with Borsal, and so went on to study and research things by himself, often preferring to get out and find things rather than look through a dusty library for days.
While Harper is out a-wandering, I was planning on making a several more Characters and Locations. Don't worry, he will be back eventually, but I thought the RP was getting clogged up in one tiny area, and people were kind of running out of content :/ my goal is to get this world as big and with as much variety as big as possible, so feel free to make as many characters as you want, as many cities, dungeons, castles, creatures. Play as a dragon or a halfling, a time-traveling ogre or a stay-at-home imp, a plant-woman or a lizard-man, this is Od, anything goes. :)

-Much regards and things,

Stickdom ( ^_^ )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/pixie_fox_adopt_auction__open__by_lunaradopts-d7fyb2g.png.ca89fd5f7bbbd90bf7818820e087f577.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17519" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/pixie_fox_adopt_auction__open__by_lunaradopts-d7fyb2g.png.ca89fd5f7bbbd90bf7818820e087f577.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Both pictures and design by LunarEden/LunarAdopts on DA. I bought her, so she is mine. Don't steal!

Character Name:

Emilia "Emi" Vixen


Emi is 5'2" and weighs 108 pounds. She is 9



Where they live:

In the city of Trackle, a trading city on the coastline of the Gull Sea


Emilia is a very friendly young woman with a mischievious nature. She enjoys being around people and talks quite a lot. She can also be described as hyperactive, always fluttering about and sometimes messing with people purposely to annoy them. Not all the time though. Emi enjoys her job because it allows her to travel long distances at time. Chickadee also really likes food. She'll eat anything and everything. It's a miracle that she isn't fat yet.

Things you love:

Flying, traveling, salty and sweet foods, spicy food, food im general.

Things you can't stand:

Not having food, lonliness, boredom, standing still.


Messenger bag, dagger (only for defense)




Emilia was born to a female pixie and a male fox shifter. Because her mother's family was a long line of messengers, Emilia ended up being one too. She began working at the age of ten, at first just delivering things to neighbors. Then, she started to deliver things to neighboring cities at 13. Now at 19 she is deliverung things cross-country and even to places beyond Od. Though, it's a bit harder now because of the injuries to her wings, which happened in an archery accident. An arrow shot through both of them at the same time, and even though they still work for flying, they often hurt.



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Character Name:


Race: Ancient Dryad


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.cdb80cfa677c495fa163719d2aa0d844.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15931" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.cdb80cfa677c495fa163719d2aa0d844.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rectra'an is ancient, he could not tell you his age if he tried, he lost count centuries ago. He is one of The Wose of the West, the few oldest creatures in Osterin Forest. The tree his spirit usually inhabits is a willow, lithe and flexible, yet strong and stout, that he twists and forms into his own shape. He seems to lack almost all sense organs, eyes, ears, mouth, but his sight comes from the spirit within, not the tree itself, his hearing carried on the wind in his branches, his speech creaking from the depths of his trunk.

Job/Class: A Warden of the Wood

Where he lives:The depths of the Osterin Forest

Personality (Habits, Preferences, Dreams/Motivations): Rectra'an is a quiet soul, calm and unshakable. His actions are typically slow, though his mind seems not to be. He tells stories of nature, tales from when the mighty maples and oaks were just seedlings. Yet, when there is a threat to the forest or the beasts that live therein, he gains a new spark of life, lumbering into a fearsome charge, ploughing his foes with a mighty bough, or causing the vines to overtake and constrict them.

This gentle giant is not to be feared by those who respect the woods, and the life that flows within it, but pray you do not cross him, for the might of the wilds themselves is his weapon.

Things he loves:

•Standing by the stream, his roots in the laughing waters.

•Springtime, when the flowers are all abloom.

•Caring for the life of the forest.

Things he can't stand:

•Fire, the eater of the forest, destroyer of the woods.

•Any creature who dares defile the natural balance of life.


Equipment: None, unless he has taken the form of a fruit or nut tree, in which case he often grows fruit for any of his woodland friends, animal or human, elf or troll.


•Knows some ancient Dryadic magic, able to cause plants to grow and flourish, able to use as defenses or weapons.

•Can send his spirit from tree to tree, but his soul is too large to send into any smaller plants.

•Cannot truly die, as he has no permanent body. If the tree he is inhabiting is destroyed, his spirit may fall into a coma, sometimes for a very long time, but will eventually be reawakened into a nearby tree.

History: Rectra'an's exact history would span many enormous books, but many centuries of his life can be summed up as "protecting the forests of Osterin."



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Character Name:

"Well, I'm Andro Genis, at your service."

-Andrea Genis, my god, get your name right!-


"Human as human could be my good sir...lady...madam.....sire?"


"Now I stand at towering five foot ten inches. I do try to keep my body healthy for all my adventures and do believe I have made quite the nice tan working in the fields of my dad, my uncle and my cousin simultaneously. I AM A MAN!"


-This is what she sees in her head. It is a shame how she desperately wants to emulate her brother.-



"Me. I am a renowned swordsman."

-No, she's not, she's just a daydreamer-

Where do you live?

"Hah! Have you heard of the villa of the great Pollock clan? I was an adopted son of theirs since I showed much promise. Most of them even said I had a natural talent for the arcane."

-No, she just lived in alley that next to a rundown general store called "Pollock's"-


"Me? Why I'm the most patient man there is. I am the embodiment of humility. I do like to speak with other people. I share my thoughts regardless of anything. I am honest. I am quite skilled at many things. I am curious. I am prepared. I seek knowledge. I know that being better is a never ending challenge. I love challenges. I am a man who values actions over words."

-You also have the ability to over exaggerate everything, I don't even know where to start correcting you, you gullible coward.-

Things you love:

"Well I love to fight. I love to stand against injustice and protect the meek. I love to eat food. I love helping others in need. I love people. I love you. I love me. I love that guy over there glaring at me. Hi Mister Glaring Man!"

-Yeah aside from loving to eat food, everything is just wrong. You're shaking in your boots because that man has been glaring at your for quite some time already.-

Things you can't stand:

"I can't stand injustice. I can't stand discrimination. I can't stand liars. I really really can't stand evil. I can't stand good people being idle. I can't stand lazy people. I can't stand those who just don't know how to work hard."

-Yeah you just can't stand yourself can you?-

Equipment (anything your character has on them of importance, weapons, tools, other accoutrements):

"I have this sword, I pulled out of a stone in a the middle of desert shrine. This amulet from the gods protects me from all evil. The very clothes I'm wearing are enchanted to protect me from physical harm. This belt gives me a giant's strength. These boots make me faster than the wind."

-Yeah all of them are replicas she looted from the store of a particularly old, deaf, blind man. Well the clothes are really hers, not that she's ever changed them since the beginning of her "journey"-


-No please don't ask that- too late-

"Why I slew the beast of arghhhh. I felled the dragon of Cearnabog. I fought the Kraken of Undinia. I am the paramour of the princess of the land Staerlindt. I am the exiled king of the kingdom of T'wanda. I braved the underworld for treasures and a damsel in distress. I..."

*2 hours later*

"...and that was how I slew the demon lord that threatened my home."

-Well none of that really happened. She just likes to run her mouth off and pretend to be characters in the books she's read.-


"Hmm I was born to the great archon of T'wanda. I was to be king and my god I became king. Did you know...."

-My god please, stop with the questions. At this rate she isn't going to shut up. The basic rundown you need to know is that she was chased out of her alley home in the city Lorebrun and now makes a living wandering the land. I swear it is a miracle she hasn't died yet. I am rather worried that she overexerts herself trying to get out of her brother's shadow. Who am I? Why I'm just a spirit passing by, I am definitely not Andro Genis, her older brother.-

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Character Name: Kitaru

Nickname: Kit

Race: Fox Ixchelian – Humanoid animal hybrids possessing hints of elemental magic

Description: Kit appears like a very strange 15 year old girl, despite being 134 years old. She has two large fox ears perched upon her wild mane of soft green hair and bright emerald eyes. Her skin is tanned from years under the sun with freckles spotting along her cheeks, nose all the way down to her shoulders. Matching her hair she also has a very fluffy green tail (that has a mind of its own at times). She stand at 5’4”, 5’8” if you include her ears, has a slim build usually concealed in oversized well worn clothes. Her usual outfit is an oversized short sleeved green shirt, brown soft hooded short cloak that covers down to her hips, light brown shorts that cut off at the knee. From her knee down are digigrade looking more like fox legs than human, covered in green fur and tipped with black claws. Her hands also have claws though she tends to keep them a bit shorter.

Job/Class: Traveling Herbalist

Where do you live: Kit does not remember her place of origin because it was so very long ago. Instead she travels the world of Od with her very large backpack of secrets.

Personality: Kit is very strange and unpredictable. She goes where ever the wind takes her and has a very childish mentality which is why people often mistake her for being a kid. She acts on a whim and does what ever seems most “fun” at the time. The one constant is that she absolutely loves to learn. If there a new skill, talent. Myth, legend or practice she does not know about she wants to learn about it and not much can stop her. She’ll even go as far as to stalk her “mentor” jus to observe and learn. Some would consider her a jack of all trades (master of none) because of her vast library of knowledge. Kit is a visual learner and does best when observing someone else perform the skill rather than have it explained. Although she knows of many skills sometimes not very good at it, despite this she continues trying anyway until she has some success. While she knows a bit about everything her passion, aside from knowledge, is herbs and potions. The other study she likes to dabble in is Alchemy. Kit is adventurous, optimistic, childish and some times annoying but she has a good heart and a fierce tempter when angered. She is also very protective over those who she considers friends.

Things you love: Travelling, Learning, Books, Plants, Friends

Things you can't stand: Loud noises, strong smells, the cold, being confined/ trapped

Equipment: Kit has collected a wide collection of odds and ends from weapons to books to small artifacts. Her biggest asset is her Backpack, a large seemingly worn out bag with multiple pockets and zippers. The trick to the bag is its ability to store anything that will fit through the openings. The back pack its self is bigger than she is and yet weighs very little. She her self have used it for shelter by jumping inside it. Sometimes exiting in a different place than she remembers.

Details: Kit has an inherent magic ability to produce and control fire. She can only make small fire balls the size of her hand that aren’t very strong. She often uses it to light campfires or as a source of light in dark caves. She also has a small pet red fox that often lives in the hood of her cloak.

History (As it develops): Kit has traveled all her life from what she can remember. She’s learned many things and been many places taking small mementos from each place she visits. She’s collected any plant she sees in her travels cataloging it in her “Big Book of Plants” as well as their effects and uses. She’s experimented with hundreds of different concoctions and had mixed results. She doesn’t stay long where ever she stops only a few days at most before moving on again.
Character Name: Drake Fanrus

Race (there are many people, elves, orcs, trolls, monsters and other assorted entities living in the land of Od, of which variety are you?): Half human half elf

Description (Age, Height, Weight, Eyes, Hair, Etc. Pics are good): Age: 27 Height 5"11' Weight: 178

Job/Class (If any: Warrior, Blacksmith, etc. These can change as often as your character does, just keep this updated as to what your character is doing currently): sell sword/ odd job worker

Where do you live? (feel free to make up whatever town, forest, city, cave, village or street corner you wish): nomadic, but his home base in krathful.

Personality (Habits, Preferences, Dreams/Motivations): He has a habit of helping people, if they got the coin for it. But depending on the situation he has been to know to do things for free. He prefers dwarf ale to anything. He dreams of one day running a band of mercs and sell swords for profit.

Things you love: The sound of money clanging together. He loves killing for money, and doesn't mind getting blood on him, in fact he loves it. He also loves the forge, and crafting his weapons.

Things you can't stand: the sound of money being taken away. His weapon breaking. And of course people in tunics, and trolls.

Equipment (anything your character has on them of importance, weapons, tools, other accoutrements): Iron armour in the pic, the axe and two smaller swords in the pic. a hammer for crafting and tongs. Matches to light a fire, and bags to hold all the money that he gets, till he can get home.

Details (Anything else we need to know): He keeps a picture of his dead daughter.

History (As it develops): Drake lived in krathful all his life. He was born in the house that his parents lived in. They were merchants, and would sell anything if it could make them a profit. They even tried to sell drake once. That's where his love of money came from. He remembers the time that his father came home one day after being burned from the governor of the town.

Drake would be taught in hoe to buy and sell, along with haggling. It was something that his parents wanted for him to know. It was only a matter of time till he would work in there shop, and they wanted to make sure that he knew how to haggle and buy and sell. But drake was more rebellious, and began to fight.

He would learn things like crafting, and how to fight with two small swords, and a battle axe. He would meet the love of his life while on the job. They married after a few years and had a daughter. The love of his life died during child birth. His daughter would remind him of his dead wife. But something tragic was about to happen.

One day when he came home from working at his parents shop. He found someone had broken into his house and took his daughter. It was easy to tell, they didn't take anything, but you could tell that there was a struggle that happened in the entry way of the house. He vowed that he would find her if it was the last thing that he did.

He found her. She was being sold to some wealth merchant to some other town. He was hired to protect the buyer while they went to a meeting. He was wearing a mask when he saw here. He called out her name. He killed everyone in his way to her. After the guards, he killed the guy who hired him, then it was onto the seller. To make drake angry, he stabbed his daughter, and left her to die.

He remembers how warm her blood was. She died in his arms, and he could do nothing to save her. After a year of searching for the bastard that killed his daughter, the trail went cold. He still search for her to this day.

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Character name:

Blondie Casteel


2'5 5.1 pounds She is 400 years old she is a fairy



Where they live:

In a small Castel in the woods of Dorkenshire, not far from Trackle


Very sweet and innoccent. Kind and gentle, loyal. She is a nail bitter, only when her father gets angry though. She is very caring about others . She would do anything for anyone. She gets into trouble alot because of her curiousity. She is an animal lover and also a dragon lover. She is a very lovable thing, after all she is a fairy. And she is an Odduck

Things she loves:

trying out her magic, Animals, Love, Dragons, people, humans, curiousity.

Things she can't stand:

Being alone, her father, evil dragons (get over yourself! She thinks), curiousity, her magic (sometimes), her tower.




her father is an evil king who keeps her locked up in a tower, btu she escaps everynight because of her curiousity. But she always gets caught! Every morning!


Living in a tower all day long is very boring to her and she often watches humans pass by her, them not even knowing she is there, and she screams out for help. But she is so small they never hear her. Even some of the other fairies who are much biger then her pass by. No one can hear her. She has always lived up in a tower, and she hates it very much. Her mother died at child birth. Her father has been a hateful man ever since. He wants nothing to do with Blondie. Blondie is alway curious about things and always wants to figure out what they are. Her curiousity is her worst habit. Blondie has always had this power to make people fall in love her, not in deep love but in a friend love. People who meet her instantly like her. Of course this magic doesn't work on all creatures like other faries. But on every other creature it works of course lately she has had some difficulities in getting her magic to work. And she doesn't know why. She has the fear that she has become ill with a fairy virus, that will cause her to lose her powers completely.



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Character Name:Brother Marcian

Race: Orc

Description: 28, 100kg, 7ft 3inch


Where do you live?:Drifter depends on the kindness of the faithfull

Personality (Habits, Preferences, Dreams/Motivations): What you would expect a monk to be kind, generous, advising humorous, with a strong moral code . Being an orc he is prone to fits of rage but manages to control them most of the time but pray you are not around when he can't. Overall he is a good soul who is trying help when he can as he was raised to do.

Things you love:The occasional good wine, traveling, helping, training/

Things you can't stand:Magic, being ostracizes of being an orc, fighting for the sake of fighting, injustice

Equipment (anything your character has on them of importance, weapons, tools, other accoutrements): Prayer beads, quarterstaff, knuckle duster. add to his costume a brown monks robe.

Details (Anything else we need to know):He is the classic martial artist monk

History (As it develops):It is unusual for an orc to walk freely and peacefully throughout the country of Westershire, it is even stranger still for that orc to be a Monk of Lacedaemon. The orcs of Od are what you expect, an assortment of warring tribes in the harsh deserts of the Madera, normally they stay out of other races affairs but every so often a war chief rises calls for crusade against other races. The eventual wars are long and bloody but often ends with the warchief being killed and the orcs scattering. Of course they are not well liked by the general public.

In contrast, the order of Lacedaemon are revered and respected , the monks follow the teaching of the prophet who is the orders namesake. The largest of many religious orders in the lands, they emphasize spiritual enlightenment through discipline through training in unarmed combat and being a positive change in the world rather then an enclosed life of reflection and prayer. A monk wandering through the streets helping those in need, through anything from a kind word and advice to an application of there fist to an offending evil. For there service there is unwritten law that a monk of Lacedaemon is guaranteed free food and board in any inn, though it is not always applies but even then there is bond to be a faithfully who accepts them in there home. The have a deep hatred of magic, believing power is corruption and unholy and magic is power made manifest.

How an orc found his way to the orders monastery in the snowy mountains of High Madea and was accepted in the order is unknown and is an non stop source of trouble for Marcian. Often met with suspicion and daggers, he takes it all in his stride and often proves himself worthy of his monks robe.
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Character Name: Laika Kareen (Od Duck)

Race: Elven werewolf

Description: (I don't use Deviant Art and I don't really feel comfortable just taking pictures off google, so I'll just describe her, sorry!) Laika is short in elven form, only about 5 foot, with shoulder length silver hair. She is slender at around 50kg and graceful, but physically weak, depending on her wolf form to do any fighting for her. Her eyes are a golden colour, and her ears are typically pointed. Her direwolf form has the same weight and length, with short silver fur and a long bushy tail. Her eyes are the same colour in elven form as they are in wolf form. She is still slender and graceful, but considerably more lethal in this form.

Job/Class: Co-owner of The Green Dragon, along with her twin brother, Fenri.

Where do you live: The Green Dragon (An inn in central Kingsdale, serving as dormitories and a pub for students who can't quite afford the high prices set by most of the local universities, mundane and magical alike.)

Personality: Laika is quite arrogant and condescending, although not always on purpose. She truly believes herself to be unique and special, and she hates the fact that Fenri is exactly the same as her. She is the least likeable of the two, and often doesn't understand why. Laika finds herself to be a friendly loveable person, although she admits that she is quite reckless. She is constantly dreaming of finding adventure and becoming rich and famous throughout the land of Od. Some of her better qualities are that she is very determined and despite her shortcomings, she is loyal to her brother and her sparse friends, back in Canterbury, and she does have good intentions.

Things you love: Adventure, being better than Fenri, earning money, excitement, surprisingly reading, map making.

Things you can't stand: People being better than her, being called short, responsibility, arrogant people, people in distress.

Equipment: Nothing

Details: Can turn into a direwolf, which are larger than average wolves, being about 5 foot in length and with a stockier build. When agitated, she has little to no control over her form, often shifting dramatically.

History: Fenri and Laika's mother and father were both elven werewolves, leaving them as pure blood werewolves themselves. Nothing is known of their parents apart from vague dreams from time to time. For as far back as they can remember, they have been taken care of by the old couple who ran The Green Dragon before they died, Sarah and Kathryn. Both women being unable to conceive, they were planning on adopting a child, when they found the 3 year old twins on the outskirts of the city. They took them in and for the past 16 years had been taking care of them, until last year when they decided to leave and go travelling. They left all their belongings to the twins, as well as The Green Dragon which they now co-own, although Laika has little to do with the daily running, preferring to go wandering in the forest.

(Will post Fenri's character soon!) 
Character Name: Fenri Kareen (Od Duck)

Race: Elven werewolf

Description: Fenri is aesthetically very different to Laika, with long red hair and greeny blue eyes. He is tall, exactly 1 foot taller than Laika at 6 foot, and has a muscular build, preferring to keep himself in shape. His wolf form is much the same, with shaggy red-russet fur and the same colour eyes.

Job/Class: Co-owner of The Green Dragon.

Where do you live: The Green Dragon

Personality: Fenri has a stable personality compared to his sister. He prefers to sit and run the inn, although he doesn't have much choice in that, and is usually a calm and friendly person, acting as agony uncle to some of the inns young residents, although Laika manages to get under his skin quite easily. He despises being reliant on other people, including his direwolf form, which, as he grew older, he identified with less and less. Consequently, he prefers to fight using weapons, such as his trusty bow, or his sword in a tight spot. He trains regularly, which may be a reason why he manages to keep calm so much of the time. He doesn't enjoy wandering far from home, and has a tendency to mother people. He has had to learn first aid from the many times Laika has come home with scratches and bruises. Despite how his sister infuriates him, he cares deeply for her, and is incredibly loyal and protective of her. He doesn't like being alone and enjoys other people's company, whether it be a student telling him their worries or a world-weary traveler stopping for a rest.

Things you love: Stability, helping others, Laika, running the inn, reading, drawing, training

Things you can't stand: Laika, people teasing/being bigoted, arrogant people, ungrateful people, being dependent on others, his direwolf form

Equipment: Green bow and arrows, medical kit, 1 handed short sword

Details: Can turn into a direwolf, which are larger than average wolves, being about 5 foot in length and of a stockier build. Because Fenri is larger, he has a larger wolf form. Has good control over his wolf form, although he can't help from shifting when enraged or scared.

History: Fenri and Laika's mother and father were both elven werewolves, leaving them as pure blood werewolves themselves. Nothing is known of their parents apart from vague dreams from time to time. For as far back as they can remember, they have been taken care of by the old couple who ran The Green Dragon before they died, Sarah and Kathryn. Both women being unable to conceive, they were planning on adopting a child, when they found the 3 year old twins on the outskirts of the city. They took them in and for the past 16 years had been taking care of them, until last year when they decided to leave and go travelling. They left all their belongings to the twins, as well as The Green Dragon which they now co-own, although Fenri tends to do most of the work around the inn, occasionally having to hire help with cleaning and/or cooking
Character Name: Xerno Validifer

Race: Magus Ascendant



Job/Class :Artificier mostly(someone who makes artifacts)

Where do you live?: He likes to travel, so he doesn't have anything to call as a home

Personality: He is pretty tolerable to be with, sometimes going on suicide errands just for the heck of it. He is very good with children.

Things you love: He likes the color blue, cookies, lightning and sometimes, blue cookie lightning

Things you can't stand:Snakes.

Equipment: In order to enchant anything longterm he usually needs to carve runes, as such he carries a small knife and a chisel. He also carries around a blue crystal staff.

Details: He creates artifacts for a living, if needed, he can channel raw magic to break apart or repair anything but preffers to use concussive blasts and lightning. He also made his magic blue. His eyes can see what binds things together, be it rope or something conceptual as friendship.

History: Xerno was just an ordinary mage, practicing magical arts for the betterment of humanity. One day, he realized that he needed to increase his capacity for magics and such, created an artifact. But during the enchantment he accidentaly poured to much, making him ascend. He is now ageless and made of pure magic. The people, fearing his power, drove him away. Over time, the same people experienced a drought, Xerno, having compassion, returned and gave them an enchanted bucket that will lead them to water. Xerno realized that as he is now, he can help more people and started to travel.

Od duck: quack quack
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Character Name: Azalik

Race : Plant person/ Flower folk / One of the forest / Clearblood. Sentient plants that roam the forest. They bloom and live for 4 years. They live to please and praise the oldest trees in the forest. They are a simple race with no culture, no borders and no war. Many adventures speak of them as kind and warm encounters while on their journey.

Description : Age 6 months, height 7', 160 lbs.

Job/Class : Dancer / Wanderer

Where do you live?: Forest

Personality : Wishes to dance before all of the ancient ones in the world forest. To ease the suffering of the forest life, through dance and song.

Things you love: Dance, wind, sun, life, nature,the forest.

Things you can't stand: Cities, mean people, death, and fire.

Equipment : Just her clothes, a small dagger and ribbon.

Details : She has the powers that all of her kind possess, the heal and regenerate quickly. The Flower folk are also master healers. They never go hungry only requiring sunlight and nutrient water.

History: Born in the forest, this Clearblood dancer travels through the different woods dancing for the trees.
Character Name: Saruka Himedono

Race: A Simean, an odd race of peoples similar to apes, but with much more intelligence and wisdom, and sometimes skill in magical power.

Description: Twenty years old, she is short for her race, at only 5 foot 10inches, while some of the larger Simeans can reach 8 feet tall on maturity, and she is 60kg (about 133 pounds). Bright green eyes flecked with gold, these are large and almost slit-shaped, like a cat's. Her hair is cut short in the front, her bangs tucked to the sides, long hair is a sign of strength and wisdom in Simean society, so she wears the rest of her hair in an enormous braid that she typically wraps around her neck like a scarf. Her tail is long and covered in very short, soft fur, like much of the rest of her body, but the fur tends to be too short to notice.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/sun_wukong_by_blkmatrx-d5992wb-EDIT2.jpg.f47d5c203e08b829894eda41a5b5bf80.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16061" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/sun_wukong_by_blkmatrx-d5992wb-EDIT2.jpg.f47d5c203e08b829894eda41a5b5bf80.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Job/Class: Student of Martial Arts and Nature Energies.

Where do you live?: Lived in Agulpa Pass since childhood, now lives in Kingsdale to study her arts.

Personality: Saruka is a quiet child, but very headstrong and can be quite stubborn sometimes. Her greatest dream is to be a legendary Spirit Guardian, like her ancestor, Sune Gokong. She takes her studies seriously, though in her free time, she loves to hang out and mess around with her friends at the Martial Academy of Ancient Arts where she attends classes.

She loves many different kinds of food, but she prefers spicy and exotic the best. She can often been seen eating a Lizard's Fire fruit while she is studying or training, as these grew around the valley where she was raised, and they remind her of home.

Things you love: Training and studying, Lizard's Fire-flavored anything, her close friends.

Things you can't stand: Losing at anything, anyone who looks at her like an animal, people who give up.

Equipment: The traditional Simean Snake Staff is her favorite weapon, it tends to have a personality, though not intelligence, of its own. It can be stiff and straight or flexible like a snake, grow up to 5 meters (15 feet) in length and 1/2 meter (1-1/2 feet) in diameter, or shrink down to the size of a pencil, depending on how she wishes to be. It is linked with her inner energies, so it will only respond when she wields it, anyone else who dares to meddle with it will be painfully paralyzed unless she gives them permission to do so. She also owns an heirloom artifact known as "Gokong's Smile", an enchanted mask that allows her to access a little of her ancestor's life-energy, giving her increased speed and power, but at the risk of possibly losing control and not being able to revert herself to normal until she is totally exhausted.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.964c4056b9f34e23e45dffdb85a52e20.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16065" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.964c4056b9f34e23e45dffdb85a52e20.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Details: As the daughter of a Simean royal bloodline, she has inherited their Spirit Energy, not technically a magic, as it has no mystic power source, but comes directly from the user's will and life-force. With this Spiritual Energy, Saruka has so far learned to:

- Control her Snake Staff.

-Perform minor transformations. able to make herself into something else for a short while, e.g. A rabbit or a snake, etc. This can also be used to create a clone of herself made from her Spirit Energy, it can do anything Saruka can, and is under her control, but a strong blow will cause it to be destroyed back into Energies.

-Harness a basic amount of Elemental energies, though there are many more techniques to learn:

~~>Air: Can create a small cloud that can either be ridden on, used as an attack, or a defensive wall.

~~>Fire: Can create sparks with snaps of the fingers. Combined with the Air cloud, can make small fireballs.

~~>Water: Can make her cloud rain drops of pure water, good for drinking, putting out fires, or for using as tiny water bullets as an attack.

~~>Earth: Can harden her skin with a rock-like shell, as well as summon small boulders from the ground to use.

-She is currently working on her Shi Energy abilities to become invisible and to dispell evil spirits.

History: Born the third of the daughters to Kwong Zhu, Monkey Chief of the Adulpa Valley, Saruka was not heralded as an heir to the throne. She did all she could to gain her father's respect, but he seemed to prefer his eldest daughter and her upbringing as the next in line to the Royal House. Saruka took this as a sign of her father's displeasure in her, and she became rebellious against him. As well as her practices as a maiden of royal blood, she trained twice as hard in her martial arts. She became skilled in her clan's form of Spirit Energy, Shi, and mastered her snake staff at a very young age. Despite all of this, her father dismissed her as a troublesome child, and when she came of age, she left her home in the Valley to seek training elsewhere. She entered into the Kingsdale Martial Academy of Ancient Arts, and has been there ever since. Now, she looks for other training outside of her normal classes as well as working a job as a bodyguard-for-hire to traveling merchants and nobles.



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Young, little Clover in her childhood days, dreaming of travelling this world, perhaps.


Clover, with Snow, her wolf companion and a little dash of travels, experience, maturity, and magic.

"I wonder why you wish to know of this; Od duck."

Character Name | Clover Faye

"A few people call me nicknames like Clo. But that select few are the ones whom I allow to."

Race | She's a human. As in, an ordinary, human. Well maybe, not that ordinary.

"I find it special and somehow entertaining, how irregular species would look down and underestimate humans like me."

Description | Clover is around twenty-two years old, though at times she seems younger, or more mature than she looks, depending on whoever sees her. She is about 5'9 feet, complimenting with her slender body. Her pale, blonde hair that reaches to her waist and deep, emerald eyes, are simply unmissable.

Job/Class | Leader of Ethereal Union/ alchemist, sorceress, adventurer and traveler of sorts

"Ethereal Union is a worldwide guild that consists of different clans and families, practitioners of magic, one in the way of nature and harmony. It originated in Motley, Westershire, tens and hundreds of generations past. The first-ever main headquarters was in Motley as well. It was once called the Ethereal Circle, at a time when this guild was only consisted of five members. It was also a whole lot more unorganized and violent, too. I am glad that a few ancestors have fixed this.

Since that time, until now, and perhaps the end of time, we have not fallen, for we support no violence and damage. Only creation and mending.We exist to protect each other and anyone else in need. Most of the time, we connect with nature and bring peace to everyone and everything. It is not so difficult to spot anybody who belongs in this guild with the several runes that embedded on their skin and clothing, and their pieces of clothing that is similar to mine and each other's. Since the sudden disappearing of my parents, I have moved on to their place and now temporarily leads the guild."

Where do you live? | A traveler like her is bound to no home, but is greatly welcome in her (immortal) great grandmother's home in Ishvael, her parents' mansion in Broan, and all guild facilities that are stationed countrywide and worldwide.

Personality | She's the kind of girl who wouldn't hesitate to voice out her thoughts frankly, no matter how offensive it may seem to someone. But as far as she's concerned, she's polite and respectful enough to not actually add negativity in her statements. Although it might not seem like it, there are people she trusts and cares for enough to earn her full attention and protection, but it just isn't that obvious. She bears no grudge or hate against others, and perhaps never will. Clover is quite a keen and wise girl, but never fails to follow her heart and instincts first. She believes that she would rather trust and regret, rather than doubt and regret. No one really knows how to anger her, and she's not sure if this is a good thing or not. Also, she barely cares about what people's opinions are, if they're just about her.

Preferences | She prefers things to be wholly neat and organized than messy, unpleasant areas/ places, to the point that she just finds herself cleaning others' tables or houses. Sometimes, she also prefers being with animals and creatures more than people.

Dreams | All she wishes is to make their guild grow so that more people would be reached out to and helped. Well, figuring out where her parents are is an exception. And she has been thinking about setting up this kind of shop... but that's at the back of her mind still.

Motivations | Her family, friends, and her guild; they're who inspire and motivate her to not just exist but to live.

Things you love | her guild, the feeling of safety and comfort, achievements, the color green, nature, new things and people, people who actually understand her

Things you can't stand | violence, great burdens, heavy items carried in travel, weapons that aren't magical, death

Equipment | Nothing much, but her magical items (see them all at the second image above), and small, throwable, sharp weapons that she barely uses.

Details | As mentioned earlier, she practices magics, especially alchemy and sorcery, and continues to hone her skills and learn a whole lot more while travelling.

History | "I prefer not to talk about this."

I heard this was optional. I'll let it all out in the roleplay, if that's all right. c:

But I'll probably get something up if I get enough inspiration. :3
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Richter June



Currently looking for a job, he wants to be an inventor


He is very wild and creative. He always says what's on his mind and can make up stories on the spot. Given the right materials he can make anything, even if it's not needed he will make it.

He loves his little sister, and his little sister loves him. He loves to work with his hands and brain

He hates anyone who makes his sister cry, he also hates people who think they're helping but make things worse, and ultimately breaks and ruins what he's working on.

He always carries on him a bag of tools, his gloves and his goggles.

When he was about 18 he wanted to go to kingsdale to try and make a living with his inventions. Then he found that his sister followed him along with her stuffed elephant and favorite blanket.


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Jeni June



Little sister


She can be easily scared but is still so curious. She is very playful and wouldn't hurt a fly

She looks up to her big brother like a father almost and depends on him for a lot of things. She loves her stuffed elephant Esmerelda and carries it around everywhere with her.

She hates scary things, the dark, scary people

Her elephant and blanket

Her parents were sailors so they were always out of the house, when she heard her brother was leaving she didn't want to be left alone in the house while her parents traveled, so she followed after him.



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Are you still acepting members? If so.... ^.^

Character Name: Ali

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ali.jpg.e963eafc1f8348fe2c0354c3619ca46e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20844" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ali.jpg.e963eafc1f8348fe2c0354c3619ca46e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

od duck

Race : Doll (A human created by magic. Does not physically age. Becomes ill easier due to being 'unnatural' with ocassional defects after creation.)

Description : Has the appearance of a young girl in her late teens (17-18), 5'3", light blue eyes, light brown hair, fair complected

Job/Class : none yet

Where do you live?: She does not really have a home. She has just come to existence in the forest. That is where she first wakes up and her life begins.

Personality : Ali is a very curious young lady and enjoys exploring. This inlcudes getting to see things she has never seen before. she has a love for animals and plants. She tends to forget that she probably shouldnt touch everything she finds though. She sometimes has a hard time communicating with people due to the fact that she has always been alone. She wishes to figure out where she came from.

Things you love: new things, nature, being helpful

Things you can't stand: confusion, crowds, the dark

Equipment : A dark purple cloak she found as she woke with the name Ali stiched into it.

History (As it develops): was created through magic in the forest by a lonely widow who wished for a daughter to keep her company. At first it had seemed that her attempt had failed and so she left. Little did she know, the type of magic she was using took time. In her disappointment she forgot her cloak and left it behind in the clearing.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0950885_landofodclothes.jpg.d96b9af087c55fa938fea8f345621c29.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16124" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0950885_landofodclothes.jpg.d96b9af087c55fa938fea8f345621c29.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Lizzy ('Last names are overrated')

Gender: Female

Age: 15-19 (She doesn't keep track really)

Species: Shape shifter

Shapes: Human, Dragon, Wolf, Falcon, maine coon(cat), fox

Powers: (I hope i'm not accused of powerplay because of these...) Fire, Strength(About that of a grown man), unable to feel most pain

Apperance: Her human shape is basically a girl (See the picture) that stands around 5'4 and has a thin, almost lanky frame. Also has dark purple eyes.

Animal Apperance: All her shapes are in some shade of gray/black and have dark purple eyes. And the Dragon is a species I created and is practically made to kill, it would be wise to avoid it.

Likes: Alcohal (Even though shes too young), winning, having control, being lazy... etc.

Dislikes:Loosing, being told what to do, making physical contact with people(Like cuddling/hugging), crowds.

Personality: Lizzy is basically a stubborn brat. However, if not given a reason to act like a brat, she will likely be quite kind though later on she will deny it.

Extra: Because of her lab-experiments she is made to fight well, though actually dislikes fighting, though she'd be happy to argue! Lizzy is also trained in wilderness-medical-skills. 

Lizzy said:
Name: Lizzy ('Last names are overrated')
Gender: Female

Age: 15-19 (She doesn't keep track really)

Species: Shape shifter

Shapes: Human, Wolf, Falcon, maine coon(cat), fox, dragon(Rarely used)

Powers: (I hope i'm not accused of powerplay because of these...) Fire, Strength(About that of a grown man), unable to feel most pain

Apperance: Her human shape is basically a girl (See the picture) that stands around 5'4 and has a thin, almost lanky frame. Also has dark purple eyes.

Animal Apperance: All her shapes are in some shade of gray/black and have dark purple eyes. And the Dragon is a species I created and is practically made to kill, it would be wise to avoid it.

Likes: Alcohal (Even though shes too young), winning, having control, being lazy... etc.

Dislikes:Loosing, being told what to do, making physical contact with people(Like cuddling/hugging), crowds.

Personality: Lizzy is basically a stubborn brat. However, if not given a reason to act like a brat, she will likely be quite kind though later on she will deny it.

Extra: Because of her lab-experiments she is made to fight well, though actually dislikes fighting, though she'd be happy to argue! Lizzy is also trained in some wilderness-medical-skills.

When she was around the age of 14 she was caught in a hurricane and eventually drifted out to sea on a small log. A boat found her near the coast of their country and she gladly took the possible help, though when she blacked out of exhaustion moments later she awoke in an experiment lab hours later. There is where she was given her powers. Though months later she escaped thanks to the granted powers. The fire however wasn't given from the lab.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf096bacd_LizzytheShifter.PNG.50674d76c6c7d6610aa10024839538e2.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16126" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf096bacd_LizzytheShifter.PNG.50674d76c6c7d6610aa10024839538e2.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Character Name: Aoi

Race: Half Human/Void

Desription:(Sorry I'll just describe him) Aoi an assassin of the Crescent Blue Moon he is 18 Years old With a Raven black hair and he's height is about 5"9.His Eyes are Sky Blue and he always wear is Blue Scarf.

Job/Class:One of the great assassins of the Crescent Blue Moon also a Tactician.

Where he lives:A Ruined Mansion Near a River

Personality:He is Quiet and Serious if in a mission A little Happy when hanging out with friends he is also Insomniac and Has A habit of Correcting people he gets comfortable when he is with his friends

Things he loves:Salty foods,Friends,When something is successful or right

Things he can't stand:Creepy Dolls,Really Spicy Foods, Hurting his friends,Something goes Wrong,Misunderstanding

Equipment:Dagger of the Blue Moon

Throwing Knives

Traps (Any Traps)

Details:Aoi Has Void Magic a Magic that can have any forms but made of Void

History:Aoi has a Human Father and a Void Mother who lived a peaceful life together when 8 years later Aoi's Town was attacked by some Empire from an unknown country while his Father and Mother tried to fight them off but they died in a gruesome death he fled at the forest and found a town where the Crescent Blue Moon assassins are and the reason he joined the Crescent Blue Moon is for Revenge.

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