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Fandom The Wolf Among Us, Life is Strange and More Fandoms!


One Time Luck
Hello! Call me Queenie. I am on the hunt for Fandom RPs - I am mostly open to FxM or MxM pairings, but I am also craving RPs that focus on more familial/platonic relationships in fandom. Just like how ao3 functions, I will mark ship pairings with an x and platonic relationships with an & so it’s clear what the focus of the relationship will be. I will also highlight in bold the characters I am interested in writing as. I put an * in the text when I designate an AU idea

I am open to FxM and MxM RPs, so just assume when I am recommending for example, an Original Character against a male Canon, that doesn’t strictly mean that I necessarily want to only play a Female. I am willing and craving roleplaying as Male Original Characters - the RP also 100% doesn’t need to revolve around shipping, but I still expect my writing partner to be capable of handling sensitive topics which are canon to the lore of the media we are exploring- I also have been requested to RP fandom settings with only original characters and no canon characters supporting - in my eyes, this defeats the whole purpose and fun of fandom RPs! Don’t you want the challenge of writing already established Canons and their relationship to each other, the original characters and any alternate scenarios they may encounter? But I digress!

As for general rules - I expect my partner to be literate and capable of multiple paragraphs. I also expect some good back and forth convo establishing likes and limits, as well as generally contributing to ideas. Sometimes I am busy/have low energy, please be patient if I’ve not responded in a number of days, you’re fully allowed to bump me and remind me of a commitment I have to an RP. I am also more comfortable when my writing partner is 18+.

As a note, I enjoy writing neurodivergent characters, but it’s not 100% necessary, just a preference I have for particular traits if you’re up for including that sort of thing. I will be updating this list as I add fandoms - I especially like to add shows/books etc which don’t necessarily have popular fandoms, so we will see what else I include here.

The Wolf Among Us
Bigby Wolf x OC * (super craving!)

Sam Uley x OC *
Carlisle Cullen x OC

Harry Potter/Hogwarts Legacy
Remus Lupin x OC
Ominis Gaunt x OC *

Life Is Strange
• Have no ideas for ships, but I’m willing to RP as an OC, Max or as Warren. Could also be convinced to write a kidnapping scenario with Mark Jefferson, for any of these characters as a Canon AU where it’s drawn out a bit longer.

The Wolf Among Us
Bigby Wolf x OC

Once Upon A Time

• Again with LIS, definitely would like to insert my OC into the Charming Family dynamic and see what sprouts from there - I.e what would it be like for Emma to have another sibling close to her age, etc.
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