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Fandom The World Could Use More Heroes (Overwatch Rp)


Can you believe what they've done to you?
Greetings and salutations! If you're here, that must mean that you're looking for the same thing I am: a good Overwatch rp. Honestly, I have been in love with this game since I started playing a couple years back. I fell off in playing because I just got tired of going against aim-botters and the like. But I still love the story and the lore behind it all. That's what compelled me to make this thread: to see if I can find someone with similar tastes.

About Me
I am a female of 21+ years in the Central time zone with a score of years under my belt for roleplaying (where are my AOL rpers at?). I would consider myself lazy to semi-lit, in terms of writing style. I can write both male and female characters, though I tend to lean more towards females for Overwatch. I work from home, but my job is a little slow right now. If things pick up, I'll be sure to give a head's up warning in advance (if I get advance notice).

Ideal Partner
-18+ (I cannot stress this enough. OVER 18 ONLY, PLEASE!)

-Lazy to Semi lit, multi-paragraph, third person: I post multiple paragraphs and expect the same from my partner. Give me something to work with. One liners aren't really all that fun and make the story stagnant and boring. Because that's what we're creating: stories. On that note, I prefer to write in third person, past tense. I will sometimes write (for myself) in first person for little things, but for roleplay purposes, I prefer third person.

-Spelling and grammar: English is my first language but sometimes, my writing doesn't reflect that. Mainly because I either type too fast or don't pay attention to what I type out. Usually, spellcheck catches spelling mistakes, but little things still get by. I don't expect perfection, but I do expect some semblance of structure. Something that will make sense, at least.

-Doubling: (REQUIRED) Simple enough. You write someone for me and I'll write someone for you. I'm looking for OCxCanon, but I'll also do CanonxCanon (depending on the pairing)

-Pairings: They tend to go in this order- MxF, MxM, FxF. For my half, ninety-nine percent of the time, it's going to be MxF (whether I play a male or female character). For my partner's half, I can do any of the above.

-Triggers: Abuse, heavy gore, alcohol/drug abuse are no go. I can totally get behind some gore and even alcohol/drug use (if the story calls for it). I would also say that mental health issues, if played correctly, are fine, but please, nothing too heavy. I have my own health problems and use rp as a means to escape it. If it gets to be too heavy or starts to affect me, I will drop.

-Genres: Drama, romance, action, adventure, comedy. Throw it all together in a mixing pot and you have a recipe for disaster. With that said, I love it all. I love the whole "I love this person but I'm scared to tell". I love "we should probably run". I love characters that don't take things seriously. Give me a bit of it all. Don't make it all just one thing, please.

-My characters: They are mine to control, mine to do with what I will. Granted, I can understand some scenarios, where someone has to be dragged away (and please, if it comes to that, let me know). But don't control my people. Don't suddenly decide "oh, this one dies/gets gravely injured/etc" without consulting me. In general? Character deaths are a no go.

-Not a rule, but a "did you really read this?" sort of thing: what song are you currently into at the moment? It doesn't have to be anything current or even playing on the radio at the moment. I'm a music junky and would like to know what kind of music other people are into. So please let me know when you DM me

NOW, the fun part. Simple enough, I'm looking for a Hanzo, a McCree/Cassidy, a Genji or any combination of those three for my OC. A polyship would be absolutely DIVINE but any one of the boys would be beautiful, as well. I'm open to playing any kind of relationship for my partner, including a polyship. In addition, I'm completely open to the following CanonxCanon relationships (bold underlined is my preferred character):

D.VaxLúcio (I can play either for this)
MeixZarya (I've seen a lot of fanart for this...just adorable)
MeixJunkrat (Can we just talk about how cute this one is?)
MercyxPharah (Because yes)
MercyxGenji (Only if Genji is not being played for my character)
SigmaxMoira (A 'wtf' pairing, if there ever was one)
Soldier:76xReaper (I can play either for this one, too)

Information for my character can be found over here: Kitsune
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Back, after being away (unexpectedly), with another casual *bump*

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