The Woad Court [OOC] [To the Vile Seem Vile]


Hey guys. Sorry for all the delays, but I have a few days off so I'm well-placed to try and get this hoe on the row.

Also, look! OOC thread!
It's alright. We'll get that ho on the ground, or something like that. *cough cough* I mean, um, let's get to work!
I am nothing if not subtle. As usual, my sense of humor probably needs a disclaimer. Feel free to edit my post if necessary :P I have to get back into character, anyway - Michael's mind isn't as dirty as mine, so I'm trying to get all the terrible jokes out now ^_^
How did you want to run the more immediate backstories? Are we all meeting at the court in a common presentment, or is there something else you have in mind?
Chaka said:
Once everyone has their sheets and backstories up we can talk preludes.
Whelp, time and willingness permitting, I'd like to run a Prelude with Nari, and one with Gatherer, to establish my relationship with their characters.
Well, I was more thinking of running a prelude where you've just arrived at court and the Prince meets each of you separately for a one on one conversation. However, I can run other small vignettes to establish character relationships as well as that if that's what people want to do. I'll be doing all this over AIM ideally, or else via PM here.
I'm good with anything. Do you know what kind of post frequency you're expecting right now? I'm mostly asking more so I know how often is TOO often, rather than making sure I keep up, because I'm STILL unemployed and my distraction level is about to greatly decrease. Saturdays are about the only time I won't reliably be around to post, as my RL tabletop group meets then for a monster-fest.

PS to those I've told about my RL group:

This Saturday I put them against a group of six reasonably well armed (all with pistols or better, a shotgun and SMG in the group) Hunters that all had a total of 6 Virtues and at least 1 Attribute and 2 Abilities at 4 each. Burden, Cleave x2, Ward, Brand, Illuminate (we have a Obfuscate user in the group), Respire, Ravage, Demand... a full-on array of Hunter Edges and the equipment to back them up. All with kevlar vests..... two party members were injured (one before combat started - they attacked during the day while the vampire was asleep and staked him before being detected). They both healed to full during the fight. They were also intentionally going easy on the Hunters because they're not really sure where they'd stand morally with that. The ghoul that was injured will need to make arrangements with his regnant to recover the blood he spent, which might take some time - that's SERIOUSLY the only impact they had. And the vampire (yes, the one that was staked) managed to end the conflict via diplomatic means after proving his hand to hand superiority, so it's possible they'll end up gaining Contacts or Allies from the encounter in addition to the normal per-session experience award.
I'm happy to run the prelude on AIM but my timezone is probably significantly different to yours Chaka (I live in Australia). If you're cool to find a wonky hour that suits us both, I'm more than happy to do it via chat.
I'm ready any time you are, just about. Saturdays are the only time I might be hard to catch ( I think I said that once already...) and even then I'm considering freeing those up.

I'm finished work. That means I'm not on split shifts all the time. That means that when I sit down to write something, my brains won't run out my ears and I fall asleep.

Setting background'll be up later today, and I'm available to do preludes whenever.
I know Aurethius dropped out, but I hadn't heard from anyone else. Of course, I did fall off the face of the earth for a week or two, sorry about that :cry:

I just haven't had any energy at all in the last fortnight, I've basically been sleeping when I wasn't at work. I owe everyone an apology.
just when I was sure this one had slipped through the cracks, you returned. I'm glad I didn't take off ^_^ there were a few interesting concepts in the original recruitment thread that didn't make your final cut, I think, if we need to replace him...
Right, added some background information there. There's more to follow, but I'll be updating those threads as you meet more NPCs - the two listed are the only two you've all definitely encountered since you've come to court. I'll be on AIM tomorrow sometime, hopefully, so I'll get in touch with you guys then.
just a note, AIM and my computer don't get along very well, so if you can come on MSN at some point - if it NEEDS to be AIM, just come on MSN and say "hey sign on AIM" and I'll show up ^_^
MSN is also fine. Something's come up so I may not be on for a few hours, but I should be on sometime tonight.
Does anyone have anything really specific they want to cover in preludes set before they arrive in court? Otherwise I'm going to make some individual threads for your presentation to the Prince.

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